Homeboy, You Never Shut Up

"A woman decides to make a boring date worth her while."

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His thick lips flapped, and his smile sparkled, but her poker face waned. Chances of this first date escalating to a relationship were none to don’t even think about it.

Fuck a relationship, though. It was time to get off.

“Yes, very interesting,” she lied. “Getting a little tired. Take me home?”

He sulked but complied. She suggested they talk in the backseat first before moving off. After more incessant yapping, she grabbed his head and said, “You talk too much.”

She stuffed his face under her pantyless dress and ground it off until her vocals finally outdid his for the night.

Afterward, his face still sheened with shock and cunt; he asked, “Another date soon?”

“Oh God no,” she laughed. “Home visits on the other hand… ”

Published 2 years ago

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