High School Reunion Drinking Games (5th in the Golden Series)

"High school friends reconnect for a long planned blowjob"

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A few years ago I went to my twenty five year high school reunion. Coincidentally, I’d also begun a fitness regime about a year ahead of the reunion. I didn’t really do it for the reunion, but over that year the reunion date did provide some motivation. After all, the desire to impress a group of people that you shared five years of your life with in the distant past seems a common condition. Since I wasn’t famous or rich, the only avenue left to me to impress was through a regime of workouts. I didn’t have a PhD, but there was no reason why I couldn’t at least have a low BMI.

Our reunion was held at a reception hall near our old high school. It wasn’t a huge turnout, but it was a fun night. There was even some drama when Kate, my girlfriend from grade nine, bumped into me while I was hand-talking with a glass of wine. It was an accident, but I managed to spill some her. I apologized of course, but apparently more was expected, because friends kept coming up to tell me Kate was really upset and let me know that I should talk to her. It really was starting feel like I was in high school again. I eventually spoke to her to smooth things over and people stopped bugging me about it.

This story isn’t about Kate though, it’s about me and another woman from the reunion. The woman that I ended up having a freaky fling with was a little red head named Casey who had been in my graduating year home room class. Casey resided in a bit of a hole in my consciousness, not having seen her since high school, I really only started to reformulate my memory of her after the reunion.

Back in high school Casey and I were part of an extended group of friends. I remember always being on pretty good terms with her, but we didn’t see much of each other outside of school. There were about six separate towns that sent kids to our regional high school and for whatever reason it was a rarity for kids from my town to visit the town where she lived. My memory may be imperfect on this point, but it seemed like my town had hardly any girls and the few girls that there were had long since been exhausted as romantic options. Another of the towns that sent kids to our school seemed to be chalk a block full of girls. As a result a natural travel corridor developed between my all-boys town and the other all-girls town. Casey’s town just seemed to lack enough kids or at least a high enough concentration of girls to justify regular trips. Maybe if geographical circumstances were different we would have found our way to one another sooner, but somehow I doubt it would have been such great nasty fun.

I didn’t really talk that much with Casey at the reunion, but afterwards we became facebook friends and soon we were messaging each other with increasing regularity. Things started getting flirty pretty fast and really took off when I griped about the overly public nature of some facebook messaging apps. I complained that I’d like to be able to ‘poke’, ‘defenestrate’, ‘drunk dial’ or send a ‘sex on the beach’ e-shot without the whole world knowing. Casey agreed and mentioned that at least the direct messaging was private and that for our messages whatever happens on facebook stays on facebook. Since we were both married there was an underlying invitation being put on offer beyond just commentary on facebook functionality.

I suppose the whole thing would be recognizable as a mid-life crisis, with no notable fault in my life or my marriage, I was nonetheless hungry for one more taste of youthful indiscretion. I knew that I wanted to have a fling and it was pretty clear that Casey was declaring her availability to me. I usually know pretty quickly what I want with someone and I knew that with Casey I wanted sexual excitement. I wanted a fellow conspirator that I could look forward to sharing mutual adventures, but I also knew that adventures were really all I was looking for. I didn’t want to send my life up in smoke, but I did want to play with fire. Casey’s marriage was apparently on the rocks, but she agreed that all she wanted was to have some fun. So with the terms set, we began to hatch our plans.

It was around November when our facebook friendship crossed over to something more. However, I lived in Toronto, while Casey still lived in the same little town on the South Shore of Montreal. So while we were both ready to fuck like crazy, door to door there was almost 600 km separating us. The conceptual distance between us that existed in high school was replaced by actual distance. At least now I had a driver’s licence.

The distance and circumstance precluded any immediate meeting, but in lieu of meeting our messaging became nightly events. We increasingly shared every detail about what we wanted to do with each other. Anytime I was alone on my PC, my cock would end up in my hand as I stroked myself while reading Casey’s replies.


19 March 2008



“Describe your cock for me.”



“Right now it’s hard and I’m stroking it ready to cum. Just thinking of meeting you and without a word taking out my cock, you taking it, licking off the pre-cum, rubbing it over your face before you take it in your mouth.”



“Wow, that’s just how I was picturing it. I’m getting very wet. Are you going to imagine me drinking it and make yourself cum?”



