Hot Pro Cheerleaders: Making the Team — Making You Cream!

"Just an over-the-top fantasy, in the near future, reclaiming the sex appeal of the NFL's hottest cheerleading squad"

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Shaina opened the door and breezed into the perfumed, hairsprayed, giggly and jiggly pussyfest that was the Dallas Cowboys’ Cheerleaders locker room. She was a rookie, fresh out of LSU, for the America’s Sweethearts, the best cheerleading team with the hottest girls in the football league.

A whiteboard said “Bikini cal shoot next week! MAKE SURE TO TAN, LADIES.” Shaina remembered that she had a tanning appointment with her BFF on the squad, Makennah, a bright-eyed, big-haired, pouty-lipped pussycat from Alabama. Shaina and Makennah were the biggest lezzies on the team. Their bi-curious nature just went full lesbo after they roomed together for the annual lingerie calendar fashion show and shoot in Puerto Vallarta.

Shaina could not wait to take off all of her clothes and be with Makennah, holding hands together and glistening with oil on the tanning beds underneath the DCCs’ massive state-of-the-art stadium. Most of the girls on the squad are hetero, or at least bi. Shaina and Makennah were almost exclusive as sex partners, always showering together and flirting during their dance routines and then going back to Shaina’s condo after gameday to fuck, watch porn, and play with their favorite sex toys.

Trevor, the new director of cheerleading, has decided this is causing a big problem in the team dynamic.

Shaina tossed her gym bag and sparkly pom poms in her locker stall, where an attendant had hung a very luxurious, white bathrobe with her name monogrammed in pink. They haven’t picked the outfit the DCC’s will be practicing in today yet. No bother. She decided to strip naked and walk around nude in her heeled go-go practice boots, flaunting her tight, toned body and pierced labia. Earlier that day, she put in the silver hood ring that Makennah got her on their first date after making the team.

Then it all slowly unraveled for the two rookies.

“Hey bitch,” said a voice from behind Shaina, nasal and heavy on the vocal fry. Oh no, it’s Jamie Lynn, Shaina thought. Jamie Lynn, the six-year veteran and co-captain, was something of a cheerleading team enforcer. She stood there, arms folded underneath her enormous, triple-D tits. Jamie Lynn was the bimbo with the biggest tits and the biggest hair on the team, and by far the most hetero. She never liked Makennah, and Shaina hated Jamie Lynn even more.

“Guess who has a standards meeting before dance practice today,” Jamie Lynn sneered. She turned on her heels with a smirk.

Oh fuck, Shaina thought. A standards meeting? Where did I fuck up?

As a rookie, Shaina had never been in one of these “counseling sessions,” but she had heard they are a strict and severe experience. Cheerleaders who have three standards meetings in a single season are on notice for immediate dismissal. Nearly every cheerleader on the team has been through at least two.

That’s when Trevor came out a door located between the co-captains’ stalls in the locker room. Trevor, age 34, was a total sleaze; balding, wearing glasses and a blue bathrobe with a silver star on it, black socks underneath. He was carrying a giant tumbler of some kind of mixed drink. He took in the scene. Yes, he thought, my girls.

It was the second year of the second Trump administration. This time, Trump’s major legislative aim was ramming through legislation to completely shield beauty pageants — and mainly himself — from sexual harassment litigation. It effectively struck down years of case law about workplace harassment and even the concept of a hostile work environment. Trevor was a shitty sports writer for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, but when the previous DCC coordinator finally retired in protest of her new workplace reality, Trevor jumped at the chance to be the new boss for the sexiest and sluttiest cheerleaders in the league.

Since taking control of the cheerleading team, Trevor molded the squad in his preferred image of cheerleaders: extravagantly feminine sex objects. Though their popular “Making the Team” show had been canceled during the #MeToo era and its ludicrous war on pro cheerleading, Trevor tripled the merchandising revenue the cheerleaders brought in by leaning hard on their sex appeal, without any pretense of modesty. Their pinup calendar and making-of DVD was just the tip of it.

