Sergeant Beth Dow and Detective Sergeant Freya Shaw emerged from the showers at the Police Sporting Complex. They were delighted to have finally managed their usual game of squash, having had to postpone several times because of the intensity of the team’s recent major case, which was now successfully wound up.
A substantial cocaine-distributing operation had for years been conducted from the ostensibly legitimate warehouses of a respectable firm. However Beth and Freya’s team, headed up by the brilliant Chief Inspector Bryant had managed to arrest several significant players in the operation. Industrial quantities of drugs had been confiscated, and now it was time to celebrate. There would be a monumental party at the end of the week.
The duo, both in their late thirties, loved glancing at each other’s tits as they exchanged sexual anecdotes. Working in the uniformed section in a series of desk jobs had led to black-haired Beth gaining considerable kilos in recent years. Her gorgeous breasts had acquired a slightly heavy saggy appearance. They looked wonderful when her nipples were erect, as was often the case.
Freya’s tits were just sensational. DD, but firm. Her nipples protruded outrageously from her lovely underlying areolae. She was a stunning, tall, strawberry blonde, extremely fit, with a libido to match.
“Are you still fucking that gorgeous, well-hung, divorced Inspector from the fraud squad,” Freya asked Beth, as she casually dried her thick blond bush. “Geoff something, I think?”
Beth was discontentedly married to a burnt-out overweight Detective Inspector named Frank, ten years her senior. He was morosely serving out his last few years of service at a different station. He was excessively fond of tobacco and alcohol, and hated exercise. He barely managed a perfunctory shag with Beth about once per fortnight.
That didn’t work for the highly libidinous Beth. “Geoff is not only well-endowed,” said Beth. “He is quite insatiable. I go to his apartment at least three times a week. We always fuck at least twice each visit. Last night was typical. I was particularly horny, having finally sorted our huge case.
“On my arrival, Geoff poured us a wine. I took my top garments off, and we made out on the couch for a while. The way Geoff worked my nipples over with his mouth was so arousing – he knows just how to lick and suck them, and make them protrude.
“Once we hit the bedroom, the brakes were off. We frantically ripped each other’s clothes away. Geoff quite roughly pushed me onto the bed on my back. I opened my legs. He gasped at the amount of juice I was dribbling onto his sheets.
“No fingering was offered or required. He just rammed his gigantic cock into me. We fucked frenetically, like rutting animals, both cumming raucously within minutes.
“However, we both also enjoy slower, languid fucking. So for seconds I got on my knees in front of a large mirror. Geoff mounted me from behind, and gave me some fantastic hard, slow thrusts doggie style. He loves seeing my tits hanging down and swaying as he screws me. It’s another lovely way to have my nipples pulled.
“After ages in that position, we finished off both lying on our left sides, with Geoff behind me. He again tugged and squeezed my nipples exquisitely as he pushed his lovely engorged dick back and forth in my sodden, aroused cunt.
“Geoff insistently increased the speed and force of his thrusts to such an extent that I couldn’t hold back. I screamed uncontrollably as I climaxed. Geoff shot another load into me with an animal-like grunt.
“But enough about me,” said Beth. “I hope you are still getting plenty of filthy sex from that gorgeous, muscular, senior footballer that you have been dating.”
“Certainly am,” confirmed Freya, with a hint of a leer.
“In fact, the pace was stepped up at the weekend. Phil’s flatmate Neil joined us for a romp.
“Phil and I were making out, naked, on the couch, when Neil arrived home from the pub. Phil was a little embarrassed, and said that we should adjourn to the bedroom.
“However, I was excited at the way Neil kept staring at my aroused nipples. I loved seeing how promptly a huge bulge appeared in his thin chinos. Phil’s naked, rigid cock dribbled a substantial ooze of pre-cum when I calmly invited Neil to join us in the boudoir.
“As you know, Phil is huge, but Neil has him by an inch in length, and is considerably thicker.
“I kneeled on the lower end of the bed, dripping prolific amounts of cunt-juice onto the sheets. We had the most monumental spit-roast. There is just nothing more arousing than sucking your partner’s beautiful cock while a brand-new huge dick is ramming you from the rear.”