“Yeah, I’m thinking of jerking off into your open mouth. I’m thinking of coating your outstretched tongue with cum. Then I want to watch you swallow my load and show me your empty mouth.”



“Yum, sounds delicious. I bet you taste incredible. Go for it, I want you to cum while thinking about fucking my mouth. You’ve got me throbbing.”



“I’m getting so close.

“What about you?”



“Actually I’ve been rubbing my pussy and getting myself off all night. I think this will be my second or third orgasm with you tonight. :)”



“That finished me, thanks. I’ve cum with the thought of filling your mouth in my head. Imagining your sopping wet pussy sure didn’t hurt either.” 



“Me too and I’m licking the juice off my fingers. I wish I could taste your cum too.”



“Nice! I can’t wait to see you do just that.”

“Now I’ve got to get 3hrs sleep.”



“Well if it makes you feel any better I’ll be up at 5:15.

“Night. Can’t wait!”

Casey in particular would look back and question why we never got together in high school. I had to agree and while I’m sure I would have appreciated fucking her back then, somehow I doubted there would have been the same lack of restraint that we were currently considering. Initially, I figured that Casey’s attraction to me was something recent, but the more we communicated the more my memories of her from high school returned. I remembered a few times friends letting me know that Casey had a crush on me. I remember thinking of Casey as kind of cute and I certainly would have been happy to fuck her, but I was interested in someone else. Since the concept of recreational fucking was an exception to the norm among our demographic, likely due to so many of us being somewhat idealistic virgins still living with their parents, I had to take a pass.

Plans with Casey were always increasingly pushing the sexual envelope and then one weekend, after our first attempt to get together fell through, things made another interesting progression. While discussing the blow job she was going to give me I asked her if she would be happy if I did more than cum in her mouth? I’d describe her response as a wobbly, but pussy moistening yes.

21 March 2008



“Well our visit is off. Our dog is really sick and we can’t put him in the car for five hours unless we’re willing to junk the car at the end of the trip. He seems a bit better today, but other than to see you, I can’t justify driving down just to come right back the next day. Also I don’t think the wife would buy into my reason for sticking with the trip.

“I’m so bummed out. I’ll have to reload for you on our next trip back.”



“Well I’m glad Marlin is feeling better. On a purely selfish note, I think I’ll cry. Oh well, guess I’ll just have to keep dreaming.”



“Sorry, I guess you really wanted to drink some cum this weekend? If it makes you feel any better, even if we did come it might have been hard to get away.”



“Well I really wanted to drink YOUR cum this weekend! Can you blame me?

“Think I’ll have a drink since I won’t be having a Mike cocktail.”



“Here’s how I see the opener: We meet and you suck my cock and drink as much cum out of it as you can. Then when my cock goes soft in your mouth I can start your shower. You can lie back rubbing your pussy feeling completely dirty. Then at the end you have to take me in your mouth and taste the last drops and feel my cock get hard while you suck me. When I’m hard I’ll lick your asshole and get it ready for my cock. Then I’ll fuck your ass nice and hard.”



“Oh wow. I think I just came reading this. Where are you when I need you? It sure will be fun if we ever do manage to get together.”

22 March 2008



“I think so. I really want to have my cock spend time in your mouth.”



“So do I, you have no idea!! I was hoping to have a visit from the Easter Bunny. I was looking forward to playing with his carrot!!!! Next time. In the meantime you can continue to tease the hell out of me since you’re so good at it.”


Then I asked the question.




“Would you have been happy if I did more in your mouth than cum this weekend?”



“Honestly, I’m not sure. I can’t believe I said that. I guess we’ll just have to get together and see where it takes us. Would it have made you happy??”



“Yes it would. Maybe a few beers would help us both to do it.”



“Maybe, can’t hurt!!! So tell me what the big thrill is in all of this? I find it so intriguing.”



“Your full commitment to have my cock in your mouth while I both cum and piss blows me away. My soft pissing cock would be rock hard in your mouth before I’m done. Let’s see how it goes?

“PS – I’m f’n horny 4 your mouth.”



“Well I’m definitely committed to sucking you. As for what comes out, well I guess only time will tell. Am I freaking you out? I think I’m freaking myself out. Maybe I’m too nasty and I’ll scare you away?”

“I’m horny for you too. The things I could do with that rock hard cock!”



