Hers To Punish

"Lauren challenges and teases her mistress, but at what cost?"

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Lauren woke to a gentle breeze that flowed into the bedroom where the aftermath of marathon sex filled the air. It didn’t matter that she was thoroughly satisfied, after hours of sleep her body still showed signs of desire. The essence of her mistress, the one she called Domina, made her body ache and burn with smoldering heat. Her torso grew red, and while she blushed she realized that her mistress slept soundly beside her. She should be asleep too because her body bore the markings of a sated and well used woman.

She rose and headed for the master bathroom, as it was time to shower. Lauren entered the spa inspired bathroom and stopped short when she saw herself in the mirror. Her hand flew to her neck, and she remembered the brutal loving her pussy endured at her wickedly creative mistress’ hands. But these…these bruises she didn’t remember at all; it appeared as if she had been bitten. The pretty raven haired submissive sat on the commode and took note of her body. The bites weren’t the only things that adorned her precious flesh. 

Lauren stared at her wrists which sported deep purple rings. She recalled the handcuffs and distinctly remembered pulling against them as her mistress pleasured her with an icy glass dildo. The cold metal stung her skin, and while she didn’t quite understand why, the cuffs turned her on immensely. Her hand caressed her wrists and she winced at the discomfort that the light touches elicited. Dark eyes continued their perusal of supple flesh. They stopped at her thighs and went wide with surprise. On her left thigh were visible welts, some were faint but others were glaring and the more she looked at them, the more she was turned on by them. She turned her attention to her right thigh, she felt her temperature as it spiked, and gasped. Her thigh was riddled with welts and written in between two was a single word. 


Her heart beat wildly and her hand flew swiftly to her sex. Lauren’s fingers roamed the swollen red welts, and with each run of her fingertip along an angry mark, her soul grew with pride and her desire notched upward. She realized that she moaned and did her best to maintain calm, but yet she needed the climatic satisfaction of release. Legs lifted precariously in the air, Lauren plunged her fingers into a soaked, hungry pussy. 

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, what the hell is wrong with me?” she whispered to herself so as not to disturb her mistress while she slept. 

Michelle lay in bed and listened to her sweet insatiable pet as she masturbated. Her body reacted before her mind realized that her perfect Lauren was breaking a rule vital to their relationship. She allowed the girl a few more moments alone while she stretched her svelte body. 

As Michelle approached the bathroom, she recognized the need to own, to pleasure, and yes to punish her sexy little pet. But there was something else that stirred inside her. Michelle felt the overwhelming desire to protect and nurture Lauren; the desire…the need snuck up on her and she understood that beyond the lust was love. It was a surprising realization. Her body dripped with the want to punish and pleasure her girl. She stealthily opened the door and watched. Lauren, rapt in a masturbatory nirvana and very close to climax, didn’t even open her eyes when her mistress grabbed her leg. 

“What the hell are you doing, Lauren?” 

“Domina, I…” her voice, laced with nervous energy, trailed off. “I saw the marks and I uhh… Mmm,” a goofy grin spread across her mouth. 

Michelle knew that her handiwork created an insatiable little fuck monster, and though the girl broke one of the rules, she was aroused enough to use her. 


“But Domina,” Lauren continued to torture her energized nub. 

“I said quiet. Put your legs down,” Michelle sauntered closer to the girl, “Didn’t I tell you the rules?” 

“Yes Domina.” 

“And did I just catch you breaking one?” Lauren nodded, “You will be punished.” 

Michelle straddled her pet, sat on her, and with a gentleness that she didn’t feel the girl deserved, she removed Lauren’s hand from her soaked sex.

The aroma of arousal perfumed the tension filled air. Michelle leaned forward and stroked the graceful neck of her sweet Lauren. “So the bruises turned you into a little self pleasuring slut?” Lauren glanced up, her eyes spoke volumes, but not a single word escaped her pouty lips. She gasped loudly as her mistress bit one of her perky breasts, “My beautiful pain slut.” 