Freya and Beth had thought they were alone in the locker room. But then, Freya detected a slight rustling noise. She swiftly checked out the adjoining rows of lockers, to find that young Constable Molly Thomson was two rows along, seated on a bench, buck naked and enthusiastically rubbing her pubic area. Her tits were slightly below average size, but beautifully pert. Her areolae were large for the size of her breasts, and her nipples were engorged and protruding with arousal.
Molly had been on the team for only a few weeks. She was freshly-minted from the training academy, but had shown considerable initiative in some of the basic work on the team’s recent complex case. She had just dried off, having showered after a gym session. However, the tops of her thighs were far from dry.
“You filthy little slut!”, exclaimed Freya. “Look at how wet you’ve become from rubbing yourself while you’ve been eavesdropping on our raunchy gossip! … Now you are really going to learn a thing or two about more senior policewomen’s sexuality.”
Freya roughly pushed Molly onto her back on a bench seat. “Hold the little tart down, Beth,” said Freya to her buddy.
Beth’s hefty, powerful arms pinioned the young constable’s shoulders onto the seat. Freya deftly slipped two probing, slender fingers between the tops of Molly’s thighs.
Molly started to object. “What are you fucking doing…?”
However, within moments, Molly’s initial apparent reluctance melted away as Freya craftily found her G-spot.
“Oh fuck, Sarge, that feels sensational,” Molly grunted, as she wriggled her pelvis in response to Freya’s fingers. Beth backed off. Molly had quickly become more than cooperative. Her juices gushed effusively.
“That’s beautifully wet, Constable Thomson,” smirked Freya, as she slightly intensified her fingering. “Beth, please pass my strap-on from my bag, and lock all the doors.”
Freya’s buckled her strap-on in place. Its dildo was jet black, eight inches long. and extremely thick. Molly whimpered as Freya rubbed the tip of the dildo against her engorged clit.
“Now Molly,” said Freya. “Doing you with this big black number should serve as a prompt for you to get moving on the stunning Constable Ferris.”
Constable Duncan Ferris had joined the crew a couple of months before Molly. He was a gorgeous, tall, slim Black African, brilliant of mind, and muscular of body. Beth had rostered Molly with him deliberately. It greatly turned her on to witness their flirting as they worked. Initially shy, gradually more blatant.
“You really should fuck him this Friday at the party. That red-haired nymphomaniac, Sharon Sutton, is showing some interest. He’ll be a goner if she gets her claws into him,” uttered Freya, as she thrust the dildo into the young constable’s drooling pussy.
The very capable Senior Constable Sutton was at her third police station in six months. In exercising her prolific sexual appetite, Sharon had managed to disrupt several marriages and relationships at two previous stations, such that it had been necessary to move her on.
The party was to be held to celebrate the successful windup of their difficult case. It would be at an atmospheric small pub, the Victoria Inn, owned by an ex riot squad D.I, Sam Groves. Sam had a win-win relationship with the constabulary. A few times a year, he would close the pub to the public, so that the police could have an uninhibited private function. In return, the police would turn a blind eye on various occasions when Sam needed to operate outside the terms of his licence- for example, all-nighters for the local rugby team, male strippers for hens’ nights, orgies for swinger groups.
Freya gradually intensified the force and speed of her thrusting, eliciting some throaty moaning from the aroused young constable. Beth masturbated contentedly as she sat watching the strap-on action.
“Yeah, Sarge,” said Molly. “You are right. I just can’t wait to get at Duncan’s dick. I’ve done plenty of horny shagging, but I’ve never actually had a BBC. Friday will be the night.”
“Now talking of fucking, how many of your class did you screw at the training academy?” Freya asked.
“Five,” replied Molly proudly. “Including three on graduation night.”
“I can never resist a gang-bang on special occasions,” Molly continued.
“The first time was high school graduation night. Then there was the rugby team’s premiership celebration, a couple of birthday parties, a neighbourhood Christmas party. Once I get a bit tipsy in celebratory mode, I just can’t get enough cock.
“But the most special gang-bang of all was at my sister’s wedding. The groom, the best man, and the two groomsmen were all hung like stallions. My brother-in-law really knows how to use his huge dick. I go around to his place for a fuck every few weeks when my sister is away for work.
Beth’s aroused pussy dripped prolifically as she watched on. When Molly started on a lurid description of each of the wedding party cocks, Beth totally lost it.