“Hey, who’s nasty? I want to piss in your mouth? I’m wondering if I’m going to freak you out. Does the thought turn you on?”



“Freakishly, I think it might. The thought of doing anything with you turns me on. We should have done this in high school.”

I was already pretty excited about getting together with Casey; now that I knew that that she would be drinking my piss, I was beside myself with anticipation. I was also flush with self-congratulatory lust. I’d just seduced a woman to drink my piss! She hadn’t done it yet, but she was going to try. This wasn’t someone from a dating line that I could assume certain proclivities with or that I could anonymously slink away from if I fell on my face either. Casey was a girl next door type, though technically speaking a girl from the next town type. I had a sense that I’d overcome probabilities. Not only had I found a woman to drink my piss, but I’d found was someone who until then hadn’t even considered such a thing. The thought of it being Casey, someone who I had known for so long and who I shared so many friends just added to the sense of the improbable. Despite the unlikeliness though, I must say that when I put it out there I wasn’t surprised that Casey agreed. Casey was going to try and drink my piss. The next objective would be to build Casey’s enthusiasm. I wanted Casey’s initial yes was to become more determined to the point of anticipation by the time we met.


23 March 2008



“When we meet you better be thirsty, because I when I cum and piss in your mouth I don’t want you to let any go to waste.”



“Gee you really know how to sweet talk a girl!! lol”

“Fuck, I wish you were here right now, cuz I’m in the mood to try just about anything. I’m feeling so horny.”



“I can’t wait. I get so hard when I think of you sucking my cock while I piss. It’ll come out hot in your mouth and I hope you can drink it.”



“I honestly don’t know but like I said if you were here right now….”

“I love it that you get hard thinking about it.

“Oh what the hell, I’ll try anything twice. Getting wetter….”



“Trying is good. I think if you’re willing to try then you’ll be able to do it. And like we said, beer will help. I’ll start you off with hardly enough to fill your mouth to see how you like it.

“Do you want to feel my cock get hard in your mouth while I piss?”



“I want to experience everything there is to experience with your cock. Why is it so exciting for you to piss in my mouth? What about that turns you on?”



“I was just feeling super horny and I just ran with the idea. Regardless it does turn me on and I’ve always liked corrupting. Other than that it’s hard to say. Maybe I watch too much porn?

“Do you want me to do this to you?”



“Can one watch too much porn?!?!

“Funny, I like being corrupted. Yes, I do want you to do this to me. I would do anything to have your cock in my mouth right now. I guess I’m in one of those moods where anything goes. I’d love to do all kinds of strange things to turn you on.”



“In a way it’s good we couldn’t make it this week. Now we know that when we do get together it will be one hell of a memorable blow job.

“Right now it looks like May 24th for our visit. I might only have enough time to just slip out to fill your mouth this time around, but sometime this summer we’ll be in Montreal for a week. Then your ass and pussy will get some too.”



“Yes it will be memorable. At least not anything I’ll ever forget. 

“I look forward to your visit and our opener. I’m so horny for you now, I really need to cum.”



 “When we meet I want you to ask me to piss in your mouth. If you aren’t able to drink it all and it spills from your mouth, will you enjoy the ride back home all wet with piss along with the taste of my cum and piss in your mouth? When I get back to Toronto I’ll want to read about how that felt.”



“You’re starting to freak me out, but it’s good. I like it. Don’t stop. I am rubbing and licking and thinking of your cock and it feels fucking amazing. Wish it was you I was tasting!”



“How am I freaking you out?”



“Gee, I don’t know. It could have something to do with the fact that you’ve actually got me considering any of this. Never mind considering, looking forward to it! I can’t imagine anyone else being able to pull this off. I’m sure if anyone had ever mentioned this to me I would have thought they were nuts, but somehow you can get away with it. Why do you think that is?”



“Sorry, I can’t help you there. When things are going my way I try not to question it. 

“So are you going to ask me to piss in your mouth?”



”By the time we actually get together I’ll probably be begging you to piss in my mouth. I’m telling you if we were together right now you could do anything you want!”



“You mentioned once before about this catching you at the right time and it’s the same for me. It’s one more visit to being twenty-something that I can’t resist.”

“When we meet I want you to suck my cock, make me cum and drink it. I also want to take a piss in your mouth so you can drink my urine too. I’ll try to piss slowly so you’re not overwhelmed and so that you can drink it as it comes out. I’ll take my cock out of your mouth, so that I can watch my stream of piss fill you open mouth and also piss on your face and soak you hair.”



