Her Final Lesson

"A kind college professor helps a shy student come out of her shell..."

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“Hi… I’m Nicole… I’m from Indiana…”

She was fidgeting while she spoke, unsure of what to do with her hands. She was standing, but was barely taller than the classmates sitting beside her. 

“…What was I supposed to say again?”

She looked down at herself, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. 

“Just tell us something interesting, something that sets you apart.”

He waited patiently, sensing her anxiety ramping up as all of the other students watched. He kept his gaze fixed on her, offering a compassionate smile, hoping that she knew he would never judge her. 

She pushed her hair behind her ear with a trembling hand. “That’s the thing about me, Professor… I’m not interesting.”

“We’ll see about that,” he responded with a smile. “You can sit down, Nicole, thank you.” 

The Professor opened his laptop and gave his PowerPoint. The first day lecture was always the worst, and he limped through it the best he could, still sensing Nicole’s anxiety. He felt partly responsible, and silently wished that he hadn’t put her through the dreaded exercise of speaking in front of an audience of her peers. 

He dismissed the class. All of the students packed their belongings and shuffled out the door. “Not you, Nicole.”

She froze. 

“Come over here,” he commanded.  

She looked at her feet. Her hair draped over her face as she dragged herself to his desk. 

“I’m sorry about the icebreaker,” he said, “You can tell me when you don’t feel like doing something, okay?”

She nodded. Her dangling hair swung back and forth. “It’s cool, Professor,” she muttered, “I kinda gotta grow up, anyway.”

He smiled at her and waved goodbye, but she was already on her way out of the room. He packed up his bag and left, catching a glimpse of her as she disappeared down the hall. 



He shouted and waved, trying to get her attention from the back of a busy restaurant. Her face bloomed when she spotted him in the corner booth. She snaked her way through the maze of tables and chairs and then flopped into her seat. 

“What’s up, Professor?”

He couldn’t help but chuckle. “It’s good to see you,” he said through his smile. 

She had dyed her hair, it was streaked with red and blue, and her makeup was bold. She grabbed her menu and tried to hide behind it, “It’s nice to see you, too.”

“Did you resolve everything with Ashleigh and Dana?” 

“Yeah, we’re chill now.”

“Because you can’t go into your senior year with things still–”

“No, no, it’s cool. They apologized for everything.”

He nodded, accepting her answer. 

“It’s so crazy,” she continued, “I met all my best friends in your class.”

“Yeah, I remember. That was a good group.”

“I really miss it,” she said, putting her menu flat on the table. 

She tapped her fingers, twisted her hands. Her anxiety was swelling. 

“What did you want to talk about?” He put his menu down and studied her body language, the way she curled over the table and dropped her shoulders. 

“Are you my professor?” She asked, almost whispering. “Or are you my friend?”

He leaned back and sighed. “Nicole,” he started.

“Because I wouldn’t have made it through the last couple of years without your help.”

“And I was glad I could be there for you.” 

“And it’s my last year… so I was hoping…”

He waited for her to finish.

“…That you would be my advisor for the senior thesis.”

He collapsed with relief. “That’s all you wanted to ask?”


“Nicole! Of course.”

She smiled, and it was like he saw her for the first time. 


He watched a custodian push napkins and empty cups across the floor. A flimsy banner that said “congratulations” dangled over the wall and the department lounge was a mess. He shuffled through a stack of envelopes and thank you cards, and landed on one with Nicole’s sloppy handwriting scrawled all over it. He tore it open and pulled out the card…

And it was almost blank.  There was a thick, black dot from where her pen had bled into the card stock. And then she wrote “Thank You” below it. He leaned back, staring at that dot…

“I didn’t know what to write,” she said, standing in the doorway. 

“It’s okay,” he said, waving her into his office. 

She stepped forward and let the door close behind her. She sat down across from him, on the other side of his messy desk, still wearing the thrift-store polo dress she wore to her graduation. 

“Your parents seemed nice,” he said, “your mom, at least.”

“Yeah, they can seem that way.”

“Are you okay, Nicole?”

She nodded. 

“You sure?”

She shook her head, no. 

“I like the purple.”


“Your hair. It’s the color of royalty.”

“Oh. Cool. That’s why I chose it.”

He smiled at her. “So, what’s up, Nicole?”

“Right now,” she said, “my parents are going back to their hotel room where my dad’ll drink whatever’s in the minibar, my mom’ll eat like three fucking edibles, and they’ll still end up screaming at each other.” 

“I’m sorry…”

“You’ve been the only one I could count on.”

“You had your friends.”

“It’s not the same.”

She pulled a tiny little box out of her purse, all wrapped in tissue paper. She placed it on the stack of papers on his desk. He stared at it. 

“What’s that?”

“It’s a present.”

He picked up the box. It was light. Maybe a framed picture? 

“I just don’t know how else to say how I feel.”

He nodded. “Should I open it now?”

“If you want.”
He tore away the tissue, shook open the box, pulled off the lid and looked inside. 

“What is this?”

His voice was firm. Her heart started to pound. She choked on her words. He lifted a pair of simple, black, cotton panties out of the box. 

She stayed silent. 


“Those are my panties, obviously.”

He didn’t know what to say. 

“They’re the panties I wore on the first day of your class.”


“Look inside them, in the middle.”

