He Lies Sleepily
He lies sleepily
Within his bed
Dreams of a woman
Of words writ and said
His body hardens
As he remembers her touch
The caress of her tongue
He wants her so much
The covers move
And soft warmth is there
He cuddles close
To a dream so fair
The morning warmth
Of her skin
Snuggling softly
As she rests against him
He sighs in contentment
As he awakes
Loving her presence
His breath slowly shakes
Hands playing softly
Caressing his skin
Intoxicating touches
Her fingers teasing him
He wants her touch
She feels his desire
Gets lost in the moment
Arousal getting higher
He kisses her mouth
Feels her against him
And with one slow movement
He gently slips in
Her breath escapes
In a sweet moan
As he fills her up
With a deep groan
Bodies entwined
Closer they become
With a gentle rhythm
Two moving as one
Hearts beating
Filling a desire
Their bodies move quicker
Passions getting higher
He pulls her closer
Over the edge, them to take
Holding her to him
Her legs start to shake
Kissing deeply
Her hands in his hair
Ripples of desires
Taking them there
Strong waves of heaven
Crashing over them
Can’t hold back any longer
They both start to come
Moments pass
As they lay entwined
Sweetheart he whispers
I love making you mine…
He wakes up later
How long has it been?
He’s alone now
Was it all but a dream? …