Her First BDSM Experience

"Handcuffs, hot wax and a hurricane party"

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It all started on a dark and stormy night. No, seriously it did. I attended college along the coast of Florida and experienced more than my share of thunder filled nights and soaking afternoon rains. However, this storm was much more than that.

For several days, my roommate and I stayed glued to weather channel as the hurricane swirled its way towards us. My parents wanted me to come home. I wanted to experience my first hurricane party. When it became clear the storm’s landfall wouldn’t be on top of us, I decided to stay.

My roommate’s boyfriend had a place off campus. They had parties just about every weekend, so it came as little surprise that they threw a hurricane party.

We got to the party just as the first really heavy winds and flooding rains reached us. We found the apartment filled with people, kegs and bottles of liquor. Loud music filled the air and it seemed like no one cared about the weather outside besides me. It was my first hurricane and the sound of the wind fascinated me, I couldn’t resist peeking out the windows. That’s where Kevin spotted me.

“First hurricane?” He asked.

“Is it that obvious?”

He nodded his head and gave me a bit of a grin. Every time we talked, he gave me a bit of a grin but not much more unless there was alcohol involved.

“We don’t have many hurricanes come through Illinois.”

“They’re fun at first, but the days without power afterward get old really quick.”

“Fingers crossed that we don’t have to deal with anything like that this time.”

“Fingers crossed.” He looked at the sliding glass door with me and together we watched the wind blow around full sized palm trees and rain pelt the ground outside.

“Wait until the winds get even stronger later. Of course, you won’t want to be near any windows when that happens.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Where’s your boyfriend tonight?”

Even though Kevin and I often found ourselves paired together it was because our friends were going out. There may have been more than just grins a few times after a few too many drinks, but nothing that involved clothes coming off. He wanted more. I wanted more too. Most girls would describe him as hot and he had the body of someone that took care of himself, but it was more than just looks. He was older and more mature than most guys, even if the age difference came to just two years. He would graduate in the spring and already had a job lined up that would get him a head start on the corporate ladder.

“We broke up.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He said it with a plain face, it seemed too genuine.

Before our conversation could continue another girl came up and grabbed him away from me. I recognized her from the parties. I recognized her as coming out his bedroom the following mornings after the parties.

I couldn’t blame him. She was blonde and by all definitions good looking, not to mention the perfect size four body with perky tits and a round ass that she showed off in far too tight jeans and skirts. I’m brunette, more of the girl next door. I had full breasts, but I didn’t run around showing them off like her. I wanted guys to notice me for my brains, but right now I felt like the ugly duckling.

I watched him from a distance and I caught him glancing at me, but I also caught him disappearing with her down the hallway towards the bedrooms. There were other guys there, but I’ll admit none of them really caught my attention like Kevin. I talked with them, maybe even flirted, but it stopped there.

They weren’t gone long, in fact so short that I thought that they barely had enough time for a quickie. I couldn’t blame him, he wasn’t my boyfriend, just a crush.

As the hours passed by and the storm became stronger, the party thinned out. I found myself talking to a cute, but not Kevin, guy from my English Lit 102 class. I also found myself extra horny. I could blame the alcohol. I could blame the fact that I hadn’t had sex in over a month. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some sort of slut that goes out there fucking every man she comes across, but after being in a serious relationship with sex on a daily basis, I had cravings that my own fingers couldn’t satisfy on the nights my roommate slept at her boyfriends. And maybe partially I could blame the fact that I wanted to be the girl that Kevin fucked, even if it was just a quickie.

Yet before anything could happen Kevin found me and scared away the other guy. He didn’t do it on purpose or at least it didn’t seem like it. He just stopped by, introduced himself to English Lit and took over the conversation.

“Are you sleeping on the couch tonight?” He asked as we watched more people leave a half hour later.

“I was planning on it, unless you were going to give me your bed.” The couch was my usual bed after parties at the apartment and I didn’t plan on changing that tonight. I had already claimed it. “This storm is a little too much for me. I don’t think I’m driving home until it’s over.”

“Well it looks like Becky has taken over your spot.”

