Carla had just taken the seat opposite me for breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant when the receptionist had brought me a message. “My meetings tomorrow have been cancelled. We’ve all been summoned to a meeting back at base.”
Carla’s eyes followed the receptionist’s pert backside as she walked away from us. “You are unbelievable,” I said.
“Great arse, lovely tits, giggles a lot. You’d enjoy the experience.”
“I never know whether to take you seriously.”
“Let’s just say I showed her an alternative way to travel. Anyway, you’re being reorganised.” She returned her attention to her plate of scrambled eggs, “Reorganisation, we always do it like that.”
“Oh well, at least I get to sleep in my own bed tonight.” Carla looked at me apprehensively. “Oh, does that look mean you were planning to come over this evening? Not spoiling your fun am I?”
“Not tonight, I’ll be very late and after what we just did I will need a few nights off. I’m so sore that I can hardly sit down. I reckon I’ll be walking funny for days. I’m booked into the White Hart. You must have balls of steel if you still want more.”
“Told you I’d win.”
“You got up first. For all you know I wanted more.”
“There was no more Carla. You had every last drop. Unless….” I made a fist.
“Any time you like sunshine.”
“You wish.”
It was quite late when I turned into the cul-de-sac where I lived. I was surprised to see the house in darkness. I’d half-expected to see Carla’s car outside and didn’t recognise the blue saloon that was parked on my drive.
As soon as I went into my house it was obvious what was going on. There were clothes on the stairs, and on the floor of the hallway and living room. I could hear the unmistakable sound of fucking upstairs, my girlfriend was never quiet. I saw a wallet on the floor, where it had fallen. I opened it and saw the name and address, just a five minute walk away. My girlfriend knew the rules, cheat and you are out. Somehow Carla didn’t count, but my house, my rules.
My blood ran cold. I hatched a plan on the spur of the moment.
Quietly I gathered up the clothes and found the car keys, accompanied by the ongoing backing track from my bedroom. She shrieked just before I went outside. Enjoy it while you can lady, you’re now officially homeless. I threw his clothes inside the car, mainly on the passenger seat. Hers went in a bundle in the boot. I locked the car and started to walk. I found the address and posted the keys and wallet through the letterbox. Now for the real fun.
I reached the telephone kiosk (these were the days before mobile phones) and dug the coins out of my pocket. I rang my own number. My ex-girlfriend took a while to answer, I wonder why. “Hello,” I said, “up to much?”
“Not really, just dozing.”
“Liar! You’re shagging somebody, literally shagging someone in my house. Whose car is that on my drive?”
“Exactly who you’ve been doing lady. You’re out of my house tomorrow. I want you and every last thing of yours gone by the time I get home.”
“I’ve been a very bad girl haven’t I?”
“Don’t try that. There’s isn’t the spanking invented that would make up for this.” I hung up.
I waited. Within minutes a man came hurrying past. He was wearing my dressing gown and my trainers. They were a small price to pay. I opted for the White Hart but went out of my way not to see Carla. I suspected she knew all about this dalliance.
A mate changed the locks for me. I spent that night in the White Hart, alone. Friday evening and most of Saturday went in a frenzy of sorting out, cleaning and laundry. It’s a psychological thing really, reclaiming my own space. I was putting the last of her things into a box in the garage when I saw a small, blonde woman walking down the path towards my house. She’d been crying. She was a few years older than me, fairly slim, and dressed in a green sweater and jeans.
“Can I help you?” I guessed what this was about.
“I’m Jenni, my husband was, um, here yesterday. Someone put his keys and wallet through the letterbox. I suppose they were the ones who hid his clothes.”
“Ah, that was all down to me. Do you want to come in for a few minutes? I’m here alone,” I said.
“She’s not the first you know, probably not the only one at the moment.” Warily, she followed me into the house.
“She’s gone, I threw her out. She wasn’t expecting me back.”
“Obviously, he was at a business meeting. I’ve thrown him out too.”
“Clearly not business, unless she’s started charging for it.” I caught the glimmer of a smile. Jenni looked better like that. “Look, I was mighty pissed off so I just gathered up all of their stuff and put it in the car. I posted the wallet and keys at your house. That bit you know about, then I rang home from the phone box on the corner of your road. About five minutes later a flustered bloke came past me in my dressing gown.”
“Do you want your stuff back? I’ll wash it, obviously.”
“No, he can have them, and the old trainers. Have you looked in the boot of the car yet?”
“No, why?”
“Maybe you shouldn’t. I was angry. Her clothes are in there. Most of them.” I explained.
“Oh that’s fine, I’ll just put everything in with his dirty washing. He can deal with it if he ever bothers to collect his stuff.” She smiled for the first time.
“You look better like that,” I said, becoming aware of her pretty green eyes. She started to cry again and buried her head into my shoulder. Instinctively I put my arms around her as she sobbed. She was soft and her hair smelled wonderful. What I did next was unplanned and could have got me a slapped face or worse. I kissed the top of her head. Jenni wrapped her arms around me and held on tight, sobbing.
“Tell you what, I’ll make coffee and we’ll have a chat,” I said, breaking the embrace.
“Thanks, that’s the first kind thing anyone’s done for me in months.”
“Can’t think why, you’re lovely.”
“All flannel, I’m overweight, I’ve got a big bum and fat legs.”
“I disagree, beautiful eyes and smile for a start.” I went to make coffee. It’s not easy trying to reason with a hardening cock, but that’s what I had to do in the kitchen. First, she’d just broken up with her husband; second, I’d just split up with my girlfriend; third, Carla; fourth, oh what the hell. I took coffee and a plate of biscuits into the lounge.
