Hot Tomboy Little Sister 5

"Introducing Megan's androgynous little brother to fun at the lake."

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Caitlin climbed up on my shoulders as I crouched in the water, and when I felt her hot inner thighs on either side of my neck and her firm belly pressing into the back of my head, I began to get hard. Chris hopped astride Megan, and when the two riders began to shove each other, it was a great pleasure to feel Cait’s thigh muscles flex and hear her grunt with exertion. Even holding onto her little feet as she wrapped her calves around my torso was quite arousing.

It was a brilliant hot summer day, and we were in chest-deep water in a secluded cove of our favorite lake, having paddled there from Megan’s home in her family’s two canoes. We tied up the boats and tossed our things onto the shore where it made a sort of rocky shelf. Now we were playing a jousting game in which the shorter people sat on the taller people’s shoulders and tried to shove each other off their mount and into the water.

The fourth in our party was Chris, Megan’s little brother, who had just turned 16 and could have passed for younger, or maybe passed for a girl in the right clothes. He was only 5-4 or so and shared Megan’s slender build, delicate features, dark hair and ivory complexion. When we invited him along on our outing, he whooped with enthusiasm and ran off to put on his swimming trunks, even though he had no idea what lay in store for him.

Right now his big sister was urging him on:

“Come on, Chris, don’t let a girl kick your ass! You don’t want people to think you’re a sissy.”

“What’s wrong with sissies?” Caitlin retorted. “And he’s definitely into girls, to judge by that stiffie he’s poking into the back of your neck.”

Chris blushed and gave a mighty effort, pushing Caitlin’s shoulders back. She cried out, “You little fucker!” and tumbled backward, making me lose my footing on the sandy bottom. In the momentary tangle of limbs, I ‘accidentally’ brushed my mouth and chin against the crotch of her orange bikini bottoms and ran a hand along her round, muscular ass cheek. There was no hiding my own erection by this point.

We got ready for round 2 and Cait promised to get revenge, but Chris was surprisingly strong, We battled back and forth, and I enjoyed watching Megan’s face flush with exertion and her nipples stand out beneath the skimpy top of her black string bikini, presumably from sexual excitement. Finally, I distracted her by reaching out, caressing one breast and squeezing the hard little nub of her nipple between the sides of two fingers. She let out a surprised shriek and Cait took advantage, grabbing Chris’ arm and pulling sideways.

As he tumbled off Megan, I used my other hand to pull her towards me and began to kiss her smooth cheeks, her perfect nose and soft lips. After a moment’s hesitation, she opened her mouth and allowed me to probe with my tongue until it darted around playfully with hers while I cradled her face between my hands.

Cait began to run her hands through Megan’s long, lush black hair, but then said: “Hey dudes, look at Chris!”

The boy was climbing ashore, his trunks at full attention, but looking a bit dejected. Megan teased him, “Yo bro, you’re not sneaking off to masturbate, are you?” He muttered something and started to turn away, but by this time Caitlin had followed him ashore. Smiling, she said:

“Aw, stay with us, Chris. We won’t bite, unless you want us to.”

With that she took his small hand and placed it on her left breast. This had quite an effect on him: his eyes grew wide, and he seemed almost in a trance as she led him back toward us. As he stood with his hand gently kneading her firm full breast through her suit, perhaps afraid to do anything else in case it made him wake up from this awesome dream, Cait said, “You’re almost as cute as a hot girl.”

She drew closer and began to kiss his face, then moved around behind him and started nibbling his ears and running her hands over his hairless smooth chest and belly. If he minded losing her breast, his thoughts were instantly distracted when Megan, standing in the shallow water by the rock ledge, reached out and caressed his erection.

“Oh jeez, sis! O my god.,” he gasped.

She tugged on the top of his trunks and let his small but shapely pecker leap to freedom. She pulled the shorts down and said, “Ooh, isn’t that adorable!”

She was able to get a good look because we were standing with our faces at about the height of his crotch. As she leaned in to within a few inches, she began to fondle his shaft; there was a drop of pre-cum at the tip and she spread it around with her thumb, curling her long, elegant fingers around his penis. At this moment Cait darted her tongue in his ear and he gave an involuntary shiver at its ticklish wetness.

Suddenly it was too much for the eager youngster, and he began to shoot out surprisingly robust squirts of semen. He came so hard that his knees buckled and Cait had to hold him up for a moment. Megan was lucky not to get his hot spunk in her eyes—it did get on her chin and cheek, and one dollop dripped from her lovely aquiline nose, making her sexy face even sexier to me. She said, “Just look at the mess you’ve made, you dirty little boy!” and Chris began to stammer out an apology until he saw her wipe his cum from her face and lick it slowly from her manicured fingers, smiling as she lapped at each lovely polished nail.

His fears assuaged, Chris said: “Thank you thank you, you girls are so hot, but now it’s over already and I didn’t even get to see your boobs.”

“Oh no, little Chrissy,” said Cait, “we’re not done with you. Your little friend will be back, and in the meantime I’ve got a job or two for you.”

She gave him a crooked conspiratorial smile and a breathy giggle, and he stared back adoringly, putty in her hands.

I had been busy with the strings of Megan’s bikini, setting free her perky tits and admiring her ass, but she shouted, “Catch me if you can!” and launched herself toward deeper water. With a couple of strokes I was able to snag a shapely ankle and started to tickle the sole of her foot from the high arch to the fluorescent-green toenails. Megan writhed and squealed, “Eee! Eee! Stop!” and I worked my way up her legs, feeling her muscles flex in my grip, until I had her by the hips and she was mine.

