High-School Hannah Has A Ho Phase! Mr. Strange, Bobby’s Teacher

"Hannah has to help Bobby with a problem teacher!"

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I had to admit to a certain level of fear.  So far, Mom’s boyfriend Dexter had used a beer bottle to play with my breasts as a warmup to certain unnamed frivolities in the bedroom with my mom.  I had scored a hundred dollars and a Polaroid camera by letting Dexter’s son, fat Bobby, fingerbang me.  Although I came, squirted really, my pussy throbbed and not in a good way until Monday morning.  The next week at school went better than I expected.  Who am I kidding? It was shit.  Bobby kept trapping me here and there.  One fingerbang, and now he was my boyfriend.  Bobby, however, had stuff that he kept giving me.  Nothing big.  Gift cards.  Joints.  Panties.  All of it first-rate.  He didn’t say where he got it, but he did want me to model the panties for him.  Didn’t happen!  But I promised to give him the panties back, used.  Ew!

I was getting stuff.  Bobby was getting acknowledged by me: the occasional lunch, the occasional hall walk and on one occasion, an ass grab.  That was it until he offered me Air Pods.  I had wanted these forever, but they were too expensive.  Here they were in their original packaging.  I wanted them so bad I would do anything for them.  Wouldn’t I?  How hard would it be?  A challenge, it turned out.  Bobby wanted help with a teacher in a class he was failing.  Let’s call him Mr. Strange.  He was around fifty, balding and overweight.  Bobby wanted me to go with him to a meeting with Strange and to be “helpful” if the opportunity arose. 

Bobby was to meet Strange after school on Thursday.  I was to act sexy.  I said it would be hard to do because of the school uniform for girls of a baggy shirt and long (to the knee) skirts.  Bobby told me I was to wear the “uniform”, meaning the too-short skirt and the tight, braless, mostly see-through top that Mom made me wear for Dexter and now Bobby.  I wasn’t going to wear something that barely covered my ass and displayed my breasts out of the house, let alone at school.  So I settled on something that hopefully was sexy enough to get Mr. Strange’s attention.  On Thursday, I waited until the building emptied out after school and then went into the restroom and changed.  Stuffing my school uniform in a neat and expensive bag that Bobby gave me, I put on a super tight thin pair of leggings, putting the panties in the bag as a gift to Bobby, and a low-cut top that went down far enough to cover any camel toe that I would have. 

I met Bobby outside of Strange’s classroom.  Bobby immediately noticed that I had buttoned the top all the way up for my trip from the restroom.  After making sure the hallway was clear, I had let him unbutton it, so it showed my D cups to their fullest and beyond.  Trying not to openly cringe, I stood there as he delved into my cleavage and squeezed my breasts.  We entered the classroom after I rebuttoned a couple of buttons. 

“Hi, Mr. Strange.  Can my girl sit in on the meeting?”

My Girl!  Kill me now.  As Bobby greeted Strange, his hand was firmly cupping my ass.  Strange noticed, licked his lips and nodded his assent with an odd smile on his face.  We sat down behind the conference table at the back of the classroom with Bobby sitting across the table from Strange, and I sat next to him.  It was only then that I realized that I wasn’t sure what I was expected to do at this meeting.

Strange started talking about how Bobby needed to put in the work.  It seemed like he talked for hours.  Eventually Bobby snaked an arm over my shoulder.  With a sinking feeling, I immediately knew where this was leading.  Soon enough his hand had made its way toward my right breast.  I stared straight ahead, mortified about what was about to happen.  With unusual dexterity for his sausage fingers, I felt the top button release, then another, then another.  I broke my stare and looked down at my chest.  My breasts were still in the top but by a hair.  I looked at Strange, who had not disguised his pleasure at seeing a nubile sixteen-year-old girl about to be rendered topless.  I resumed my mortified stare at the back wall of the classroom.

“I’m really sorry about this, Mr. Strange.  I’m sure we can work something out.”

Strange pondered Bobby’s remark.  Then he got up and closed the door.  Did I hear it lock?  Fuck.  Visions of being tag-teamed by two fat guys, one old and one young, filled my head.  I started to tremble.  Then I thought of the Air Pods.  How bad could this get?  I began to steel myself.  Strange returned to the table. 

