“You can take your shower now,” she says
“I will,” you say as you walk towards her.
You kiss her and she returns the kiss. You still can’t believe what’s happening, but you definitely are enjoying every second of it. You grab your clothes and walk towards the bathroom.
While standing under the nice warm stream of water, you think about the blowjob Danielle gave you earlier. Your cock instantly grows harder. For a moment you think about jerking off, but you decide it would be impolite. Instead you clean yourself and get dressed.
As you walk out of the bathroom, Danielle is standing in the kitchen.
“I was just thinking about going in there to see what was taking so long,” she says. “Were you jerking off?”
“N-No, I swear I wasn’t… did I really stay in the shower for that long?” you answer nervously.
“I’m just joking,” she laughs. “You only took a shower for fifteen minutes.”
You are relieved that she was only joking. She clearly notices.
“You get nervous so easily,” she says. “Why?”
“I don’t know, I’m just insecure I guess,” you reply.
“You’ve got no reason to be insecure,” she reassures you as she leans in for a kiss.
“Anyway, dinner is ready,” she says after breaking the kiss.
You look up and see that Danielle has done a lot since you went into the bathroom. The table is set and you can see a lot of bowls containing food, two plates, glasses, a bottle of water and a bottle of wine.
“You really didn’t have to do all that,” you tell her.
You both walk over to the table and have a seat. Your insecurity takes over so you just stare at the bowls.
“Just take whatever you want to have,” Danielle says as she starts to put food on her own plate.
You follow her lead and pick some food as well. You both start eating in awkward silence. After a few bites you break the silence.
“This is delicious, you’re a great cook, Danielle,” you compliment her.
“Thank you.”
You continue eating. You look at Danielle and for the first time you notice that she’s a bit nervous.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
“Nothing,” she replies.
“Come on, I can tell something is wrong. Is it about what happened earlier?”
“No, it’s not that…”
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Danielle doesn’t react. She’s getting more nervous. You know something is wrong. You just hope it doesn’t have anything to do with the events earlier today. What if she regrets her actions? In your mind you hear her say she regrets it, and that it may never happen again. Just as you start to form tears in your eyes, Danielle breaks the silence.
“Could you please stay with me tonight?” she asks, tears streaming down her face.
You didn’t notice she started crying, because you were too busy with your own thoughts.
“Sure,” you tell her, reassured and scared at the same time.
Danielle drops her fork and bursts out in tears. You stand up and walk over to her. As you stand behind her, you put both your hands on her shoulders.
“Everything will be fine,” you try to comfort her.
She keeps crying. You start to caress her shoulders.
“Maybe you’ll feel better if you talk about it,” you suggest.
“I know,” Danielle answers. “It’s just been rough lately.”
“You mean the ending of your relationship?”
“Yes, but school has been hard as well…”
“Look, I can help you with your problems at school. And although you’re boyfriend cheated on you, you still have your family and friends…” you tell Danielle. “… and me, if you like.”
Her crying seems to stop.
“Thank you, Michael.”
“No problem, I’ll always be there for you,” you answer.
“You’re sweet,” Danielle compliments you.
She picks up her fork and resumes eating. You move your head down and kiss her on her cheek. You move back to your seat and resume eating as well. Danielle and you finish at the same time.
“I’m sorry for losing control like that,” she says, clearly embarrassed. Before taking a sip from her wine.
“It’s okay. You’ve had a hard time and it just became a bit too much for you. There’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed about,” you comfort her.
Danielle smiles at you and stands up.
“You can go watch some TV, I’ll clean up,” she says.
She grabs two plates, but before she can walk to the kitchen, you block her way.
“You’ve done more than enough already,” you say. “I’ll clean up, while you relax for once.”
She smiles.
“It’s fine, you’re the guest.”
“No, I insist,” you tell her.
“Well, I guess I don’t have a choice,” she says as she smiles again.