“Oh Domina, I’m so,” she hesitated unable to find the appropriate word. 

“So dirty?” Michelle stroked the pussy she claimed as hers, “You like it when I inflict such pleasurable pain on your poor body?” 

Michelle flicked Lauren’s clit with her finger harshly. “Ah yes, Domina! I fucking,” Michelle skewered her with three strong fingers, “Fucking…love…it!” As she uttered those words she forcefully thrust herself onto her mistress’ fingers. Michelle bore witness to the passion that oozed from Lauren, it stole her breath and filled her with desire. 

“My sexy masochist,” she bit her breast again. Lauren whimpered as her pussy wept for her mistress. Michelle pummeled her sex until she felt the telling signs of the girl’s climax. She withdrew her fingers, “You do not get to climax, slut!” 

“What?” Lauren cried out in agony, “I don’t get..to uhh cum?” her eyes displayed the anger she felt deep within, “Domina, please!” 

“No!” Michelle’s decision was final and her fingers went to Lauren’s lips, “Taste,” and as she did, Michelle kissed her. They savored and shared the flavor of the girl’s slick cunt. 

Michelle took her sweet pet’s hand and placed it on her sex, “Make me cum, do it now and do it fast!” Lauren finger fucked her mistress, she took her breast into her mouth and flicked her tongue around the hardened nipple. “Harder,” Michelle stared at her, “Don’t act like you don’t know how to worship my pussy, you’ll fucking regret it!” Michelle began to ride the girl’s fingers and her orgasm approached rapidly. And while it built, Michelle realized that she was full. 

Lauren was crazy with anger and it showed as she deeply stroked her fingers in and out of her mistress relentlessly. “Fuck yeah, that’s my girl!” Michelle felt the tumultuous orgasm build. She also recognized the anger in Lauren’s movements, but she did not care, she took what she needed from her fiesty sub. 

“Fuck! Mmm,” Michelle’s orgasm thundered through her system just as her bladder emptied itself. Sprinkles of Michelle’s climax and warm urine flooded Lauren’s hand. Her shock was apparent. The girl instantly became alert as her pussy clenched at the experience. 

“Oh my… Domina!”

Michelle was in a midst of haze as her orgasm coursed throughout her body, and still she managed to pant, “You will not cum.” She stood on legs that shook and shifted unsteadily to the shower. Lauren rose to join her. Steam filled the space as Lauren began to wash. Michelle, more aware after her climax, noticed something for the first time. “Lauren, where’s your collar?” She gave Lauren the collar and the accompanying leash for her birthday and they talked about its importance at the time. 

Lauren’s hand fondled her neck, the absence of the collar made her keenly aware of the fact that she kept disappointing her mistress. “I must have taken it off, Domina,” head lowered she felt ashamed, “I’m sorry to disappoint you.” 

“Yes pet, that is disappointing,” Michelle moved behind Lauren and barely whispered, “You will be punished.” Her hand stroked her pet’s neck while she considered how she would handle the situation. “What is the problem, are you still unsure about the collar? Do you not understand what I want?” 

“Domina, I am not unsure.”

“No? Because I know damn well that I said collar always in my presence and leash when I feel that you’re ready. Did you not understand?”

Lauren whimpered and fell to her knees as water sprayed her pretty flesh, “I know Domina, I do understand.” 

Michelle stared, “Get up and wash me.” Silently, and with trepidation, Lauren did as she was told. 

Their time in the shower was tense as they both were preoccupied with thoughts neither deemed necessary to share. Finally, Michelle broke the silence, “Lauren, I need to tell you something but it is obvious that you aren’t ready to hear it. So, I’m going to work and you’re going back to your apartment to think and have some time to yourself.”

“But Domina,” her eyes grew misty, “I don’t want to leave.” 

