He Controlled. I Loved It.

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It’s Friday night, the girls and I decide to meet straight after work and head down to the local bar. As it’s been a long week we don’t bother to go home and change, we just go as we are. We’re all dressed smartly but I like to feel a little sexy at the end of the week so my short black skirt and black heels go well with my bright pink shirt. Hidden underneath is my pink lace bra, matching pink bikini panties and black seamed stockings.

We stand at the bar laughing and chatting and drinking the first of many. As we’re all single we make sure to keep looking around for any good-looking guys and it’s not long before we spot several potential candidates sitting at a nearby table. One of them, who is in a pink shirt too, catches my eye. He’s handsome and his cheeky grin soon has me making eye contact while I ignore all the others in his group.

As we’re giggling over something one of the girls has said, I spot the sexy one coming over towards us. I make sure to move closer towards where he is heading to make sure that I am the one he is going to chat with. The other girls are much prettier than me and I don’t want them getting in the way! He says a simple “Hi” and I reply similarly, flashing my best possible smile. He stands near me and talks to all of us saying that he has been the one chosen by his friends to make an approach, and would we like to chat. He is full of cheesy lines and I can’t help but notice that he keeps looking at me while he talks. The girls tease him and question him, trying to get more information out of him but they fail because he’s acting as if I’m the only one in the room.

I love it, so I pluck up my courage and ask. “Do you always do what your friends dare you to do?”

“Of course,” he replies, “We’re good mates, we know what each of us would do and although we egg each other on sometimes it’s all good natured. Anyway, can I buy you a drink? A double maybe?”

I am somewhat flattered but accept his offer gratefully.

“I would like that, thank you, and a double is a bit risky but why not, it’s Friday!”

I find myself flirting with him more as we stand next to each other at the bar. One of the girls nudges me which makes me smile and I give her a short stare which tells her to stop. Looking over his shoulder I can see his friends are waving and shouting at him to make the next move.

He gets my attention again by asking my name, I tell him I’m Angel, and he introduces himself as John. He says how lucky he is to meet such a hot looking girl in a local pub and as I blush hard I tell him he can stop with the corny lines. He pays no attention.

“I stopped being cheesy when you agreed to let me buy you a drink and I think you’re hot, especially in that little skirt and heels. That’s pretty much my kryptonite and what first made me notice you out of your little girly group.”

“Oh please, I’m sure I wasn’t the first one you noticed”, I say, rolling my eyes and then shooting back, “Is that all it takes, a curvy girl in a short skirt and heels to get to you?”

“Blond and pink also work well so you’re pretty much the perfect package for me, that’s why I’m so pleased you accepted my offer of a drink!” he replies, whilst smiling broadly and making me melt inside.

I let him know that a man in a pink shirt flashing me the sort of smile that he has always gets me going but then he goes from being cheesy to being cheeky.

“I hope a man out of a pink shirt will do even more to you later! Why don’t we leave our friends mingling here and head over to a quiet corner so that we can get to know each other better?”

His suggestion makes me think that he’s confident and he leads me across the room before picking a booth right in the corner. He acts like a gentleman and lets me sit first. Most people would sit opposite their date, but he moves in next to me, facing me at a slight angle. Sitting in the booth I feel slightly nervous as I didn’t expect him to be quite so close, but I’m not going to complain. Fiddling with my fingers I ask him if he does this often as he certainly seems to know what he is doing.

True to form he grins and gives me a funny answer.

“What do you mean Angel? Coming to the pub with my mates or chatting with gorgeous girls?” and then he leans in close, whispering, “I come to the pub often enough but it’s rare I find someone stunning enough for me to ditch the rest of the lads…but you’re certainly worth it.”

I hit his arm playfully. “You’re making me blush far too much John. I’m very ordinary so you can stop saying all that, Mister. I’m sure you’ve got a girl locked away at home anyway, haven’t you?”

“You’re the only one I’d want to be chained to my bedstead, Angel!” he replies, winking.

I giggle but I’m slightly unsure how to take his answer as I want to figure him out more and I need to find out what he’s really like. I try to get him back.

“Why’s that John? Is it because you can’t handle a woman unless she’s tied to the bed?”