“So is this what you did in your twenties?!?!

“I can’t wait. I got wet just from reading this. Fuck you turn me on.”



“Well that was before the internet really came into play. I’ve never made such nice plans for a first date.”

“I want to cum before bed, so send me one more message and tell what you’re going to do when we meet. I want to make myself cum when I read it.”



“Lol, I’ve never planned such a fascinating first date either!!!!

“When we meet I want you to take out your cock for me. I want to lick it very slowly at first and rub it all over my face and trace my lips with it. Then I’ll slide my lips up and down the shaft. By then you should have some pre-cum for me to lick off. I will keep teasing you with my tongue and then suddenly take the whole thing in my mouth. I will lick and suck you until I feel your hot cum in my mouth and I will drink every drop of it down. Then when you’re soft, I’ll keep working on it to make it hard again. In between, I’ll look at you and beg you to piss in my mouth. I’ll continue to lick and suck and drink until I feel you get rock hard again in my mouth.

“Are you hard now? Does it feel good? Just imagine my tongue all over you making you feel amazing and me doing anything you ask. I wish I could feel your hot cum right now.

“I’m in bed and rubbing my pussy. I want to cum with you.”


Things continued in this vane and by time May rolled around we were both beyond feverish for one another.

8 May 2008



“Well the countdown is really on now until my cock is in your mouth.”



“Yes it is and you have no idea how thirsty I am….”



“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to meet you on Friday or Saturday.

If it’s Friday it might only be for a quickie. 

“Have you got a spot pick out for us yet?”



“OK now we’re talking. I’m dying to drink your hot piss and see how turned on you get. So what do you think, will I like it? I bet you taste great!”

“A spot……guess I better get on that.”



“I think that since you want to drink my piss that you’re going to like it. The more turned on you are the more likely that you’ll be able to drink it all. I’m going try and let it out in short bursts to give you a chance to drink a mouthful at a time. I could piss faster, but I want to give you the best chance to drink everything. I think slow will work best. I think that I’ll also have to resist pushing my cock too deep into your throat while I’m pissing, because I don’t want you to inhale a stream. It’s OK if you choke a little at the end and I might drive my cock into your throat for the last shot of piss – but mostly I’m just going to try and relax with my dick in your mouth and let you slowly drink down all my piss.”



“Wow, you’re very good! I think you’re right, slow is best. There are a few places I’d love you to drive your cock, believe me. I really can’t wait to do this. My tongue is dying to meet your cock and show it a fantastic time. I can’t wait to taste you and turn you on and feel your hot cock explode in my mouth!”



“Are you hoping to drink all my piss to the last drop?”



“Honestly, I don’t know how much faith I have in myself….but am I hoping to….hell ya!!!! Every last delicious drop!”






“Can’t wait…counting the days.”

11 May 2008



“When you get home after we’ve met are you going to get yourself off with the taste of my cum and piss still in your mouth?”



“Of course I am. I think I’ll get home, pour a drink and drive myself wild while I can still taste you! At least then I’ll be able to have a mental picture of your incredible cock! So far I’ve had to use my imagination when I get myself off thinking of you….and I do get myself off thinking of having you in my mouth!! I will rub my hot wet pussy until I cum like crazy. Then later, I’ll take a shower and start all over again!

“Will you get yourself off from time to time while thinking about what we did?”

11 May 2008



“Maybe you could enjoy my taste with slightly chilled Chardonnay for the second time you cum ;), but for your first orgasm you should do it with the unadulterated taste of my cum and piss in your mouth.

“Either in person or on my own, I think I’ll be getting off to you for a long time to come.”



“Hmmm…..good advice, thanks!! I will savour the taste of your cum and piss while I rub myself into a frenzy! I’ll think about you and how good it felt to finally have your hard cock in my mouth. I’ll taste my pussy juice on my fingers and finally really be able to imagine your cock.”



“I’m totally turned on. I can’t wait to see you and take my cock out. We know it’s going right in your mouth. There are only a couple things to figure out: Whether you’ll first be drinking my cum or my piss and whether or not you’ll be able to drink all my piss.”



“Whether or not I can drink all your piss……what makes you so sure I can drink all your cum? 

