San Francisco, 1940.
There was no question it was her. At first glance, I thought her to be no more than thirty-five, but the more I looked the more uncertain I was. One sure thing was that she was all woman. A woman who was glad to be female in every sense. This woman would never be seen in jeans or sweaters or flat heels. Only the most elegant outfits at all times would suffice. And the most feminine.
She was just my type. Long-legged and busty. Sensuous and dangerous at the same time. As I approached her she looked up at me with the most penetrating eyes of green I had ever seen, emphasized even more by her choice of heavy shadow and curling lashes.
In her right hand, she held a tumbler, and in the other a long black cigarette holder. I turned my crumpled hat over and over in my hands like a schoolboy in trouble with the principal as she looked me over.
“You must be Mister Rake. You’re not very tall are you?”
As she spoke there was a twinkling, almost mocking quality in her eyes.
“Sorry, Mrs. Butler. I try to be.”
“Light me.”
I reached for my lighter and lit the cigarette that poked out of the holder, never wavering from her piercing gaze. I guessed that she must be close to six feet tall and she cut a striking figure as she held herself upright in her chair, assured and aloof.
Clothed in a dress of clinging black satin that was floor length and shining, she gave off an almost feline look. Under it, her pale figure was curvy and voluptuous. She was slim in the waist, and her top-heavy bust thrust out of a square-cut neckline. The long sleeves were full to the elbow where her tight kid gloves in black took over.
She took a long puff of smoke and let it out in a slow exhalation through pouting crimson lips. Her hair must have taken hours to prepare and the raven locks spanned out past her collarbones in layered waves. A fashion of the time her oval face was complimented by her short jet-black bangs.
“Yes, I am Sam Rake. I saw your advert in the Chronicle asking for a private detective. Money no object.”
It was back in ’18 at the end of the war that Jake Purvis took me, a green young eighteen-year-old from Idaho, under his wing. We were in the same outfit in France and he had told me of his life as a private dick and how it was exciting and well-paid. He needed a sidekick and offered me the job. I went along and when Jake died took over the partnership lock, stock, and barrel. Big deal! The job was lousy, badly paid, and downright perverse. Way too many divorce cases for my liking.
“You’re the third response to my ad, but you are the one.”
The woman crossed her shapely pins that were covered in mesh stockings and looked directly into my eyes. That was music to my ears. I needed dough, and I needed it fast.
The car had to be repaired after I pranged the cheating wife I was tailing a bit too close. My rent was two months overdue and I was getting sick of living on coffee and donuts for a lousy ten cents a day. I didn’t know it then, but I do now, that I must have been plain stupid to listen to her.
We were in the private room at the back of the Homestead Bar on Folsom Street. The joint hadn’t changed one bit since the turn of the century and had been a speakeasy during Prohibition. I had put on my last good suit and had taken the brisk walk from my office.
She had called to arrange a face-to-face meeting at eight sharp and I had just made it. I made my way quickly through the usual crowd and found my prospective client alone at the table. A waiter came over and gave her a fresh drink and then he turned to me.
“Whiskey for you, Sir? How do you like it?”
“In a glass,” I answered dryly.
“So, you’re a private detective. I didn’t believe they existed in real life.”
I reached into my pocket for my smokes and lit my twentieth Camel of the day. I had toyed with the idea of quitting but smoking was my sole enjoyment of late.
“We do, but barely.”
“How are you for money?”
Good question. I was so broke I had been banging two nickels together all week trying to get them to mate. All I had at this moment in time was a coat, a hat, and a gun. As she didn’t expect an answer she put her right hand into her ample cleavage and magically produced a roll of bills.
Now that was my kind of bank! She peeled off one and handed it to me before replacing the roll where the sun don’t shine. It was a fifty.
“Come to my place tomorrow morning. Alone. I have some use for your services.”
She handed me a card with her address and rose to leave.
“Good evening, Mister Rake.”