“Normally I do alright” he smirks, “But sometimes I rather like them like that! Now, I see your glass is empty; we can’t have that!”

He picks up my glass, as he winks at me, and walks off to the bar. I’ve not had a chance to answer, so I watch him as he buys another round and returns to the booth. As he places my drink in front of me I look at him.

“Are you trying to get me drunk, John?”

“I’ll only get you as drunk as it takes to get you to leave with me, Angel,” he replies, smiling back.

Then he leans straight in, kissing me softly on the lips, just a quick, gentle kiss. I’m slightly taken aback but I don’t stop him.

“I don’t need anything more drink to decide to leave with you. I’m ready when you are!” I whisper, our lips still touching.

He moves in a bit closer our legs touch and he strokes my hair. He puts his hand under my chin and leans in for another kiss, a proper snog this time; I love how he’s just taking what he wants from me. I almost let out a slight moan as our tongues touch but I hold it back. I find myself moving just a little closer to him. He puts his hand on my leg as we’re kissing. I realise I’ve involuntarily opened them up a fraction. He slides a hand up my thigh and slips it round to between my legs, not too far up but just under the hem of my skirt and touching the tops of my stockings.

His kisses continue, becoming deeper and longer and there are screams in my head telling me that I should stop as we’re in a public place, but I can’t help myself. My legs open a little further for him and I just go with it, enjoying the attention. Suddenly I hear some cheering from his mates so we stop kissing and look up. I blush and giggle and he sticks two fingers up at them.

He stands up from the table. “Let’s finish our drinks and head off. I can’t have them watching us all evening”.

“You’re very bossy aren’t you?” I reply, teasingly.

All this attention and his touch are making me more turned on and more attracted to him. I finish my drink quickly, maybe a bit too quickly, then smile, saying that I’m ready. He stands, holding out his arm for me, which I find adorable. Slipping my arm through his we walk over to the little crowd where, by now, our friends are all drinking and chatting and I grab my coat.

I speak quietly with my friends for a minute to let them know what is happening, and I can hear the guys wolf whistling and slapping him on the back. It makes me giggle. John walks over and rests his hand on my lower back, just inches from my bum. He explains to my friends, who are naturally worried about me leaving with him that it will be fine, and I will call them later. He holds my coat and helps me put it on, then slipping my arm back in his he leads us out of the pub. I just follow and it feels right. I smile at the girls as we leave and ask him where we are going but his answer leaves me a bit puzzled.

“Eventually we’ll get back to my place, Angel, it’s not too far and if you’re worried you can message your friends with the address. It’s just a little walk from here to a spot I know.”

I’m intrigued and I think he’s enjoying keeping me guessing with his answers. I don’t feel worried or the need to text the girls, but I tell him that I must call them later. He leans in and kisses my lips again, another quick kiss, but I don’t want it to end. He’s already got me wanting him more than when we were kissing in the pub.

We don’t walk for long before we turn down into a little side street and he leads me into a little alley near the end. He pushes me against the wall and steps in close. My heart is now racing and my pussy is getting increasingly wet. Leaning down he whispers in my ear.

“I noticed how you opened your legs for me in the pub, maybe you like taking a little bit of a risk. I certainly do!”

As he speaks he runs his hand from my cheek down softly over my neck, then continuing over my tight shirt. I feel him linger, feeling the lacy pattern of my bra through the shirt and then his hand continues its journey downwards. As it passes over my stomach he steps in closer and kisses me, but his hand keeps going to just below the hem of my short skirt. Suddenly it reverses and moves back up my thighs under my clothes. I can’t help but stop kissing him and I feel nervous about his hand feeling me, and yet I don’t want to stop him.

Suddenly his hand comes up hard against my pussy and presses on my panties. Again, I feel my legs part for him without me making them consciously do so. His fingers start to massage my pussy over my panties while he’s kissing me softly and his other hand has moved to hold my jaw so that I stay facing him. His tongue probes between my lips and strokes my tongue, and I feel as if I am frozen on the spot with his fingers pressing against my clit.