“Yes pet, I figured as much,” she drew a calming breath, “But it’s not only about you. As you’ve said you keep disappointing me–breaking rules, and that tells me something.” 

Lauren thought that her mistress was right, “Yes Domina, you’re right. I deserve time away, will that be the only punishment?” 

“Go home, you’ll hear from me when I feel it’s best.”

Lauren left the bathroom dejected and sad, she packed her belongings, glanced longingly at her collar where it fell on the floor, and crept toward it. She fingered it much as she did when it was first given to her. She lifted it to her neck, hesitated, and instead of putting it on, she dropped it into her travel bag. Michelle watched her from a distance. Her intuition told her that Lauren was conflicted and she vowed that she would do her best to help her. 


Michelle thought of Lauren for the next couple of days, each day was more difficult than the last. She missed her laughter, her goofiness, and her fiesty attitude. She also missed her in the bedroom, Michelle’s body ached for the girl’s smooth, slick pussy and supple flesh. It was time this punishment was amped up and it was high time her love came back to where she belonged. The germ of an idea formed in her mind. 

Lauren’s days were agony. She skipped an entire day of classes and spent it in bed, her roommate was concerned but gave her space. ‘This is the worst,’ she thought as tears welled up in her eyes, ‘why is she doing this to me?’ She glanced at her fading bruises and a new awareness crept into her mind, and as it did an idea blossomed. ‘Two can play that game, Domina!’ Lauren raced into her roommate, Cara’s, bedroom. “Cara, I need your help with something.” 

“What is it? What has you so fucking excited after days in a funk? ” Cara grinned because she knew that her roommate was in love, “Better…who is it? “

Lauren shook her head, “I can’t say, but Cara, please?” Desperation was deeply etched in Lauren’s angelic face, “I need a sexy outfit.” 

“What do you have in mind?” Cara had a thing for fashion and a flair for sexy. 

“Sexy, damn hot school girl. I’m talking short plaid skirt, tight white blouse, but the blouse has to have an open neck,” her butt buzzed, “Text, damn. Hold on.” Lauren read the message from her mistress and smiled. She returned the message with two extremely familiar words, ‘Yes Domina.’ 

“Cara, you got it?” Lauren leapt into the air as Cara produced exactly what she needed, “Oh my gosh… Oh my gosh, I love you!” She grabbed the goods and ran from the room. 

“Shoes, Lauren, they have to be right to pull off the look,” Cara yelled into the swoosh of air left in Lauren’s wake. 

“I got ’em, thanks!”

Back in the comfort of her room, Lauren reread the message.

Sweet Lauren, 

I’m certain that you’re wondering why this is happening. I’m also fairly certain that you can figure out that my intention is to punish you in a manner that is beneficial for both of us. Let me assure you, this does not please me and it is time for pleasure again, pet. You are to play with yourself tonight, but you are absolutely not to orgasm. You are to attend every class tomorrow, including mine. I will see you then. 


Lauren deleted the message as she was accustomed and padded her way into the shower. With her body cleansed and her head cleared, Lauren settled down to bed to do her mistress’ bidding. She struggled with the instruction because it felt like a task with no reward. Lauren normally loved her playtime, but came to the conclusion that she loved climaxing for her mistress even more. She missed her and it was no fun unless she was near. 


Michelle was in her office on campus earlier than normal the next day, she hoped that day would be the day that she’d be happily reunited with Lauren. Her mind was full of the girl and concentration had not yet set in for the day which was why she’d left home without her cell phone. She stood and looked over her class notes, and while she did she wondered if her pet would again disappoint her. Michelle trained Lauren well, but she had a mind of her own and it tortured, pleased, and frustrated Michelle to no end. She silently wished that the Lauren that loved to please would show up, Michelle needed it–it had be a long week and it was time for some kinky fun. 

