
"A trans-masc’s dream"

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I never really had a green thumb but as I look across my freshly trimmed hedges and the mosaic of bright flowers, I feel a sense of pride. My garden is beautiful and it frames my sweet little house perfectly. The air is warm but the breeze feels nice against the sweat on my arms and face. I smile and breathe in deeply, expecting to enjoy the scent of lavender, the newest addition to my flowerbed. Instead, I’m greeted by a pungent sharpness. I’ve been working in the sun and the dirt for a few hours now. My muscles ache, grateful for the movement, and my mind is clear. But my armpits? They stink. And they’re probably not the only place. Time for a shower. Water.

I’m thirsty too. I take a long drink from the hose, letting the water dribble down my chin, wetting my shirt and cooling my chest. I move the hose above my head for a few moments, feeling the water cascade down the back of my neck, and my spine. I turn off the faucet just as the water starts to trickle down past my tailbone. The cool wetness revives me long enough to gather my tools and put them away.

I head up the front steps onto the porch and sit on one of the matching rocking chairs. I’m covered in wet soil and my boots are muddy. I start to feel giddy as I undo the laces and pull my feet out, there’s not much better than I nice shower after gardening. I peel off my socks and toss them in a pile, stretching and bending my toes as they get used to the freedom again.

The rest of my clothes are dirty too but I shouldn’t remove those until I’m hidden safely inside. The concrete of the porch is cold under my feet and I giggle at the footprints as I move toward the front door.

Once inside, I draw the curtains closed and turn on the string of soft lights hung around the edges of the ceiling. I grab a rag out of the pile of dirty laundry waiting outside the garage door and use it to dust off my fingers so I can turn on the record player without too much mess. The music floats out across the house now, caressing the corners of each room intimately. I close my eyes and sway gently along. I feel safe and warm here. The only thing it’s missing is you.

I move back to the pile of laundry and start to undo my overalls. The whole garment falls to the floor with a muffled thud and I’m left in my sweat-soaked boxers and T-shirt. These cling to me as I remove them and my skin feels sticky as I stretch my arms to the sky.

On the way to my bathroom, I sing along to the words about “holding you” and “losing myself in your eyes.” I love the home we’ve built together but without you, it’s just a pretty place. I turn the water on and wait for it to heat up. I remember when we first moved in and you were trying to figure out the magic method to get the temperature right. I was in the kitchen, painting the cabinets in that shade of green you love. You ran in, calling my name, so excited that you forgot your towel. I nearly fell off the step ladder when I saw you in the doorway. The way you jiggled. I swear it was in slow motion.

“I figured it out,” you enthused. “Come see!”

And I followed you. You had to bend over to reach the knobs and I knew right then you’d have to teach me again later, there’s no way I could pay attention right now. I didn’t finish painting the cabinets that night.

I feel the steam hit my face and I’m pulled back the present. My shower is more than hot enough now. Maybe a little too hot, I think.

I lean over to adjust the knobs again when I realize that I’m throbbing. I look down to see my cock, thick and shiny with moisture. It seems huge to me, bigger than normal and I love it. It’s begging to be touched, if only you were here.

But it’s okay, you’ll be home in just one more day and I’m going to show you how much you were missed. For now, I step into the shower.

I let the water hit my back and feel those muscles soften. I spin and feel the tiny rivers find pathways down the front of me. I reach my hands up to my nipples and spread the wetness around, enjoying the smooth hardness of my chest. Leaning forward and tilting my head back, I allow the water to hit my face and I open my mouth. The water rises and then overflows for a while. I close my mouth, still full of water, and step back out of the spray. I start to spit the water out like a jet, watching it splash on the tiles. I stop with my mouth still half full and look down. My cock is still hard but not as intensely so. I use my thumb and first two fingers to gently pull back my foreskin, exposing my pink head. I grab the bar of soap and make suds in my hands before circling the tip and down under the head. I move down the shaft, depositing suds all over. Once I’ve soaped all the way down to my taint, I start spitting water again. This time I’m aiming for the soap on my dick, seeing how much I can get off without “reloading”. I run out quickly and most of the soap is still there. My mouth starts to curve into a giggle at my failed game. I’m imagining your voice calling me. I hear a voice laughing from behind the shower door.

I jump, startled, and see your unmistakable shape through the steamy, frosted glass door.

The adrenaline from the scare doesn’t last long as I am overcome with joy to see you back home. I pop open the door and watch you look me up and down, your eyes lingering on my sudsy toy. I feel it grow again in the spotlight of your beautiful eyes and I see you smirk.

“You know I could use a shower too. The hotel’s water heater sucked.”

You’ve already gotten your work shirt off and your khakis are around your ankles.

“It’ll save water, too,” I reply.

I spy a spot of wetness on the fabric of your panties as they drop to the floor.

I take half a step back to give you room as you reach in to test the water. I don’t say anything except, “I missed you.”

I grab your waist and pull you the rest of the way into the shower. My hands have a mind of their own as they explore the curves I fell in love with. Your tongue explores my own and I feel feral.

My hands have found their way down to either side of your luscious, heart-shaped ass. I love the way you moan into my mouth as I spread your cheeks and let my fingers wander further down, closer…

I feel the edge of your pussy lips, kissing my shaft and I cannot stop myself from writhing against you. I hear myself moan too.

You pull away from me and we stare into each other’s eyes, panting. Your sweet face dons an evil smile and I quiver. You’re taking control now.