She strode briskly to the top end of the bench, where Freya was fucking Molly. Beth straddled Molly’s face and issued a command. “Stop that horny chatter and lick my clit to make me cum, you slutty little alleycat.” She lowered her oozing cunt to the younger policewoman’s mouth.
“Hell, Sarge, your clit is huge,” observed Molly. “It’s sticking out like a mini-cock.” Molly took Beth’s aroused clitoris between her soft lips, and sucked and licked with crafty, obviously experienced technique.
The subtle variations in rhythm that the young constable’s tongue inflicted on her senior colleague’s clit soon became too much. Beth let forth several screeches as she had a writhing gushing climax. Simultaneously, Freya had stepped up her strap-on thrusting to such a frenetic rate that Molly also orgasmed, shouting an abundance of vulgar, obscene phrases at the two debauched sergeants.
While Beth and Molly were recovering, Freya removed the black dildo from the strap-on, and dexterously inserted it into her own oozing pussy. “Now if you horny bitches have finished, time for me to have a cum. Suck a nipple for me, you filthy little tart of a PC, “ she said to Molly, lolling back on another bench.
Molly’s pupils dilated with fresh arousal. She hesitated for just a second. Beth slapped Molly across the face, quite gently and playfully, but also somehow authoritatively. “Follow orders, slut,” snapped Beth.
Molly leered with contentment as she firmly pulled and sucked Freya’s beautifully engorged, aroused left nipple. Beth took over management of the dildo. She smirked lasciviously as she vigorously and relentlessly manoeuvred the device in her colleague’s gushing cunt.
Freya’s guttural moans were soon replaced by screams of ecstasy as her pelvic muscles tightened orgasmically around the thrusting dildo. She squirted copious gushes of lovely juices as she climaxed. The changerooms would leave a strong odour of sex for the next incumbents to enjoy.
As the trio dressed, Freya reflected that they were all now beautifully primed for plenty of cock on Friday night. “Are you still planning to have a crack at Sam, the publican?” she asked Beth.
“Oh, fuck yes,” Beth replied. “They say he has a magnificent, thick cock, and can go all night. His frigid little wife is away for a couple of weeks, so he’ll be gloriously randy. Roll on, Friday!”
The party at the Victoria Inn was in full swing on Friday night when Chief Inspector Fiona Bryant arrived, on the arm of Superintendent Lex Hunt. They were a striking couple.
Fiona was an extremely accomplished officer, and had headed-up the Unit’s recent very successful investigation. She was single – a beautiful tall brunette in her early forties. She was the idol of many a young policewoman, from a couple of perspectives.
Firstly, there was her outstanding service record, highlighted by a bravery award, achieved a couple of years ago when she had single-handedly taken out two ice-crazed, machete-wielding bikers who were running amok in a shopping mall.
Then secondly there was her off-duty lifestyle. At weekends she could often be seen at a restaurant or nightclub in the company of a gorgeous high-profile male – typically a wealthy businessman, a retired sports star, or a prominent musician.
However, when Lex’s wife – a highly attractive and promiscuous academic – was away on one of her frequent work junkets, any other current beau would be abandoned, and Fiona would move into Lex’s apartment for some intense frolicking.
Lex was fifty-two, and an archetypal “silver-fox”. He was six feet four inches tall, and broad-shouldered. He had close cropped white hair, somewhat craggy features, a wide jaw, a slightly crooked grin. His open marriage arrangement allowed him to fully express his voracious sexual appetite.
Lex and Fiona understood the importance of camaraderie in their team, and they were both fine exponents at “working the room” at celebratory social functions.
Lex started by effusively congratulating a group of young constables on their extensive leg-work in their recent triumph. He brought the house down with a couple of bawdy anecdotes from his time as Chief Inspector on the vice squad. Then, he took Senior Sergeant Ray Clark to one side.
Ray essentially ran the day-to-day operations of the station. Lex thanked him for his fine management of their recent difficult major case, and then asked after various officers.
“How is young Constable Thomson settling in?” the superintendent enquired. “She achieved excellent marks at college.”
“Yes,” Ray replied wryly. “I hear that she scored prolifically at the Academy. Her work has been exemplary, and she is managing to socialise, er, enthusiastically,” he added, nodding in the direction of a dark, semi-private nook adjacent to the bar.
