Honey Bunny

"Better luck next Easter is all that I can say."

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Funny, You’re NOT the bunny

that I had in mind.

I’ve been dreaming of a bunny

of a different kind.


A sexy honey bunny

with a tight and cute behind,

is what I have been praying for

working overtime.


One fit for a playboy,

a prince, an Earl, a king,

is what I have been staying for

this cold and windy Spring.


A bunny made for loving

with a rabbit eared tattoo,

in a sweet and secret place,

lilac, pink, and blue.


If you have an Easter basket

filled with money that is cool!

It could pay for a sweet bunny

even for a jerking fool.


NO, You’re NOT the bunny

that’s been rambling on my mind.

Still, a yummy chocolate Easter egg

in my tummy would be fine.




Published 8 years ago

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