Breathing hard, I sense my panties are getting soaked. I wonder how much of the dampness he’s feeling. I am so turned on with what he is doing to me, not just rubbing my clit but the control he has over me. I want to touch him but wonder if I should. I feel lost, I’m not sure what to do next as I have conflicting feelings. Do I just reach out and grab what I want or should I ask him first? So much is going on in my mind as he’s playing with me. I have never been this wet so soon from meeting someone new. I feel paralysed and unable to move but my body is giving away how I feel. There’s no point in denying that I’m not enjoying what he’s doing to me.

My rock-hard nipples are sticking out through my bra and shirt, my pussy is, of course, soaked. I can feel my legs begin to tremble just before he pulls his hand out from under my skirt. His hand comes up to tweak my aching nipple leaving a small, damp mark on my shirt.

Breaking our kiss, he looks me in the eye. “Do you want to touch my cock, Angel?” he asks in his sexy voice.

Breathing heavily from the excitement that he has stirred inside me I nod my head showing him that yes, that is what I want. He stands there unmoved and looking at me.

“Can I touch you there please?” I ask shyly and at the same time starting to reach out and wanting to touch him. I’m a bit hesitant and he quickly catches my wrist.

“If you want to touch me then kneel right here and kiss it through my trousers. You can see how horny you’ve made me because it’s straining hard to get out. I’m not teasing or playing, you’re hot and you’ve made me horny but if you want to touch it you have to get on your knees and kiss it first, right here, right now, in this alley, here in public.”

Standing there staring at him my mind is still questioning everything he’s saying. A tiny part of me is telling me to run but the rest of me is demanding that I kneel, and before I know it I’m slowly sinking to my knees before him. My body has ignored my mind completely.

I don’t take my eyes off his as I kneel but once I reach the ground I can’t help but stare at his hard cock. I’m impressed by the swelling I see in front of me, and it makes me want to touch it even more. Closing my eyes, I lean in and softly nibble the bulge in his trousers.

As I’m doing this John reaches down and strokes my hair so I look up and see him still smiling at me. He gently pushes my face into his cock, so I start biting the shaft through the material, just enough to feel him get even harder. We stay like this for a minute or so and then he steps back, takes my hand and helps me up.

I can’t hide the mixture of worry and disappointment on my face. He sees it and kisses it away.

”You were wonderful Angel, but now it’s time we took this inside.”

My face now shows a look of confusion until he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bunch of keys. Reaching over my shoulder he unlocks a door, a door which I hadn’t noticed before. He opens it and signals to go inside.

Giggling at how smart he is I think he must do this often to have everything worked out so smoothly. I shiver slightly as I walk into his flat and looking around I see that it’s a nice size but obviously belongs to a bachelor. There is nothing girly or pretty but it’s still clean and functional. I don’t know what to do or say so I just stand quietly as he locks the door behind us. Hearing the key turn makes me more nervous but I push the emotion away.

I stand in the middle of the lounge looking at the sofa and big armchair sofa and notice that they don’t match. Then, as I start to wander around I suddenly feel a smack on my arse. It isn’t too hard but not gentle either so I turn to look at him with a shocked look. I find his face an inch from mine and can feel his breath on me.

“Naughty Angel,“ he scolds. “Don’t you know that it’s polite to be invited before having a look around a person’s home?“

He kisses me hard and long, then offers me a drink and heads to the kitchen to get it. As he turns away he gives a quick glance back.

“You can have a look around now if you want but you’re on no account to open the cupboard in the bedroom.”

I swear he winks at me as he says this and instantly I want to know exactly what he has to hide. Ignoring all the other rooms, I search for his bedroom straightaway. I know this is a test and there could be nothing interesting in there but I still need to see. I am a girl after all!

Very quickly I find the room containing a big, neatly made, double bed. Then something shiny on the bedside cabinet catches my eye and when I look more closely my mouth drops open as I see that they are handcuffs. They are on chains and ready to be used.

Once again, my body betrays me as I feel my pussy getting wet and tingling. I tear my eyes away from the cuffs and look towards the forbidden cupboard, just staring at it and wondering what it contains. I yearn to open it but I also have a compelling need to do as I’m told, something I’ve never really experienced before, but I like the feeling. Moving away from temptation I lean against the wall by the door, still staring at the handcuffs.

John walks in and sees where my eyes are looking and he hands me my drink.

”Why are you so surprised Angel? I told you earlier I sometimes like to chain my girls to the bed!”