Danielle walks over to the couch to watch TV. You clean the table and do the dishes. Danielle has finished her glass of wine, so you decide to give her another one.
“You’re quite the gentleman, aren’t you?”
“I try,” you joke.
You both smile and you join her on the couch. As soon as you sit down, Danielle leans against you and rests her head on your chest. You put your arm around her.
For the rest of the evening you stay like this. Sometimes you stand up to get a drink for either Danielle or yourself. You don’t pay any attention to the shows you’re watching. You focus on the feeling of having your dream girl this close to you. Occasionally you play with her hair. Every time you do this, you can see Danielle smile a little. She definitely likes the attention you’re giving her.
Around 22:30 Danielle zips through the channels, but she can’t find anything interesting.
“I guess it’s time to go to bed anyway,” she says.
“Sure,” you answer. “Should I sleep on the couch?” you ask in a serious tone.
“No, silly,” Danielle laughs. “You can sleep with me.”
You must look like a 5-year-old boy getting his first bike. After years of dreaming about sleeping with Danielle, it’s finally going to happen.
Danielle changes while you brush your teeth. When you return from the bathroom, Danielle has changed into her nightdress. As she passes you, you grab her and pull her towards you. Danielle squeals as you hold both your hands around her stomach, pulling her against you. With her back against your stomach, you lean in and kiss her neck. After a couple of kisses on her neck and cheek, you let her go. You watch her as she walks into the bathroom. Danielle makes sure to wiggle her butt a little bit more than she normally does.
“I must be the happiest man on earth,” you think to yourself.
You lay down on the king sized bed, enjoying the space. At home you’ve got a simple, single bed.
After a while, Danielle returns from the bathroom. She has washed her face. Even without her make-up, she is stunning. You stare at her. It’s so obvious that Danielle can’t miss it.
“Like what you see?” she jokes.
Danielle doesn’t walk over to her side of the bed. Instead, she enters the bed were your feet are. She crawls over you and leans in for a kiss. She slowly rests her body on top of yours. Just the side of Danielle in her nightdress made your cock hard, but feeling her body on yours drives you nuts.
“Wanna go a little further than earlier?” she laughs, knowing you won’t refuse.
You answer by grabbing her ass cheeks and squeezing them softly.
“Hmmm,” she moans.
The two of you keep kissing for a couple of minutes. You could do this for days. Suddenly, Danielle pulls her mouth away. She has both of her knees next to your waist and sits straight up. Your hand move away from her ass. You reach under her nightdress and start to push it up. You go slow, wanting to make this last as long as possible. When you reach her breasts, Danielle takes over. She pulls the dress of completely and throws it away.
“That’s too bad,” you joke as you realize she’s wearing a bra.
“It’s only fair, you’ve still got your clothes on,” she replies with a grin.
You don’t waste a second as you pull of your shirt. Danielle smiles at you as she reaches behind her back. As she unlocks her bra, she catches it with one hand, keeping you from seeing her gorgeous breasts. She can see your disappointment in your face. Danielle keeps teasing you by holding her bra in place while smiling at you.
Suddenly you raise your hands and pull her down. Danielle needs her hands to catch herself and the bra falls down. You kiss her shortly before she pulls away.
“Smart move,” she laughs.
You gently push her to the other side of the bed and immediately follow. You’re now on top of Danielle, her legs locked around your waist. You move one hand up to her breasts and start to caress the soft flesh. You move your head towards her other tit and start sucking on it.
“Oh god,” Danielle moans.
You’ve had enough of the foreplay. You move down as Danielle lets her legs fall to the side. You put your hands inside the waistband of her panties. Danielle moves her butt up, so you can pull her panties down. Once her panties are gone, you dive in between her legs. The foreplay did work on Danielle, as she’s already dripping wet. You push your tongue between her pussy lips.
“Make me cum, Michael,” Danielle moans. “Make me scream!”
