It’s almost unbearably hot. All the windows are open yet no cooling breeze dares to enter the sunlit hotel room. The only thing the beads of moisture on your naked skin can pick up is the slight movement of air as I pass your bound body, the gentle pressure of my finger against your parted mouth under the thick knitted tie being used as a blindfold, the firm flick of my tongue against your erect pierced nipple, the cooling jet as I direct my breath on to your visibly pulsing pussy…
Wrists and ankles bound by silk, you are helpless but wanton. Your heart beating slow and hard as you try to anticipate my next move. Will my hands grab your deliciously perky tits? Will I tease your open mouth with the already straining tip of my cock? Will I push my face into your puddling cunt and suck your clit in between my lips?
There’s no movement in the room. No sounds for you to visualise from. Nothing but the darkness behind your eyes and the binds gripping your skin… Panic begins to build in the pit of your stomach. Uncertainty creeps into your mind. You want to ask if I’m still there but you’re unsure that you want to be answered by the silence, or an unfamiliar voice.
Your mouth opens to speak and is met with mine, freezing cold, my tongue searching for yours, sharing its icy temperature. As relief and anger wash over your body, they are interrupted by the shock of extreme cold snaking through your body. It takes you a couple of seconds to realise the origin point. A nipple. Circled with a cube of ice. The sensation of being surrounded by the summer heat contrasted against the cold of the ice against your flesh pushes a moan up out of your body and wet from between your thighs. The river of ice water trails over the landscape of your beautiful body and pools around your belly button as I run my tongue down to meet it. My cold fingers move to your red hot lips and push them apart, exposing your clit to the heat of the room and instantly cooling it down with my touch. A gasp escapes you as you curse me for not being able to see my fingertips circling your clitoris.
A pause as my fingers leave you, then another shock as a fresh ice cube meets your cunt, the cold sparking electricity through your abdomen, building the internal heat, making your face flush and tingle. Two cold fingers push the ice inside you and against your hidden spot as an icy thumb continues to work on your clit. The sensation explodes inside of you. You come hard as I fuck you deeper with my hand, adding a third finger, stretching you, bullying the next orgasm out of you and making you squirt a mixture of come and melted ice into the palm of my hand. It tastes incredible, I tell you, as I let the drips fall from my fingers onto your outstretched tongue…
The binds and blindfold gone, your mouth full of ice and hard cock, your hot, wet lips hovering over my beard, you hungrily embrace your freedom and rub your arse over my mouth as the melting ice flows over my balls and down between my thighs. You massage the moisture into the base of my thick shaft, sucking the tip to the back of your throat, relishing the taste of my skin as my tongue fucks your holes alternately. Your arse tightens around my tongue as a hot stream of come hits the roof of your mouth and fills your throat, willing you to lift your head away and carry on stroking my twitching dick, teasing another chain of spunk out of me and over your breasts.
You turn around, my come dripping from your mouth and tits. “Finished?” you ask. I smile and nod, trying to catch my breath and shake off the stars in my vision.
“I’m not!” you reply, as you push an ice cube between my teeth and nestle your throbbing cunt on my face…
God. I love summer.