I also stood and watched her leave and didn’t avert my gaze until she was gone. I caught the eye of the waiter and summoned him to my table.
“Another whiskey, sir?”
I nodded and drained my glass.
“And bring me the bottle.”
I looked at the crisp fifty in my greasy mitt and it said ‘spend me, spend me’ and I obliged.
At eleven the next morning I drove over to her place and rang the bell. I was neat, clean, and shaved. Almost sober but I figured three out of four was pretty good going. I was in quite a state of anticipation as I looked at the impressive front door which had little hand carvings of cherubs or some such creatures.
After a good minute, I pushed on the door and it gave way so I decided to enter the main hallway. I was expected at least. Nobody was around so I ventured inside the first big room on my right. I looked around the living room which was filled with antique furniture, expensive vases, and the like.
The whole room reeked of money and plenty of it. It was obvious, the dame was loaded. One large oil painting, a portrait, took pride and place over the mantle. An old grandfather clock struck 11.15 and I turned as Mrs. Butler seemed to appear out of nowhere and tottered over to the fireplace in her over-the-knee towering boots. Highly polished, the black kid boots seemed to be almost buttery in appearance.
My mouth hung open at the sight of her upper body that was encased in a seemingly suffocating bustier with a low-cut bust line. Her jutting breasts swelled and threatened to leap out as she inhaled and I adjusted the collar of my cheap shirt in a little discomfort.
The whalebones were all clearly outlined with an emphasis at the top and bottom. Her already naturally small waist was cinched in and her hips undulated enticingly as a result. She smiled at me and I smiled weakly back at her. This was not her everyday attire surely?
“This is my late husband, Oliver. He left me simply everything you know. I wish for nothing. Well. that’s not quite the truth. Thinking about it, you look remarkably alike. Hey! Oliver!”
A caged raven chirped loudly and the woman tapped on the metal frame. She rolled her hips as she walked slowly in her short black skirt which shaped itself to her rounded ass and her boots creaked audibly. I looked at the portrait again as she fed the bird some stale bread. There was a resemblance for sure and I wondered what this thing was all about.
“Yes, my bird is called Oliver too. May I call YOU Oliver as well? Makes things easier don’t you think?”
I sat in silence, bemused by the whole thing.
“Is there something wrong, Oliver?”
“No. No, I just wondered when we were getting down to business is all.”
“Soon, my dear soon. Here, have a drink.”
She handed me a whiskey tumbler and I took the shot in one gulp.
“My, my. Someone is thirsty. Another?”
“Thank you, Mrs. Butler.”
“Lucy. Call me Lucy. Although my real name is Bettie. My husband Oliver always called me Lucy. For Lucifer. It was our little joke.”
I took a healthy swig of the whiskey which immediately went to my head. Not the usual effect. This woman seemed to me to be a few cards short of a deck as she chattered on, her eyes on me all the time as I wiped the sweat from my brow. Something was wrong. I patted my left breast pocket and felt a little reassured as I caressed the welcome bulge of my Colt revolver. I felt dizzy and before I drained the glass I blacked out.
“Here’s the deal. I won’t kill you but you will be my slave. You will live for me and only me. At my command, you shall react. If I say bark, you will bark.”
I blinked in the light and observed long shadows on the blank walls. We had switched rooms and I felt somewhat disoriented. The ominous staccato of high heels hit my ears and I tried to get up. Much to my chagrin I found myself bound to a four-legged chair, back to front, and stark bollock naked!
I tried to speak but a leather harness gag had been placed around my head. My arms were thrust out through the bars at the back of the chair and my wrists were in handcuffs. Both of my ankles were tied firmly to the legs of the chair and I was unable to move an inch. This broad knew her stuff.
“You see, my dear departed Oliver and I were devil worshippers but since his passing, I have lost some of the enthusiasm I once had. We never sacrificed anybody’s mind. But the sexual side I crave more than ever. My biggest thrill is seeing men squirm, to humiliate them. Having them pander to my needs. When Oliver found me I was a twenty-year-old, two-bit whore on the streets of Los Angeles with no goal in life nor close friends. Oliver changed all that. I had no idea where all my pent-up feelings of domination came from but through our worship of Lucifer I understood the meaning of real eroticism.”