You put a finger inside her pussy. Her moans grow louder as you start to thrust your finger in and out of her. Your tongue never leaves her pussy. Danielle keeps moaning. She’s using one hand to caress her tits, while her other hand pushes your head against her pussy, making sure you won’t stop. You wouldn’t even want to. The smell and taste of her pussy are intoxicating, making you want more and more. You put another finger inside and start to suck on her clit.
“I’m close, pleeeaaaseee don’t stop,” she moans.
She can barely finish her sentence before she reaches the point of no return. She moans loudly as her body shakes. You make sure to keep sucking on her clit. When her orgasm subsides, her hand releases your head. She wants to talk, but she can’t. She’s still panting. Whatever it was, for now it’s not important.
You move up and start kissing her again. As Danielle finally calms down, you break the kiss.
“That was amazing,” she compliments you. “Now lose those pants and lay down.”
You don’t refuse. It’s hard to pull your pants down, since your cock is harder than it’s ever been. When you finally lose them, you lay back like Danielle told you. Danielle has pulled a condom from the drawer.
“We need to be safe,” she explains. “But I’ve got a very nice way to apply the condom”
Before you can ask how, Danielle moves her head down on your cock and applies the condom. She moves her head down to get the condom on your cock. She moves her head up and uses her hand to get the condom to the base of your cock.
“That’s better,” Danielle says. “I’d like to keep sucking you off, but I need your cock inside my pussy.”
“I’m okay with that,” you joke.
Danielle places her pussy above your rod. She grabs it and points it towards her wet opening. She slowly lowers herself onto your cock. You can’t believe how good it feels.
“I’m not going to last long, it feels so good,” you warn Danielle.
“That’s okay, it’s your first time and I already had my orgasm,” she replies as she starts to move up and down.
Your hands reach for her tits. You simply can’t get enough of them. Danielle smiles as you once again begin to caress her tits. She speeds up her movement.
“This way I won’t even last another minute,” you pant.
You feel your orgasm building up. It won’t take long before you reach the point of no return. You don’t want to cum yet, you want to make it last. And if possible, you want to make Danielle cum again. You decide it’s time to take charge. You push Danielle over to the other side of the bed, for the second time today.
“Taking charge again?” she laughs.
You don’t answer. You line up your cock with her opening and push yourself inside. The new angle gives great sensation to both you and Danielle. She closes her eyes and her hands move down. One start to caress her tit, while the other moves down to finger her pussy.
“Oooohhh Michael,” she moans.
You focus on your movement. You can feel your cum massing up inside your balls, ready for release. You want to hold off for as long as possible. You can tell Danielle is on the brink of cumming. You can’t let her down; you need to make her cum.
“One more stroke, one more, just one more,” you keep thinking to yourself.
Finally Danielle reaches her orgasm. She starts shaking and her pussy muscles start to contract around your cock. You can’t hold off any longer and release the pressure. You keep pumping in and out of Danielle while you cum in the condom.
When the both of you are done, you roll off of Danielle. She takes the condom off of your cock and gives your cock a kiss. She throws the condom away and lays next to you.
“You’re talented, Michael,” she compliments you.
You’re obviously flattered.
“You’ve got a lot to learn, but you’re amazing already,” she continues. “I’ll teach you everything, so you’ll be a king in bed…. my king.”
You both laugh.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else,” you say.
Danielle smiles.
“Let’s go to sleep now, it’s quite late,” she suggests.
She’s right. Tomorrow you have another day of school, so you need to get up early. You just lay down, still naked, as Danielle pulls the sheets over the two of you. She rests her head on your chest and soon drifts of into a deep sleep. You look at her. You can only see her head resting on your body, the rest is covered by the sheets. But you know that underneath both of you are completely naked.
Your dreams have come through. You’re having a romantic relationship with Danielle. But it’s not just about sex. This is real, and you know it. With that thought you wander off into a deep sleep.