He Didn’t Complain

"It was a simple miscommunication in the nurse's social intercourse"

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This event took place in a large Jewish hospital in California. My girlfriend at the time told me about her event and it just recently occurred to me that some might appreciate her story. Older readers here can tell that this took place some decades ago because she was an LPN who wore a small nurse cap which is no longer required in hospitals.

The other detail that dates the story is that my girlfriend learned later in her work at the hospital that she had passed the “elbow test” which the doctors required for a hire. That is the nurse, with her hands on her shoulders walking toward a wall, her elbows could not touch the wall before her chest. That informal requirement, of course, would not be acceptable in today’s “me too” climate. I should add that my cute girlfriend was about 5’4’ and was a brunette.


She was asked one afternoon to chat with a patient until the doctor could come in. They were running behind due to the flu season. An elderly gentleman was lying in bed which is petitioned off from other cubicles.

“Sir, I’ll be with you for a bit until the doctor is free.”

He replies: “My testicles are black.”

“Sir, the doctor should be here fairly soon but we are backlogged due to the flu.”

“My testicles are black.”

‘Sir, I am a nurse and I would prefer you to wait for the doctor.”

“My testicles are black!”

The young nurse becoming uncomfortable decides the least she could do is a cursory exam. She places her left hand on the side of the bed, with her other hand she reaches under the sheet and slides her hand through the side of the man’s blue nursing gown.

She finds his genitals. She feels his right testicle and it seems to be as large as a golf ball. She rolls the ball between her fingers and finds no lumps. She glides her hand over to the other ball and carefully feels again for lumps and density and it also is normal.

She then feels around the ball sack and finds it is without blemishes. She then massages the balls, stretches his sack in all directions, and finds no obstacles to their movement. Since the man does not complain of any pain she finishes by cupping both balls and they seem fine.

Her fingers then move up the now fairly hard penis which she finds must be an impressive eight inches or so. She thinks he must have made some gals happy. Her thoughts quickly return her to a professional demeanor. She finds the penis circumcised. That does not surprise her since it is a Jewish hospital, besides most men and boys she has been with have been cut. She inserts the tip of her finger in the slit on the head of his cock and finds it seems the right size with no tears.

She then thinks, ‘I haven’t found any problem yet. Since I have gone this far I might as well check on function. Besides, if his tool works he should at least feel better.’

When she recalls that when she worked as a nurse’s aid in nursing homes they would calm older men with a hand release, especially those who were money-generating private-pay residents. She then retracts her hand, opens the partition, and asks a passing nurse, “How is the doctor doing?”

The nurse answers, “He is still way behind.”

The young nurse turns and goes to the cabinet next to the bed. She obtains some baby oil and applies it liberally to her hands and rubs her hands together. She then reaches under the sheet with both hands and looks away, and finds the opening in the patient’s hospital gown. She finds the genitals and uses her left hand to cup the testicles and her other hand to grip the man’s organ. She considers to herself, ‘At least he is not complaining, but of course they never do with this treatment.’

The man had been relaxed but when her right hand tightens around his penis, she senses the man’s body stiffening and observes a little tent in the sheet forming in front of her. That too was normal. She beings to pump the man’s prick with one hand and massages his testicles with the other. The blood-gorged cock now feels stiff (that is, as stiff as you will find any male his age, with such a large tool.) As the speed of her pumping increases her fingers with the other hand gradually tighten around his family jewels.

This intimate action makes the man’s body shake. It is not long until the pumping action begins to slow, the tent falls, and the nurse begins to feel the semen oozing between her fingers. The sheet is spotted. She reflects, ‘Just like at the nursing home, these geezers don’t shoot, they spew.’

She removes her hands from his balls and now his half-hard penis and straightens out the sheet. Since she feels in her comfort zone now she lifts the sheet to clean up and to see if all is well.

She is surprised, “Sir, your testicles are not black. They are reddish-tan and they look great!”

He says, “That was nice young lady, but all I have asked since you came in is, listen carefully: Are – my- test – results – back?”

Published 4 years ago

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