“I can’t wait to see you either and have your cock in my mouth. My tongue is so ready for you!!”



“Yep, I can’t wait to see you drink my piss. I hope you like it and just will want more.”



“I know I’m going to want more of you…..no doubt about it! See….I’m getting so turned on just talking about it that if you were here right now I’m sure I would want to drink it all…..over and over again! My pussy is hot and wet and I’m thinking about how I’ll get myself off after we’ve been together.

“Thirsty…..don’t worry, I’ll make sure I’m so thirsty I’ll be sucking the piss out of your cock!”

12 May 2008



“Yeah, it’s going to be amazing to piss in your mouth and have you drink it down…then I can find out how good you are at sucking my cock.”




“Let’s hope the whole pissing thing doesn’t alter my abilities because, if I may say so, I suck a mean cock. It’s an acquired taste, and it helps if you enjoy doing it. I am so into sucking your cock that I guarantee you’ll have a great time! Have to try to make it unforgettable!”



“I think at the point that I put my cock in your mouth and start pissing while you drink it down will already be unforgettable. The thought of meeting you for the sole purpose of putting my cock in your mouth while you drink everything that comes out will be unbelievably unforgettable.

“Now there aren’t really any bad blow jobs, but certainly there are great ones. So after you take my cock in your mouth with hardly a hello and suck back my piss I will be really hard to disappoint, but a great blow job would make an incredible trifecta.”



“Well you know my goal is to show you an incredibly unforgettable time! I really hope I can pull this off….it’ll go down in history in my books!!!! All I know is I can’t wait to give it a try. Should be wild!”



“I will be. Found a spot yet?”



“Oh get off my back….lol

“Don’t worry, I’ll find a spot to drink whatever comes out of your cock!”

13 May 2008



“When are you coming to MTL?”



“Maybe late Thursday, but most likely Friday. I’ll call you when I know.”

13 May 2008



“You have no idea how ready I am!!!!

“Not sure if you’ll read this before you leave or not but if you call my cell and I don’t answer either leave me a message or call back. I’ll be out with friends, but I’ll come meet you whenever you’re ready.

“Can’t wait to taste you!!”

On the drive to Montreal I was debating with myself if I should stop for a quickie with Casey or just wait until the next day. After dropping my wife and our dog at her parents I headed to my dad’s place on the South Shore. My options were to pick up a DVD and maybe jerk off in my boyhood bedroom for old time’s sake or call Casey. I guess I didn’t struggle too long with the decision, because I could still see my wife’s parent’s house in the rear view mirror when Casey picked up her cell.

Casey sounded a little drunk and really excited. I asked if she ready to suck my cock and drink my piss?

“Am I ever!” Casey replied. “I can’t believe this is finally going to happen.”

We made plans to meet just outside at a small restaurant near the river where she lived. From there we could figure out where we could go.

Once I hung up, I turned into the first dépanneur I saw and bought a large bottle of water. I was really thirsty, but that reason was really only secondary.

It was a little over a half hour drive from Montreal to her town. I pulled into the restaurant parking lot and I was surprised how much it had changed over the years. It wasn’t so small anymore. What had been a roadside casse-croûte had grown into a good sized sit down restaurant. The parking lot was pretty full and I couldn’t see Casey. I got out of my car and walked around the lot. It seemed I was the first to arrive, so I decided to wait near the entrance where I’d be easy to spot. I wasn’t sure what kind of car she drove, so I pretty much needed to wait and she who emerged once the cars parked.

After about ten minutes I final saw Casey’s red hair emerge from a green mini-van. She still had a freckled face that made her look young and she had a naughty smile as she sauntered over to me. She was a total MILF, well for tonight maybe more of a MILPI (Mother I’d Like to Pee In). Maybe that’s too niche to catch on, but if it does please remember that you read it here first.

“So are you ready to drink my piss?” I asked in greeting.

“That’s what I’m here for,” she pleasantly replied.

“So, where to?” I asked.

“Hmmm, I actually haven’t figured it out, yet.” she sheepishly replied. “Do you have any suggestions?”

I did notice that there was an empty skate board park that was up against a stand of trees a few hundred meters behind the restaurant. “Want to take a walk over there?” I asked, nodding towards the park.

“Works for me,” Casey replied.