Holding my drink I sip it slowly, my mind is racing, churning over everything he has said tonight, taking in everything that’s happening right now and what I see. Walking over to the cupboard I stand in front of it. I’m aching to see inside and now it’s really bugging me.

Suddenly I feel it again but harder this time as he spanks me. How does he move without me even knowing it? Shocked and yet extremely turned on I just about manage to not spill my drink as I feel the sting fade away.

“You’ll be coming back here later if you’re a good girl but for now we’re going to the sitting room and we’ll get to know each other a bit better,” and then he takes me by the hand.

Admittedly, I feel slightly disappointed but follow him and sit next to him on the rather worn blue sofa. I look at him and have so many questions inside me that I want to ask but they won’t come out. I simply tell him how nice his flat looks.

He gives me another cheesy compliment back about how lovely I am and then moves in and kisses me again with his hand forcing its way up between my legs. This time, as we’re in private, he pushes my skirt up around my waist, enjoys the view of my lacy stocking tops and then feels my panties which are absolutely soaked. As he rubs my labia through the wet material they are throbbing to his touch.

My lips respond to his and our tongues are probing and exploring. My legs respond also as they open wider allowing his hand greater access to my sex. I grip the sofa cushion underneath me firmly as I feel the need to move my pussy against him. I’m unsure as to what to do with my hands as normally I would just grip a guy’s cock, but this time I don’t believe I should. Instead, I show him what I want and need by grinding my hips so that my pussy rubs against his fingers.

Unexpectedly, he stops just as I am really getting into it and starts unbuttoning my shirt. I want to moan but hold back and lay little kisses down his neck and throat, nipping his skin teasingly as I go. My nipples are still rock hard and are now poking through the lace of my bra. While he kisses my cleavage his fingers grip and twist my nipples hard making me feel both pleasure and pain, with an added mix of frustration. These are feelings that I have never really had before, I’m enjoying them more than anything and feel incredibly sexual, so I start to question all my previous sexual encounters.

I can’t resist any longer and grab his cock, needing to feel it so badly. I caress it through his trousers and squeeze the head between my fingers.

“If you’re so keen to get hold of my cock then maybe we should see what you can do with it. Kneel in front of me again,” he demands.

He strips off my blouse and sits on the edge of the sofa, leaning back, watching me. I set myself between his legs, sensually running my hands along his thighs although still a little hesitant with what I’m doing. I find the zip and undo his trousers and reach in. Holding his cock firmly I stroke it and the feel and the thickness of it makes both my mouth and my snatch moist. I pull out his velvety shaft and lean forward, licking from top to bottom, sucking the smooth circumcised head into my mouth and then letting it slip out. I suck again, taking as much of him as I can in my mouth and then hear that perfect groan as I suck him deep. I lick from the tip down to his balls and then up again, stroking his cock a little as I take a breath before sucking him deep once more.

I feel as if I’m doing a good job as I continue to pleasure him, fellating him slightly harder and faster. I let his cock fall from my mouth so that I can move to his balls, a big pair of balls that I suck into my mouth and savour. I want to hear more of his moans and groans so I move back to his cock, teasing the shaft before taking it deep down my throat.

As I’m blowing him I feel his hand on the back of my head, resting it there. I know what he wants so I try and take more of him in my mouth as I haven’t yet taken his whole length. My instincts were right and he pushes my head down on his cock the next time I go down, making me take him deep and I feel him hit the back of my throat. I start to gag but he strokes me to help calm me down and I try swallowing which always helps a little too. As I start to slide off his length I don’t get to the end before he’s pushing me back down and thrusting his hips up, forcing his shaft down my throat. After a few moments, he relents and I come off his cock but my eyes are watering and there’s drool on the side of my mouth. I take a deep breath in and continue my work.

My hand moves sneakily to touch my aching, soaked pussy.

I need to play with my sex and I can’t hold back, so I slip my fingers inside my sodden panties and start to push two of them slowly in and out of my entrance, all the time still concentrating on his cock.

As I suck him, he reaches forward and pulls my boobs out of my bra and starts to play with them. He kneads the soft pliable flesh, pinching and pulling my nipples. He adjusts his position so that he can use two hands on one breast, squeezing and moulding, but not gently. It’s like he’s treating them like play-doh for grown-ups or like size 36C stress balls.

