Hearts Apart

"broken heart"

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I am devoured by my waking moments of her..
and left exhausted by my sleepless nights…
As time ebbs slowly by and she is not there…
the distance grows and soon she’ll be out of my sight…

Our words and whispers carried by wire..
our letters sent through tapping keys…
They only make my yearning higher…
for hopes and dreams that will never be..

The miles between us can only stop her touch…
for my sense of her is from inside…
You cannot hide from someone you love so much…
but my emptiness makes me wish I had died…

To see her then and talk to her now…
what jest of me the gods have played…
Have left me begging and yet somehow…
each small moment of her I would never trade…

I wandered lost through solemn years…
each moment without her more agony bared…
Unable to cope and face my fears…
and hated myself for a life never shared…

She’s there, I feel her just out of my grasp…
I’m waiting for my life to start…
Each breath I take ends with a gasp…
the pain too great with hearts apart…

Published 15 years ago

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