A few strategically placed “leaks” of sex tapes (starring Trevor as the stunt dick, naturally) exploded the revenue the new, sexier, more provocative DCCs now took in, and subsequently allowed him to pay each girl an amount equivalent to the league minimum for a player on the 53-man roster, in a guaranteed contract. That, plus the enormous clothing stipend the girls were given, and the lavish trips to exotic resorts to shoot their sexy calendars and centerfolds, kept all the ladies happy, frisky, and willing to push the envelope.

Sex sells, sex makes everyone a lot of money, and the new DCCs sure liked money, after all. In two years, they had gone from America’s Sweethearts to America’s No. 1 Fuck Fantasies. Their racy calendar had given way to just openly pornographic photoshoots and pay-per-view specials. The money Trevor was making for the club effectively guaranteed his total control of the cheerleading team, and “standards meetings” were how he kept everyone in line — while “sampling” the product, so to speak.

Jamie Lynn sauntered over to Trevor and slipped her hand inside his unbelted bathrobe, rubbing his hairy chest as she threw a threatening glare at Shaina. Jamie Lynn was topless, her firm, plastic boobies still bouncy and jiggly, because she got a great, $10,000 boob job from the best surgeon in Sugar Land with her bonus from last year’s contract.

Trevor groped Jamie Lynn’s ass through her booty shorts and said nonchalantly, “Shaina and Makennah, come in my office.” The other cheerleaders averted their gaze and giggled, some of them even shuddering and grimacing. Trevor turned to Jamie Lynn to give her an exploitive kiss, sucking out her tongue and lower lip.

Jamie Lynn sauntered over to Shaina and grabbed her by the wrist harshly. Trevor crooked his finger at Shaina and Makennah and said “Now.”

Makennah tottered nervously on her high-heeled locker-room slippers as Trevor grabbed her roughly by the bicep and pulled her inside his office. Shaina, wearing only her go-go boots, was practically frog-marched by Jamie Lynn behind them into Trevor’s office. The door pulled shut with a threatening slam.

The office was painted entirely black, and dimly lit at that. Large nude portraits of the team’s veteran members, in pornographic, pussy-spreading, boob-clutching, frosted-lip puckering, nipple-pinching Penthouse-quality centerfold poses, lined the walls, lit by small lamps over them. There were studio lights and a camera on a tripod behind Trevor’s desk. This is where he filmed the fuck movies that got “accidentally” leaked. His desk was a disaster, strewn with porn magazines, DVD cases, two big handles of liquor and an ice bucket.

A nasty porn slideshow played on his screensaver. A velour couch that looked like a pair of red lips was against the wall, opposite his desk next to a cheesy vanity pouf that looked like a high-heeled, leopard print shoe. Behind Trevor’s desk was a large, disc-shaped mattress in red vinyl. Pretty obvious what that one was for, too. The office reeked of booze, cheap cologne, and cigars. It smelled like a gentleman’s club. The girls’ locker room had a sweeter aroma, of chewing gum, perfume, and Capri cigarettes. It smelled like beautiful girls fucking.

The wall facing Trevor’s desk actually had a chain, with two pairs of chained metal cuffs dangling from it, running through three metal rings overhead. Jamie Lynn handcuffed Shaina’s wrists together, over her head, exposing her nude body completely. Jamie Lynn then locked Makennah to the same chain assembly in the same pose. Makennah seemed like she was actually fine with whatever her fate was here, no matter how menacing the scene seemed. She shook her enormous mane of big brunette hair out of her eyes and smirked, waiting for Trevor to take his place and address them.

Jamie Lynn walked intimidatingly over to Shaina’s side and rubbed her hand over Shaina’s firm tits and trembling tummy, raking her tight abs with her hard, red nails. Shaina trembled as Jamie Lynn moved her hand up to grip Shaina by the throat, force her chin in her direction, and invaded her mouth with a long, tonguing kiss, sucking out Shaina’s lower lip.

Jamie Lynn then purred something hot and breathy in Shaina’s ear, dragging her thigh and knee up and over Shaina’s tender stomach, almost shaking with fear, but also, secretly, thrilled at what was to come. Trevor then began his bullshit pretext for their “standards review” session.

“Uh, girls,” he said boozily, “we gotta back it down on the lezzie crap. I mean, it’s hot; we definitely like bi girls on the team,” he gestured at Jamie Lynn, who made a mock curtsy, “but you’re out there for the male gaze, and you need to act like it. That’s why we pay you $500,000 a year.”

