‘Yes. I stripped off the housecoat as soon as he opened the door. He could not avoid staring at my boobs.’
I imagined her wearing a tight-fitting blouse with no bra. Her breasts had dropped over the years, larger after children, her areole darker, her nipples swollen and as luscious as raspberries, even when not aroused, a bra was essential wear for her these days. The very thought of her pendulous tits under a thin white blouse…and for another man…fuck!.
‘The hold-ups were a bit of a disaster, they didn’t do as their name suggests so I took them off. He seemed to enjoy that, making no attempt to hide where he was looking as I sat on a chair in his kitchen, my knickers stretched tight across my pussy as I moved. Glancing down I saw the appeal…my pubes were showing and the crotch was dark where they were damp. When they were off, I was so horny I parted my knees and used the stockings to absorb the wetness between my legs,’
By this time I was sporting a painful impossibly restrained erection. The vision of her virtually masturbating in front of a masturbating pensioner, her stockings in her hand, wearing just knickers and a blouse that did little to hide her unfettered breasts was too much. I had to wank. Not caring what she thought, I feverishly undid my belt and dragged jeans and underwear down, freeing my dripping erection. Before I could do anything else she slipped to her knees, grabbed my cock and was wanking me; she licked my shaft like a hungry whore. With my hands in her hair, I held her there.
Over-sensitised as I was, I came quickly. Incredibly, she did not pull away, leaving me in her mouth as I spurted copiously, something she had never allowed before.
After, I made myself decent while she made coffee.
‘Do you want to hear what happened next?
I sipped my coffee. It was surreal. I’d just ejaculated into her mouth and we were sitting at the kitchen table as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had changed despite her revelations, despite the seismic shift in the boundaries of our sexual relationship.
Fuck yes, I wanted to hear more.
She continued, ‘As I buttoned up my housecoat, he suggested I should consider a solution to my difficulties with the hold-up stockings. I knew exactly what he wanted.’
I nodded, ‘Suspenders?’
‘Exactly. He hadn’t hinted at any other changes, so it was to be stockings, suspenders, knickers, and nothing else. I could barely attach the clips to my stockings, I found myself trembling in excitement.’
‘You were particularly excited this time?’
‘Yes. Something I haven’t mentioned. I’m not sure how you will take this.’ She looked anxiously into my eyes.
‘He would not be alone the next time I visited.’
I was stunned. Her parading around in front of this gentlemanly distinguished pensioner was one thing, I’d become accustomed to it, but this was a different game. She was no longer a simple home help, now she was about to put on a deliberately conceived show for an audience. It dawned on me that this wasn’t about to happen, it had already happened and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
‘Go on,’ I prompted,
‘He said nothing more. So I simply prepared myself as usual and left it to fate. I pulled on my knickers over the suspenders. Buttoned my housecoat.’
‘He was alone as usual, his eyes feasting on the suspenders and stockings as I dispensed with my housecoat. I was in part relieved that he was alone, yet I could not but feel a little disappointment.’
I shared her disappointment but kept it to myself.
‘I jumped when the doorbell rang and hesitated’, she continued, ‘he glared at me, commanding without speaking. I reached for the housecoat. But he shook his head.’
Unspoken but clear…No.
‘I was to answer the door as I was. Naked but for the brief panties and suspenders and stockings. For the first time, I nearly rebelled.’
I smiled. ‘Nearly?’
‘It could have been anyone at the door. My breasts were uncovered, my nipples stiffening hard. I was acutely aware of the briefness of my knickers and the visible dark patch of pubes, all the more visible because my knickers were wet. As I slowly opened the door, tried to see who it was and keep my modesty, the visitor pushed past me unceremoniously and entered the hallway. It was a man, same generation as the Commander, but taller, broader chested, more heavily built. He had already slipped off his trench coat and tossed it expertly onto a coat hook on the wall of the passage.
He turned to me, smiling broadly with too-perfect teeth that I suspected were not original.
‘You must be the home help I’ve heard so much about,’ he said in a pleasant cultured voice while offering me a hand, a hand which changed direction as I put my hand out to accept it.
‘I gasped as his thumb flicked the nipple on my left breast which he was lifting as if estimating its weight.’
‘You don’t get many of these to the pound,’ he chuckled.
‘I was completely taken aback. If I hadn’t been dressed – undressed – as I was, I might have taken offence. But it was incredibly exciting to have my breast mauled in that way by this admittedly handsome stranger. I could hardly complain. To him, I was little other than the Commander’s whore. No decent woman would open the door topless, virtually naked and sexually aroused. I felt the tickle of something running down the inside of my leg. I was gushing with arousal.’
Despite having recently cum, my cock was again rampant and craving attention. I resisted the urge to repeat my earlier response, I wanted to hear more.
She was keen to confess everything. I sipped my now cold coffee as a distraction.
She continued.
‘He spotted the Commander, still waiting in the living room.
They greeted each other, surprisingly formally for old acquaintances. Completely ignoring me still standing in the hallway, the visitor sat on an armchair and the two men discussed the state of the stock market and other everyday issues.
