Hot Wife Hotel – Olivia Gets Whipped into Submission

"Olivia discovers that one of her clients has a secret"

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Olivia stood in her office, grinning at the fact that she was officially Darko’s partner at Hot Wife Hotel. Oh, she was still a hot wife, keeping a handful or two of her favorite clients, but she was also in charge of new recruits.

Darko wanted to expand and was only too happy to give that project to Liv. She had done an incredible job of finding women for the recent sex auction that had been a smashing success. In fact, that was how she had secured her position as partner. The event had made them both a ton of money.

It also left her craving sessions with Master Julian, who had left her sore and sated after owning her for a night. She looked forward to future appointments with him.

In the meantime, her current endeavor was to find several new women to pick up the slack, since she would no longer be accepting new clients, or repeats that were less than satisfying.

She felt like a bit of a snob, but she’d worked hard to get to the point where she didn’t have to take the customers who had poor hygiene, faulty equipment, or a lack of understanding that the whole point of this business was that husbands would get to watch their wives fuck other men and then reclaim them.

She recalled the man who recently insisted that Steve wear a blindfold and just listen to the session. When Olivia said that wasn’t an option, the man became quite perturbed and left. And another one who couldn’t maintain an erection, so he asked Olivia to just suck his semi-hard cock. The man eventually climaxed in her mouth but let out a massive fart while he came.

She was taking a couple of weeks off from taking any clients while she looked for new hot wives, mainly because Steve had to travel for work, and she didn’t want to do sessions without him. Having him watch was the most important point, after all.

A couple of the women from the sex slave auction decided they wanted to be hot wives, but Liv still had two spots to fill. But where to look?

Then it hit her. Olivia put on a lovely, modest dress with some low heels, and went to church.

She sat in the back so she could people-watch. She hoped that among these serious churchgoers, she would find a couple or two who might be a little too handsy in the Lord’s house. She hit paydirt with a couple in the pew in front of her. The man had his jacket lying across his lap, hiding his wife’s busy hand. She couldn’t be sure if they were good candidates for what she had in mind, but it couldn’t hurt to ask after the preacher dismissed the congregation.

“Hi there,” she said in a friendly tone. “My name is Olivia, and I wondered if I might have a word with you.”

“Oh!” the woman blushed. “It’s not what you think. My husband had a pain in his leg, and I was massaging it. We used the jacket so it wouldn’t look like, well, what you thought we were doing.”

Liv raised an eyebrow at the man, who was holding the jacket in front of his crotch to hide the evidence of their transgression.

“Do you like to watch your wife have sex?” she asked him pointedly.


“David!” his wife yelled, shaking her head. “You don’t even know this woman; why would you tell her that?”

David shot her a goofy grin. “Cuz she asked.”

Olivia laughed, pulled out her business card, and handed it to the woman. “I’m going to give you my card so we don’t cause a scene here in front of the church. Give me a call if you think you might be interested in having sex with men while your husband watches and get paid to do so.”

The woman’s eyes grew wide as she turned beet red. Then the couple scurried away.

While trying to decide what the odds were that this couple might actually call, Olivia noticed the preacher coming outside to mingle with the people. When their eyes met, he became flustered.

“Olivia! I didn’t expect to see you here at church,” he said.

“Oh? Why not? Did you just assume that hot wives don’t believe in Jesus?” she asked, making him uncomfortable.

“I’d appreciate it if you kept your voice down, Liv,” he said, his eyes pleading.

“Of course, Jesse. Or should I say, Reverend Jesse?”

“Actually, I go by Pastor Jesse,” he said sheepishly.

“Well, Pastor Jesse, I was just here to see if there were any souls that I could recruit for Hot Wife Hotel. I’ve become a partner now and need to hire some new hot wives to take on some of my clients. I will be pretty busy with the business end, limiting my schedule to my preferred customers.”

“Does that include me?” he whispered.

“That depends,” she whispered back.

“Depends on what?”

“Well, why don’t you call and make an appointment? If it’s a really good session, I will consider keeping you as a client.”

Pastor Jesse’s dick went instantly hard. “Oh, fuck, Olivia, I just want to punish your backside for being such a dirty little tease.”

“I’m the dirty one?” Liv asked, tilting her head. “You’re the one who didn’t admit to being a man of God.”

“This isn’t a Catholic church, Olivia. I’m not bound to celibacy.”

“Fair point. But I’ll bet your congregation would be shocked to know how much you love to spank bare bottoms over your knee.”