Shaina was confused. Her job was to dance during timeouts, at halftime, and of course, before the big game and at the fan fest events surrounding the stadium. Maybe once every two or three games, she would be called up to a skybox to dance for and entertain the big season-ticket holders in their private suites.

“Ladies,” Trevor said, “what about this is hard to get? We had you up in the auto mall’s luxury box against Miami, and you spent more time eyefucking each other than you did any of the men in there.”

Shaina blushed; Makennah was likewise chagrined. Now both knew what this was all about. OK, sex it up for the male fans some more. Got it, boss.

Trevor wasn’t finished with his lecture, though. “You don’t have to blow the guy, but Christ, make him think you want to,” he grumbled, taking another deep swig from his cocktail.

Both Shaina and Makennah stammered out affirmative replies, their arms still clasped in the metal cuffs overhead. Maybe this is all Trevor wanted? Chain up a couple of his sexiest cheerleaders and sit behind his desk, staring at their gorgeous, tanned, nude bodies, maybe jacking off as he ordered them to pose or something. Trevor’s sleazy bathrobe was unbelted, and his cock peeked out of the folds as he shifted his weight in his chair. Shaina could see that he was getting hard. Secretly, she wouldn’t have minded being fucked against the wall right now, if her girlfriend Makennah was OK with it, of course.

Still, Trevor continued reprimanding the two rookies.

“So, I need you two to be a lot more outwardly hetero,” I say, “and we’re gonna start with Makennah.” Makennah set her jaw confidently and narrowed her eyes at Trevor, preparing to meet her fate. Jamie Lynn strode over, and unfastened Makennah’s chain from the larger one overhead, but her wrists were still bound by the metal shackles.

Tugging on the chain between Makennah’s wrists, Jamie Lynn marched her over to Trevor’s desk, which had metal loops at two of its corners. There were also ankle shackles, with short chains, down at the desk’s legs. Jamie Lynn squatted, her gorgeous ass straining against the spandex of her booty shorts, and fixed the shackles to Makennah’s ankles. Then she ran the wrist chain through the metal loops on the desk.

Makennah was now spread eagle over Trevor’s desk, her tight, cheerleader ass and pussy high in the air, poised on her heeled locker room slippers. Her pussy was dripping wet. She would have fucked Trevor for any reason, but she had to admit, the disciplinary pretext here was incredibly erotic. She couldn’t wait to feel his dick inside her dripping, hot, cheerleader pussy.

Jamie Lynn sauntered back over to Shaina and held her by the neck, forcing her chin high. “Watch and pay attention, bitch,” she commanded.

“Thank you, Jamie Lynn,” Trevor said nonchalantly, as he now fully removed his sleazy robe. His penis pointed straight up from his tight ball sac and nest of hairy pubic bush. His cock is gorgeous, Shaina thought. It’s bigger than the strap-on dildo Makennah fucked her with after the big win over Tampa Bay, when the two girls first fell in love.

“Oh God,” Makennah whimpered expectantly, as Trevor fished through a desk drawer for some lube. He squirted some on the tips of his two fingers and rubbed it over Makennah’s pussy, now fully open like a flower in the morning light. He then squirted more in his left hand and lubricated his luscious dick to a full, glistening shine, as he leaned into Makennah’s ear and murmured something coercive.

“We need to educate you two on the feminine ideal of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders,” he said. Makennah looked up at Shaina with a nearly drooling, rapturous expression. She was going to get the fucking of a lifetime and she was ready for every inch of it.

“Oh, yes sir,” Makennah said. “Show me what you want your cheerleaders to do, sir.”

Her eyes rolled back beneath her painted lids and her face dissolved into a mask of pure lust as Trevor entered her pussy from behind, slowly pumping her, and gently rocking the desk off its legs.

“Watch her, bitch,” Jamie Lynn commanded, pawing at Shaina’s tits and licking her nipples, making sure Shaina was properly aroused. Bound overhead, Shaina could not turn away. When she tried to avert her gaze, Jamie Lynn grabbed her by the chin and forced her to watch Trevor fuck Makennah, sliding her hand down Shaina’s stomach to finger her pussy and make sure she was wet and open like a flower. Shaina whimpered against Jamie Lynn’s mind-reeling, exploitive stimulation.