As I tuned out her babbling about her life I tensed my muscles as I tested my ankle bonds. I was trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey. The smoking hot brunette stood over me with her heels well apart and her hands on her hips.
She was now naked except for her very sheer dark nylons and stiletto spike-heeled shoes that made her a rather imposing figure. Her enormous breasts hung free and undulated as she moved and her hips swayed seductively. My eyes went wide as I now noticed the thin riding crop in her right fist.
I whimpered like a baby as the vixen pushed it between my dangling testicles and separated them into two distinct plums. She leaned forwards and I looked down at her huge cleavage and my cock rose to attention. With her left hand, she stroked my hard-on from base to head, flicking the swollen glans with her index finger.
“You have quite a big organ, Oliver.”
As she studied my pecker, her hot breath on my skin just inches away, I reached full erection. I could only watch as she held up an arrangement of leather straps and proceeded to loop and buckle them around my aching dick and balls.
One wide section went up behind my sack and another held my prick upright. Lucy concentrated as she secured a third, thinner strap that separated both testicles and cinched tightly about the base.
“Let us move on.”
She dragged out a sort of flat bondage table on wheels and placed it behind the chair I was tied to. As she walked, her stockings made a soft swish sound as nylon brushed nylon and my trapped erection swayed in front of me.
My cuffs and my ankle ties were removed and I prepared to make my move. But Lucy pulled me down and I was stretched out flat on my belly on the top of the bondage table.
I was still sporting an enforced erection and was surprised that there was a convenient cut out just where my groin settled and my stiff slipped through it. My wrists were secured by two leather straps above my head and as I tried to understand what was going on my ankles were quickly secured by more straps.
Lucy worked fast and before I knew it my upper thighs were tied together by one broad strap. With my bare ass stuck up in the air I struck a sorry and vulnerable sight.
“This is what I term correction, Oliver. A necessary part of your training.”
She showed me a whalebone hairbrush and happily twirled it in her hand a few times. Lucy raised it and hit me square on my unprotected buttocks four times with the flat side. I grimaced in pain from each blow. She had plenty of experience in spanking as she hit the target with every whack.
The next four cracks hit me on a different part of my rear and each searing impact hurt more than the last. Every inch of my backside stung like fury and I imagined my rump to be an angry red. I felt her run her fingertips over my inflamed ass, admiring her handiwork no doubt and I shivered at her touch.
Then I grunted as the brush crashed down on my bare ass again. The pain was horrendous and I clenched automatically. She targeted the very bottom of my cheeks and this pain far exceeded the previous punishment. I received one final spank for luck on my right cheek and she kept the brush pressed to my flesh as if burning a brand into me.
Then the onslaught was over and I was left alone. I closed my eyes and had no idea how much time had passed but the next thing I knew was Lucy hovering next to me wearing a strap-on rubber dildo.
“Ever seen one of these before?”
She grinned at me as she lovingly smeared some clear lubricant along the black shaft of the false cock and I strained against my restraints.
The toy must have cost the bitch a bundle as she held it up to my face. I could clearly make out the veins, the ridges and bumps, and the flared head. She stepped behind me and I felt the tip press against my ass crack. The lubricant was smothered over my anus and then the big head was fed inside my asshole.
It hurt like hell, to begin with, and when she pushed in further tears streamed down my face. She pulled back and then pushed in again even further. The dildo was removed all the way and toyed with my hole.
Then she eased back in and waves of uncertain excitement built in me in a way that I had never known. Lucy grabbed my hips and pushed inside me so hard that I felt her hips on my ass! She drove the thing up my butt with long, corkscrew lunges and my erection quivered in an S.O.S.
“How do you like being fucked, Oliver?”
