Head Squad: Emergency Intervention

"Two crazy hot girls rescue clueless Corey"

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Corey was coasting through the last semester of his senior year at Durand High, thinking he might just make it all the way to graduation without anybody noticing him. But one morning, as he was at his locker, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Daya Hasni smiling at him. She was a super-smart, very ambitious girl who seemed to be on every club and committee in the universe. “Corey Dietz? Follow me.” She beckoned with her finger and walked off down the hall.

Corey shouldered his backpack, shut his locker, and ran to catch up with Daya. “Um. Where are we going?”

Daya looked over her shoulder. “Not far.” And it was true. She stopped halfway down the corridor at her own locker. “This is the last prize I have to give out. I’m glad I saw you this morning.” She fished in a plastic bag and handed Corey a tiny notebook with a black, fake leather cover.

“What is this for?” Corey asked, mystified.

“Miss Flak told us that guys used to carry these to keep the numbers of all the hot girls they knew. You know, before phones.” Miss Flak was the English Composition teacher and long-time yearbook advisor. She had been a teacher at Durand since Corey’s parents had attended. Daya smiled. “Open it!”

Inside the front cover was a small label where Daya had neatly printed the following:




Corey felt his whole body go hot, then cold. He stared at the words for a moment, then looked up at Daya. “Can I tell you something? Just between you and me?”

Daya’s smile faded. “Oh! Okay…”

“Some of us,” Corey started, haltingly, “have a lot of fear inside. Of rejection. Of being laughed at. Of making a fool of ourselves in front of somebody we like.” He paused. “There’s only one name and number I would want to put in this book. And she is so far out of my league, it’s like she’s on another planet. If I ever said anything to her, I would get shot down in, like, two seconds.”

Daya’s eyes were wide. “Corey! Whoever it is, you have to tell her. What if she actually likes you?”

Corey looked sad. “So, you want me to go up to the most beautiful girl in the whole fucking school and tell her I’ve been having wet dreams about her for four years. Yeah. That will work.” He put the little black book in his hip pocket, thanked Daya, and walked away.

Daya watched him thoughtfully, then grabbed her phone. She might be late for her first class, but she had an important text to send.

It was impossible for Corey to concentrate on anything for the rest of the day. All of his classes seemed completely pointless. At lunch, he didn’t know or care what he was eating. Most Likely to Stay Single. That’s what his classmates thought of him. Nice. As he dissected a starfish during his afternoon biology lab, he found himself wondering if he could break into his Dad’s gun safe. Maybe he could leave a note in the little black book. But who would read it?

After the last bell, he got in line to board the bus, eyes down, oblivious to everyone and everything; until he was suddenly aware that somebody was standing on either side of him. On his left was Tisha Phillips, “Tish” for short, with her deep brown skin, kinky black hair, swimmer’s physique, and blinding white smile. On his right was Tish’s best friend, Aisling Duffey, petite and slim, with flaming shoulder-length hair, a cute little nose, and strategically-placed freckles. Since they were inseparable, they were inevitably known to the whole school as “Tish & Ash.”

“You’re not takin’ the bus today, Corey,” Tish said cheerfully. “We are kidnapping your ass.” Each girl took one of Corey’s hands, and they led him out of line and across the driveway to the student parking lot.

Although Corey did not particularly care what happened to him, he was a little curious. “Where are we going?” he asked, for the second time that day. “Someplace good,” Ash answered as they got in Tish’s familiar old Saturn sedan, white with one black door, the outside mirror on the passenger side dangling from a cable. Corey and Ash were in the back seat, with Tish driving. She took a speed bump about twice as fast as anybody else would, and Corey could swear he heard something fall off the bottom of the car.

Ash lit a pinner, took a puff, and offered it to Corey. After a quick toke, he gave it back and Ash passed it up to Tish. They were headed west out of town, the engine sounding like it had been run a quart low for a while. “This isn’t the way to my house,” Corey said.

“Call your mom and tell her a friend invited you over, and you won’t be home for supper.”

Corey pulled out his phone and paused. “My mom knows I don’t have any friends.”

Tish glanced in the rear-view mirror and took one last drag from the joint. “Jesus,” she said. “We should have done you a long time ago.”

“I’ll tell you everything,” Ash said to Corey. “But first, tell us: who is this be-u-ti-ful bitch you’ve been letching after?”

“How…? Wait. Did Daya talk to you?”

Ash shook her head impatiently. “It’s our job to know these things. Come on. Tell us. Who is it?”

What difference did it make now? Apparently, the whole school knew all about him anyway. “Laura Stanek,” he said sullenly.

To Corey’s surprise, this set off gales of laughter from the girls. He was seriously pissed now. “What is so funny about Laura Stanek?” he demanded.