Lex glanced across, and could just discern Molly leaning back on a couch, relishing a passionate kissing session with Duncan Ferris. Her top was pulled down to her waist. Duncan was enthusiastically fondling Molly’s gorgeous small breasts. Now and then he squeezed an erect, aroused nipple, making her pelvis writhe provocatively. Molly’s right hand was going to town down the front of Duncan’s Levis.
The Sergeant continued to discuss the promising young Constable with his Superintendent, rolling his eyes rather drolly.
“Oh yes, sir. What’s more, Sergeants Dow and Shaw advise that Constable Thomson managed an excellent taste of senior policewoman relaxation techniques after her gym session earlier this week.”
Beth and Freya’s broad range of erotic misbehaviour had become legendary across the ranks, so Lex understood his sergeant’s innuendo perfectly, and grinned wickedly.
“And where is the good Sergeant Dow this evening?” asked the superintendent. “Her great analytical work was key to resolving our case. I did want to congratulate her tonight.”
“Oh, she has disappeared upstairs with our host, Sam,” replied Ray. “I think we’ll find that she will spend considerable time extensively, er, thanking the former D.I. for his hospitality.
The superintendent again smirked lasciviously. “Yes, I have heard that Beth Dow’s appetite is near unquenchable, “ he said.
“Well, yes sir,” affirmed Ray. “For example, at a party here a few months ago, after a few drinks she made it blatantly clear that she required three gents to keep her company in an upstairs bedroom.”
“Oh dear, Sergeant Clark. I hope you didn’t become involved,” grinned Lex.
“Well sir,” replied Ray. “Only two P.C.s were available at the time, and you have always emphasised the importance of group solidarity. So, I the interests of the team …..”
“Great tits?” asked Superintendent Hunt, as he moved off to fraternise with another cluster.
“Fucking glorious tits, sir,” leered Ray in reply. “And superb nipples,” he reflected, as he wandered to the bar to chat with the station’s buxom senior civilian administrator, Theresa.
Meanwhile, Chief Inspector Bryant had wandered across the room to chat with a raucous group of female officers. Striking red-headed Sharon Sutton was clearly the leader of the pack. Her navy blue dress featured a plunging neckline which beautifully showcased an excess of cleavage. Her demeanour and attire screamed availability.
“Hi girls,” said Fiona. “I just want to congratulate you, Senior Constable Sutton, on your courageous work last week, tasering those two heavies on the door at the gang’s headquarters. Now carry on, ladies. Don’t let me interrupt your cock-talk”
“Oh Inspector”, cried Sharon. “As though this innocent little group would be chatting about anything to do with sex.”
“Bullshit, you horny slut,” replied Fiona. “Now who is fucking anyone with a bit of size to offer?”
A couple of the newer young policewomen in the group were wide-eyed with amazement and delight at their usually extremely dignified boss’s bawdy banter.
“Smithy, tell the Inspector about your randy basketballer,” smirked Sharon.
Constable Amy Smith held her palms about eight inches apart, and said “Oh boss, it’s just the thickest cock I’ve ever fucked. He makes me scream every time he slam-dunks me.”
As the group’s laughter subsided, Fiona replied “Mmm, that reminds me of the training course I did in Washington with the FBI several years ago. I became very, er, friendly with some of the well-endowed police basketball team. On my last night in the USA I took on four of them in succession. The wonderful multiple orgasms they gave me more than made up for my painful, raw cunt on the flight home.
“Now what about you, Constable Singh,” said Fiona, turning to the beautiful young Punjabi detective. “Have you been spreading your doubtlessly extensive knowledge of the Kama Sutra around the traps?”
“Boss, this horny little Indian slut took two hunky guys back to her apartment from the pub last Friday night,” leered Sharon.
“Well the Chief Inspector always emphasises the importance of maintaining a friendly relationship with the community,” Maya Singh replied indignantly.
“ I am very impressed, Constable,” said Fiona. “Did you manage a spit-roast, or a D.P.?”
“Well, both of course, Ma’am,” replied Maya, in a way that implied nothing less would have warranted consideration.
Inspector Bryant shook her head with mock amazement while giving Maya a complicit. grin, and then turned back to Sharon for more raunchy banter.
“Well Constable Sutton, I note that you have been eyeing off the rather delectable D.S. Luke Barnard all evening. Nothing to do with that huge bulge in his tight white jeans, I presume?”