Her hips bumped against me as I was cruelly fucked by the dominatrix and I have to admit I groaned in a guilty pleasure. I was given short and quick thrusts as the lewd sound of naked skin on naked skin filled our ears. Her hefty jugs met my back as she leaned in and I screamed into my gag when the cheeky minx bit my shoulder.
I must have blacked out or become faint as when I next came to my senses I was spread out naked on a bed on my back, long silken scarves tethered my arms above my head and my feet to the base of the wrought iron bed posts.
Pillows under my butt propped my midriff up from the mattress as Lucy came in. I pulled at the scarves but they refused to give. I was completely at the mercy of the sadistic bitch.
‘I want you to lick me,” she said nonchalantly.
Lucy stood by the side of the bed in the buff. Her mountainous boobs hung on her chest, firmly jutting out proudly and seemingly defying the law of gravity. Not completely naked she wore an elegant pair of armpit-length black kid gloves and leather pumps with rapier-like heels.
She stared at my naked body and watched my chest rise and fall. The harness around my head had been removed and I gave her a mouthful.
“Fuck off lady! You’re nuts!”
She gave me a hard slap across the kisser and I was stunned. Another on the other cheek made me see stars. I tried to fight my arousal but it was proving to be a challenge.
The dame tripped my trigger in an odd erotic fashion that made me somewhat concerned about my latent masochistic leanings. The sensation of being tied down gave me a quiver of sexual excitement that was entirely new to me.
My freed-up cock jutted up from my groin, fat and throbbing, as Lucy straddled my face with her head facing my feet, and my aching cock surged again as her slick pussy made contact with my mouth.
“Lick me.”
Her knees were placed on either side of my chest as my tongue poked out and I worked frantically on her slit as she undulated over me. As she moved to and fro she practically masturbated herself on my tongue and I swiped her from anus to clit.
When my wet tongue brushed her erect nub I heard her sigh contentedly. My warm breath and my spit made the hair on her vulva dampen and I flicked on her cunt lips quickly in an attempt to end this madness.
My nipples were pinched hard as she bent over and I yearned for her to reach down further and suck my dick. I was by now as hard as a rock as she made tiny circular motions on my face, grinding her clit on my tongue. She tasted wet and salty as my nose pressed between her separated cheeks and met her nether hole.
“Oh! Mmm!”
Lucy jerked suddenly and drove her puckered ring down hard and my nose went right up her greasy channel. My lips continued to lap at her dripping pussy and my cock dribbled like a broken faucet.
“Good boy, good boy. Lick that pussy.”
I stopped briefly and heard my jaw click.
“For Pete’s sake, give me a break, my cock feels like it’s going to explode!”
My whole body screamed for release and I poured with sweat.
“Very well. Brace yourself.”
I raised my head and looked in horror as Lucy brought a big ice pack down on my throbbing member and held it there tight.
I thought I was going to have a heart attack as I gasped at the sudden application of the freezing pack. Lucy laughed as she lifted it off and saw that my cold prick had shriveled to the size of my thumb.
“Oh, what a shame, boo hoo! Another time then. Now I’m going to untie you but you shall remain locked in this room.”
Lucy undid my left ankle and unraveled the scarf around my right wrist. I scrambled to let my other ties loose but by the time I was on my feet, she had left and locked the door. I ran a hand through my lank hair and breathed a big sigh of relief.
What a day! I looked around the small windowless room and saw a stack of sandwiches, a pot of coffee and a fresh pack of Camels, and a matchbook. I ripped open the seal and lit my first smoke of the day. Within a half hour, I had smoked the whole pack and I laid back in my birthday suit and went over the extraordinary events.
My poor ass was sore and I laid to one side on the bed. As I pictured Lucy in the high heels and gloves my dick swelled to breathtaking proportions and I spanked the monkey until I came in my fist. I turned over and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
When I finally awoke the door to the room was open and my suit was laid out, cleaned, and pressed. I dressed and felt something new in my breast pocket and pulled out five crisp C notes. I searched the house thoroughly but I was alone. Now seemed a good time to leave so I went outside and drove off back to my office.