He turned them over, inside out, and saw a thick white smear, all dried up. 

“I never washed them.”

She stood up, pulled her polo dress off her body and tossed it aside. Her hair fell over her breasts, but split around her hard nipples. He looked at her pretty face, her gentle eyes, her full lips. His gaze traced down her body, down her midriff, her hips, and then landed on her lace panties. Her pubic hair was tufting out and his words got stuck in his throat. 

She walked around to his side and sat on the desk. 


“It’s okay, professor, I’m not a student any more.”


“Shhhhh” She pressed her finger to his lips and mounted his lap. “You still have so much to teach me.”

She wrapped his arms around him, kissed his neck. She started grinding on his lap, rolling her hips forward and back, pressing her chest against his. 

“But, Nicole…” He whispered, desperately keeping his hands at his sides, “boundaries.”

“What boundaries?”

She cupped his face in both hands and kissed his mouth. His whole body tensed up, but she was relentless. He was throbbing underneath her, his cock was hard and aching and he knew she could feel it. He brought his hands to her wrists and squeezed. He returned her kiss, ravenous, and then pushed her back onto his desk. 

He pressed her wrists above her head and held her down. 

“Is this what you want?”


“Good girl.”

He kissed her again, sucked on her neck, brought her whole breast into his mouth. He was sloppy, frantic, needy. His kisses were wild and imprecise. She felt his lips and mouth exploring her chest, her neck, her face. 

His strong hands clutched her panties and ripped them off of her. 

“Please,” she begged, “make me cum professor.”

He looked down at her vulnerable, naked body and spread her thighs. He pushed her legs back, planted his mouth on her pussy, and let his tongue pulse inside it. He tapped it between her lips, let it dart inside her hole and then flirt with her clit. 

She whimpered and squirmed while he licked her, her hips bucked and writhed while he sucked on her dripping cunt. He didn’t hold back, he couldn’t hold back. He listened to her moans, her breathing. He felt her muscles tensing, clenching, and then relaxing. She kept calling his name, she made it her mantra as he brought her closer and closer to her climax. 

He thrust his finger inside. He hooked into her spot. His mouth attacked her clit, her lips, and she exploded into a powerful orgasm. He slowed his tongue. He eased up on the pressure. He kissed her thighs, her tummy. He felt her hands in his hair. He looked up, and saw her looking down at him, smiling. 


“Yes, Nicole?”

“You’re still gonna fuck me, right?”

He stood over her. His long fingers wrapped around the back of her neck and then pulled her forward. She fumbled with his belt, ripped open his slacks and let them fall to the ground. She freed his cock from his boxers, clutched his shaft in her grip, and saw the glistening tip.

“You already came?”

“What?” He was startled. She smeared his precum around with her thumb. 

“Oh, no, that’s not… that’s like the precum.”

“Oh! Okay!” She blurted out before kissing his tip and licking his shaft. “I was just confused because I’ve never done this before.”

He jerked back. 


“Yeah, I’m a… you know…”

“But, then… should we stop?”

“Fuck no, Professor.”

She grabbed him, pulled him closer, and took his cock into her mouth. She let him feel her throat and pressed her lips around the base of his shaft. She pulled him out slowly, swirling her tongue around, finding his most sensitive spot. 

He moaned for her, clapped his hand on the back of her head and let her bob up and down on him. She moved faster and faster, stroking his shaft as she sucked him. He slapped her hand away, and said, “look at me.”

Her eyes rolled up to see him. 

“You ready to get fucked?”

She popped his cock out of her mouth and nodded. “Yes, please.”

He kissed her mouth as he pushed her onto her back. He felt her legs wrapping around his waist and his thickness dragged over her body. He leaned back, angled it just right, pressed his tip on her tiny hole…

“Are you ready, Nicole?”


He thrust himself inside her. His thick cock stretched her open. She spread and ached for him as his shaft plowed into her. He drilled it, deeper and deeper, feeling her tightness surrendering as he buried himself inside her. He retracted, pulling out slowly, making sure she felt his size dragging against her slickness. He saw his glistening tip pop out, saw her little hole tighten up. 

“Wha… what are you doing?” She whimpered as he fumbled in his drawer…

“Here…” he uttered as he revealed a small mirror. He angled it so she could see herself, so she could see his cock enter her again…

“Oh fuck,” she blurted out as she watched his size gape her, as she saw her lips stretch to welcome him inside. She moaned as he hit a rhythm, as he struck her spot, as he pounded his cock into her body and made her feel him with every single nerve. 

“Are you close, Nicole?”

“Y-yessir, Prof…”

“Do you want it inside?”


He leaned over her, dropped the mirror, kissed her mouth. Her body arched up into his as he let his tongue into her mouth, as he bit her lips, and as his cock unleashed a heavy rope of cum into her needy pussy. He pulsed, thrusting deeper with each burst of cum. He felt her clenching and writhing. She moaned and wailed, her fingers clawing into his back. 

She felt his body pulling away from hers. 

“No, no… you need to hold me.”

He looked into her eyes, kissed her lips again. He wrapped his arms around her back, scooped her off his desk, and flopped back into his chair. She straddled him, his cock still inside her, his cum draining from her, but her chest pressed against his. He gently kissed her neck as she buried her head on his shoulder, as her hair draped over them both. He squeezed her against him and held her close for hours.

Published 2 years ago

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