The morning came around too quickly, my alarm woke me early and I dressed and busied myself making sure I had the tickets ready. I had a glass of juice, made coffee, and knocked on the bedroom doors, “Wake up, come on, rise and shine.” Then I called out, “Happy Birthday, Ana,” as we had agreed that today would be the unofficial birthday celebration.
All three appeared, bleary-eyed, and in night clothes. I handed out juice and reminded them I wanted to be on the road in under an hour.
“Happy Birthday, darling,” I said, and handed a token present and card to Ana. Stephanie and Josie each handed Ana a card. After hugs and congratulations, I chased all three to their rooms to change. “Put your swimmers and spare clothes in a holdall,” I called after them as all three made off to get ready.
I felt so nervous, but Josie acted as if nothing had happened. I was worried if she had told anyone about last night. I became conscious that I was the only one acting differently and did my best to busy myself and chase the girls to be ready.
The drive to Discovery Cove took about forty minutes. It took about twenty minutes until Stephanie guessed our destination. The rest of the journey was accompanied by squeals of delight and excited chatter. I got a parking spot nice and close and we checked in and booked a mid-morning Dolphin session for the four of us, Josie was crying again.
I’d been advised to get there early, as dolphin swims were on a ‘first come, first served,’ basis. It was an expensive day as I had opted for the top package. We were all videoed, had still pictures taken and were given an underwater camera each.
The day at Discovery Cove was amazing. We had a leisurely breakfast, with all food and drink included in the ticket price. We changed into wet suits, and then spent about a half hour swimming with and meeting dolphins. Afterwards, we showered and spent the rest of the day lounging, eating, and drinking. I used my underwater camera to sneak a few ‘accidental’ underwater pictures of all three while snorkelling.
On and off through the day, Josie looked increasingly tired. I asked her if she was OK and each time she assured me she was fine, more than once she announced she felt ‘shagged out,’ to the girls. I wondered if she was purposefully dropping hints, each time she said it. Before leaving we collected our video on DVD and a file full of pictures, including some printed poster-sized.
We drove back to the Villa and decided to order food, and while I phoned the girls made off to shower and change. Stephanie returned within minutes to ask if she could use my ensuite, I told her yes, but to bring her towels. I sat in the lounge, watched TV, opened a beer and imagined what Stephanie looked like in the shower in my room. About an hour later the girls reappeared dressed for bed. Shortly afterwards the food arrived, and it went quiet while we ate together.
I opened a bottle of Fizz to celebrate, and we all had a glass. The girls also set to on the alcopops, and the evening started to have more of a party feel. Someone said we should play games to make it a Birthday Party. There was a cupboard of boxed games in the lounge for holidaymakers. Nothing grabbed us, I saw ‘twister’ in there, but I knew that would be a dangerous choice.
We played charades for a while, a lot of laughs. We also played reverse charades where one person guesses and all the rest act but without speaking, even more laughs. I wasn’t comfortable with ‘truth or dare’ or ‘spin the bottle,’ we did play ‘two truths and a lie’ after I got them to promise to keep the written notes clean. We didn’t guess a full set of three for anyone, lots more laughing.
Stephanie suggested playing ‘the pickup game.’ I was dubious until they explained you have to pick smaller and smaller items off the floor with just your mouth without touching the floor with your hands or knees. It was an easy game for Josie in pyjamas, I was out first and enjoyed a few lovely glimpses down baggy tee shirts and up under them too of Stephanie and Ana. It did make it tricky to hide my semi when I followed their turn until I was out and could relax and watch.
Then Ana wanted to play ‘pin the tail.’ We improvised by drawing the donkey on a big menu, and the tail with sticky tape and a sock. Stephanie produced a sleep mask from the plane which was surprisingly effective. We took turns being spun around and staggering about, I enjoyed spinning the girls as I managed to ‘accidentally’ touch Josie and Stephanie’s boobs more than once.
The second bottle of fizz was opened and drunk, the alcopops were gone by now, and the girls had become decidedly giggly.
‘Blind man’s bluff,’ was next on the list. We moved some furniture back to be safe and began. I went first and took forever to find and tag someone. The girls were silent as they crept away until fits of giggles took over and gave them away. I got caught by all three much faster.
It must have been nearly 10 PM when we decided to stop and watch a movie. We sat much like a couple of nights before but with Stephanie and Josie snuggled up against Ana. I sat on the other settee on my own. No one fell asleep and I kept myself under control, by 11 PM we were all yawning.