Lauren put the final touches on her makeup, her face was pure innocence. Light blue eye shadow highlighted her dark eyes, her high cheekbones were showcased with just the right tint of pink, and her lips were colored with the faintest pink gloss she owned. It was a brilliant application job. She checked her phone again for a response from her mistress after sending several teasing and increasingly brazen photos. The first few pictures were of the outfit she planned to wear for Michelle. When she did not receive a response, Lauren grew nervous that her mistress no longer cared. She hoped that they were still a couple. Lauren knew that she was difficult but she also knew that Michelle loved that in her, she understood and accepted the challenge that she presented. Lauren, having set her plan in motion, continued with the photos. The final picture, a shot of her spread, pussy slick and open, hungry for her mistress still did not yield a response. The worry struck her deep in the pit of her belly, and she was tempted to skip out again. 

“I can’t, damn it,” Lauren spoke calmly to herself, “Why isn’t she replying to me?”

Lauren knew for certain that if she didn’t show at school her relationship would be over. She felt that her mistress’ tolerance level was worn thin and she wanted to restore Michelle’s faith in her…in them. Lauren donned a lacy black bra, her breasts spilled lusciously over the encasement which created a view that would make her mistress salivate. She placed the blouse on her delicate shoulders and buttoned it up until her bra was barely visible. She dusted her full globes with a shimmery perfumed powder and smiled. ‘There’s no way she’ ll be able to deny me again,’ she thought as she pulled the skirt low on her hips. Short white baby doll socks with a lace trim were on her feet and she made her way to the closet for her to die for black patent leather Mary Jane’s. After excitedly putting them on, Lauren raced to her full length mirror to see the finished product. She was pleased, but there was one thing missing. The one thing that made Lauren hers was missing. 

The young submissive approached her dresser where her collar lay, she looked at it lovingly and felt a sense of pride well up inside her as she realized that she yearned to wear it again. It had been too long since she did, she picked it up and placed it on her neck. Lauren knew that she was taking a huge risk dressing this way for class. If anyone found out…


Lauren arrived on campus to a barrage of cat calls and stares, glances full of jealousy were also shot her way. If looks could kill, she would have been dead many times over. She didn’t really mind though, because her intent was to arouse. She moved across campus with confidence but as the time ticked closer to her English Comp class the sense of confidence waned. She reached the English department, raced to the bathroom, and waited until she’d be late to Professor Mitchell’s class. Tentatively, Lauren exited the ladies room. Her body teetered on the edge of nervousness and desire as she approached then entered the lecture hall.

Michelle lost all train of thought when she saw Lauren enter the class. Lauren was the epitome of her ultimate fantasy. Her sweet peach walked nervously into the room, the schoolgirl plaid skirt barely covered her ass, the breasts that Michelle enjoyed feasting on burst out of an overly tight white blouse that did very little to conceal her lacy bra, and the collar was there for all to see. Michelle went weak at the knees. She wished she could run to her and grab her by that damn collar. She wished she could run to her and throttle her luscious ass for being so brazen. 

There was no way that Michelle could maintain her professionalism, no way she could have controlled her womanhood as it quivered while she watched Lauren play with the collar at the base of her neck, no way she could have done anything but stand there while she felt her nectar pool at the base of her sex while Lauren licked her delectable lips. 

The professor walked to her desk and pretended that she received an urgent message, “Alright guys you’re catching a break, something has come up. This class is now an individual study hall.” 

“What, like we can go?” a young man inquired as he stared at the brunette hottie that just gave him a boner. Michelle’s mouth tightened at the sight. 

“Yes, everybody out. You have the afternoon off, go do what college kids do on a free Friday afternoon.” Lauren walked toward her mistress focused on what she wanted. 

“Professor Mitchell, may I speak with you?” Michelle stared at her unbelieving what stood in front of her.


Danforth, you and Ms. Jackson may follow me to my office.” Both students joined the professor on the walk to her small office. 