“I’ll call Marilyn,” Jesse said. “Do you have any openings this week?”

She started to say no, but quickly changed her mind. “Yes, just tell Marilyn I said I’d make time for you.”

“Thank you. And, it goes without saying that I’d appreciate your discretion,” Pastor Jesse said sheepishly.

“And yet, you’ve said it. No worries, Pastor, your secret is safe with me.”


As it turned out, the Pastor wasn’t available for a session until Steve was back in town. When the day for his appointment arrived, Liv was getting ready when Steve said, “I feel odd admitting this, but it’s even hotter knowing that he’s a Pastor. It’s sort of like you’re being punished for being so naughty.”

Olivia laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with being excited about it. I know that watching me get spanked is a big turn-on for you. I feel the same way, if that makes you feel better.”

“It does. I promise to tend to your sore ass afterward,” Steve said, kissing her. “Now it’s time for me to adjourn to the observation room.”

“Cum hard for me, baby,” she laughed.

“I can guarantee I will.”

After Steve was tucked away, Olivia answered the door. But rather than wearing her usual black robe, she was stark naked.

“Oh, Pastor Jesse,” Liv said, her voice a little breathy, “I didn’t know you’d be here so soon.”

“Why, you naughty little tease, answering the door without a stitch of clothing on. I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.”

She shivered with arousal. “Will it hurt, Pastor?”

“Let’s just say you may have trouble sitting comfortably for a bit.”

Jesse moved to the couch and took a seat. “Get on your knees, little girl, and take your Pastor’s cock out.”

It appeared they were going to skip over the usual drinks and small talk, which was fine with Liv. Her body was humming with excitement, and she appreciated his wanting to get down to business.

Olivia delighted both Jesse and Steve by lowering herself to a kneeling position and shyly unzipping her Pastor’s trousers. She pulled out his flaccid cock and looked up into his eyes.

“What now, Pastor?”

“Put it in your mouth and get it hard.”

Olivia obeyed; it didn’t take long till Jesse’s shaft sprang to life.

“Such a naughty girl, sucking Pastor’s cock,” Jesse chided. “You’re so good at being bad, though. Oh, yes; suck it like a horny little bitch.”

Steve felt his cock twitch as he watched his wife submit to Jesse’s demands. She was definitely good at being bad, and he couldn’t wait to reclaim her once Jesse was done with her.

For a moment, Jesse toyed with shooting his seed down Olivia’s throat. But he had come here to spank her and didn’t want to blow his wad until her ass was good and red. Impact play was his favorite type of foreplay, and he endeavored to delay his gratification for as long as possible.

“Put yourself across my lap now, so I can punish you.”

Liv feigned reluctance. “No, please. I promise to be good.”

“You wouldn’t know how to be good even if you tried, you little slut. Now, do as I say.”

Lying over his knees with his hard prick pressing against her mound, Olivia felt her juices start to flow.

Meanwhile, Steve was already stroking his cock and trying hard not to cum too quickly. He wanted to enjoy the sight of another man spanking his wife.

Jesse rubbed a hand over Liv’s creamy bottom. “Are you ready, slut? Beg Pastor Jesse to teach you a lesson.”

“Please, Pastor Jesse, spank me hard and teach me to be a good girl.”

“Mmm, your ass is going to be bright pink before this session is over. I want you to count and keep asking me for more.”

“Yes, Pastor Jesse.”

Without warning, his hand connected with her left cheek.


“One. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”

Jesse grinned. He’d spanked Olivia previously, but without her knowing he was a church leader. Being able to strike her ass and have her acknowledge him as the Pastor was making his balls ache. He’d been reluctant to divulge his true identity to her in earlier sessions. But since she had discovered who he was and he could be open about it, this spanking was even more satisfying.


“Two. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”


“Three. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”

He continued to alternate, spanking her left and right butt cheeks while his cock pulsed under her body. The fact that it was making contact with her bare mound made it even more provocative. He envisioned himself taking her like the wanton whore she was, but not yet.

“Your slutty little pussy is getting wet, Olivia. You must enjoy being punished.”

“Yes, Sir. Please don’t stop.”


“Eleven. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”

With each subsequent slap, her ass took on a deeper pink hue. He thought she’d be begging him to stop when he reached twenty strokes. Instead, she was pleading for more.

“Please, I need to be taught a lesson. Please, Pastor Jesse, don’t stop.”