I’m speechless as I watch you kneel down, keeping your eyes locked on mine the entire time. I’ve never seen my cock this hard before. I think I might cum before you even touch me.

You position yourself so that your face is directly beneath my dick. A steady stream of water pours over my shoulders, down my abdomen and groin and, finally, dripping off of the head of my penis. You open your mouth and let the stream wet your tongue before stretching it out towards my tip. I’m going mad for you.

“Please,” I beg.

But then, a ringtone goes off and you lean back. No…no… please come back.

You stand up and I whine.

“Aw, tough luck babe,” you say and shrug.


I wake up in the dark of our bedroom, the only light a glow from my phone. The ringtone chimes again before I finally put two and two together.

It was a dream. You’re still on your trip and your side of the bed is cold and that ringtone I heard in the shower…it’s the one I picked out for you. You texted me?!

(Hey baby, …)>

I’m still hard. And wet. Of course, my cock seemed big. The testosterone has made me grow a lot but I only have a dick like that in my dreams.

(I know it’s 3 AM and I get to see you tomorrow…)>

It doesn’t matter because you love it. You make it so hard.

(But I miss you so bad and I can’t get you off of my mind)>

You tell me how you love running your hands through my hairy chest. How the deepness creeping into my moans turns you on.

(I hope you’re awake. I’d love to talk to you <3)>

My little cock is throbbing now like it did in my dreams of you. I can’t wait to hear your voice.

<(I’m awake too, love.)

<(I had the most wonderful dream.)

<(Call me if you can ^3^)


I answer on the first ring.

“Hi!” I hear the excitement in your voice.

“Hi!” I almost shout. You laugh and I listen to the music of it.

“Did I wake you up?” You look playfully apologetic.

“Kinda? But I’m so glad you did, baby.” I need to see you.

“I’m glad too. Two weeks is too long, I’m dying to be home again.” I hear the smile in your voice as you say, “I’m dying to be with you again.”

“You’re alone right?” I breathe

“Yeah, I opted for the…”

I don’t mean to cut you off but I’m buzzing. You answer the video call almost as fast as I can place it.

“… private suite, remember?”

You smile. You’re so fucking beautiful.


I wish I could think of something romantic to say. My brain is mush around you. Even through the screen of my phone, you’re somehow better than my dreams.

“Hey,” you laugh again. “You look cozy. What’s under that blanket?”

You don’t want to waste any time either. Good.

I smirk, lowering the blanket teasingly. I stop before I expose my nipples. I give you a view of the hairy chest I know you want to lay your head on.

You take a moment to respond, your eyes grazing over me and past the horizon of the blanket. You want more.

I love the way you love my body. The way you love even the parts that haunt me. Your kisses turn these parts into something too good to hate.

I let the blanket fall, my tits fall out and I hear your tiny, little gasp. I don’t even have to ask you to return the favor. You set up your phone so that I can see your whole body, kneeling on the hotel bed.

Your breasts pop out over the top of your lingerie as you pull the lace down. The silky, intricate flowers frame your chest and I feel oddly homesick.

“Squeeze your nipples for me, love.”

You do. I pinch one of my own.

If I can’t touch you myself, I’ll touch myself for you. And I’m going to watch you do the same.

The image of you, topless and fondling yourself for me, sends me to another level.

“What do you miss about me?” I ask. My voice is getting lower, deeper. You do this to me.

“I miss your mouth on me, sucking these titties.”

“When you get home tomorrow, I’m going to worship them. Mmmm,” I almost growl. “I can’t wait to worship your tits, love.”

“Yes, baby.”

You keep your left hand where it is, rolling your erect nipple between the finger and thumb. Your right hand moves to your mouth and you begin to suck two of your fingers.

My mouth is wide open. I’m struck dumb, as I always am by you, as you move your wet finger back to your right nipple.

You throw your head back and ask, “And what do you miss about me?”

My big-little cock twitches in my wet boxers.

“I miss your mouth, too. I miss your lips wrapped around my head. I miss cumming in your mouth. Fuck. I miss it.”

I’m touching myself before I can finish talking. You can tell.

“Let me see you,” you say as you pull your panties down your thighs but no further.

I prop my phone against the headboard and kneel like you are. I pull down my boxers and reach for myself again.

In this position, I feel bigger between my fingers. I can stroke the entire length of my cock. It’s so much bigger now than a few months ago.

“Fuck, you’re so big, baby.”

Those words in your voice make me wetter. I move my fingers faster and you start to touch yourself.

“And I miss your sweet, wet pussy,” I say as our hands fall into the same rhythm.

You moan and I see you start to bend forward as your knees shake. You straighten up and I move faster.

“Tomorrow,” I continue.

“I’m going to taste you.”


“I’m going to fuck that gorgeous fucking mouth.”

You’re moaning now, you’re close.

“And then I’m going to fuck you…”

I’m close too.

“…until we both…”



So close.


I crash around myself.

My cock is jerking and twitching within my fingers as you cry out. Fuck, I love the way you cum for me like there’s no one else in the world. I look back up at the screen to see you lying down, your arm trapped between your thighs, still squirming.

My body shutters again at the sight of you, before I slowly come back down to earth.

We pant and then breathe and then laugh together.

With sleepy eyes, we say good night but don’t hang up. I drift off to the sweet thoughts of you and the things we’re going to do to each other when you get home.

The end~

Published 6 months ago

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