Once the trio was in the office, the professor warned them both about missing her class and produced graded assignments. “Any questions?” Michelle glanced at Lauren briefly before she waited quietly for an answer. She knew Lauren wanted to talk which was why she invited both students to her office, she had to limit the amount of time she spent alone with her on campus. 

“No Professor Mitchell,” the young man turned to leave, “Have a great weekend.” 

“Professor, may I have a word?” Lauren was clearly nervous, “Alone?” 

“Yes, but be quick.” she watched as the young man left the office and quickly invaded Lauren’s personal space, “If it isn’t an apology, Ms. Jackson, then you don’t have much to say!” 

“But Domina, I did this for you…for us.”

“Maybe Lauren, though now is not the time to discuss it,” Michelle ran a finger across her bosom, “My place in one hour!” 

“Domina please let me,” she never had the chance to finish her sentence. A vicious slap landed soundly on her ass. 

“One hour!” Michelle pushed her to the door, as tears sprouted from her pretty eyes. 

Michelle took a calming breath. Her body shook with anger and desire, want and frustration flowed through her veins like volcanic lava. ‘How did this girl get under my skin like this?’ Her thoughts ran threw her mind like lightning, ‘How did we get here?’ 

She wrestled with her mind while she made her way home. Michelle had plans for them but it seemed as if Lauren had made a plan of her own. ‘Would every day with her be a battle?’

Her thoughts never left Lauren, and then she decided to follow through with her plans. There was a lesson that Lauren needed and she damned well was going to see it learned…even if it killed her in the process. As she entered her home, Michelle wondered if there was a lesson she needed to learn as well. Was her pet determined to show her something? Michelle went to her closet and chose the red latex skirt and tank, black thigh high boots, and a black leather riding crop for the evening. Lauren had never seen the outfit, and since she wanted to arouse and titillate Michelle figured that she’d do the same. Truly though, Michelle had the upper hand and intended to play the hell out of it. She left the door unlocked and headed to the shower. 

Lauren arrived fifteen minutes early, dressed the same but she’d calmed down considerably on the way. Her tears were short lived because the one thing she was sure of was that her mistress wanted her. The few minutes she spent in her office assured her of that fact. All that was left to work out was the punishment that she justly deserved. What bothered Lauren was that she didn’t want her mistress’ punishment, she wanted her pleasure. She wanted to be a pleasure for her and to her. ‘Ahh, but if there’s pleasure in the punishment, then the better we’d both be,’ the thought stuck with her as she scurried up to the front door.

After she entered the house, Lauren recognized how quiet the place seemed. Michelle almost always had music on and the aroma of candles or incense was always present, and the fact that neither filled her nostrils frightened her. She went in search of the one she loved. 

“Domina,” she called, “I’m here.” 

“Bedroom,” Michelle yelled from a distance. 

“Should I wait downstairs?”

“Oh no, bring your ass to me!”

Lauren slowed her pace not knowing what she was in for, not at all sure what her mistress would do to her. Once she reached the bedroom, she tiptoed inside not seeing her mistress. 

Michelle grabbed Lauren from behind and roughly pressed her into the wall. Her forearm was at her throat and her eyes grew wide when she noticed the shock on Lauren’s face. “Do you know the amount of trouble your little schoolgirl stunt could have caused?” Michelle’s voice was menacing but eerily calm, “Do you?” 

“No, not really.”

“Did you like parading around campus like a whore?” Michelle’s mouth curled into a smirk that Lauren had never seen before, “Well, did you?” 

Jolts of arousal spread inside Lauren, “Yeah…I did!” 

“You want to be a whore?” 

“I want to be your whore, Domina!”

Michelle’s mouth came down on Lauren’s ferociously. She kissed her and bit her lip as her hand went under the little plaid skirt, “Good, because I am going to show you…” she grabbed her pet’s skimpy g-string, rubbed it against her lubricated cunt, then deftly tore it from her body. “What it’s like to be my whore!” 

