Chloe was sitting in the dark, alone and cold. She had thought about moving and just dispensing with all the stupid rules of her boyfriend’s stupid game, but he’d promised tonight would be amazing and she was honestly curious. He’d shared her before, teased her before, even treated her like a slave before, but apparently whatever he was doing tonight had gotten him really excited. She shifted on her heels and the straps on her garter belt strained against her sleek thighs, threatenting to snap off the tops of her stockings.
Chloe was not a big girl; she was of average height with long black hair and high cheekbones. Her skin was very pale and marked easily, a trait that had frustrated her no end throughout her life. It was especially frustrating now that she had discovered in college that she enjoyed rough sex.
The mask David had tied to her head didn’t move when Chloe itched her nose, and she ran her fingers over the soft material that covered her eyes. She thought about taking it off but the tantilising promise David had given her resonated in her head and she let her hands drop down to rest just above her knees. She would wait. She had promised she would wait.
As she continued to wait on the floor beside David’s bed, her mind wandered to what he might do to her – she remembered nights where she shad been bound and helpless, but she had never been blindfolded in that situation. The cold was making her nipples harden and to pass the time she mindlessly circled them with her fingers. David hadn’t told her she couldn’t touch herself.
She ran her hands over her whole body, feeling the lingerie David had guided her into after blindfolding her. It felt like a lot of straps, like a harness around her chest and around her hips. The stockings felt like they were fishnet, with largish holes in the pattern; she could hook her fingers into the holes and pull at them. Her searching inevitably led to her pussy and she slowly slid two fingers either side of her clit, parting the short hair that fringed the lips.
With one hand still circling her nipple, the other soothingly stroking her heat, she began to hear sounds filter through under the door. There seemed to be a party filling the house. David routinely held parties here when his parents were away, but given he’d promised her an electric night of something, she did feel a little cheated by the concept of a party happening around her while she sat in the dark. In a pointless act of defiance Chloe pinched her nipple and slid one finger into her pussy; she was wet from investigating her mystery outfit and she used that moisture to play with her clit. She sat up a little straighter as she played with herself. She could smell her own arousal as she played in her head with memories of risque encounters in parks. She remembered nights with picnic dinners and then wild sex while she was bound to a tree like a damsel in distress. Her skin had been badly marked up after that night.
A door opened and instinctively Chloe turned her head to look at it. Her mouth was slightly open and her hand was still buried between her legs. Whoever opened the door said nothing and then the door closed again. She waited for any sign that the person had entered and when none was forthcoming, she decided it must have been David coming to check on her. Her finger started to move again of its own accord and despite everything she bit her lip and a little moan came out.
“You need help down there?” The gravelly voice startled her and she jumped. With her legs tucked under her for so long they had gone dead and she fell sideways. A warm slightly roughened hand caught her shoulder and a warm chuckle blew air into her ear.
“Here.” Chloe felt herself righted and the relief that she hadn’t split her head open on the end of David’s wrought iron bed frame was short lived. The stranger’s hands didn’t move from her upper arms and she suddenly realised that her hand was still between her thighs, two fingers still buried deep in her pussy. She tried to move them and the hand on her arm stopped her.
“You can leave that there Sweetie, I don’t want to disturb you.” The way the stranger said the word ‘sweetie’ made Chloe think she had met the man before. He sounded older and friendly, but there was something in the back of her head that told her he was to be obeyed.
“Um.” She bit her lip, not sure what to say.
“Do you want help there Sweetie?” The voice became deeper and his hand traced down her arm and cupped her hand where it sat between her thighs. She let him pull her hand free and then his fingers traced between her pubic hair, parting it around her clit and giving the slick nub a small flick. She jumped again and a pair of lips began to trace the skin across her shoulder, a moustache tickled her and she gave a breathless giggle.
“There we go, that’s better isn’t it?” She nodded her head as the man slid two fingers into her pussy. His thumb rotated up and placed pressure on her clit and he drew his fingers out and slid them back in, slowly finger fucking her.
“Now who would leave a pretty little thing like you here like this hmm?” He asked, the fingers briefly vanishing from her sex and then returning, continuing the motions. In the time the fingers were absent, Chloe could hear a tongue running across rough skin, like the man was tasting her juices.
“My boyfriend.” Chloe arched her back against his torso and whimpered as she became frustrated with the restriction on his minstrations caused by her kneeling pose.
“Well that’s not fair – even if he is here at the party tonight, he’s left you all alone.”
“Mmm hmmm.” Chloe spread her legs a little as the man added another finger, stretching her out a little more. A thought entered Chloe’s clouded mind and she gasped as his fingers curled upwards inside her, hunting for the special spot that would make her completely lose control.