A week passed and thanks to my newfound wealth I was starting to turn down offers of employment. I was sick to the back teeth of divorce cases. All I could think of was Lucy. Lucifer herself. I had jerked off every night thinking of her tits and ass and those long legs that never seemed to quit and my fantasies ran wild.
Then she called. I recognised that honeyed voice immediately as I picked up and I received a Freudian rush to my loins.
“Oh, it’s you,” I said glibly.
I heard her soft breathing down the phone line and my big toe shot up in my shoe. She had me hook, line, and sinker, the witch!
“Have you missed me, Oliver?”
“No,” I said abruptly lying through my teeth.
“Okay. I shall hang up.”
My heart sank and I felt my heart race. Was I cursed by the devil?
“Would you like to see me again?”
“Saturday at eight, my place naturally.”
Her breathing became more pronounced and I whipped my old feller out and began to beat the meat. I heard her kiss me through the receiver and then she hung up, just as I sprayed my palm with man juice.
The day could not come around quickly enough and I grinned all the way to the other side of town as a light rain fell from the darkening skies. I hurried inside the front door and stood uncertainly on the threshold. The raven called Oliver greeted me with chatter as it hopped about on its perch. Then she appeared with her raven hair flowing about her rouged face.
“Oliver, this way.”
I would have followed her to the moon as I ogled her stunning outfit. She wore a torsolette in red with rawhide strands that went down to her luscious and firm buttocks. Her bared and buoyant tits jiggled over the top of the tight-fitting, constricting torsolette and I wondered how she managed to draw breath.
Her Mons was also uncovered and on her gorgeous legs, she had on a pair of gossamer nylons. My hungry eyes followed my goddess as I was led to what I assumed was her master bedroom. When she reached the bed she crooked her finger and flicked her hair over her left shoulder.
I would have been happy to just drink her in all day and I basked in the scent of her perfume. She was in charge and we both knew it.
“Strip off.”
I complied with her wishes and instantly I was as stiff as a pole. Lucy sat on the edge of the bed and removed her left heel.
“Come over here and kneel.”
Again I obeyed, wondering what perverse ideas she had in mind.
“Oliver, be a darling and lick my foot.”
I felt the pulse in my temple throb as I got down and lifted her foot up to my trembling lips. I ripped the nylon easily with both hands and I felt a frisson of excitement. I started at the bottom. Seemed natural to start there I thought never having done this sort of thing in my life.
I kissed the entire bottom of her foot and then licked all of the little wrinkles as I found them. She rotated her foot and I sucked on her offered heel lovingly. Her other bared foot lightly tapped me on my shoulder and her polished red toes came into my face through the torn stocking.
“Suck on my toes, my slave.”
As per her instruction, I took each toe in turn and sucked on them, taking care to lick in between each one. I repeated with her left foot and was thrilled to hear her purr.
“Now stuff as many toes in your mouth as possible.”
I avoided her big toe wisely and managed to get the other four inside my drooling mouth, relishing the pads in particular.
“Ah, Biggie is lonely. Give Biggie a nice big kiss.”
I must be possessed by the devil I thought as I meekly obeyed her every wish and slobbered over her big toe.
“Stand up. Oliver.”
I did so and she eyed my raging hard-on with the red and angry head and veined shaft with an unerring stare. I would gladly have cut my right arm off to fuck the shit out of the alluring vixen at that moment in time.
“Why are you here, slave?”
“To serve you, Lucifer.”
“Wise words. I should not like to produce my bullwhip now, believe you me. Now, wait for my instructions. I noticed you looking at my derriere. You like it, don’t you?”
“Very much.”
Lucy got up and turned away from me and displayed her awesome alabaster globes of flesh. To my utter joy, she bent forward and touched the floor with her hands, giving me a superb view of her cunt and asshole.