“Oh, honey,” said Tish, wiping tears from her eyes with one hand, the other on the wheel. “You want to fuck Laura Stanek, all you need is Venmo.”

“Seriously,” Ash chimed in. “She is the biggest whore in school. Wave some fifties and she is on her knees.”

“Or drugs. I heard she is into LSD or some shit.”


“Whatever. At least it isn’t meth. Be a shame to see those pretty white teeth rot away.” This set off another wave of giggles.

“OK,” Ash said finally. “Here’s the deal. Tish and I are the Head Squad. Like superheroes. Kind of. We got to you just in time.” Tish nodded in agreement. “It all started two years ago when my uncle came to me…”

“Uncle Big Dick,” Tish interrupted.

Ash bopped Tish in the back of the head and the car swerved a little. “Shut the fuck up. So Uncle Dick took me aside….”

“Wait,” Corey said. “His real name is Uncle Dick?”

“Yes.” Ash glared at him. “You wanna hear this, or not?”

Corey apologized, and Ash continued. “So, apparently he was like this loser in high school, lonely and miserable. He’s cool now. Rich, too. But it must have sucked back then. And he said our school needs a hot girl who will look for guys like that and suck them off. He asked me to do it. First, it would be good practice, he said. But most important, it would jack up the dude’s self-esteem. Sort of a good Samaritan thing.

“At first, the whole idea was sketchy. But when I thought about it, it kind of made sense. So I started observing the guys nobody paid any attention to. Then I went ahead and did it.” She smiled, remembering. “He was so grateful. And it really was good practice. And I was able to skip all the bullshit dances and crap. At first, it was just me…”

“And then she met me,” Tish said. “And I was totally all-in. She needed me. Nobody sucks cock like a Black girl.” The way she said it, it was obvious she considered it the indisputable truth.

“The first time we teamed up, the guy insisted on seeing Tish and me in a sixty-nine. He said he couldn’t get it up otherwise. So we said, what the hell? Why not? And it was so nice, we almost forgot to do the guy.”

“Mmm,” said Tish, licking her lips. “I like me some Aisling pus-say.”

“Shut up.”

Corey was trying to take all this in. “So, let me get this straight. You’re taking me somewhere to give me a blowjob?”

“Yes. And you get to fuck us.”

“At least one of us. Both, if you last long enough.” Tish shrugged. “Some guys do; some don’t.”

Corey was speechless. These girls were obviously batshit insane. But if half the things they were saying were true…

Tish turned off the highway onto a narrow, winding road around the lake. About halfway around, she pulled into a gravel driveway. Through the trees, Corey could see a modern, one-story house with brown cedar siding and a wraparound screened porch. The windows were dark.

“Whose house?”

“It’s Uncle Dick’s summer place,” Ash explained. “He and his wife and my cousins live in Chicago.” She unlocked the front door of the house.

“How did you get the keys?”

Ash didn’t answer, but Tish did. “I did my thing. For the cause. I never sucked an old guy before.”

“And…?” prompted Ash. “If you’re going to tell it, tell the whole thing.”

“Okay. The guy drives a hard bargain. I had to let him pop me open. I don’t think he really believed it, until he was done and saw a little blood on that big fat dick of his.” Tish paused, a faraway look in her eyes. “But we got the goddamn keys.”

They were standing in a large living room. There was a comfy-looking sectional sofa and a coffee table in a depressed area in the center. No TV that Corey could see, but there was a bar on the far side of the room, with a couple of neon beer signs. The rest of the décor was rustic lodge style. Mooses and shit.

“This is, like, the perfect bat cave for Head Squad. Our Fortress of Solitude. Uncle Dick just said not to trash the place, or burn it down.”

Tish was making sure all the blinds were closed. “There was that one little fire. Did he ever say anything?”

“No. He knows how important this is.”

Tish snorted. She had her own ideas of what motivated Uncle Dick.

“Why do you call it Head Squad?” Corey asked.

“Well, it’s kind of a double meaning. You know? There’s the obvious one, that we give people head. But we also take guys out of their head, if you know what I mean. We take away that whole virgin thing, so it’s not over your head like an elephant anymore. It works wonders. It really does.”

Corey made a mental note to remember the expression “over your head like an elephant.” But then he forgot all about that as Ash put one hand on the back of his neck, pulled his head down, and kissed him as though she were starving for it. Her breath tasted like cherries. Her little pointed tongue went here and there, trying to find something elusive. And then another hand pulled him away and Tish was kissing him. A totally different experience, harder and wetter, breath more like smoke. Tish’s lips seemed as agile and insistent as her tongue.

Of course, Corey had often seen porn featuring one guy and two girls. And of course, it was super hot. But he had never really believed it would happen to him. It was something other people did, and he could watch.