“Uhh,” a small whimper escaped Lauren’s mouth. It was all she could muster as her mistress grabbed her collar and attached the leash to the ring. 

Michelle drug the girl behind her and with only a glance over her shoulder she said, “Time to put up or shut up, pet. I hope you’re ready to be my whore.” She grabbed the bag that she’d prepared before Lauren arrived. 

“Domina, may I speak?” Lauren managed to utter as she struggled to keep step. 

“You may, Lauren, but if I were you I’d tread very carefully.”

“Where are we going?” nervous again she stopped struggling to voice her concerns, “I’m not sure I can handle this.” 

“The dungeon and you will handle it,” Michelle’s statement needed no response and none was given. 

The drive was silent; the tension, emotional and sexual, was palpable. As they reached their destination Michelle was the first to speak, “Welcome to The Dungeon Lauren, I’m sure you’ll have a good time.” Lauren heard the threat and the sarcasm in her voice. 

“Yes Domina.” Lauren stood next to her taller mistress. Strangely, she felt honored to be collared by her. She just noticed what she was wearing and didn’t resist the urge to compliment her, “Domina, red works. You look fucking hot!” 

The red latex clung lusciously to her ass and the boots accentuated her toned legs, Michelle knew she looked good but she wasn’t taking the bait, “Thank you, but the leash stays.” She led her to the entrance, “You look great, stop fidgeting and relax.” 

“I can’t,” she felt the metal, “It’s too restrictive.” 

Michelle laughed, “Stop it! It’s supposed to be restrictive.” 

“I don’t like it.”

Michelle paid the cashier, “I don’t care if you don’t like it. It stays until I’m ready to remove it.” 


“What was that?”

“Nothing,” Lauren pouted as she eyed the dungeon suspiciously. 

“What’s your safe word?”

“Dollhouse, why do you ask?” and for the first time Lauren felt afraid. 

“Nothing you don’t want will happen, use the word if you need to.” Michelle led Lauren into the main room. 

The Dungeon was a massive warehouse that the owner converted into a sex club. Michelle was only interested in what the members called The Underground and after her pet was settled that’s where they went. 

Michelle allowed Lauren to set the pace and she watched her pet become entranced by the atmosphere, “Lauren, this is about punishment. You will do as I say willingly, right?” 

“I understand, Domina. And if I object or feel danger, I use the safe word.”

“That’s right, baby.” Michelle had to warm her up, so she sat down and told Lauren to sit at her feet. Michelle knew how visual she was and at every turn of their heads there was action. 

To their right was a popular sex machine featured in an area curtained off but still viewable. A male dominant had his slave riding it while she sucked his cock. The next area had a piece of furniture that was a giant X with ankle and wrist restraints at either end, the space was empty but the candles scattered about it made it look very appealing. There were two huge cages directly in front of them, each held a tortured submissive. People circled one of the cages and every so often someone stopped, touched, and teased the poor thing that was inside. At some point one of the pet’s owner had enough and took her in front of everyone, he used her like a fucktoy and she loved every minute of the act. His long, lean body was coated with sweat as his thick muscle explored then erupted in her soaked pussy. And to their left was a less intimidating area, three king sized beds filled the space and thin curtains hung loosely between each bed, again there were candles on tables throughout the area. 

The Underground was downright hypnotic; classical music played seductively in the background, scantily clad bodies were in various stages of sexual foreplay, and there was a hint of being watched that pushed Michelle right up to the edge. She saw her pet react to a young woman in one of the cages and knew that things would go well. “Lauren, I want you in that cage and there’s someone I want you to meet,” she stood and held the leash until the girl moved. 

“Yes Domina, is it someone that you know?”

Michelle saw worry in her profile, “Yes. I know her very well. She taught me.” 

“What did she teach you, Domina?” Lauren tried to distract Michelle and thought she’d succeeded. 