“You could help me.” She whispered.
“You’d need to ask for my help.” The voice was cajoling, and in combination with his sensitive fingers Chloe was in danger of losing her mind.
“Help me.” Chloe gasped, arching her back as much as she could.
“Please please help me.” She begged. He laughed.
“There we go.” His hands disappered and she felt him stand up behind her. A mental image of a cock being presented to her in her blindfolded state caused her to open her mouth slightly in preparation, but the man was still behind her. He lifted her easily to her feet, keeping her balanced as sensation returned to her legs. The straightening of her limbs caused one of the straps from the stockings to snap undone and the elastic pinged back against the sensitive skin in the creased of her thigh. She yelped and the man disappeared from behind her. Warmth appeared in front of her and she felt a moustached mouth gently kiss the spot better. It burned and she knew it would form a welt – everything did on her skin. His tongue slid across her skin and she made a little noise through her open mouth.
“Is that better Sweetheart?”
“Um, yes.” Chloe didn’t know what else to say. It hurt, but from the breath pluming on her skin she could tell he was still kneeling in front of her.
“Thank you.” His breath was warm against her skin and she enjoyed the sensation. The tip of his nose passed across her skin above her pubic bone and thin she felt his tongue pressed against her clit. She yelped and stepped back – she didn’t mean to try and get away, but her legs were still a little shakey and the sensation on her clit was like a bolt of lightning. His hands slid up her belly and her skin trembled underneath then. He hooked his fingers in the harness under her breasts and she felt him stand up. He guided her to the edge of David’s bed and helped her clamber awkwardly onto the bedspread.
“You’ll be more comfortable here Sweetie.” He guided her onto her back and unclipped her stockings, one clip at a time. He then applied gentle pressure to her thighs and she let him open her legs. On instinct, she lifted her knees and brought her heels closer to her buttocks.
“Oh what a good girl you are.” If she hadn’t been so aroused she might have found his words creepy; but he followed the comment by burying his face in her pussy, so her brain didn’t have space to do much but spin its wheels. She wove her fingers in his hair and pulled him towards her and she felt his tongue and lips manipulate her clit. She yelped and gasped and ground her pussy against his face. His tongue slid up and down, back and forth, spreading saliva and her considerable juice across her outer lips. Soon he wrapped his lips around her clit and slid two fingers up into her pussy, rubbing her g-spot and pumping in and out.
Chloe could feel a wave rising in her tummy and she was vaguely aware of the noises she was making; she mewled and gasped, the sounds almost but not quite words. She arched her back and suddenly the man’s head turned and he sunk his teeth into her soft thigh, sucking on the flesh he held. Chloe’s eyes opened wide behind her blindfold and she screamed; the loud party outside stopped anyone else hearing it but the man returned to her pussy, licking and sucking. The residual pain in her leg faded and she could feel the wave building up again. Just as the wave was about to break, she tensed and his teeth sunk into her other thigh. This time, the wave wasn’t halted by the pain and Chloe’s hips bucked violently underneath him. She was panting when the man lay on the bed at her side, his fingers tracing around her nipples and continuing to stimulate her over-sensitive body.
“Thank you.” She whispered breathlessly, not sure what else to say.
“You are very welcome.” The man laughed and his paml cupped her chin.
“Want me to take that silly thing off for you Sweetheart?” Chloe thought about it and shook her head. His laughter continued and he moved away.
“No worries at all. I hope you enjoy the rest of the party then.” He affectionately slapped her mound and she heard the door open and close. She sighed.
Three day later, Chloe sat in the loungeroom of David’s house, her weight shifting to avoid the bruises on the backs of her legs. David was in the kitchen making up a platter of something to have before they went to the movies. David’s mother and father entered the room and she exchanged pleasantries with them. She was self concious about the way she kept moving because of the bruising, especially in front of David’s parents, who were very prim and proper. David’s mother, Michelle, left to help David in the kitchen. David’s father, Timothy, stayed in the lounge with Chloe.
They had a polite conversation, as usual, and Chloe began to feel comfortable. She forgot about the bruises. David and Michelle continued to be in the kitchen and Chloe’s tummy rumbled. She stood up, smoothing her knee-length a-line skirt and told Timothy she was going to see if David needed help. Timothy made a joke about his son and agreed that help might be necessary. The two made their way to the kitchen and as Chloe was about to pass through the door, Timothy reached down and hooked one hand in the waistband of her skirt and held her still. His other hand slid up the back of her skirt and his fingers palpated the bruise.
“Those still sore Sweetheart?”