Not today.

This was way more than a blow job. Both girls were already stark naked. Although Corey wanted to take a good look at their bodies, so different from each other, they were right on top of him. So it was a blur of muscular gleaming dark brown and tender pale pink. Tish pulled Corey’s T-shirt off, then proceeded to lick and nibble his nipples, switching back and forth quickly from right to left. Corey was shaking.

Both girls pushed him back onto the couch. He could feel the cool, smooth leather on his bare back. Ash had already unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans; now the two girls tugged them off of him. Corey tried awkwardly to help.

The little black book slipped out of Corey’s hip pocket. Ash picked it up, looked inside, and tossed it over her shoulder in disgust. “Some people are such assholes,” she said with a serious expression. “Even when they think they are being nice.”

Underwear off and tossed, who knows where. Then, oh sweet fucking god, both mouths on his thin, straight, erect cock. Up one side and down the other, gentle fingers on his balls. Both tongues swirled around the head. Somebody put a finger squarely on his ass and he gasped. Then it was just Tish, taking his cock in her mouth, deep.

Ash moved up to whisper in Corey’s ear. “She likes it when you force it down her throat. Hard. Put both hands on her head. Cut off her air. Do it. Do it.” He did it. Tish was still for a moment, then struggled a little. Corey let her have a breath. “Again,” Ash whispered. Yes. A little longer this time. Corey was impossibly hard. He felt a rush of total power.

And then, suddenly, Tish pulled away and Ash was straddling him, facing him, guiding his cock up into her sopping, slick pussy. He could finally see all of her at once now. The red flush of excitement in her chest, her neck, her face. The tits, too firm to bounce as she slowly enveloped him. A tiny horizontal bar of ginger pubic hair, everything else smooth and bare. Corey couldn’t decide whether to keep his eyes open and greedily take in the glorious vision of Ash, or close his eyes and concentrate on the sensations.

Then he noticed Tish from the corner of his eye, holding her phone. Making a video of his first-ever fuck! He jerked his cock sharply up into Ash’s cunt and came. Ash could feel his cum. She let out a tiny whimper, one hand on Corey’s chest, the other arm across her body, just below her breasts, as though she were hugging herself.

Ash lay on top of Corey for a little while, her skin warm and sweaty, until their breathing had calmed down a little. Tish walked over with bottles of cold water from the little fridge by the bar. “Get hydrated,” Ash said. “Tonight, Tish wants a round two, really bad.” For once, Tish had nothing to say. She just smiled shyly. Ash continued: “You have the perfect cock for fucking somebody’s ass. Thin, hard, and straight. She’s never done that. So, we’re gonna have two first times tonight. If you are up to it.”

Corey blinked and took a big swig of water.

In a few minutes, they had Tish face down on the leather sofa, legs slightly parted. “Lube me up good, guys. If my asshole ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Ash lovingly rimmed Tish’s asshole with her little pointed tongue as Corey watched, enthralled.

When Tish started making little noises and moving her hips, Ash reached down between her own legs. It took Corey a second to realize what she was doing. She was going to use Corey’s cum, dribbling out of her pussy, to lubricate Tish’s ass. “Holy fuck,” Corey breathed. Ash shook her head a little and held a sticky finger up to her lips.

Finally, Ash applied some actual store-bought lube to Corey’s cock, which was back at full attention. “Oh-kay. We officially have a round two. Be gentle with my friend. At first, anyway. I’ll man the camera.”

Tish’s espresso ass cheeks, dotted with Ash’s greasy fingerprints, were so inviting that Corey was tempted to force his way in all at once. But he knew that, if he were stupid enough to pull such a stunt, the girls would hog-tie him and throw him in the lake. So he gradually worked his cock head through Tish’s sphincter, over and over, withdrawing whenever Tish flinched and letting Ash apply more lube.

After two or three eternities, Ash looked into Corey’s eyes and nodded. He gradually sunk himself all the way into Tish’s rectum. Tish buried her face in the couch cushion and let out a muffled “Ooooooooh, fuck.” Corey found a slow, even pace that worked for both of them. He could tell that he was going to last much longer this time.

Ash did her best to hold the phone with her right hand for a nice close-up. She had saved a couple of drops of lube for her left middle finger, which was stroking her clit in the exact same rhythm Corey was using to fuck her best friend.

An hour later, Tish and Ash dropped off Corey in front of his house, and the Saturn clattered off, stinking of hot 5W-30 and dank weed. Mom had left the porch light on, and Corey could see a curtain move as she peeked out. A copy of the video was on his phone. He had already watched the cum shots three times on the ride home. There was no way to know for sure, but he would bet a million bucks he would never have a wet dream about Laura Stanek again.

Published 3 years ago

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