Holding Your Hand Tight

"I dedicate this poem to my dear wife Dreammy on this Valentine’s day"

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It’s that time of the year again
Materialized love fills the mall 
‘Chocolate, flower or diamond?’ 
The sales man asks 
‘It’s time to shower her with your love.’

Beyond those fancy gifts
A simple sign is all we seek 
To remind ourselves that 
There is still romance between us 
In our tiresome routine chores

Once upon a time I had a broken heart
Until a girl gave me her hand 
In February I sent her a crystal rose pin 
The only jewelry that I could afford

A decade has passed since that Valentine’s Day
Now I call that girl my dear wife 
Each day we’re preoccupied with 
Mortgage, bills and 401K 
Just like any other ordinary family

The life is neither smooth nor easy
Argument and compromise always along the way 
But no matter how tough it is 
We will never forget that windy day 
The first time our hands touched 
And we are still holding on tight 

Published 12 years ago

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