Hello Mrs Thompson

"A mature female teacher comes face to face with a male former pupil from the recent past."

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Forty-four-year-old Marie Thompson was in a pub on a girls night out with three fellow teachers from the local high school. It was a quite nice pub but one that Marie had not been in for some time. The four women got a seat and then, having ascertained what everyone wanted to drink, Marie headed for the bar.

Marie had a smile on her very attractive face, she was a generally happy person, as she arrived at the bar and she raised her eyes to see a good looking young barman on the other side of the bar. Marie recognised him but it took a moment for it to sink in just who he was.

“Hello Mrs Thompson, what can I get you?” said the young man, who obviously recognised her.

“Oh, hello Kieron, I did not know that you worked here,” said Marie to the young man that had been a pupil of hers before he left school about fifteen months previously.

“Yes, just three nights a week whilst I am at college,” replied the now eighteen-year-old Kieron Siddall, as he looked at the smiling face of his former teacher.

If Kieron had had his way, he and Marie would have been much more than teacher and pupil but Marie had, very sensibly, ignored some not very subtle hints that Kieron had given her about his feelings. Marie had been flattered by the young man’s interest and was tempted but she knew that no good could have come from any teacher/pupil relationship.

She was married, quite happily so, but Kieron Siddall had been very hot as a sixteen and seventeen year old and he was even more so now that he was slightly older.

Marie felt that she had been standing at the bar for an eternity and she had a strange fluttering inside but she managed to splutter out the order for the required drinks. Marie mentally admonished herself for looking at the young man’s firm buttocks as he got the various drinks from the optics and she smiled sweetly as she paid him for them.

“See you later Mrs Thompson,” said Kieron as Marie left the bar with the four drinks on a tray. As she wondered what he meant by that, it was Kieron’s turn to look at her bottom, which actually filled her rather tight skirt very nicely.

“Are you alright, Marie?” asked Sally Marwood, one of her friends, when Marie returned with the drinks.

“Yes, fine, why?” replied a slightly flustered Marie.

“We saw you chatting up the hunky barman, an ex-pupil of yours isn’t he?” laughed Tina Peters, one of the other women.

“I was not chatting him up, but yes, he is an ex-pupil,” said Marie, defensively.

The subject soon changed to something else, much to Marie’s delight, and the four ladies sipped their drinks.

Marie’s three friends had no idea that Kieron had shown an interest in her whilst he was at school, she had discussed it with nobody. He had first given her hints when he was sixteen but she dismissed it as a schoolboy crush. It got more serious when he sent her a couple of very explicit notes and she got close to reporting it but feared being accused of encouraging him so she did nothing. In the last few weeks of Kieron’s school life, it seemed to have stopped so Marie thought and hoped that he had grown out of it

She still felt very guilty about one night, with her husband away, masturbating whilst thinking of her then seventeen-year-old pupil. She was quite relieved when he left the school although, in the depths of her mind, she wondered if she might one day see him again with them no longer being teacher and pupil.

The women were all able to drink as they had arrived and would leave by taxi and they were each on their third drink when Kieron arrived at their table to take away some empty glasses.

“Nice surprise seeing your teacher here tonight, isn’t it?” Tina asked the young barman.

“Don’t embarrass the boy, Tina,” said Linda Ralph, the fourth of the women.

“What about embarrassing me?” said a now more relaxed Marie.

“I am not embarrassed, and it is always nice to see Mrs Thompson,” said Kieron, responding to Tina’s question and Linda’s remark.

“Ha, Mrs Thompson, looks like you have pulled, Marie,” said Sally, before bursting into laughter.

Marie felt herself start to blush but her eyes met Kieron’s before he departed with the tray of empty glasses. ‘Fuck, he is good looking,’ Marie thought to herself.

The subject changed again and they had a fourth drink. All four women were getting a bit giggly and the subject got on to sex, or in Linda’s case an apparent lack of it. All the women were married but were all usually a bit secretive about their sex lives but Linda had mentioned that she was not getting much lately.

“Why don’t you ask the barman to give you one?” laughed Sally.

“Yeah, I am sure Mrs Thompson won’t mind,” giggled Tina, not intending to make Marie feel uncomfortable.

“Shut up both of you. I wish I hadn’t said I was going short,” said Linda.

Marie said nothing but her insides were churning and her mind whirring.

A bit later, and with the subject away from sex for the moment, they had finished their drinks and Marie fancied another one. “Well, I want another, anyone else?” said Marie.

Tina and Sally both said ‘yes please’ straight away and Linda did not take much persuading so Marie headed back to the bar although a lot less sober than on her first visit. She felt strangely excited at the prospect of getting face to face with Kieron again but was disappointed to see that he was busy with a big order from another customer.