All ears, a couple of the younger P.C.s tittered uncontrollably at the Inspector’s outrageous chat, having previously only encountered her in her stern, uncompromising work role.
“I presume you’ll get him to be the leader of your pack tonight,” continued Fiona. “I say ‘pack’ because I know that a harlot of your appetite will need more than one cock on an occasion such as tonight.”
Sharon just perceptibly blushed, and then replied coolly, “Well Ma’am, we are in celebratory mode, after all. It’s not an occasion for restraint.”
“I’ll have a word in his ear, and make sure he’s organised,” said the Inspector as she turned to wander over to Sergeant Barnard and his mates. “Have a great night, ladies. Make sure you all get your cuntsworth.”
“You too, boss, “ said Sharon. She grinned as she tilted her head towards the handsome superintendent, while she made a to-and-fro movement with her elevated clenched fist, unambiguously mimicking a thrusting erect penis. Again, Fiona could only shake her head, as she crossed the room.
“She’s just great, isn’t she?” Sharon said to the other women. “Such an incredible copper; and then so feisty when relaxing off-duty.”
“ Yeah,” piped up a very young P.C. “It’s a shame she’s stuck with that boring old fart tonight, of all nights.”
“You naive little bitch!” replied Sharon. “Any red-blooded policewoman would give an arm and a leg for an hour in the boudoir with Superintendent Lex. Any number of senior colleagues who have fucked him confirm that he’s hung like a donkey, and uses it with incredible finesse. Oh, if only I could go there one day. Thinking about that makes my cunt ooze, every time.”
Meanwhile, Inspector Fiona was chatting to gorgeous Luke and his rowdy mates. Luke was tall, muscular, witty, and clearly highly intelligent. He eyed Fiona’s lovely cleavage with just the right mix of arousal, and discretion, given her rank. After some suitably congratulatory chat re the lads’ recent work, Fiona took Luke to one side.
“I presume you are lining up a suitable team for the voluptuous Constable Sutton,” murmured Fiona.
“Oh I guess so, Ma’am,” replied the young Adonis. “I hear that her appetite is voracious.”
Fiona leaned over to whisper in Luke’s ear, and gave a wink across the room to Sharon.
“And so is mine” she whispered to him, as she slipped her card into his pocket. “The super’s wife is back on Wednesday,” Fiona muttered as she groped Luke’s magnificent cock through his tight trousers. “Call me on Friday. That’s an order!”
An hour or so later the bar area had thinned out. But the upstairs bedrooms were busy.
Freya was attired in a short yellow dress with an alluring low neckline. She had chosen it with the explicit intention of seducing Gavin Robertson, a brilliant and physically attractive civilian IT guru who had done some outstanding work on the group’s recent case. Freya had flirted with him now and again over the past couple of weeks, with great enjoyment.
He was medium height, stockily built, blonde, and the owner of a pair of piercing blue bedroom eyes. Freya chatted him up over a couple of wines at the bar. His conversation was erudite, witty, and just slightly provocative. She didn’t feel like a subtle approach this evening, so after a short while, when she caught him again staring down her dress, cock obviously bulging through his trousers, Freya issued a simple invitation. “Now, why don’t we go upstairs for a fuck?” she murmured , taking Gavin by the hand, and steering him across the room.
The first action they encountered was in a small alcove at the top of the stairs. Ray Clark was lying back on a comfortable couch, trousers and jocks pulled down to his ankles. Ray wasn’t tall by police standards, but his rigid, thick dick was surprisingly lengthy. Grey-haired, sixty year old clerical chief Theresa was naked to the waist. Her overweight breasts hung pendulously, nipples magnificently erect from recent squeezing, as she contentedly tugged Ray’s aroused cock.
Freya grinned. There was something particularly lewd about the sight of this mature, conservative administrator giving her workmate an expert handjob. Theresa took a sip on her gin and tonic, winked and said “Hi, Freya. Just a bit of a warm-up before I go home and give hubby a nice little fuck.”
Freya and Gavin shook their heads, and wandered along the corridor in search of an empty bedroom.
The first room was occupied. Molly was on her back, naked. She moaned each time Duncan pushed his massive black dick deeply into her moisture. Freya found the vision of Duncan’s taut muscular thrusting buttocks to be extraordinarily arousing. She made a note to get to know young Duncan better over the next few weeks. Perhaps she should mentor the constable in, er, inter-personal relations across police ranks.