I looked at the couch and saw the blonde passed out across it. I couldn’t help but frowning. “I’ll help you move her to your bed.”

“Who says I want her in my bed.”

“C’mon, I know that you and her have something going on.”

He shook his head.

“I’ve seen her come out of your bedroom in the mornings.” I started to get annoyed and couldn’t hide the tone in my voice. I knew he wasn’t a virgin and I knew he wanted to get into my pants, but he had always been a perfect gentleman letting me make the first moves.

“In the past.”

“What about when you two disappeared earlier?”

“We just talked.”

“Yeah right. About what?”

“I asked her to stop coming around here. We stopped seeing each other a few weeks ago.”

“Really?” I tried, but failed to not sound too excited.

He shook his head yes. I wanted to believe him and most of me did.

We watched the storm together. “I guess I’ll sober up, then drive home during a lull. I wasn’t drunk, more like a buzz. If I stopped drinking for an hour or so, I would be fine to drive home. I wanted to jump into his bed, but at the same time I didn’t want him to think I was that kind of girl.

“You’re welcome to sleep in my bed tonight.” It was like he could read my mind.

“Then where would you sleep?”

“In my bed too. It’s a big bed.”

“I don’t know.” I didn’t know if I could trust myself and while I wasn’t a virgin either, I had only slept with three guys and all of them were what I would define as serious relationships.

“I promise I’ll stay on one side, you can have the other.”

“No funny business.” I felt silly saying it, but I didn’t want to get involved with a guy like him. I liked him, but I also knew he didn’t want anything serious, he just liked to enjoy the moment. “You’ll keep your hands to yourself?”

“I promise.” He didn’t have a good track record of keeping his hands to himself. There had been other nights where we drank a lot more and ended up in bed together. Clothes may have never come off, but that didn’t stop him from fondling me and us dry humping as we made out. Yet I believed him.

We didn’t go directly to the bedroom, instead we hung out and talked with the remaining people there. At least until a strong gust of wind that felt like it shook the whole apartment took the power with it.

The apartment plunged into darkness and flashlights came out, followed by the lighting of candles. That put an end to the party for Kevin and me. We used the power outage as an excuse to ditch the rest of the party. I followed Kevin with my heart pounding.

He set up two candles on either side of the bed, then made sure we both had water. I climbed into his bed with my body hoping that he wouldn’t stay on his side of the bed, yet my body thinking otherwise.

The wind rattled the window panes, the rain pelted the outside walls, yet I don’t think I would’ve been able to get any sleep even if it had been perfectly quiet outside. I couldn’t stop thinking about the man next to me. He was silent, but I could tell he wasn’t asleep yet.

Without any electricity the lack of air conditioning started to get noticeable. We only had the sheet on over us, but we soon both twisted our way out from underneath it. I wanted to take off my clothes and it had nothing to do with the temperature in the room.

I wanted to roll over and kiss him. What would be so bad about that? Nothing except that I knew that we would do a whole lot more than just kiss.

I couldn’t deny myself anymore finally I made the first move. I kissed him softly on the lips. He pulled me closer and our lips locked in a lust filled kiss.

He took as the green light that he was waiting for. In a matter of minutes I ended up on my back with him crawling all over me. His hands explored my body, our bodies intertwined coming as close as one could to having sex without removing any clothes.

I knew he didn’t want anything serious, he just wanted to get me out of my clothes and for once that was all I wanted too.

My shirt, then in quick succession my bra came off. His hands fondled my bare breasts and his mouth focused on my nipples, making me just want him more and more. I had never been so turned on by another man. I had never wanted someone so bad.

His shirt came off, exposing his toned body. I couldn’t resist licking his tight muscles. All of our clothes came off except his boxers and my lace panties. His cock filled his shorts and fought to get out. The thin fabric of my panties the only thing stopping him from plunging deep inside of my wetness.

Kevin wasn’t like other guys I slept with. I dated good guys, Kevin may be a gentlemen but he was also a player. I was alright with that. I knew what I was getting into and I had a feeling that his experience would pay off for me.