By now I’m relaxing more and more and getting into what I feel is his sex game. I’m loving it and massively turned on and so close to making myself cum but suddenly the situation changes.
Smack! His hand spanks my tit hard and I can see the hand print start to appear in seconds. I let his cock slip out of my mouth in pain and shock at what just happened.

“What the fuck was that for?” I squeal, looking up at him.

I don’t dare confess to him how I tingled instantly at what he has just done, in fact, I can hardly believe it myself. He glares back at me.

“You didn’t ask if you could touch your pussy and I sure as hell didn’t tell you that you could. I’ve been playing with you, and this was my time to lay back and enjoy so I suggest you put your hands behind your back where I can see them and you go right back to sucking my cock as best you can, girl!”

I poke my tongue out at him as I slip my hands behind my back and move to take his hardness back into my mouth. Part of me wants to make some cheeky comment like asking him who made him the boss around here, but I think I’ll wait until later. I have never been treated like this before but the more it goes on, the more I love it and the more I want. As I continue to pleasure him I feel him reach for my boob again and he’s still squeezing and playing with it. He knows it’s the one he slapped and how tender it is now but he’s rock hard and I don’t think that’s just because of my sucking skills.

He guides my head up and the only sound is his cock popping out of my mouth. He tells me to stand and he stands with me as we move towards each other and kiss passionately. His hands reach around, release my bra clasp and it falls to the floor next to my shirt so now my big tits are hanging free and I see his hand print on one. I notice him look at it too, and then he leans down and kisses it in a gentle, loving way.

Finally, he suggests that it’s time to go to the bedroom and I think, at last, I’m finally getting fucked. I follow him through to his bedroom, holding his hand but walking behind him. I find myself slow down as we near the bedroom door and this time I hesitate before entering.

Once we’re in the bedroom he stands behind me facing the bed. He whispers in my ear to get onto the bed on all fours, facing the headboard and with my bum in the air. I do as he says and nervously get into position as he moves closer. I feel him looking me over, paying more attention to my hanging boobs. As my aching nipples graze the duvet underneath me he pulls my skirt up over my arse so that it’s bunched up around my hips giving him a perfect view of my knickers.

“Your panties have a huge wet patch stretching from your bum to your clit and I know you’ve been enjoying yourself. I love that you can’t hide that from me,” he whispers as he runs his fingers lightly over the flimsy material.

I can hear his desire for me in his voice as my body tingles all over. I just want to tell, no not tell, but beg him to fuck me and stop playing with me. I need him to slide his cock forcefully deep into my soaked cunt which is calling out for him. I feel like a sex toy that he has been using for far too long and the time for games is over.

He moves behind me and waits a few agonising seconds before touching me. He pulls my panties down slowly over my bum and I lift my knees as he pulls them off me. I feel him blow gently onto my pussy lips, making me shiver and let out a sigh. I close my eyes for a moment but they open very wide when he spanks me on each bare butt cheek. I swear I can feel a drip leave my pussy lips and trickle down my inner thigh, I’m that wet.

With a soft sigh of relief, I feel his hands brush against my swollen labia; he’s barely touching me but I’m sure It leaves his fingers moist. I then find out just how wet they are as he walks around to face me and offers them to me to taste. I lick them clean, sucking hungrily on his fingers as if they were his cock and I taste my own juices.

He removes his fingers and stands back so that he can undress for his audience of one. First, his shirt is undone which reveals his lovely smooth chest and then I watch his trousers fall to the floor. His boxers follow, then all I can see is his hard cock jutting out proudly for me. I watch him as he moves back closer to me, rubbing my face with his cock. I suck him greedily into my mouth while he plays with my hanging breasts. I moan over his cock as he touches, feels and gropes me. He tells me to make his erection wet and ready to fit inside my pussy but then laughs as he knows I’m already soaked and ready for his cock.