“On … game … day …” Trevor grunted, pumping into Makennah with such force that the desk was now rocking off its legs, “your … pussy … is … for men.”

Makennah moaned and gripped the edges of the desk Trevor fucked her drooling wet pussy harder, making loud popping noises against her tender thighs and ass.

“You … fuck … men. You … want … men. You … want … to fuck … men,” Trevor commanded.

Makennah’s expression was a howling visage of sexual pleasure mixed with animal fury. She clenched the edges of the desk, biting her lower lip and moaning, trying to make it through Trevor’s relentless thrusts. Jamie Lynn now squatted down in front of Shaina and was spreading apart her pink hood, exposing her trembling clit to the cold air of the office. Jamie Lynn slithered her tongue inside Shaina’s pussy and then moved it up to her throbbing clitoris while dipping two fingers inside Shaina’s spasming pussy.

“You like being a lezzie, don’t you like getting your pussy licked, bitch?” Jamie Lynn said, for effect. Unable to grab the back of Jamie Lynn’s big red hairdo, Shaina bucked her pelvis forward and ground her pussy into Jamie Lynn’s flickering tongue, luxuriating in its relentless assault on her most tender, pink parts.

Makenna was now moaning loudly, with obvious pleasure, reeling in Trevor’s nonstop, rocking-horse invasion of her gushing, buttery pussy.

“If … I get … one more … complaint … from a … season-ticket … holder … I am … going … to fuck … the lezzie out of you.” he growled. “Both of you,”

You can fuck me any time you want, sir, Shaina thought, but she kept up the disciplinary angle, because it was so incredibly hot.

Trevor continued fucking Makennah. “Oh … my … fucking GOD,” Makennah moaned. Her right wrist, still shackled, had actually come loose from the bolts holding it in place on Trevor’s desk. She reached down to diddle her pussy desperately as Trevor continued plowing her

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna CUM!” she shrieked. Everyone outside in the locker room could hear her.

Then Trevor pulled out, pumping his massive, glistening, purple flesh spear with his left hand as he reached for his cocktail tumbler and took a long swig with his right. Several sticky whips of cum lashed Makennah’s butt and the small of her back as Trevor groaned through a powerful orgasm. He leaned over Makennah, rubbing his slackening dick all over her ass, spreading around the cum as he whispered into her ear. Sweat pooled in the small of her back, and the nape of her neck was likewise shiny with sweat from the effort of surviving Trevor’s incredible fuck performance.

“Thank you, pussycat,” he cooed. Wait a minute, Shaina thought, there was something in his voice. Were they actually fucking, outside of the locker room, too? He kissed along the back of her neck and between her shoulderblades. Makennah murmured something happy and satisfied. It was clear they had done it before. Shaina was now actually horrified. No! But … she’s my bff!

Shaina’s heart was pounding and her mouth went dry. Jamie Lynn gave an evil laugh as she unlocked Makennah’s shackles from the desk, and then unshackled Shaina from the chain along the wall, telling her she was now free to leave. The other three, Makennah, Trevor, and Jamie Lynn, then went around the corner into the private shower that Trevor had installed in his sleazebag office.

She heard the shower come on and the three sex partners begin chattering and giggling, culminating with soft cries as what sounded like Jamie Lynn blowing Trevor while he finger-fucked and kissed Makennah. The intensity of their nasty sex was as intoxicating as the jealousy rising up in Shaina. Now there were slapping sounds, as Trevor leaned Jamie Lynn up against the shower wall and started fucking her doggy style while Makennah put a finger in his butthole and reached for his prostate. Soon he was groaning out another orgasm, cumming all over the small of Jamie Lynn’s back, which the shower quickly washed away.

All three returned from the shower wearing big, fluffy, terrycloth bathrobes. Trevor saw that Shaina had now locked herself, spread eagle, across his desk, her back arched, her tight ass cheeks high, rippling with goosebumps, as she submitted herself quite willingly to her portion of this “standards meeting.”

Published 1 year ago

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