In the next bedroom publican Sam was flat on his back. Beth was bouncing joyously on his rigid, thick cock. Her huge boobs swayed beautifully from side-to-side with each thrust. Her nipples were protruding provocatively. There were several bite marks adjacent to her beautiful large areolae.
As they moved along, Gavin grinned and said, “What sensational tits! I hope yours will stack up OK in comparison.”
Freya scowled, and playfully smacked Gavin’s crotch lightly. Well, fairly lightly. “Cheeky bastard!” she exclaimed.
Then, another occupied bedroom.
Luke Barnard was lying naked on the bed. Sharon was lying on top of him. Luke’s massive cock was embedded in Sharon’s hyper-aroused cunt. She was relentlessly grinding her engorged clit against Luke’s pelvic bone. She would slowly slide a little way along his shaft, and then back to the base of his dick for more clit-grinding.
Sharon was grunting rhythmically, but not in time with the action she was giving Luke’s cock. The pace of her grunts was slower, in sync with the assertive hard thrusts she was receiving from Luke’s best mate Sergeant Zac Nunn. His thick cock was pushing slowly and vigorously in-and-out of Sharon’s well-lubricated arse. Another mate, Senior Constable Brad Taylor, wearing just a tight black Tee-shirt, stood by watching. He stroked his massive erection as he awaited his turn.
Freya whispered to Gavin, “What a libido. This isn’t the first time I’ve watched Sharon having a DP. She’s an afficionado, always eagerly looking forward to the next one. Brad will replace whoever cums first, Luke or Zac.”
Freya and Gavin finally found an empty room. Standing, they immediately embraced, and kissed passionately. Freya wriggled with pleasure against Gavin’s rigid cock.
Then Freya stood back, and peeled off her sexy yellow dress, and skimpy bra to proudly reveal her glorious breasts, nipples provocatively distended. She grinned lewdly at the damp mark over Gavin’s bulge, and licked her lips in a taunting manner.
Freya helped Gavin to remove his shirt. As they again kissed, she pushed her beautiful tits against his chest in a way that drove him crazy. As this was happening, Freya reached down to undo Gavin’s belt, and lower his zip. She eagerly grasped his magnificent, rigid cock as they continued to kiss, tongues working together to tease and arouse.
They stumbled to the bed and frenetically removed each other’s lower garments. Freya took Gavin’s cock in her mouth, and licked and sucked with consummate, experienced skill. Her light tonguing along his frenulum elicited a sudden gush of pre-cum.
Then Freya, naked, lay back, legs spread, and said to Gavin, “Come on gorgeous, put your beautiful huge cock inside me. I am so wet for you”
Indeed, copious juices were evident, oozing from Freya’s slit onto her thighs. But Gavin was in the mood to tease. “When I am ready, darling,” he murmured.
He dropped his head down to Freya’s groin, spread her labia, and gave her distended clit some extremely delicate light licking. Freya moaned with arousal and frustration.
Next Gavin brought his dick towards Freya’s genitals. He rubbed his bulbous knob on her clit, slid it tantalisingly along her slit, and then pulled back.
“Put the fucking thing in, you teasing bastard,” sobbed Freya, as she grabbed Gavin’s buttocks, in an attempt to pull him into her now desperate pussy.
“This is all rather nice,” teased Gavin, as he slid two fingers into Freya’s moisture. “But I am quite tempted to go along the corridor and join the queue for a piece of Sharon,” he taunted, as Freya writhed in response to his crafty fingers.
Then Gavin inserted a third finger, and then moved his hand rapidly back and forth in a thrusting action, rapidly causing Freya to let out a blood-curdling scream, as she had the first of several climaxes for the evening.
Freya’s second orgasm followed on promptly from the first one. Gavin dropped his head between Freya’s thighs again, but this time he licked and sucked her aroused distended clit firmly and assertively.
Still winding down from her vigorous fingering climax, Freya readily became excited again. She loved seeing Gavin’s head bobbing up and down in her groin. The way he skilfully used his tongue and lips on her labia, her clit, and her slit soon drove Freya into a frenzy, and she climaxed ecstatically when Gavin concentrated his efforts on fucking her slit with his probing tongue, repeatedly pushing it vigorously and rapidly into Freya’s aroused, dripping cunt.