Walking out of the parking lot at the back there was a small road that curved around indirectly leading to the skate board park. Leaving the road, we went to walk across the grass taking the direct path to the park. The grass was pretty damp and my feet were getting wet, so I angled back towards the road and said to Casey “The grass is too wet, let’s take the road.”

“What are you afraid to get your feet a little wet?” Casey teased.

“I suppose not,” I replied, feeling a little chastened. “I guess if you’re willing to be soaked in my piss, I shouldn’t be worried by damp feet.”

When we got to the park I leaned back with my butt against the top edge of a ramp and took my cock out. Casey squatted down in front of me grabbed my hard cock and took me into her mouth. With her mouth full with my cock, Casey moaned a long appreciative, “Mmmmmm.”

The sound conveyed a longing and an appreciation of finally having my cock in her mouth. It sounded so sweet to me, especially knowing what Casey was expecting to do.

It wasn’t quite dusk and anyone looking over towards the skate board park from the restaurant would have noticed the two of us over there. We were far enough away that they wouldn’t have been able to see specifically what we were up to, but they would have been able to tell that it was something more intimate than skateboarding. More than likely they might assume that we were local teens with nowhere else to go, as opposed to being forty-something adults revisiting their high school years.

Casey was right; she did give a really great blow job. She was really an enthusiastic cock sucker and her mouth was loving my cock. She was taking me deep in her mouth, running her tongue slowly all over my cock. She was sucking my balls and rubbing my cock all over her face. Casey was also running her hands all over my body. Her hands felt great and I could tell by the way they appreciatively traced my body that she really did have a powerful attraction towards me. That felt really good too.

For a quickie, this blow job was not quick at all. It was long and luxurious. It had been so long since anyone other than my wife had sucked my cock that I was surprised that the circumstance in itself didn’t have me unloading quickly into Casey’s mouth. The thought of pissing into Casey’s mouth should also have put me over the edge, but I think the issue of pissing was actually a contributing factor in prolonged the blow job…not that I was complaining. I really wanted to piss for the sake of pissing in Casey’s mouth, but I just wasn’t ready to go. So much of my consciousness was focused on trying to will piss out my cock that I was sufficiently distracted from the circumstances and quality of the blow job. As a result there was no premature flood of sperm rushing into Casey’s mouth.
After about fifteen or twenty minutes of cock sucking, I wanted to feel Casey’s tongue in my ass. I had already stepped out my pants to give Casey’s hands and mouth completely unobstructed access. So I just turned around and bent over the obstacle that we were braced against.

Casey reached through my legs and pulled back my rigid cock and took me again in her mouth. She then ran her tongue along the base of my shaft, down to my balls. Finally Casey’s mouth released my balls and her tongue ran across to my asshole. Casey buried her face between my cheeks and with a surprisingly powerful tongue she deeply probed my ass.

It felt so good. Also, without Casey’s mouth working on my cock the tension between my build towards orgasm and relaxing to piss slackened. I could just relax as I bent over and felt Casey’s tongue explore my ass. I tried to lean on my stomach to help squeeze my bladder and after about five minutes I could start to feel the results.

I wouldn’t call it a need to piss, but I was starting to feel like I could piss. When I felt close enough I stood up and turned around and asked Casey “Are you ready to drink some piss?”

Casey smiled and said, “You bet!”

Casey moved to take my cock in her mouth, but I held her back. Not only was I afraid that Casey’s mouth would get me too worked up to piss, but I also wanted to see my piss stream into her open mouth.

Casey was on her knees in front of me with her head tilted back and her mouth open below the head of my cock. Casey’s hands held onto my ass cheeks; it was as good a place as any for her to grab to help keep herself steady under my cock.

Finally piss started trickling from my cock into Casey’s mouth. Casey was readily accepting it, and as the flow grew in intensity I splashed a bit of piss on her face. The flow was never that strong, since I just didn’t need to go that bad, but slowly I filled Casey’s mouth with my piss. Once it started tickling over Casey’s lips I stopped and told her to swallow. Casey drank down my piss, smiled and then opened her mouth for more. Again, I let my stream fill Casey’s mouth to overflow. It took a little more time to refill her mouth this time as I was already starting to feel close to finished. Once Casey swallowed her second mouthful of pee, I let her suck my cock while I finished.