“You have toys in your cupboard, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Get me a crop and a flogger.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Liv retrieved both implements and waited for the next instruction.

“Lean over the back of the couch, slut. Pastor Jesse needs to whip your ass hard.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

Steve was so aroused in the observation room he had to ease up on his stroking. He didn’t want to cum too soon. It appeared that the show was about to get even more exciting.

“We’ll start over with one. I’ll give you twenty strokes with the crop, then you will beg for the flogger. We have to help you obtain redemption. It’s the only way to help a slut like you learn.”


“One. Oh, fuck! Please, may I have another, Pastor?”

“Language, Olivia! You’ve just earned five more strokes with the crop.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Pastor Jesse. I will behave.”

“Good, now let’s start again with one, shall we?”


“One. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”


“Two. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”


“Three. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”

“Does your ass sting, my dear? It looks awfully red. But that’s what happens to girls who answer the door naked to their Pastor. Sluts need to be punished; it’s the only way for you to learn.”


“Four. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”

He continued to strike her harder each time the crop met her pink flesh, and still, Olivia begged for more.

Eventually, Steve couldn’t hold back anymore. He grabbed the lube and started vigorously wanking his throbbing pole. From his vantage point, he could see her bright red ass and glistening pussy. Watching as she trembled with each stroke, he tried to edge himself, but the vision was too powerful, and he blew his load all over his stomach and chest.


“Twenty-five. Please, may I have another, Pastor?”

“No, but you can have the flogger now. You’ve made my cock so hard; you deserve more punishment. Beg for the flogger, slut.”

“Please, Pastor Jesse! Please whip my ass with the flogger!”

Her ass stung like a son of a bitch, but her pussy was dripping with lust and need. Maybe he’d fuck her if she continued to plead for more impact. She desperately needed to be filled.

As if reading her mind, Jesse said, “Get a dildo for me to shove into your whorish cunt while I flog you, slut.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Olivia went to the drawer and selected a particularly large dildo. She wanted to ensure it would stay lodged inside her while receiving the rest of her punishment.

“Look at what a big rubber cock you chose! Such a bad girl, Liv! I will continue punishing you so you can learn to be a good girl.”

“Thank you, Pastor Jesse.”

Darko slipped into the observation room from the hallway entrance and saw Steve wiping up the jizz on his chest. He wished for a brief moment that Steve would let him lick up his cum, but he knew Steve was completely straight and would not welcome his tongue.

“Blew your load already?” Darko asked, surprising Steve.

“Yeah, I couldn’t hold back anymore. This is an incredible session. Liv keeps begging for more, and now he’s got a huge dildo in her pussy, and he’s getting ready to flog her.”

“Do you mind if I sit and watch?”

“Not at all,” Steve replied, tucking his spent dick back into his boxer briefs.

“Will it bother you if I jack off to the sight of your wife being punished?” Darko asked bluntly.

“Nah, if you could sit there and watch it without wanking, I’d be surprised.”

They both laughed. Darko pulled out his big, thick prick and asked Steve to pass the lube. He wanted to ask Steve to lube him up, but that wasn’t going to happen, so he suggested something else.

“I know you already came, but you should whip it out and stroke along with me. You’re good for another one, aren’t you?” Darko asked.

Steve shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

Darko felt pleased with himself. If he couldn’t touch Steve’s cock, at least he could enjoy the view.

Both men pulled on their dicks while they watched Jesse’s cock swing each time he whipped Liv’s ass with the flogger. Darko was in heaven.

“Keep counting and begging, slut!” Jesse demanded. He was whipping her with a frenzied fierceness while he ensured the dildo remained buried in her pussy.


“Twelve. Please, may I have another, Pastor?” Olivia begged though she was starting to wonder if she could handle the rest. Still, there was no going back. And her juices were seeping out beyond the rubber prick and sliding down her inner thighs.

“Fucking take your punishment, slut!”

He continued to strike her with the flogger in one hand and his cock in the other. He needed release, so he picked up the pace so he could finish whipping her. When she called out the twentieth stroke, he pulled the dildo out of her and said, “You need to learn, Olivia. You need to take my cock now!”

Praise Jesus!

He plunged into her dripping wet cunt and hammered into her with wild abandon.

“Take my cock, you fucking little whore!” Jesse screamed while he pounded into her.

It was rough and raw, and Olivia kept imploring him for more.

“God, yes! Fuck me, Pastor Jesse! Fuck me hard!”

