Before she even knew it she had had breakfast and washed. Now she was picking out her outfit for the day and the extras to go with it. Liz’s lingerie collection was about to expand, seeing as she was never to wear anything other. She had been shopping just before getting in the night before, and had picked up some more blouses that Mr. Harper seemed to have a thing for, some new skirts and office dresses.
Today she decided on one of her few remaining push-up bras, a red lace one, with matching panties and suspender belt. To this she added a semi-see-through white blouse, a high-waisted skirt with built-in braces which pulled in her waist and accentuated her breasts and rear, seamed stockings and black high heels. She put on her makeup, did up her hair in the 1940’s style and headed off.
Once she arrived she did as she had been instructed and went straight up to Mr. Harper’s office. She knocked on the door and was told to come in.
“Well, don’t you look like a picture today. It’s almost a shame I won’t be seeing you in that, maybe I’ll remember it for another day,” he said with a smile. “I want you to take off all your clothes and leave them in front of me. Then we will get on with what I want you to try out today,” Mr. Harper said with a gleam in his eye.
“Yes sir,” said Liz. Straightaway, without another word, she began to strip in front of Mr. Harper.
She undid the belt section that was cinching in her waist and slid down the braces. Then she slowly released each of the buttons on her blouse before taking it off and letting the skirt slide down. Then she knelt down and picked each garment up and placed it on the desk. Then she reached behind herself and undid her bra, before beginning to take off her panties.
Mr. Harper stopped her. “No, keep those on, and the belt and stockings. Did you bring the boots?”
“Oh yes sir!”
“Good. In the near future we will be doing a Middle Ages Day and part of that is dressing up. I have a costume for you to try out. I have a chemise, dress, hat, petticoat and corset for you. We will also have a World War Two Day to commemorate D-Day, and for this you will wear one of your blouses and a ladies’ army uniform; skirt, jacket, tie. You will also wear a bullet bra, girdle and seamed stockings.
“I think we will start with the World War Two one today, that will be coming up soonest,” Mr. Harper said almost disinterestedly. “Take the items into the closet and get changed, then meet me down in history room F.”
Mr. Harper stood up and left, leaving Liz to pick up the items and get changed in the closet.
It was an odd feeling putting on the girdle, but it had a similar effect to one of her corsets, bringing in her waist and focusing her hips. Then she clasped the suspenders and instantly felt a little more 40’s.
Then came the bullet bra. Bras had come a long way since the turn of the century, and Liz vowed never to speak ill of her modern-era lingerie. But her breasts filled it out well, and when she put on the blouse they pointed as if she were an actress in a Hitchcock film. Then she slipped on the blouse, which (hopefully to Mr. Harpers’ delight) was at bursting point, then the tie. This may well have been the first and only time Liz had ever worn a tie correctly, as even back in her own school days it was too large or too short in the photos.
As she leant down to pick up the shirt a few of the buttons of the blouse gave. She groaned, re-buttoned it and delicately stepped into the skirt, zipping it up. Finally she took the jacket, did up all the buttons on this too and tied the belt. The jacket had the effect of swamping her, but the belt gave her a great hour glass figure and showed off her “assets” wonderfully.
Liz popped on her heels, left the office and headed downstairs and out of the main building to the history room.
Liz quickened her pace and entered the building. Just before entering the classroom she remembered that she had to knock and wait outside first. “Enter,” Mr. Harper boomed from inside, and Liz walked in.
To her surprise and horror there was another person present. Liz did not recognise her, but it was still a shock and she felt herself go red. “Miss. Cummington, I have brought you a playmate, I would like you to fuck her,” Mr. Harper said flippantly. Liz looked at Mr. Harper, then the woman, then back to Mr Harper. “You may begin,” he said as he sat slowly down on a chair.
Liz looked at the woman in front of her. She was of slight build, and had smaller breasts than Liz (though it would be a challenge to beat her size), long black hair that fell down to her shoulders and bright green eyes. She was wearing a grey silk blouse, a short blue skirt and flesh tights.
The women took the first steps, as she could see Liz was rooted to the spot, took each hand in her own and kissed her. It was a delicate, distinctly feminine kiss, her tongue rolling and dancing with Liz’s.
She guided Liz’s hands towards her breast and Liz complied by playing with it. The woman’s hand began wandering over Liz’s rear. Then she pulled herself away from the kiss, opened her blouse, knelt down, slowly raised Liz’s skirt and kissed her inner thigh, slowly tracing her way up towards Liz’s purse. Sniffing the scent coming from within Liz, she started to kiss and lick her.
Liz groaned with pleasure, no longer aware of Mr. Harper’s presence. Her legs almost buckled with the sensation, and she had to brace herself against the door.
Liz regained control and undid her jacket, breathing heavily as each stroke of the woman’s tongue was sending a new shot of ecstasy through her body. Liz raised her hips to help the women as she nibbled on her clit. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” Liz said, though with little thought.
The woman stood and backed up, taking off her blouse and skirt, only her lacy blue bra, suspender belt and flesh stockings remaining. She got onto one of the tables, inviting Liz to follow. She did so and removed her skirt, allowing it fall as the blouse and tie followed. Her breasts bounded a little with each step she made towards the woman, and she could smell the scent from each of them as she mounted the table.
Liz lowered her pus onto the woman’s face and likewise lowered her own face into the woman’s wetness. Liz kissed its smooth lips and then burrowed her nose into it. She played with the woman’s clit, running her tongue around it. The woman began to raise and lower her hips to allow better contact.
Liz stopped for a moment, with the woman’s clit between her teeth. The woman let out a short cry. She then moved round so that she could properly reach the woman’s pus and slowly slid a finger into her, delicately building her insertions to a great rush. Bringing in a second finger with the last thrust, and using her thumb as leverage, she fucked the woman.
“Enough,” Mr. Harper shouted, and Liz was suddenly made re-aware that there was another person in the room. “You may leave now. I will see you on Monday Miss. Cummington, and you too. Here is my payment.”
Liz got off the table and stood still in her bullet bra, girdle and stockings. “I will take your clothes Miss. Cummington, please return to my office and redress and have a good weekend.” He motioned Liz to leave and wrote out a check. Liz looked at the woman again, and thought she was now disinterested.
About thirty minutes later Liz was bound for home, consumed by the thought of the woman and what Mr. Harper could have in store for her.