“Go ahead, Bobby.  Let’s see if you can work this out!”

Bobby withdrew his hand from my next button.  He placed a sausage finger under my chin and turned my face to his.  My gorge had begun to rise as his mouth found mine, and he kissed me or, more accurately, his dripping tongue plunged into my mouth, and within seconds his spit was dripping down my chin.  I had closed my eyes when I realized what he was going to do, but now I opened them to look at Strange.  He still had that creepy smile, but he now had one hand in his pants.  Bobby broke the kiss.

“Want a taste?”

Oh my god, no!  Kill me now!  Anything but that!  Fortunately, Strange shook his head.

“Bobby, I think we are on the road to working this out.  Proceed.”

Oh fuck, what now?

“Mr. Strange.  Why don’t you tell her what you want!”

No, no, no, no!  It’s one thing to display a lot of breast and to make out with sausage fingers, but what now?

“Stand up!”

I had slowly gotten up out of my chair.  I was still staring past Strange at the wall.  This is not happening.  Fuck!

“Let’s go another button.”

I slowly reached down and unbuttoned the next button.  I felt my breasts starting to pop out.  I pushed them deeper into my top and had continued to stare straight ahead.

“I think one more will do it.”

What had I expected?  Now Strange was going to see me naked, sort of.  I froze for a long moment.  What to do?  Slowly I realized I had two choices: leave the room and the Air Pods behind or swallow my mortification and do as ordered.  I stayed.  I undid the next button and felt my breasts pop free.  I turned a deep, deep shade of red as I heard both Strange and Bobby gasp.  I was now standing in the classroom in front of a teacher with my breasts dangling out of my top.  I was beyond humiliated. 

“I don’t think that top is serving any purpose.”

I agreed.  With my breasts out, it was not a big step for Bobby to pull the top off my shoulders and drop it on the table.  I was standing upright in just my super-tight leggings with my breasts hanging on my chest like two over-ripe melons.  Fuck!  It was so humiliating.  I finally broke my stare with the back wall and looked at Strange.  He had been looking, not at my breasts which gave a slight bob from my shivering, but at my crotch.  Looking down, I realized that I had a massive camel toe.  My lips were engorged from the stress (excitement?) of the moment, and they were prominently defined through the tight thin leggings.  Fuck!  Where were my panties? I desperately tried to recall.  In my bag!  Something Bobby wanted.  Fuck!

I sucked in my breath.  Something hard and round was now pushing against my ass.  No fucking way!  Bobby had started to hump me.  My mind raced.  The next thing I envisioned was Bobby pulling down my leggings off my bare ass and railing me in front of Strange.  That was not going to happen.  Was it?  I moaned.  Bobby’s humping got more insistent.  I placed my hands on the table, bending at the waist.  My breasts jiggled and swayed.  Strange stared transfixed.    

“Grab me!”  I hissed.  Bobby obliged.  Suddenly my breasts were on fire.  Was he trying to tear them off?  Fuck!  I swear I could feel his hardon pulsing against my ass.  Was he close?  “Harder!”  I hissed.  My knees buckled.  Tears filled my eyes.  A wave suddenly built, I heard Bobby grunt, and then the lights dimmed.  As I came back to myself, I was still bent over the table, and both were staring at my crotch.  I looked down.  To say my leggings were damp would be the same as saying the Mississippi was a trickling faucet.  They were soaked almost to my knees.  Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck!  Strange’s crotch was also dark with damp. 

I pulled on my shirt and peeled off my leggings.  Handing them to Strange as a souvenir (what was I going to do with them?), Bobby and I started to leave.  Strange said that we were done here.  On the way out, he mentioned that he might need some motivational help with the math club.  In the hallway, we encountered a group of students who had apparently just finished some school club thing.  As they were passing, Bobby reached under my shirt-dress.  Before I knew what was happening, his finger was in my vag.  Fuck!  I had been goosed in the worst possible way.  I smiled and kept walking.  That night after I showered for an hour, I lay naked on my bed.  Naked except for my Air Pods.  I had survived, possibly had an orgasm and had been rewarded.  All was right with the world!  A text alert.

“Math club meets Monday after school.”

“Who is this?”

“Mr. Strange.  Be there. My nerdlings need motivation.”

Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck!  What the fuck now?

Published 4 years ago

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