Darko looked over and saw that Steve was close to cumming and decided to be brave. “Hey, I know you are straight, but I need you to cum on me.”


“No contact at all, just point and shoot that load on my crotch!”

Steve was close and figured there was no harm in helping out a friend. He stood up and jerked off to the vision of his wife’s pussy being pummeled and shot rope after rope of sticky white cum onto Darko’s hand and dick. It was the trigger Darko needed to let loose himself, as his load shot straight into the air, some landing on Steve’s stomach.

Darko didn’t bother to ask; he leaned over and licked his cum off Steve’s stomach as they both listened to Olivia scream, “Fucking cum in my cunt, Pastor Jesse!”

Steve frowned at Darko but shrugged it off. He knew that Darko was bi, and it was no secret he was interested in Steve’s cock. Admittedly, it made him curious. What would it feel like if he let Darko suck him? No time like the present to find out.

“Suck it clean, Darko!” Steve demanded.

Darko stared at Steve for a moment in disbelief. But he quickly got busy cleaning up Steve’s cock. He might never get this chance again.

Both men were so distracted that they didn’t realize that Jesse had filled Liv with his seed and left quickly after pulling out of her. And neither one of them heard her enter the observation room until she asked, “What the fuck?”

Steve looked mortified. But Olivia grinned. “That’s fuckin’ hot. I can’t believe I’m going to suggest this, but maybe you could clean up Darko’s cock?”

Steve felt a bit panicky. It was one thing to have a man suck on his cock, but it was entirely another to have a dick in his mouth.

Liv laughed. “I’m just playing, baby. But the look on your face was priceless. I’ve got this.”

She dropped to her knees and licked up all of Darko’s seed from his belly, before sucking his cock clean.

When she was finished, she looked at Steve and Darko.

“Who’d like to clean me up?”

Darko wasted no time. He picked Liv up and placed her on Steve’s lap facing outward. “Hold this slut’s legs open while I eat Pastor Jesse’s cum out of her cunt.”

Olivia moaned softly as Darko feasted on her well-used pussy. Soon, she was bucking and writhing and begging to cum.

“Cum in his mouth, my sweet little whore,” Steve whispered in her ear.

Olivia cried out and gave in to an intense orgasm that left her limp in Steve’s arms.

“She’s all yours to reclaim,” Darko said, wiping his chin. “And thanks for being a sport about my sucking your dick.”

Steve nodded, unsure how he felt about what had transpired. But having Liv squirm on his lap had him hard again, and he would not miss the opportunity to remind her whose pussy this was. He wasn’t going to waste time worrying about the fact that his cock had been in Darko’s mouth and that it had surprised him how good that felt. Right now, he needed to slide it into his wife and take back what belonged to him.

He put her on her back and lifted her legs in the air. He slid into Olivia and said, “I own this cunt. It’s mine to fuck and use as I want. You can let other guys use it as long as you remember it belongs to me.”

Olivia purred and moaned. She loved when Steve got all territorial and dominant about owning her, at least during sex.

“Take my pussy back; it belongs to you. It’s your cunt to fuck and use and play with.”

“Oh, God, Liv! You’re so fucking good! You’re gonna make my cock explode again!”

He pumped into her until she repeatedly climaxed before he finally let go and flooded her with his seed.

They collapsed together on the couch, panting as their hearts beat wildly.

When he could finally speak again, Steve kissed Olivia’s temple and said, “How did I get to be so lucky? You are the most amazing wife. You put up with my wicked desires and let other men manhandle you to make me happy. I just hope you really do enjoy it too.”

“I started doing this for you, but I couldn’t have gone this far down the rabbit hole if I didn’t love it. It’s so hot knowing you are watching me being used. It wouldn’t be the same if I were just a whore. The intense pleasure comes from knowing your cock is hard as a rock as you sit in the observation room enjoying the show.”

“How’s your ass?” he asked.

“Hurts like a mother fucker, so can we get to the part where you rub that salve over it?”

“Of course, my sweet little hot wife! Anything for you.”

“Anything?” Liv teased. “Would you have sucked Darko’s cock if I had insisted?”

“It’s not something I have any interest in myself, but if it were something you wanted, I’d try it for you.”

“Good to know. But don’t worry. I don’t see it being something I need to see. I love that you’d do it to make me happy.”

“Olivia, there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you.”

“And, as you can see by how angry my ass looks, there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you, either.”

“Let’s shower before I take care of your sore bottom.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Published 2 years ago

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