Her Treat

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“Fuck!” You grunted. Sounds of pleasure and slurping wafted to my corner of the closet. I watched as you grabbed a handful of blonde hair and plunged your cock deep within the recesses of her mouth. I could feel her resistance as she struggled for air. Then, I saw your face … deep satisfaction … lust. “Hmmm …”

I could feel your desire, your pleasure. And it was turning me on. I wanted, more than anything, to be able to quench the fire that was burning in my womanhood. Just one small touch … I thought, my fingers poised above my enflamed clit. Ugh patience. I silently chided myself.
It was then that I noticed you staring in my direction, as if you had read my thoughts. Heat crept up my neck, flushing my face. As you pulled the woman off your cock, she gasped pathetically for air. You smiled at me as you said, “Come here and kiss her.”

She whipped her head around, surprise written all over her face. I was able to see, for the first time, what she looked like. Golden tan. Large boobs. Pouty lips. And eyes the color of chocolate. Yummy, I thought, as I took her face in my hands and passionately kiss the stranger. I slid my hands down her body, unbuttoning her shirt, and massaging her ample breasts. Her body melted against mine, and for a few moments, I lost track of time. That is, until …

“Bitch!” You grabbed my hair and tossed me aside as if I was a rag doll. “I do believe I said kiss her, did I not?” You knelt down beside me, your still-raging cock at eyelevel. “or did I stutter?”

“Yes, Sir …” my head was throbbing, just as much as my clit. Oh, it was so hard to concentrate on your words with your cock staring at me. You eyed me, curiously. “Um, I mean, no, Sir.”

“Which is it … yes or no?”

“No, Sir. You did not stutter …” Quickly, I knelt in front of you, head hung low.

“Well, you are half right.

Where are your clothes supposed to be when you kneel before me? Certainly, not left on your body.”

My cheeks burned anew. I could feel the other woman’s eyes upon me. Suddenly, I wanted to disappear. “I … I … that is, I …”

Your impatience with me only improved. “If you are trying to think of an excuse, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care about your discomfort. Do as you are told.”

“Yes, Sir.” I said softly, reluctantly removing my clothing and folding each item before placing them in front of you. I returned to my knees, feeling exposed, aroused, and thoroughly humiliated.

You nudged my knees. “Wider.” Obediently, I spread my legs wide. My pussy was glistening, and my clit begged for attention. “Let’s give that clit what it deserves.”

I heard it before I felt it. Your crop piercing the air, then the sound of impact upon my flesh. I nearly lost all bearings, as the pain surged through my body. Five more lashes followed, testing my resolve.

I glanced at the woman. One of her hands had disappeared beneath her jeans, and lust had filled her eyes. You pushed me on all fours, placed a butt plug up my ass, and shoved your cock into my hot pussy. I moaned with every movement … even as your pleasure grew.

I felt my own arousal grow. Orgasm was so close, I could taste it. “Don’t cum till I tell you.” You whispered harshly, as I looked at the other woman. She had removed her shirt completely and was massaging her breasts. She was enjoying my humiliation?

Oh my … I thought, as she began working herself into a sexual frenzy. My mouth began to water. Mmm how I wanted to nibble those nipples and taste her wet pussy. “Now!” You demanded, filling my pussy with your cum. I threw my head back in orgasmic throes. My pussy lustfully milked every drop from your cock. You bent down close to my ear and whispered, “Very good pet. This woman is for you. Take her to the shower and enjoy her.”

Published 13 years ago

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