I went to the kitchen, grabbed some kitchen towel to mop up my wetness, then made the two men coffee and took it into them on a tray. I bent over to put it onto a low table before standing, waiting, in the middle of the room.’
‘Well, Commander Forbes, what’s it all about?’, asked the visitor, a slight nod of his head indicating me.
‘The Commander explained that I was his allocated home help, but we had reached an understanding regarding the provision of extras, which he would pay for. To my dismay, he said were no boundaries to these extras, and that I would do anything he instructed me to do. I know what you are thinking, why am I saying I was dismayed when we both know that up to this point, I had not refused any request, even those simply implied? But you must realise that I had fallen under the spell of my Commander. I was not just anyone’s to use. Or so I thought. I was soon to be proven wrong.
‘To my horror, he put me to the test. It was almost as if he had read my mind. Perhaps he simply guessed that he was going further than I would have expected of him, despite my already accepting the introduction of the visitor.
He suggested I should take off my wet knickers, surely they were uncomfortable. Sure enough, with the two men staring fixedly at my hands as they moved almost without my conscious control to the waistband of my underwear, I hooked my thumbs under the elastic and pushed the garment down…when they were past my hips, my knickers, my last defence, fell to my ankles. Trying not to part my legs, I bent and hooked them from my feet. As if he had spoken, and told me what he wanted, I put the wet scrap of black lace to my nostrils and inhaled the musky scent, then stepped toward the Commander and gently tossed them to him. He caught them expertly, and did as I had done, inhaling my intimacy in an act that asserted his dominance and my subservience, before tossing them to the visitor.
The visitor did as we had done, but in an act that sent a shiver through my body centred in my crutch and spreading like lightning to my nipples, he spread the knickers so the crutch spread between his fingers and licked the part that had been closest to my pussy. He closed his eyes as if savouring the arousal of my most intimate place. I should have felt violated. Instead, I felt myself gush and shuddered…somehow the fingers of my right hand had found their way inside me and I was fucking myself. The fingers of my left hand were tugging at my left nipple.’
I could scarcely believe what I was hearing, not only that my wife had stood in front of two men, one a stranger, in just her stockings and suspenders, tits and cunt on display, wantonly, blatantly, masturbating, but also that she was telling me about it. But she had not finished.
‘The visitor was taking off his clothes, and was quickly down to his underwear. My gaze was on the bulge in his tight white briefs. The Commander watched me as if gauging my reaction. He suggested I would be more comfortable if I were facing away. I understood him. Turning my back on the visitor I sank to my knees, and dropped forward onto my hands, my breasts hanging like udders, nipples touching the carpet. GCrouching, I lifted my naked buttocks and presented myself like a beast. The visitor lost no time, I felt something hard, hot, ribbed, sliding forward in the wetness between my swollen eager labia and then back and again forward. I reached back between my legs and guided the head of his cock into my body. I was so wet that entry was easy but it was tight too…I’ve never felt so filled, stretching the tunnel of my vagina and pressing on my clitoris. I cried out in ecstasy as I was filled as I’d never been filled before.
‘He fucked you, this stranger…just like that…as if you were a bitch on heat.’
‘Yes, I was nothing more than a wanton depraved bitch desperate for his animal lust. We were both grunting like pigs, primal bestial noises. To explain to you how basic was my lust, I felt as if my only link with civilised humanity was the fact that I wore stockings and suspenders.’
He withdrew just in time to spatter hot cum over my buttocks and back, I didn’t care, I wanted it, I’d have welcomed as much and as many as the Commander desired.’
‘I’m assuming he took no part in this other than watching?’
‘I suspect he masturbated as usual, but no, he did not fuck me. Not that time.’
‘He did later?’
‘Let me tell you about yesterday.’
The commander was holding an exclusive party. The home help would be expected to provide a waitress service and wear clothing appropriate for the role. She knew that he did not mean a conventional uniform. She had now fully accepted her position. She had not just behaved like a prostitute, but was a prostitute; a woman who was paid for her body to be used…she was more of a prostitute than a prostitute; she had yet to find her boundaries and suspected it was because she had none.
As she sat at her dressing table mirror applying (too much) mascara, she paused and stared into her moist brown eyes.
‘You are a prostitute,’ her brightly painted red lips mouthed the words with exaggerated shaping,’ you are a whore.’
For some reason she could not fathom, saying the words aloud thrilled her…her nipples swelled through the black lace frill of the half cups that supported but failed to cover the upper globes of her satin-skinned breasts. Her tight satin knickers hugged her engorged vulva and the familiar warmth of expectant lubrication welled out like the sweet fluid from a honeycomb.
She was wearing the maids outfit she had bought for her husband, for sex. Its short layered frilly skirts were far too short to cover the suspender straps of its corset and barely covered her bottom, failing to do so when she bent forward even slightly; her satin panties were virtually transparent and the combined effect was to expose her buttocks almost entirely most of the time. At least the lace-patterned front of the knickers did not suffer the same exposure, or she may as well have been bottomless. She had decided to be free of her usually copious curls; after a visit to the salon, her pussy was smooth and hairless. She had not realised how prominent her lips were, or how large her clitoris could be peeking out from its hood like a tiny shy penis. She had examined herself with a mirror when she had returned home from the salon, inevitably finding herself masturbating on her large veined vibrating phallus. She continued to hold the mirror to enjoy the view as she rested its bulbous head on her swollen pink petals and eased it inside, a frill of white bubbles forming around the disappearing shaft.