Casey kept sucking my cock and I probably gave her no more than another couple small mouthfuls as the remaining piss drained out of me. All the while Casey was giving me a great blowjob. By the end I was fucking Casey’s mouth while the last of my piss trickled out. Casey’s mouth and chin were glistening with the piss that oozed from her cock-stuffed mouth. The sight turned me on so much and it had me getting close to cumming.

If my piss was relatively small, my load of sperm was especially large. I had waited quite a lot, the load had been a few days in the making, the blowjob had been months in planning and the road to this moment with Casey started over twenty-five years ago in high school. There had been a lot of buildup and it all surged into Casey’s insatiable mouth.

Her mouth didn’t disappoint in the least, Casey milked me dry swallowing everything. Then with weak legs as I leaned back against the skateboard ramp, Casey carefully and completely licked my cock clean. When Casey was finished, I pulled her up and gave her a long deep kiss. We made out for a while before heading back towards the restaurant. I could taste my sperm on her tongue and her breath was scented with my piss. Under the circumstances it was a thrilling combination.

“So how did you like drinking my piss?” I asked.

“I liked it! I like everything that comes from that cock,” she said while giving my dick a squeeze through my jeans.

“That was amazing Casey, I can’t wait for round two,” I told her.

“Me neither, I hope it’s soon,” Casey declared.

We made out for a while longer beside her van until finally I pulled away. My father was expecting me and I didn’t want to have to make up some story for why it took so long to drive from my in laws. From the moment that I pulled out the parking lot though I wished that I’d got into Casey’s van to taste her pussy and fuck her.

17 May 2008



“So, let’s see….what do I think??

“I think WOW!! While I was driving home tonight all I could think about was how great it felt to finally have your cock in my mouth. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever. You felt and tasted so amazing. When I finally had some time alone I stretched out on my bed and got myself off while thinking about what we had done. I never imagined doing anything like that before and now that I have I think I’m a bit in disbelief.

“My mouth is still coated with your delicious cum and I can still taste your hot piss too. The only thing I’ve added to it is the taste of my pussy from my fingers! I think this was the perfect way to start. Not too much piss, but just enough to leave me wanting more! And I do want more. I can’t believe how incredible it tasted while I was swallowing your hot piss. 

“So, I really hope we get the chance to do this again. Like you said, back to back days would be fantastic. I can’t wait to have your luscious cock in my mouth again and to drink your piss and make you cum. It would be great if we had some time to fit in a massage because I really want to get my hands all over your body….very hot! So thanks for introducing me to the wonderful world of piss drinking…..it really turns me on. I have to say that I really did enjoy it….can’t wait for more!”

18 May 2008



“…message #2…it feels weird to be doing this without you here. I guess I’m talking to myself lol!

“I also had a place for us to go today just in case you had time for me to suck your cock again. My friend Stephanie was going out so I told her I might end up at her place. She has a nice place on the water! She had just mowed the lawn too so you wouldn’t have to worry about tall wet grass (sorry I couldn’t resist…always the smart ass). 

“Now that I’ve had your cock in my mouth and tasted you I know for sure I want to do it again. It’s killing me that you’re so close and I can’t have you. I’m not saying this to make you feel bad…just letting you know how much I want to taste you again. It was wild to drink your piss and your cum tasted soooo good….I knew it would! I think you’re right, it would be good to have more time to spend on this and have a few drinks. If you can find a way to make the time I will take care of the rest. I really can’t wait to drink your piss again!”

19 May 2008



“I loved pissing in your mouth! I only wish I could have given you more to drink. I think it might have only been a 2:1 piss to cum ratio: ). I think more time and beer are keys, because a few hours of you sucking my cock and drinking my piss would be another incredible turn on. I love hearing that you liked my piss in your mouth and that you’re ready for more. 

“Not to put a damper on things, but the drinks also ease my conscience between hard-ons.”



“I think that for our first try you gave me the perfect amount of piss to drink :). Let’s just say that you left me wanting more…..wasn’t that part of the goal? More time and beer will be wonderful, because I really could spend hours and hours sucking your cock. It’s very suckable by the way! That would leave some time for a massage too. As for your conscience, drinks will help….and so will I. I have my ways lol! So don’t wish you could have given me more and I’ll try not to wish that I had gotten the chance to give you another blowjob! Mike I absolutely loved drinking your piss and I’m dying to do it again….can’t get enough of it!”



“It all sounds good. Night.”



“It’s all good! Night.”

Published 12 years ago

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