Hot Office Secretary (The Beginning)

"The hottest girl in the office needs help during pregnancy."

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There is this one girl in the office who is hot. Her name is Paige. All the guys like to hang around her desk and chat, me included.

She usually is sporting the typical hot secretary look. You know, white button-up shirt and short skirt along with heels that make you drool. When she wears her glasses and has her hair pulled up on her head, she could be a model, or a porn star, depending on your state of mind.

Her husband is a very lucky man. He must be getting it often as she is now pregnant. That doesn’t stop the guys from hanging around her. I have tried to keep my distance so that I do not interfere with her not feeling good because of the baby. Once the morning sickness eased off she must have sensed that I wasn’t wanting to be a bother while she wasn’t feeling well. The reason I say that is because she started chatting with me more than usual. Talking a lot about the baby and how she was feeling, as well as other things.

The way she dressed had changed. There aren’t too many maternity clothes that keep an attractive woman sexy. As she was getting larger, her attire changed to maternity pants and shirts. If you have seen a pregnant lady before, then you know they are very tight-fitting, showing off all the curves. She, just as any pregnant woman, started to get larger breasts and they were on display. All the guys loved that aspect of her being pregnant.

As she entered her third trimester, I noticed she wasn’t as happy as she usually seems. I wasn’t in the position to inquire about it, but I did notice. One day, she stopped by my office and was chatting. She told me that her husband had gotten busy with his work and wasn’t paying too much attention to her.

She said that with her milk coming in, her breasts were aching and that her larger breasts caused her nipples to rub her bra harder than usual and it made her horny. It surprised me for her to tell me that. I could see her saying it to one of the other girls, but not me.

That got me started having dirty thoughts about ‘helping her out’. I did not make that known nor lean that direction when I spoke with her. She was married and younger, and even if those two were not true, she was way out of my league.

When we were talking, she would hold her stomach and say that the baby was moving. One time she asked, “Do you want to feel the baby move?”

I said, “Sure.” She grabbed my hand and slid it to the side of her stomach. I felt that baby move for a couple of seconds but then stopped. She kept her hand on mine for what seemed to be far longer than just allowing me to feel the baby move. When she did move her hand, I moved mine as well, not wanting her to feel like I was weird.

The next day she stopped by to chat and not long after she got there she said, “Oh, the baby is moving again. He seems to be kicking me in the lungs.”

“I bet that is uncomfortable,” I said.

“Do you want to feel how hard he is kicking?”

I shook my head and she put my hand on the top of her stomach and moved it around to line it up with the baby’s kicks. In doing so she brushed my hand against her breast two or three times. I recognized this and it made my cock hard. She sure didn’t seem bothered by the fact that I had rubbed her breast.

I thought to myself, ‘I am a very lucky man. It is not every day that you get to feel a woman’s breasts at work, let alone breasts belonging to a hot young lady.’ After a couple of good kicks, I moved my hand. After a few minutes, she said that she needed to get back to her desk and off she went. That left me with a hard-on that just would not go down. It sure made concentrating on work a little difficult as well.

I saw her later in the day, walking through the hall. She looked very uncomfortable.

“Are you ok, you look miserable?”

“I am fine, he is just getting bigger and that causes everything inside me to get compressed.”

“Well, this will pass in a few weeks, right?”

“If he comes when they say he is due, then yes, but I just have a feeling he will be late.”

“For your sake, I hope not. Hope you get to feeling better” I said as I walked back to my office.

The next day she stopped by about a half-hour before lunch.

“Are you leaving for lunch?” she asked.

“I was. Why, what’s up?”

“Just need someone to talk to,” she said.

“I can talk. I will order some food and have it delivered. I will buy your lunch if you are hungry. Is there something that you would like to eat?”

“I am pregnant, that means I always hungry, and I am not picky,” she said with a smile.

I went online and placed an order at a nearby restaurant and set up the delivery. I went back to work to see if I could get some work completed before lunch. A few minutes after twelve Paige showed up at my door and said, “Our food is here.”

“Ok, set it over on the table there and I will be there in a minute or two. I need to get this email out before I forget exactly what I want to say.”

“Do you mind if I close your door?”