Her orgasm was disappointingly weak; there was nobody but herself viewing. She needed an audience to observe her depravity to trigger satisfaction.
She arrived before the party began, and was shown to the kitchen by the woman who opened the door to her; a tall smartly dressed lady who was on the edge of beautiful, if only her expression had not been so severe. A tight short black hairstyle, Ruby red lipstick on too-thin lips, pale skin and the two-piece black suit tightly buttoned right up to her slender neck did nothing to add femininity.
She was to do nothing but serve drinks on a silver tray. She was not to partake of any of the guest’s nibbles or drinks but was given a large glass of red wine and shown the bottle for her sole use.
She drank the glass empty in the thirty minutes before she heard the doorbell ring…followed by every ten minutes or so in the next hour.
The lady in black was supervising two women dressed in the uniforms of a catering company placing nibbles and drinks onto trays.
The wife entered the living room where the guests were making small talk, concentrating on balancing her tray full of flutes filled with sparkling wine. Her embarrassment in her outfit was almost completely overcome by her task, she had warmed up on the wine while in the kitchen with the caterers and now confidently moved amongst the guests offering the content of her tray until she returned to the kitchen for more. Nobody had reacted to her outfit, despite the exposure of most of her breasts and all of her nipples or the brevity of her skirt.
The guests were couples, middle-aged men and women. As she circulated offering drinks, she noticed the men were polite and warm toward her; the women did not meet her gaze and did not acknowledge her presence. She supposed that hardly surprising given her garb. Still, she began to feel uncomfortable even with another glass of her wine.
The next time she was in the kitchen the lady in black took her tray and put it aside.
‘It’s time. Get rid of your skirt.’
The wife stared at her blankly.
‘What? My skirt? Why?’.
‘Has the Commander not explained?’ She rolled her eyes, ‘Typical…he is a man of few words.’
She grabbed the skirt and tore it away, it was attached to the midsection of the outfit with Velcro. It left the wife in her knickers, the basque section of the outfit and her quarter-cup bra. Instinctively her hands covered her crotch, knowing the panties would hide nothing.
‘Off you go, back through. They will be expecting you.’
‘Like this?’
‘Well, I suggest you take your hands away. You are hardly a nun, are you? I expect they will want a good look at what they have paid for.’
‘Paid for?’ She blinked stupidly.
‘He hasn’t told you anything has he? Never mind, you will be paid all the same.’
Grabbing her upper arms, she guided the wife toward the door, into the passage and thrust her into the living room.
The guests were standing around the outer perimeter of the room, at least three walls. The commander took her by the elbow and guided her to the fourth wall. He’s never touched me before. Nobody spoke.
She felt him placing something in her hand, her fingers curled around it. She looked down at it. She was holding a heavily veined phallus, black, gleaming.
‘You will be wanting to make that slippery,’ he said as if it were a perfectly reasonable thing to say after handing a woman a dildo.
‘Get yourself ready for the men,’ he whispered.
And she knew then what he wanted and why these couples were here.
There were two ways she could make the dildo in her hand wet; in her mouth or between her legs. She lowered her body to the floor, her knees high and parted widely.
She dragged her knickers out from between her puffy hairless labia, exposing the prominent swollen glossy pink frill and her engorged clitoris peeking from under its hood like a tiny cock. She was oozing the fluid of her arousal from a dilated vagina that craved penetration. Staring blankly ahead at the group, she placed the bulbous head of the phallus at the mouth of her cunt and pushed it slowly, deliberately, in. There was a collective gasp as she took its entire length right up to its moulded balls.
The men in the group and some of the women began to slow clap in rhythm with the movement of her thighs as she began to slide the now gleaming wet shaft out and in again…her first fuck of the evening. The black strip that was her knickers curved around the shaft where a white bubble collar formed like a cockring as her tempo increased. She heaved her thighs higher, bucking erratically as the first orgasm led to a string of shuddering climaxes.
The clap turned into a round of applause as she pulled out the dildo and gushed like a fountain.
She looked around the group, a hand grasping each thigh, high up so she framed the lush lips between them. ‘Who will be first?’
The husband of the frumpy haughty woman stripped to his underpants already, quickly dispensed with them as he stumbled toward her, cock rampant and leading him toward the supine woman.
He entered her easily, his cock slightly less impressive than the last visitor to her cunt.
As he began to hump her, his wife, incredibly, had hauled up her dress to expose tan stockings attached to the suspender straps of a plain-white corset. She was fingering feverishly between her legs through wide virtually transparent knickers.
It did not take him long before a cry and juddering hips marked his climax…his thighs jerked as he pumped out his seed. He did not attempt to withdraw until he’d finished ejaculating.
As he withdrew a limp dripping cock, his wife thrust him aside and dropped to her knees, crawling to replace his cock with her mouth as if she were hungry to take back what he had given to the bitch he had fucked.
….to be continued.