Then, at last it was time for some cock. Gavin rolled Freya onto her left side. He lay behind her, and slid his beautiful rigid dick up and down along the cleft between Freya’s taut, muscular buttocks. The entire area was awash with Freya’s copious juices. Freya was very experienced, but this was the wettest she had ever been.
Gavin positioned his bloated bulbous knob just inside Freya’s aroused slit, and moved it in and out, minimally, teasingly.
“Oh, please,” begged Freya, desperate for Gavin’s beautiful rigid shaft.
At last, he inserted it to the full, and embarked on some slow, languid thrusting, accompanied by some wonderful nipple play.
They chatted contentedly while they fucked. They compared notes about their best erotic holiday location. Gavin opted for Bali. Freya chose the French Riviera. Only last summer she and Beth had spent a horny fortnight fucking any number of well-endowed French guys, from Nice down to St. Tropez.
Gavin subtly increased the force and pace of his thrusting as he and Freya discussed their favourite erotic authors . Freya loved D. H. Lawrence, especially Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Gavin went for John Updike, the American “penis with a thesaurus”
This gradual buildup, with constant nipple attention, was steadily steering Freya towards the brink. Gavin was delighted by her little gushes of moisture, as his chat became increasingly erotic. He increased the pressure of his nipple squeezing.
“Ooh, that’s a bit painful, darling,” groaned Freya.
“Ah, great!” replied Gavin. He pulled Freya’s bloated nipples just a little more firmly, craftily nudging her into the ambivalent pleasure-pain zone. This sensation, coupled to maximal deep, fast, hard cock-thrusting, drove Freya over-the-top, into a yelping, spasming climax, of an intensity that she had seldom previously experienced.
Gavin grunted harshly, and bellowed contentedly, as he spurted a gigantic load into Freya’s exotic wetness. Satisfied and fulfilled, they collapsed, exhausted, in each other’s arms.
Back at Lex’s apartment, the Chief Superintendent lay naked on his back, contentedly fondling his massive, flaccid, sticky cock, watching beautiful Fiona walking around the room also naked, organising drinks to bring back to bed – a single malt for Lex, and a Riesling for herself.
She was a fantastic sight to watch. She was tall, and slim. Her large, bell shaped tits jiggled tantalisingly. Her lovely thick black bush was moist from her recent horny juices. Lex loved seeing his recent prolific ejaculate dribble down her thigh.
They had just had a monumental fifty-minute long fuck, rotating repeatedly through their favourite positions – missionary, spooning, doggy, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl. Lex had wonderful, elite technique. He would take Fiona close to orgasm, and then pull out, making her suck his huge dick and play with his balls until she just had to beg him to resume fucking.
He repeated this tease several times, until they finally both climaxed during some vigorous cowgirl thrusting. Lex always loved the way his usually dignified Chief Inspector bawdily screamed a range of vulgar obscenities as she came, pelvic muscles contracting and shuddering uncontrollably.
Fiona brought the drinks back to the cot, and snuggled in next to Lex. She gently grasped his huge shaft, while they chatted about the party. Lex smiled happily, knowing that soon Fiona would suck him back to complete stiffness. If things went to script she would want some anal, and then they would climax together with some intense missionary fucking.
“Your Sergeant Shaw looked particularly sexy tonight. That plunging yellow dress showcased her lovely tits perfectly,” said Lex. “That I.T. guy she was flirting with will doubtless get his moneys worth tonight,” he continued. “Do you think she’d be a likely candidate next time we feel like a threesome?”
“Oh, yes. She’d be perfect,” replied Fiona. “I’ll arrange it for next month, when your missus is out of town again.”
“Do you think she’ll be willing?” asked Lex.
“Oh certainly,” replied Fiona. “I know she likes to mix it up. In fact a couple of years ago when we went to a training course in Paris, she and I had a wonderful foursome with a couple of horny young gendarmes we took back to our room.
“You’ll absolutely love her tits and cunt. I know I did,” continued Fiona. “And after all, she is studying for her Inspector’s exam, and she knows that you are head of the panel of examiners!”
Fiona took the Chief Superintendent’s gigantic, sticky cock into her hungry mouth…