She relaxed into my arms and I stood in chest-high water, holding her steady with an arm under her shoulder blades, reaching down with the other hand to cup her vulva and bending my hungry mouth to her rock-hard nipples. She moaned “uung, ung, ooh” as I slid a finger between her labia, just grazing her clit before curling the tip into her tight pussy. I worked my mouth up to her prominent collar-bone and neck, and now her hot breath was in my ear and her little cooing sounds made me long to thrust deep into her and make her scream with pleasure.

As I massaged her vulva between my palm on her hard pubic bone and my finger rubbing the inside of her vagina, she whispered, “I want your hard cock inside me,” and threw her arms around my neck. I hugged her to me, lifting her easily in the water that made her almost weightless, and found her opening with my throbbing cock. She grunted “unk! Unk!’ as I entered her, and wrapped her long legs around me, digging her heels into my butt and running her fingernails up and down my back, at first just tickling and then hard enough to leave scratches.

I thrust with more and more urgency, bouncing her up and down on my cock, feeling her nipples jiggling against my chest. I squeezed her shapely ass cheeks, feeling the bone beneath the flesh, then moved up to wrap my arms as far as I could around her delicate ribcage. I held her fiercely, almost desperately, pressing the ridges of her birdlike ribs as they heaved with passion beneath my strong embrace.

Over her shoulder, I could see that Caitlin was sitting on a towel at the water’s edge, leaning back on one elbow, and Chris was standing in the water with his head buried in her muff. She was running her other hand through his thick black hair and giving him instructions, and he would sometimes reach a hand up to knead at one of her tits, with their big puffy nipples. She saw me staring and gave me a wink. Seeing her flushed with sexual pleasure always got me off, and I went at Megan even harder.

Megan was starting to moan “ahh, ahh, ahh, fuck me fuck me fuck me,” louder and louder until I was worried that we’d disturb some fisherman out on the lake. As she climaxed, I ran a hand down her butt crack and probed at her anus with one finger, which made her shriek, “Eee Eee Eee Ahh” before biting my shoulder to muffle her cries, and this sent me over the edge. I emptied my aching balls into her over and over until I was exhausted.

After one more long, slow kiss, as the flush faded from Megan’s soft pink cheeks and her green eyes sparkled, we turned to the others. Caitlin was making the little whimpers that I knew meant she was close to orgasm, saying:

“Not too hard, just gently brush my clit, there, there that’s it, you sexy bitch, you sexy little boy, ooh, ooh, ah, ah, fuck me with your tongue, oh yes yes yes.” She clamped her strong thighs around Chris’ head and grabbed a fistful of his hair, and began to quiver and gasp in breathy moans. After 30 seconds or so, she let him go, gave him a big smile, and slid into the water next to him.

“Little man, you really know how to drive a woman wild!” She told him, and he turned toward us beaming, his chest puffed out with pride, face slick with Cait’s juices, hair sticking up in cute cowlicks. Cait licked his cheeks, tasting her own cum, and gave him a kiss before saying, “Come here, baby.” she led him toward us and when the water was up past her waist, reached down and lifted Chris to hold him like a big baby. Immediately he got the idea and latched onto her right breast, milking it with his hands and suckling at the big puffy nipple. He even made little Gunk Gunk unk unk gug sounds as Cait petted and cooed to him:

“Oh, my baby, my sweet little honey child!”

“Look,” said Megan, “his little soldier is reporting for duty!”

It waws true, his boner was back, and his whole body twitched when he felt her take it in her hand. She bent down and licked the tip, and his gurgles changed tone, “Gha waa gwaw wug ug.” Again a spot of pre-cum emerged, and this time she stuck her tongue far out to lap it up, and then I saw the head vanish between her luscious lips. It was a sexy sight, seeing her head bob up and down, her flashing green eyes looking up at me.

I ducked behind Cait and held my breath so that I could explore her athletic legs and muscular ass, giving the round cheeks little bites and finally opening them and running my tongue down her clean ass-crack to the tender nub of her anus. When I probed it, her powerful butt-muscles clenched in surprise.

Returning to Megan, I pulled her up and decided what the hell, I would take a turn. Chris was so blissed out I don’t think he noticed when my mouth replaced his sister’s. His stiff cock glistened with Megan’s saliva; I licked the little hole at the end, then ran my tongue down the cleft on the underside of the head, the ridge of skin below that, then back along the tube. Then I moved my lips over the glans and down till my nose was up against the downy hair of his pubis and my chin butted up against his tight, almost hairless scrotum. His penis was smooth and hot in my mouth, and I massaged it between my tongue and the roof of my mouth and felt it throb. After a minute his rod grew more tense and I gave him back to Megan.

Her lovely head had only bobbed up and down a few times on her little brother’s crotch before he began to make more urgent noises as he suckled on Caitlin’s tit, “Ug ahg ahg gah gwaw awg,” until his whole body spasmed and his mouth broke loose:

“Oh my god oh my god Megan, yes yes jesus jesus, sister jesus, oh fuck fuck fuck oh, oh shit fuck!”

He pulled her long hair convulsively untill she let out a muffled squeal, muffled by a mouthful of cum. I bent down and kissed her, pressing her mouth open and tasting her brother’s cum inside. We shared the boy’s seed as our tongues played and cavorted.

Back on shore, we spread our towels and sprawled out to let the hot sun dry us. I turned to admire Cait’s deep tan and the way her tan lines made a virtual swimsuit, highlighting her tastiest parts. Megan lay on her stomach and asked Chris to rub lotion on her back to protect her pale skin. He assented eagerly, though it seemed to me he was staring at her perfect heart-shaped ass rather than her back.

“Wish, command, etc.,” he said, “but you know on the internet, they always put on the suntan lotion before the steamy sex, not after.”

“Everyone’s a critic,” she snapped back. “Just do what your big sister says, or I’m telling!”



Published 4 years ago

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