Not looking up or really paying attention to what she said, I said ok and she shut the door. Then she sat down and unbuttoned a few buttons on her shirt and started rubbing her breasts. In my concentration of my email, I thought I heard a moan and looked up to see what she was doing.

“Uh, excuse me. What are you doing?”

“My breasts are so sore I just had to rub them. I feel like I can trust you, unlike all those horn dogs in the office. I can see the look of lust in their eyes whenever they come around.”

“Well, you are an attractive young lady. I just want you to know that although I am not a horn dog, I am a man, so you may see me sporting a tent in my pants.”

She just laughed as she continued rubbing her breasts. It took a nano-second for my cock to get at full attention.

“Since I will breastfeed little junior here, I picked up a couple of nursing bras. Today is the first day I wore one. Have you ever seen how they work?”

“No, not really. Never been up close and personal with a woman who was breastfeeding.”

“Well, let me show you something.” And she unbuttoned her blouse the rest of the way and pulled it out of her skirt, exposing her beautifully full breasts.

“Are you sure you should do this?”

“It is no different than if I was at the beach. I show far more there than I am here.”

I almost creamed my pants when she said that. If that was true, what I wouldn’t give to see that.

“They have this flaps that are Velcro to the bra. All you do to feed the little one is pull it loose.”

When she said that she pulled it a little and the flap came out of her hand exposing her breast. She didn’t move too fast to try to cover. That led me to believe that maybe she planned it.

“That is beautiful. Your husband is a very lucky man.”

“He hardly pays attention to me since I have gotten so big. He probably hasn’t even seen how big my breasts are.”

“Then he is missing out.”

“That is so nice of you to say. Would you do me a favor and rub my breasts? It would make them feel so much better.”

“If I do, you are not going to HR to say I sexually assaulted you, are you?”

“I should worry about you doing that very same thing. I walked into your office and seduced you by exposing my titties.”

“No word of this will ever leave my lips.”

“Then rub them, will you?” She then unfastened the back of her bra and it fell off, exposing both breasts.

I moved over next to her and gently put my hands on those beautiful orbs that all the guys would die to touch. I caressed them and she let out a moan. The more I rubbed them the more she moaned and the harder I got. Now my cock was pressing hard against my pants to the point it was uncomfortable.

“I see you are enjoying yourself,” she said.

“How could I not be? You are beautiful when you are totally dressed and to see you topless is mesmerizing. Since I have both breasts in my hands, would care if I kissed them?”

“I would not mind at all.”

I leaned over and kissed them ever so gently, one and then the other. This made her moan even more.

“Suck them. Suck them like I am your mommy and you are my little baby. Suck them.”

I started sucking, gently at first, but then with more suction power. Soon she was moaning like a whore. In a few minutes, I could taste her milk. WOW! That was erotic, just knowing that I was sucking the milk out of another human being. I thought I was going to shoot my load into my pants without even touching it.

“Oh my God, that feels so good. It is making my pussy so wet. You should feel it. It would make you feel so proud that you got me that wet.”

I was surprised at how much milk I was getting. I hadn’t really thought about how much I would get but was pleasantly surprised and loving every minute of it. After I had sucked each breast for a while I pulled off and sat up.

“You would not believe how much better they feel. Thank you for draining some milk out. This is going to sound strange, but, would you be willing to drain them again if they get too full and start aching again?”

“I would love to help you out with your problem. I enjoyed it a lot, myself.”

“I better get dressed and eat before lunchtime is over. Thank you again and thank you for lunch. I owe you.”

“You don’t owe me anything. I got to enjoy the freshest milk I have ever had. I will say, if I get to enjoy it too many times before little junior is born, I might have to fight him for it once he arrives.”

She laughed as she pulled her skirt down a little to tuck her blouse in. I got a quick look at her panties and they were soaking wet. Oh, how I wish I could get a taste of that nectar.

We chatted for a few moments as we ate then she said thank you again and went back to her desk.

I had to do something about the raging hardon I had in my pants so I went into the bathroom. I pulled out my cock and grabbed it to start stroking. Within seconds, it seemed, I felt my balls tightening up and then shot a huge load on the floor. Wow, that was a powerful orgasm. The best I have had for a while.

Published 6 years ago

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