“Let’s have an easy day tomorrow, maybe a mall day. Anyone want a shopping day?” It seemed a popular option as I asked. The girls hugged me and went to bed before I shut the TV and went to my room.
As I climbed into bed, naked as usual, I found a pair of knickers as I pulled the covers back. They were not there in the morning when we left. I turned the bedside light on and could tell they had been worn, but I had no idea who they belonged to. I could not resist holding them up and checking their scent. The effect on my cock was instant. I tucked them under the pillow, turned off the light, and tried to sleep.
I was sure I could hear crying or murmuring again, it was quite muffled, and I could not make out any words. I decided I should ask the girls if they sleep talk or have nightmares, but I decided to ask tomorrow as the noise suddenly stopped.
I was a little sad not to have a night-time visitor, and at the same time a little relieved. I lay for a while wondering what conversations the girls had had, if any. I also wondered if Ana knew about it. No one had acted differently, and even in the ‘pick-up game,’ I did not notice anyone deliberately flashing or teasing me. I must have drifted off and awoke to see the sun streaming in around the shutters and a steaming coffee on the bedside table. I checked I was fully under the covers, sat up, drank the coffee, dressed, and walked to the kitchen.
The girls were bumbling around the kitchen, still in bedclothes. “Who fancies another IHOP’s breakfast?” I asked. All three disappeared to their rooms, I got dressed, and soon we were off in the car. After breakfast, we made for one of the huge shopping malls.
The morning passed without event. I found myself often following the girls from a few steps behind. I was watching their bums and legs as they walked, Josie was wearing running shorts, and Ana and Stephanie were in their cut-off jeans. I’m sure they were shorter than when I first saw them. That crease at the top of their legs was visible all the time, a tight bum cheek flashed out with each step. I also noticed Josie was wearing old runners, while Ana and Stephanie were both in new pink trainers.
We split up just before lunch. I wanted to try some new running shoes that were only available in the USA. The girls wanted to do some clothes shopping. Before we parted, I slipped a bundle of notes into Josie’s hand and told her not to argue and to treat herself. I spent about an hour with the trainers, even trying them on a running machine. They were expensive but fitted great and were light too, and I bought a pair. Finally, I left the shop and went to the food hall to wait for the girls.
I nursed a coffee until it went cold before they appeared; they were all carrying bags. Stephanie must have also bought a new top and worn it, the crop top only just covered the bottom of her boobs, and if she held her arms up, I’m sure they would have been on show. I could see many pairs of eyes follow them over to my table, which made me feel more than a little smug. I showed Josie the trainers, knowing she would be interested.
We ate a leisurely lunch and added ice cream. I had another coffee – hot this time. I offered to take Josie to see the trainers, Ana and Stephanie said they would meet us in an hour and took off.
Josie tried to give me back some of the cash and I refused it. “Please just take it, I want you to enjoy this holiday, treat yourself.” She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. We returned to the sports shop and I got her to try on a pair of runners, the assistant took way more care and time over measuring and fitting her. He even laced them on her feet kneeling on the floor in front of her. I knew he could see right to the top of her legs in the running shorts, perhaps even more as she lifted and moved her feet.
Josie walked up and down and then jogged on the running machine. A different assistant, watched her walk, then jog and run, and asked her to remove the runners. He adjusted the instep packers, adding more, and Josie re-tested them. She drew a few onlookers in her tiny shorts, showing great legs, in my opinion, the best legs. The running assessor also took way more time than he had with me. He sped the machine up until Josie was properly running, stretching out, for a few minutes.
When the machine slowed and stopped Josie stepped off, her face was flushed red as she regained her breath. I could not miss her nipples under her top. “Don’t they feel great?” I said, pointing at the runners. Josie nodded. I asked the assistant to wrap the runners, Josie tried to stop me, but I wanted her to have them. I wanted her to have everything. I would have bought anything for her at that moment.
When we met up again, Stephanie and Ana had even more bags, we headed for the car and drove home.
“Shall we get a takeaway delivered later?” was met with universal approval. The girls made off to their rooms and I put on more coffee.
We ordered Chinese, a set meal for four, with a few added extras, but when it arrived we could not eat it all. An hour later we were all trying to find a movie to veg out to when Stephanie spoke up. “Let’s have a fashion parade, show off what we bought. I’m sure your Dad would love to see.”
I tried to complain and stop them but Ana and Stephanie were already on their way to the bedrooms, closely followed by Josie. Secretly, I was hoping for some nice, revealing crop tops, shorts, and maybe a new bikini or two. I settled into the sofa and adjusted my shorts in anticipation; I pulled a cushion next to me in case of emergency and sat back. I watched the girls gather all their bags across into one room.