He jumped off the bed and took out a strip of condoms from his dresser drawer. I peeled off my panties and he lost his boxers during his return to the bed. My chest was rapidly rising and falling, his cock stood rock hard.

He put the sheer white condom on and positioned himself above me. This would be a storm that I wouldn’t forget for a long time.

He climbed on top of me and I opened my legs further for him. He pushed inside of me, filling me as we kissed. He didn’t start off slow. He wasn’t gentle. He had me and now he wanted to use me. He drove his cock into me and it took everything I had to suppress my moans so that I wouldn’t wake up the entire house.

We rolled around and around on the bed as the storm beat down outside. I climbed on top of him and rode him, my whole body bouncing up and down on his rock hard cock. He took me from behind, fucking me doggy style and making me feel like his whore. I loved every minute of it, yet it felt like he was just going through the motions.

I rolled out from underneath and turned to face him. “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing.” He climbed back on top of me and mounted himself in me again.

“Are you sure?” I paused for a second, not sure if I should say it. “You seem a little bored?”

He stopped and looked at me, but didn’t say anything.

“Is there anything else you want to do?” I may have only slept with a limited number of people compared to him, but the guys I slept with, I slept with them a lot. Guys may describe me as cute, but in the bedroom I knew a thing or two about what they wanted.

“Have you ever been handcuffed?” He spoke so calmly that at first I really wasn’t sure if he had actually said what I thought he said.

I kept my surprise hidden, but I didn’t know what to say. Of all of the things I thought he might suggest, handcuffs wasn’t one of them. Any other night I wouldn’t have even thought twice about it. However, this wasn’t any other night. “I’ve never been handcuffed before,” I said in the sultriest tone that I could muster, hiding my nervousness.

“Would you want to be handcuffed then?”

I nodded my head yes, but I wanted to say no.

He returned to his dresser and this time took a pair of stainless steel handcuffs. Reflections of the candle light danced off the metal.

As he took my hand I knew that I should’ve said no. I knew him, but I didn’t exactly know him enough to completely trust him. He could do anything with me. He wrapped the cold metal around my wrist and it clicked shut.

He took my other hand and I wondered if he ever handcuffed Becky. The answer probably a yes. I should’ve been turned off by that, but it just turned me on more.

He took both of my hands and put it behind my head. He locked my other wrist in the metal bracelet and it didn’t take me long to figure out that he had just locked me to the black metal bars that made up his head board. I tried to pull my wrists away, but the handcuffs held me tightly. I wondered if he had that head board for exactly that reason. I wondered what else I didn’t know about him. Part of me felt a little scared, yet I couldn’t deny the excitement between my legs.

He kissed me, then his tongue slid down my neck. His mouth found my nipples again. This time not as a gentle lover, but inflicting pain. He nibbled on my sensitive nipple and it sent a sharp pain though my whole chest, but I loved it. I wanted more.

His tongue slid further down, across my stomach to between my legs. Of all of the things I thought he would do to me while I was handcuffed I didn’t even fantasize about this.

He brushed his tongue across my lips and I couldn’t help but letting out a moan. He instantly stopped and sat up. “You have to be quiet.”

“I’m sorry, I will be.”

“Something tells me that you won’t be.” He took my panties and I didn’t know what he had in store until he balled them up.

“I promise I’ll be quiet.” The thunder outside started getting louder and inside it started getting darker.

“Too late.” He stuffed my own underwear into my mouth. I tasted my own sweetness. Of all the things I had gotten myself into.

He returned between my legs, this time using his tongue and two fingers. He finger fucked and it was nothing like the awkward encounters in the backseats of cars when I was younger. With his tongue dancing across my clit, the pleasure quickly grew and grew inside of me. This wasn’t anything like the times my previous boyfriends went down on me.

I started to squirm, the pleasure almost felt like too much. I didn’t know if I could handle it. He grabbed my hips and held me in place.

I closed my eyes. My orgasm rushed through me and filled my whole body with pure pleasure. My body started to shake as the climax took over me completely.