Marie ordered the four drinks from the other barman and then glanced in the direction of Kieron whose eyes just happened to be on her. They both smiled and then Kieron was back to completing the other customer’s order.

Marie paid the other barman for her order and was about to leave when Kieron put a piece of paper on her tray. “My mobile number: call me, please,” said Kieron, looking into Marie’s eyes.

Marie’s lips moved but she did not say anything; she did not know what to say. She put the piece of paper in her purse and went back to her friends with the drinks. She half expected another ‘Are you alright Marie?’ question from one of the ladies but no question came.

They had that drink and one more beyond that before they phoned for their taxi home. Marie was hoping to see Kieron again before they left, although she did not really know why, but it was the other barman that arrived to clear their table as they were just getting ready to go.

Marie looked in the direction of the bar as they headed for the exit but Kieron was busy. She did not know if she would phone him but she had not, as yet, thrown away his number.

The women got to their respective homes and, once in bed, Marie rejected her husband’s offer of sex but he accepted her quite reasonable explanation that she had a headache. As Marie lay thinking, with her back to her husband, she wondered if she would reject Kieron Siddall’s offer of sex which would inevitably come if she rang his number.

The next day at work all four women were feeling a bit fragile and trying to remember whose idea it was to go drinking on a Tuesday evening. Marie still had Kieron’s phone number in her purse and she knew that the sensible thing would be to destroy it but she could not bring herself to do it.

She thought back to the two notes that he had written to her when he was a pupil and she had kept them for days before finally destroying them. She had never spoken to him about them, maybe she should have done. Some of their content kept coming back into her head now as she sat in a break between lessons. Words kept appearing in her mind’s eye, ‘cunt’ ‘cock’ ‘fucking’ ‘cum’ all of which had been in Kieron’s note.

She now had the paper with his phone number in her hand but he had said that he attended college so it was quite possible that even if she rang now, he would not be able to answer. She felt cross with herself for even considering phoning, she was a married woman and about twenty-five years his senior, but she had still not ruled out making the call. The piece of paper went back into her purse.

Marie’s school day was finished and she was at home. Her husband would be home in less than an hour and she was still wrestling with herself as to whether to phone Kieron or not but she knew that by phoning him she would be very close to agreeing to fuck. It was now or never, at least as far as this day was concerned.

She tapped the numbers on her mobile and right up until hitting the ‘call’ button she was still undecided. She did not remember actually touching ‘call’ but she must have done because there was a ringing tone.

She was almost hoping that it did not get answered but a male voice was on the other end. “Hello,” said Kieron.

For a split second, Marie could not speak but then heard herself blurting out words. “Um, hello Kieron: it is Marie, Marie Thompson…” she said.

“Mrs Thompson: Marie, thank you for calling,” said Kieron.

“Yes, well, I am not sure that it is a good idea,” said Marie.

“Can I see you again, soon?” asked Kieron, hopefully.

“Kieron, I am married,” said Marie, immediately sensing what Kieron would say.

“Yes, but you are calling me, aren’t you, Marie?” said Kieron, sounding more confident.

“Yes, yes, I am aren’t I?” conceded Marie.

“I think you want me as much as I want you, don’t you Mrs Thompson?” said Kieron, now brimming with confidence and excitement.

“Oh Kieron, I, I don’t know…maybe,” replied Marie, knowing that the youth was probably right.

“I think we should meet: when can we meet?” said Kieron.

“I don’t know: I will have to think and make plans: I will call you back, I promise,” said Marie.

“I am working at the pub tomorrow night if you fancy going out for a drink: on your own,” said Kieron.

“I don’t know if I can: but, um, maybe,” replied Marie.

“Thursday’s are not usually busy so we should be able to talk,” said Kieron.

“I will try to get there,” answered Marie.

“See you soon, Marie,” said Kieron, his penis hard in his trousers for his former teacher.

“Yeah, see you soon,” replied Marie, feeling sexually aroused and guilty.

With the conversation over, Marie first saved Kieron’s number into her phone under a fictitious female name, she then destroyed the piece of paper with the number on it. She then appraised what she had just agreed to and concluded that she had agreed to meet the youth and the idea of any meeting was ultimately for sex.

Marie’s husband, Stewart, came home from his work and Marie forced herself to act as normally as possible, despite what was going on in her head. She was pleased that Stewart did not suggest having sex when they went to bed because a second headache in two nights might not be believed.

She would love to be able to spend an hour or more in the pub the next night with the hot, young barman but justifying it or making it possible, was a problem. It ceased to be a problem when Stewart sent her a text the next morning to say that his boss had arranged a business meeting out of town for this afternoon and evening and he would not be home until the early hours of Friday.