It started pretty tamely, Josie trotted in and out in her new runners, and I clapped and cheered to make a show of it. Stephanie came next in skin-tight jeans and a quite short crop top. She walked up to me, spun around, and stalked back out. For just a moment, I was sure I had glimpsed a bare boob underneath, and I clapped again. Ana came out in a very similar outfit but the top was slightly longer so no flash this time, I clapped again.
We went through quite a few outfits. Each girl took a turn in shorts, Short dresses, tight tops, loose tops, and also some sandals. Josie had a new pair of basic trainers too. One highlight was a dress Stephanie came out in, tight and stretchy with a zipper down the front. She had it unzipped way past her boobs, which I could tell had to be braless. Nothing popped out, and then she zipped up and walked out. I clapped each parade and stood to clap and cheer when I assumed it had all finished.
Then it changed, totally changed. Stephanie came out in a bikini that barely covered her. I sat quickly back down and stared. Tiny triangles of material barely covered her tits, not covering half the flesh. The front was cut so high there would be no question she was shaved. She walked barefoot towards me and stood just a couple of feet away. She struck a few poses, turned, and walked away. I clapped and cheered, and adjusted my shorts as soon as I could.
Josie appeared next in a one-piece swimsuit, but there was hardly anything of it. It had very high-cut legs and almost no sides at all; the front looked more like two thin triangles down to the waist. Josie strutted up to me and I stared open-mouthed, her pubic mound was so prominent. I assumed she had gathered her pubes which accentuated the mound even more. She turned slowly and showed me that the outfit was pretty much backless. As she faced me again I mouthed ‘perfect’ and she turned and slowly walked away. I clapped and cheered.
My cock was uncomfortably hard in my shorts. I adjusted myself and hid it under the cushion on my lap. Then Ana came out in a similar bikini to Stephanie’s, it was pure white with slightly more material, but still obscenely tiny. She walked to stand right in front of me. Close up I realised I could see her dark nipples and also a dark patch of pubes through the dry material. Unconsciously I swallowed. Ana looked down at me, beaming, then she turned and walked away. The rear of the costume was just a tiny thong. She may as well have been naked from the waist down. I clapped way too enthusiastically.
I was about to make my way to my room, take a shower and relieve the tension in my cock, when Stephanie appeared again. She put out one leg and then stepped into the hallway. I knew at this point I should call a halt to proceedings, but could not bring myself to turn down the view. She wore a lacy matching set of underwear, in red. It had more material than the bikini, but it was also mostly see-through. She did the same walk, all the way to stand and pose just a couple of feet from me. I’m sure her nipples were protruding, or perhaps I just wanted them to be. She looked utterly gorgeous. As she turned and walked away I clapped and whistled, and immediately knew I had gone too far.
Josie came back out, in a long sleepy tee shirt, and sat next to me on the sofa. I kept both hands on the cushion, holding it tight on my lap. I guessed that the underwear must have been bought when we were getting trainers. Ana appeared next, in white lacy underwear. The knickers were like tight boxers, Knicker shorts I think they are called. The bra top was similarly longer than needed, not quite a corset, but along those lines. From the minute she started walking her nipples and pubes were obvious. She stood right in front of me, posed, turned, and walked away. The knickers clung to every curve of her body like a second skin. I clapped and whistled again.
I was about to try and adjust my cock again when I remembered Josie was sitting next to me.
“We weren’t sure you would approve,” she said as she put her hand under the cushion, “But I can feel you do.” Her hand held my cock for a second. I assumed the show was over and went to stand. “Don’t go yet, this might be the best bit.” She put her hand across to stop me, touching my cock again.
There was a delay of maybe a minute before Stephanie appeared again. This time she was in a black lacy knickers and bra set. It had more material than the bikini but was more see-through than the red set. A few seconds later, Ana followed her wearing an identical outfit. They walked up and down the lounge and then stood directly in front of me striking poses.
“You have to choose,” Josie said as she leaned against me.
Stephanie used her arms to push her boobs together, enhancing her cleavage, while Ana bent fully forward in front of me. My cock was now painfully hard.
“I can’t choose; I just can’t. You are both beautiful, and I don’t think it’s right or fair to ask me to choose.”
Both girls turned slowly and walked away, exaggeratedly wiggling their hips as they went. Again, I went to stand, and Josie stopped me, this time gripping my cock. “Not everything came as a set. I think you are…