Yet we weren’t done. When I opened my eyes it was impossible to miss his rock hard cock. Handcuffed to the bed put me in an awkward position to be fucked, but I didn’t care. I wanted to feel him inside of me again. However, he didn’t climb back on top of me. Instead he sat up and looked down at me.

“Safe to assume that you’ve never had hot wax poured on you?”

I shook my head no.

“It’s going to hurt, but don’t worry. I have a feeling that you’ll like it.” It was almost like he could read the fear in my eyes.

He picked up the thick red candle from the night stand next to his bed and I pulled on the handcuffs, hoping to find a way out of this. If I had known it would end up like this, I never would’ve climbed into his bed.

He tilted the candle and I could see the flame along with liquid wax filling the candle to the brim.

Our eyes locked and he titled the candle further. He let just a few drops escape from the candle and they impacted hard with my stomach. The heat stung like someone pinching me.

He put one hand between my legs and curled two fingers inside of me. His other hand tilted the candle again. This time as he fingered me, more wax came out. A solid line of hot wax dripped out of the candle. It impacted with my skin again and I sucked in my stomach. The pain caused tears to form in my eyes, yet his fingers created a completely opposite feeling inside of me.

“This is going to hurt even more.” He poured a thin river of hot red wax across my breasts and focused on my nipples. It shocked my body. It felt like someone squeezing my tits and pinching my nipples hard. It hurt like hell and I wanted to scream out. However at the same time the pleasure filled me again. Out of nowhere another orgasm took control of me and sent waves of bliss though me. I didn’t know pain could feel so good.

I barely had time to enjoy it before he poured more wax on to me, this time across my hips and bare skin along my waist.

He put the candle down and looked at me. “I had no idea you could be this dirty.”

If I hadn’t been gagged, I would’ve told him the same. I didn’t know I had this side of me.

“I think we can have a lot of fun together.” He took off his condom and removed my gag. He didn’t give me a chance to talk. He climbed on top of me and put his cock in my face.

I opened my mouth and he pushed his rock hard head into my mouth. I sucked on it like a lollipop. I tasted his pre-cum. I couldn’t miss the bitter rubber flavor of the condom.

He pushed himself further into my mouth. I always played the role of a good girlfriend. I often proactively went down on my boyfriends. However this wasn’t me giving a blowjob. This was him fucking my mouth.

He forced his cock into my mouth, further than I would’ve ever gone if I was the one in control. His cock went so far into me that I started to cough. He pulled back, but the next time he went further and I started to gag. I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t one of those girls that could deep throat but with his cock in my mouth I didn’t have much of an opportunity to speak.

He fucked my mouth the way he had fucked my pussy earlier. He made me gag over and over. He made my lips sore and my mouth raw, yet I proudly held on. I wanted to make him cum.

And cum did he ever. He pulled out of my mouth and his cock erupted. Thick globs of his cum shot out and impacted with my face. It surprised me and I tried to jump back. However handcuffed and with him on top of me, I didn’t have anywhere to go to escape it.

His hot cum shot on to my forehead, coated my lips and dripped onto my chest. It was my first time ever having a guy cum on my face. I had felt cum on my stomach before, but on my face felt completely different. The speed of the cum and its impact came much faster and harder than I expected. It also felt warmer than I imagined. It made me feel completely slutty.

On my chest the cum mixed with the wax. I felt dirty. I felt used. I felt like I was his and I loved it.

He removed the handcuffs and helped me clean up. When we returned to bed a few minutes later the storm was just as loud as earlier but now the noise outside didn’t bother me. My body relaxed and my brain started to shut off.

“Since you enjoyed that so much, I have a few other things for you to try the next time you stay over.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t want to give it all away, but I’d love to paddle your ass and I might have some nipple clamps.”

“Really? I think I’ll have to stay over tomorrow night too. I hear the dorms are going to be without power for a while.”

“I hope so.”

I spent the next few nights at his place. In fact I spent the next few months until he graduated that following spring. He taught me about the BDSM fetishes and prepared me for the lifestyle. I now have a Master that’s training me to be his submissive sex slave. In other words, regular sex just doesn’t do it for me anymore.

Published 11 years ago

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