“Later pet, you need to pay attention to her,” Michelle stopped near the cages, “Mistress Valerie, this is Lauren.” 

The mistress took the leash from Michelle, “Yours? Is this the girl that caused your upset?” she glanced at Lauren with disdain. 

Michelle leaned forward and stroked Lauren’s back, “She is.” 

Valerie removed the leash and handed it to Michelle, “Leave us.”

Lauren looked at her mistress, her eyes pleaded with her, “No, no please don’t leave me!” 

Michelle had already made her decision and there was no turning back. She stroked the girl’s ass, “Lauren, I will be over there,” she pointed at where they were sitting earlier, “watching and enjoying every minute and remember, you may not cum!” 

“Yes… Domina,” she said with great need, she looked into her eyes, “You won’t leave me will you?” 

“No, never. I’ll never leave you, baby.” Michelle turned and walked away. 

Valerie clapped, “What a touching display.” Lauren saw the serious look in her eyes and she suddenly realized what was to happen. “Lauren, that’s my Kayla in the cage, do you want to join her?” 

The look of uncertainty answered the question, and Lauren only muttered, “What must I call you?” 

“Miss Valerie will do nicely, girl.”

“Miss Valerie,”

“Hush, did I give you permission to speak?”


Mistress Valerie stared at the girl, “No what?” 

“No, Miss Valerie,” Lauren quickly became bored, “May I speak, Miss?” 

For the second time in a few hours a dominant woman was in Lauren’s personal space, “No you may not, Lauren. Lean across the cage, push your ass out.” 

“But, what are you gonna do?” Lauren stood on the tips of her toes, ass out and her body pressed forcefully into the top of the cage. 

Valerie massaged the delectable globes of flesh, “Don’t speak. I will not tell you again.” 

There was something about her that compelled Lauren to obey, she had no reason to but she did. She remained quiet because it was what her mistress required. And then to Lauren’s surprise, she felt the piercing sting of a crop on her ass. “Oww,” she reached back to rub her ass when another blow stung her. She cried out and looked at the girl in the cage, “Ugg.” 

“Your body is hers Lauren, don’t take her kindness as weakness. You chose her just as much as she chose you and in doing so, dear girl, your body,” she raised the crop and brought it down on the girl’s rosy ass with each word, “Is hers…to…punish!” 

Lauren should have been in tears, but her traitorous pussy leaked with every delicious blow. She wanted to rub her clit as each blow stung her ass and sent shivers of arousal straight to her mound. “Oh, fuck!” Lauren peered into the cage at Kayla as she ground her fingers deep inside her sex and her pussy twitched at the sight. 

Michelle looked at her pet as she squirmed, the heat rose between her legs, it was time she took over. She walked over to Valerie and took the crop from her. Valerie went to Lauren, “Good girl, you did very well. Remember what I said.” Kayla called out for her mistress just as Lauren felt hers as she crept up between her legs, the crop settled at her sex. 

“Domina, please!” Lauren’s body was ablaze with sexual heat. 

“What is it you plead for?”

“You,” it was a simple answer but a powerful one. 

“Are you ready, Lauren?” Michelle stroked her pet with the riding crop, “let’s go.”

Michelle led the confused girl to the area with the interesting X apparatus. Lauren’s aroma wafted teasingly up to Michelle and lingered at her nose, it was a small indicator that she needed her girl and needed her soon! 

“Domina, what…leaving?” Lauren’s arousal wreaked havoc on her normally sharp mind, “I’m… Oh.” 

There was a woman that watched them as they stood in front of the X, her hand busy at her sex. Clearly she was just a club voyeur and meant nothing to either of them. Michelle gave a quick spank to Lauren’s pussy, “Get on it.” 

Lauren stepped onto the foot posts at the base of the piece and Michelle, her mouth aching to nibble her legs, fastened the ankle shackles and ran her nails up the legs of her love. “Domina, people will watch.” Lauren looked around, shook her head as if she intended to tell her mistress that she wanted to stop the action. 