Jenni was sitting at one end of the sofa. I took the nearest armchair. She had dried her eyes and smiled weakly as I handed her the mug. “Tell me all about it,” I said.
“Oh, I thought he’d treat me differently, married two years, known him for three. He started fooling around within a month of getting hitched. I looked the other way for a while but it has been getting silly for a while.”
“What did he say when he banged on the door the other night.”
“Nothing, he just stormed past me and went upstairs. He came back dressed, as if nothing had happened.”
“Mine tried to pretend nothing was going on. She went without a murmur though. Probably shacked up together by now.”
“No, he’s gone back to mummy, probably spun her some story about how unreasonable I am and how I drove him to it.”
“You seem pretty reasonable to me, and good looking with it.” She blushed. I knelt in front of her and kissed her. She offered no resistance.
As we broke off our eyes met and Jenni said, “That was nice, unexpected but nice.” I moved one hand on to her breast. “What does your hand think it’s doing?”
“Exploring,” I said as I squeezed her soft breast through layers of clothing. Jenni closed her eyes momentarily.
“I am not that sort of girl.” She smiled as she said it. She stood so that my face was about two inches from her denim-clad crotch. I leaned forward and kissed her there. “But I could be.” I eased myself to my feet, placed my hands on her face and kissed her soft lips. She responded instantly, her tongue engaging with mine. We turned and I followed her shapely round backside up the stairs.
Jenni paused at the top of the stairs. I wondered if she was having second thoughts. The layout of my house was similar to hers so she knew which bedroom was which. I realised the reason for her reticence, “The bed linen is freshly changed,” I said.
“Good, it’ll need doing again tomorrow I expect.” She walked ahead of me into my bedroom. I shut the door and walked across the room to close the curtains. She had removed her sweater already, I held her soft body and unclipped her white bra, relishing the feeling as her large breasts fell forward towards me. I cupped the silky soft white orbs and gently caressed them. She gasped, then stepped back and undid her jeans.
Seconds later our naked bodies touched for the first time. I felt that electric-shock ecstasy of first contact. We fell onto the bed. I looked deep into her eyes as my finger tips found her swelling nipples. I moved down to kiss those lovely, milky white, soft, round breasts. Jenni’s areolae were large. Her pert nipples stood to attention. I kissed every inch of her breasts, then took each nipple into my mouth in turn and sucked gently. She squirmed and then spoke for the first time, “just there, that’s nice.” I carried on. She placed one hand behind my neck and drew me closer.
I could have stayed kissing and caressing her breasts for hours and, almost reluctantly, I started to move down, kissing her soft, slightly-rounded stomach and then all along the fringes of her bush. She started to move her hips to meet me as I went deeper. I moved again and started to kiss the insides of her soft thighs, working from her knee upwards, stopping before I reached her pink lips, then changing legs. Jenni squirmed, I could see how turned on she was becoming and her musky scent was intoxicating.
After a while I knelt between her legs. I touched her waiting lips gently, easing them open and working all around them. She lifted her hips slowly, welcoming me in. When I touched her clitoris she writhed towards me and gasped. As I circled the hard nub she moved with me, trying to find the perfect place. I lowered my head and started to lick all around until I found her slit. I slid into her easily. Jenni’s hand was on my neck again, pushing me deeper as she flexed upwards towards me.
“Please do it, screw me,” she said breathlessly as I came up for air. I moved upwards again and kissed her fully on her mouth as I worked my cock between her eager lower lips. I felt her soft legs fold around me and I pushed gently into her to the accompaniment of a loud “Ah.” I paused, halfway in, until she breathed, then I started, gently and rhythmically, to go deeper into her yielding flesh. I savoured every second as we moved together, building up to the moment when Jenni came. She didn’t shout or yell, she simply threw her head back, thrust he hips hard upwards and sighed loudly. I pushed as deep as possible, stretching her.
When she relaxed I eased myself upwards, increasing the pressure on her clitoris. I started to drive into her, faster this time and she matched me thrust for thrust. She was louder the second time, her “Yes, yes, yes, ” getting louder and louder. This time she raised her legs around me and pulled me deep into her. I was at the point of no return. She pulled me close as she came and I released inside her.
It was a good five minutes before we spoke. I massaged her beautiful breasts and kissed all around her large, dark nipples. “I’ve never had two in a row before,” she said, “I thought I’d explode the second time. Sorry if I’m a bit out of practice.”
“That was lovely,” I said, meaning it.
An hour had passed and I lay on my side alongside Jenni, admiring her breasts as she lay on her back. She cupped my balls with her tiny, soft hand. “You make me hard and you have to deal with it.”
“I told you, I’m not that kind of girl.”
“You’ve just proved without doubt that you are.” She smiled. “Can I buy you dinner tonight?” I said.
“I thought that was supposed to come before the sex.”
“Hopefully it does.”
“Ok, somewhere nice but not pretentious. Bring an overnight bag. Oh well, walk of shame.” She got up and started towards the bathroom.
“Great arse,” I said and she wiggled it at me.
That was all a long time ago. I ended the fling with Carla immediately and our paths rarely crossed after that. She now lives with a solicitor, the same person as she had the crush on at school. I’ve not seen her for over ten years. Jenni and I had a relationship that lasted six months then fizzled out, without acrimony. We both still live in the same town and I see her shopping sometimes. She has two daughters, who look just like her. Jenni’s husband knows me as an old friend and former neighbour. I’ve no idea what became of my former girlfriend, after three months I donated the odd things she’d left at my house to a charity shop.