When she got home, Tim looked at her and asked where she had been, dressed only in her robe and why did her body look so radiantly flushed.
Heather thought that her best course of action would be to be open, frank and honest with her husband and to hope for the best.
She told Tim to relax, sit down and let her explain things to him.
Tim took a seat, looking a bit perplexed and waited for Heather to explain the situation.
Heather would have been a good trial court attorney.
She began to present her evidence in this case.
“Tim, you know I love you. We’ve been married for several years and I’ve been a loving and caring partner with you all of that time. You do know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, Baby,” Tim replied.
“Tim, I’ve never mentioned this to you, but I have a very high sex drive. I’m almost always horny… Even after I’ve given my body to you for your satisfaction. Tim, when we have sex it’s so quick… Too damned quick for me. You get your rocks off, but I don’t get to enjoy the thrill of having an orgasm.”
“Baby, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know. Maybe I’ve been selfish, but I thought I was doing the best for you that I could. Where is this conversation going?”
“It’s going to why I was next door when you drove in and why I’m wearing only this robe.”
“Several days ago,” she continued “While you were working at your job, I decided to sunbathe in our back yard and get a bit of a tan. I went out there, removed all of my clothing and was enjoying just relaxing on one of our chaise lounges, soaking up the sun.
“A few days later,” Heather continued. “I was in our back yard, training the new puppy, Toby, to walk on a leash. Dirk was out there vacuuming his swimming pool. When Toby saw Dirk he dragged me over to the fence that separates our properties and Dirk came over to pet Toby.
It was an awkward moment for Dirk and me, but eventually we talked about what he and I had done a few days earlier when we both got off, jacking and jilling solo.
Both of us said we had enjoyed seeing the other one pleasure themselves, and how it might be a wonderful thing if we got together some day to watch more closely as we masturbated ourselves, or even better, to have a mutual masturbation session where we helped one another relieve our sexual tensions. That’s why I was over there with Dirk when you came home”.
“That’s fine, Baby,” Tim said. “I understand now, and it’s OK with me, as long as you don’t allow Dirk to screw you.”
“Don’t worry about that, Tim. Dirk said he respects both of us too much to ever fuck me. Darlin’, would you like to join Dirk and me some day in one of our masturbation sessions? We could make it a threesome session and all have fun.”
“Let me think about that, Baby. I’ll tell you ‘yes’ or ‘no’ soon. If my answer is ‘yes’, I’ll join you and Dirk. If my answer is ‘no’, I hope you aren’t disappointed and angry with me, but you and Dirk can get together any time you want to. Just so long as he doesn’t fuck you. You belong to me.”