“Since you like it so much you may feel free to lick my anus, slave.”
I eagerly approached and put my hands on the outsides of her thighs.
“DON’T touch me! Just lick.”
I pushed my face into her ass flesh and gave her tentative licks of my tongue as my nose pressed into her sublime crack. My moans grew loud as I swiped long and broad and then stabbed right into her nether hole.
“That’s it, get right in there.”
Lucy propped her right knee on the edge of the bed so I could get a better purchase. Her love juiced began to flow and my face was glazed by a mix of her and my dribble. Her rump bobbed to and fro as she started to moan softly.
“Use that tongue, Oliver. Come on, give me what I want.”
What I wanted as well. I loved her backside and equally loved her assertiveness. When she reached behind and grabbed me by the hair my prick danced the tango between my thighs. After a few more minutes Lucy cried out and fell forwards onto the soft mattress.
“Oh, you greedy pup. Are you ready to eat my pussy now, slave boy?”
I was mesmerised as Lucy sat on her bottom, bent her legs at the knee, and lifted them straight upwards. Her wet cunt appeared and I ogled the tantalising slit between her milk-white inner thighs.
“Now, stick your mouth to my pussy. Do it!”
I didn’t need to be told twice as I pursed my lips and peppered her hairy muff with light butterfly kisses.
“Uh, huh. Mmm, hmm! Yes, you’re my little fuck toy.”
Lucy put her hands under her thighs and snapped her head back in sheer pleasure. My tongue ran up and down the pussy slot over and over, teasing, playing, and probing to my heart’s content. Her hips pumped into my face with ever-increasing fury as my nose mashed into her pubes.
“Don’t neglect my clitoris.”
I eagerly moved up on my haunches and made a point with my tongue and circled her labia with just the tip. I narrowed my stabs until I homed in on my target and pushed down hard on her erect little nub. I flicked and flicked until I became red in the face.
The smell of hot sweat and cunt juice provided fuel for her impending climax and suddenly the drop-dead gorgeous babe convulsed and her vulva wept in satisfaction. Her orgasm lasted a full half minute and her pussy pulsed against my mouth until she shoved me away with her foot.
‘You want more honey? Want to fuck me, sugar?”
Fuck yeah! I thought, do I! My boner projected from my groin at a forty-five-degree angle and the crown shone with my seminal fluid.
“Yes, goddess,” I said simply.
“With this?”
She gave me a mischievous sidelong glance and eased her fingers back and forth on my length and I was thrilled by the warm contact.
“My goodness, you ARE hard, aren’t you?”
“I…I love you,” I stammered for the first time in my life.
That was when she rolled down her left nylon and then encased my rampant manhood in sheer material. I was perplexed and thrilled at the same time. The nylon clung to my hose in a maddening intimacy that was just delicious.
“This will suffice. Don’t want nasty cum on my lips today.”
Lucy lapped my dick over the nylon and wetted it with her saliva. She sucked on me through the soaked stocking furiously and my body relaxed with relief. She gurgled as she enveloped my entire length, coaxing my cum from my balls.
As my cock swelled in the nylon my flesh became irritated which in turn merely gave me more guilty pleasure. My pelvis humped up and down and Lucy gagged as I bumped the back of her throat.
“That did it!”
My cock exploded and my seed began to gush up into the stocking that smothered me. Lucy watched as my white semen made the black material whiten and my cum seeped out and ran down my thigh.
Lucy had quickly recovered her composure and looked upon me with obvious disdain, and I was smitten with the broad.
“When, or should I say IF I call on you again I fancy we shall play a game. Do you like games, Oliver?”
“I like Blackjack,” I answered as my spent cock shrunk in the nylon hose.
“Ignorant fool. I mean games of role-play. Fancy dress if you will. I have a preference to play Nuns and Novices. Do you know which role you shall play?”
As I took in a deep breath I realised then and there that my life had changed forever. In a good way, mind.