Marie sent a text back acknowledging the message and asking if Stewart would mind going to the spare bedroom on his return so as not to disturb her before her school day.

Marie was now in a position that made her free to go to the pub and meet Kieron if she chose to. If she did choose to, then she had to decide what she hoped to achieve because despite her husband being out until the early hours, time was still limited. She pondered during the day and was a bit ashamed to find her thoughts drifting towards Kieron whilst she had supposed to be teaching her pupils.

By the end of the school day, she had made up her mind to go to the pub but was still unsure as to what would happen and indeed, what she wanted to happen.

She thought that there was no point in going to the pub too early in the evening as Kieron was working but by nine at night she had changed into a black trouser suit and a green blouse. She got a glimpse of her backside in the trousers in the wardrobe mirror and thought to herself ‘is my arse really that big?’ although she thought Kieron would probably like it.

She nervously drove to the pub and walked in, as Kieron had said, it did not look very busy. She headed for the bar and Kieron’s eyes lit up when he saw her. There was a second barman there, several years older than Kieron.

“Hello again Mrs Thompson; you came,” said Kieron, smiling broadly but apparently not seeing the ambiguity of his last two words.

“I think you can call me Marie now, and um, yes, I am here,” smiled Marie, although she had seen the apparently unintentional ambiguity of Kieron’s words.

She ordered an orange juice and sat her quite big bottom on a barstool at the end of the bar.

She and Kieron occasionally got to chat, but the young barman had to do his fair share of serving customers. Marie did manage to tell him that she had a little bit of time after the pub was due to close at eleven, but not a lot.

Kieron did not know what was on offer if anything, but he did get a packet of condoms from the gents, just in case he got very lucky.

By eleven o’clock, the pub was close to empty so the cashing up and clearing up did not take Kieron and the other barman very long. The other barman was aware that Kieron and the very attractive mature woman on the barstool knew each other and he assumed that they would be leaving together. “You can go now, I will lock up: you lucky bugger,” the barman said to Kieron, and watched enviously moments later as Kieron and the woman left the pub.

They walked a few yards before neither of them could wait any longer and they locked in a long passionate kiss, a kiss that Kieron had been thinking of for the last two years.

“Mmmm, that was nice: we do not have long: this car park is too well lit: let’s go for a little drive,” said Marie, almost dragging Kieron towards her car.

The pub was right on the edge of town so within a couple of minutes Marie had turned her car into a field off a country road. “Let’s get in the back,” said Marie, although she had no idea how far things were going to go.

“I got some condoms,” announced Kieron proudly.

“Ha, what sort of woman do you think I am?” teased a very aroused Marie as they scrambled onto the back seat of the car.

They snogged and hands went everywhere and Marie’s jacket was removed, her blouse undone and bra dragged below her large tits. She got Kieron’s shirt undone and had his trousers and boxers lowered and his large cock in her hand.

“We have to be very quick,” said Marie, who wished she had put on a skirt instead of trousers but managed to get her trousers and knickers off as a car went down the country road just the other side of the hedge.

Kieron had got the condom packet open and had a rubber on his erect penis as Marie put her legs on either side of Kieron’s and slowly impaled herself on the ex-pupils rod. “Oh fuck,” Marie breathed as she took more and more cock inside her and Kieron put his hands on her bare arse.

Whether they had much time or not, this was not going to last long for either of them as Marie panted as she bounced on Kieron’s stiffness and he had a finger in almost constant contact with her arsehole.

“Oh baby, oh fuck, oh shit,” shrieked Marie as she came and, almost instantly, Kieron filled his condom with spunk.

They kissed again but time was getting short. “That was great but we have to clean up and go,” said Marie, grabbing a box of tissues.

She got off Kieron and wiped her cunt with a tissue. “Take that off outside,” said Marie of Kieron’s condom, not wanting spunk splattered on her back seat.

Kieron struggled out of the car, with his trousers and boxers around his upper legs, and removed the condom. Marie giggled and licked Kieron’s penis clean as the condom was left in the field. Kieron pulled up his clothing and did up his shirt as Marie put her knickers and trousers back on and adjusted her upper clothing.

“We will do it again, won’t we?” asked Kieron, fearing it might be a one-off.

“Oh, I hope so: when we have much more time,” replied Marie, who certainly wanted more fucking with this young man.

Marie drove back to the pub car park where Kieron’s car still was. They kissed again and then parted, with Marie stressing that she would contact Kieron but he was not to contact her.

It was now well after midnight and Marie was concerned that Stewart would be home before she was, but he wasn’t.

She rapidly got herself ready for and into bed and she had only had her bedroom light off a few minutes when Stewart returned home. He went to the spare room as requested as Marie lay thinking of what she had done and what she intended to do.

Published 3 years ago

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