Helping a friend Chapters 4 and 5

"After watching her undress I need to relieve the pressure. The real pressure is yet to come!"

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So this is chapters 4 and 5 of my story. They will make more sense if you start at the beginning but you don’t have to. Enjoy.

Chapter 4

Alone inside the bathroom my mind races, the images of you undressing and of the beauty of your naked form swirl around and around. I picture your breasts, your pink nipples puckered and hard, the way your breasts moved as you walk, your long legs and soft curved ass, and the glimpse of your pussy are too much for me.

My cock is begging for relief, and I oblige it. Standing in front off the sink I can see my reflection in the mirror. The head of my cock pulses in time with my heart, my balls heavy yet tight. I take it in my hand, watch the image reflecting in front of me and slowly stroke its length. Pictures of you fill my mind as I work. I imagine that you are here naked with me, watching me, encouraging me to share my seed with you. I picture you in front of me watching every move, studying my technique as if there will be a test later. I picture your eyes looking up at me, a smile on your face as I tighten and the tingling begins to cascade through my body. Rope after rope of cum explode from my shaft into the sink, all the while the images of your body displayed in my minds eye.

As the last of my orgasm fades away you knock on the bathroom door.

“You OK in there?” you ask.

“Just fine.” my reply hoping my voice does not expose how I am really feeling.

“I have you clothes. You left them in my bath.”

Grabbing a towel to wrap around my waist I turn on the faucet to wash the evidence from the bowl. I open the door to find you dressed to kill. Heels, stockings, a black knee length skirt with a slit part way up one side, a sheer white blouse with a soft floral pattern and beneath that a camisole of white lace and silk enveloping your breasts and framing your cleavage. Your hair has been let down and flows softly around your face, which has been highlighted with just the smallest amount of makeup. To complete the picture you have donned a pair of glasses to frame and enhance your eyes.

“Wow, you look great.” I stammer before I know what I have said.

“You don’t look to bad yourself.” you quip noticing my cock stiffening under the towel as I drink you in. “I thought there might have been a problem in here when I didn’t see you, but then realized it was probably the lack of clothes that was slowing you down.”

If only you knew how right you were, I think. Thanking you for my bag of cloths I assure you that “there is no problem and that everything is well in hand.” I close the bathroom door before my real desire of pulling you in and explore your body with kisses and my tongue gets the better of me.

Chapter 5

Stacked in the corner of the kitchen was a pile of boxes yet to be unpacked. “You will have to excuse me if the fare is a little simple this evening. I promised a good home cooked meal, not a fancy one. Maybe after I am unpacked and settled in, we can talk about fancy.”

The meal is in fact excellent, and the kitchen is comfortable with the storm blowing outside.

We start with a glass of wine and a fresh salad. Small talk about the new house, your car and Justin slowly run out, and the conversation becomes more personal. We talk of your decision to leave your boyfriend, and of the adventures and challenges ahead of you. We talk of the uncertainty of dating again and the effort it requires. And we talk of what it is you are looking for in a man. I am envious of the man who will find himself in your arms and enjoy the treasures of your body. I wonder what it would be like to spend the evenings making love together then to fall asleep with you wrapped in my arms, the softness of your body pressed next to me.

Just as we are to move to the main course, there is a mighty crack outside and the house goes dark. The large maple tree on the neighbor’s property has succumbed to the storm as half of it has broken away and landed on the street at the end of your drive, the power and phone lines wrapped in its branches. Lighting flashes fill the house and I can see your silhouette at the window inspecting the damage. Coming up behind you I stand a little closer than I know that I should and put my hands on your shoulders feeling your soft skin below my fingertips. How easy it would be to let my hand slide down the front of your blouse and cup your breasts as your nipples grow hard beneath my fingers. Did you just lean back into me or is it my imagination? The smell of your hair and perfume fill my head with desire and I want nothing more that to kiss the nap of your neck.

“Looks like I have a guest tonight. I don’t think you will be going anywhere now. I will find some candles if you will get diner out of the oven. No senses letting it go to waist.”

You find a box of candles but only light two of them. “I think we had better save some of these for later. I would be surprised if we get a repair crew out tonight.” As you bend over to light the candle I catch a glimpse beneath your blouse. I can just make out the outline of a lacy blue bra hidden by the camisole. I wonder if your panties match, or if I will get the chance to find out.

Diner is a wonderful meal of lasagna, and fresh bread. The candle light encouraged us to sit a little closer that we might have, and the wine helped to relax us both allowing our conversations to go places that we had not explored before, or expected. We speak of past partners and what we really missed about each, and what we definitely do not miss. We talked about of first crushes, first dates, and first kisses.

“Do you remember the first time you saw a naked girl?” you asked.

“Sure. Who could forget something like that? I have been captivated by the female form ever since.”

“Will you tell me what it was like?”

“I was just a kid; I had just started driving so I must have been sixteen. I think it was the car and the freedom that it offered that attracted her more than me. Do you really want to know?”

“Yes.” you answer lowering your eyes as you reach for your wine.

To be continued…..

As always I would love to hear your comments.

Published 14 years ago

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