“Do I care?” Michelle laughed, “Up.” Lauren did as instructed, she raised her arms and felt a warmth hit her sex. 

“I guess not, but…” 

“But nothing, pet,” she stood and whispered, “MY whore, isn’t that what you said?” 

Michelle put her hand at Lauren’s cleavage, “Yes,” and before she could continue Michelle ripped the blouse off of her, exposing her milky breasts as they shook in the ill fitting bra. “Uhh, mmm.” 

“Mine,” her mouth kissed the lace of her bra, “to punish.” Michelle clicked the wrist cuffs into their locked position, a wicked look of satisfaction flickered in her eyes. She picked up the crop and lightly, teasingly, drew it over her breasts which elicited breathy moans from Lauren. Her hand went to the girl’s smooth sex; she felt her arousal as it seeped from her, her slickness evidence that despite the audience her pet was truly excited to be exactly where she was. She slid a single finger down her engorged lips. 

“More,” Lauren’s body ignited, “Oh fuck, more…please!” 

Michelle recognized the need in her sweet girl, but it wasn’t about her pleasure it was about her punishment. She backed away from Lauren and sat on a table. Her body was as flushed as Lauren’s, her arousal just as apparent, and desire spurned her on. 

The girlfriend in her wanted to please, but it was the dominant that took control. She pulled the skin tight red latex miniskirt down her toned ebony legs. Her eyes, full of mischief, never left her pet. She ran her hands up her legs and lingered at the juncture of her creamy chocolate thighs. Again she sat, legs spread she stroked her pussy and watched Lauren as her mouth went slack. “What is it, girl? Do you wish it was your hands on me, maybe even your tongue?” 


“Fuck, you want to fuck?” she pulled a dildo from her bag. “I think you do.” 


It was a plea that fell on deaf ears. Michelle was busy with the dildo, it dipped in and out of her core swiftly. Her pussy clenched and the sounds that escaped her were drowned out by Lauren and the strangers that watched. When Michelle realized that she was close; she stopped her ascent to climax, drug a harness from the bag, and attached the dildo. She stretched her hand out to her delicious girl. 

Michelle stood and whispered, “Please what?”

“Domina, fuck me!” and without delay she plunged deeply into her.

She stroked her long and hard while Lauren thrashed into her. Lauren’s wrists and hands suffered in the process but there was no way that she could have stopped as sexual madness filled her. Michelle pulled out of her and stepped back, “No!” Lauren screamed at the sudden emptiness.

“What are you, Lauren?” Michelle picked up the crop while she waited.

“Yours,” she whimpered weakly.

It was not the response that Michelle wanted, she let the girl know with a smack to her pussy. “Try again, what are you?”

“Yours to punish,” again it was not the answer Michelle wanted to hear though it was clearly accurate. She positioned the crop and swatted her pet again.

“Uhhh,” Lauren felt the sting explode in her sex, she gushed as perspiration dotted her body and mewed loudly.

“One last time, m’girl,” she brought the crop to Lauren’s chin and stroked her cheek, the menacing voice returned, “What are you?”

“Your…whore!” Lauren screamed as her body pressed outward, it begged to be fucked.

“That’s it, baby!” Michelle slammed into her, pummeled her pussy, and crushed her mouth onto Lauren’s. She fucked her relentlessly and her pet handled it well. She thrashed, bucked and fucked back wildly, her body abused thoroughly by her wicked mistress until finally, she collapsed in a wave of exhaustion brought on by a searing climax.


Michelle stilled and enjoyed the vibrations from her pet’s climax, she released the cuffs and kissed her reddened wrists, “Yes, sweet Lauren?”

“I fucking love you!”

“I love you too,” Michelle stroked her wet hair.

Lauren laughed, “I said it first.”

“Lauren, baby, I knew it first!”

Published 12 years ago

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