Once he’s satisfied that I have got his prick wet enough he moves around and positions himself on his knees behind me. First, he rubs the tip of his rock-hard dick between my thighs and my wide open legs. My hips push back as my pussy searches for his cock. He’s starting to frustrate me and I’m sure he knows this; it’s all part of his plan. I feel his cock between my thighs, his shaft rubbing my pussy lips as he reaches around he rubs his finger on my throbbing clit. I feel myself pushing down on the digit but once again he takes it away just as I’m beginning to enjoy the extra stimulation. His wet thumb moves to my puckered little rosebud as he continues to tease me by only stroking his shaft against my pussy.

“Oh, shit John. Please, would you just fuck me? Please!” I scream, turning to look at him.

I instantly regret giving in to the need to have him take me but the thought of what he will do after I’ve spoken excites and thrills me.

“Angel, I will decide when I fuck you, not you. Right now, I’m just enjoying playing with you.”

More spanks follow and his hand leaves a print first on my right cheek and then my left. My arse flinches with each of the smacks that he applies. Each one makes me moan in pleasure, each moan a little louder than the last.

I think the moans do it for him as he stops spanking me, grabs my hips tightly and slams his dick straight into my sopping cunt. He pushes himself deep into me then pulls out and then forces himself deep and hard into me once more. I feel him wrapping his hand around my hair, making it into a fist and then holding my hair tight as he fucks me. I push back onto him with each thrust, my eyes closed with pleasure. Suddenly, he jerks my head back and asks me if I want to cum.

I moan a loud, “Yes,” as I arch my back and wiggle my bum against him. Waiting for his next word is agony but when I hear his answer it’s even worse. He demands that I wait for as long as I can and then beg him when I cannot hold it any longer and need to cum.

I do as he tells me and I hold off my orgasm but never having done this before I find it is the most difficult thing I have ever done. The way he is dominating me is driving me wild and I know I can’t hold it for many more seconds, despite trying my hardest.

I feel my climax building fast inside me, filling my body with that familiar warm, glowing feeling and I have to beg him again.

“John, please, can I cum, I need to cum now. I can’t hold it anymore.”

“I want you to count to ten out loud, slowly and once you get to ten I want you to cum as long and as hard as you can!” comes the reply.

I swear under my breath as he’s making me wait a few more seconds. He’s rubbing my unused hole and fucking my soaked, needy pussy. He’s pulling my hair as I start the count. Once or twice I count the numbers quickly as although I am desperate to please him, I am not sure I can make it to ten. I need to cum now.

I let out a scream as I reach the target, letting my body feel the orgasm that has been dying to escape from me. This is the hardest climax I’ve ever experienced and I even feel that I squirt a little on his cock, which amazes me.

He keeps stroking his cock into me through my orgasm, fucking slowly and deeply until my pussy relaxes enough for him to pull out. I manage to pant a “thank you”; I don’t know why it just seems the right thing to do. He pulls my head back with my hair and whispers in my ear.

“You were a very well behaved slut and did everything I asked but now you have to clean up your mess. Get off the bed, take off your skirt and then get back here and clean me up properly. Just to remind you, in case you need it, I haven’t cum yet so you’re not even close to finished!”

Hearing John call me a slut sends a pleasurable shudder through my body. I get off the bed and face him and I slip off my skirt as instructed, leaving it where it drops. Getting back into position I hold his cock and lick it clean, sucking it and licking it before I do the same to his big cum-filled balls. I love that I can taste my own cum on them too.

Once I’m done I’m pleased with how hard he is for me, rock hard and sticking out proudly. We lay next to each other and he starts kissing me passionately and stroking my full breasts. He sees the red mark which is still clear on my boob and traces its outline with his fingers, making me giggle. He asks me if I liked being spanked because from my reactions it certainly seems like I do. I don’t answer, I just blush; my body has given him the answer he needs.

I think that maybe it’s time I should message the girls and let them know I’m okay, so, with his agreement, I reach for my phone and call Sue. I hear the ring tone and as she answers I can hear the others in the background.

While we’re speaking and I’m hearing about all the giggles that I’ve missed, I don’t notice John move between my legs and bury his face in my pussy. I almost drop the phone as he gets my clit between his lips, two fingers slide into me and I moan loudly, completely forgetting that Sue is on the other end. The pleasure is overwhelming and he’s smiling as he licks me. He’s loving this and taking full advantage of the situation so I say a hurried goodbye to Sue and leave the phone on the bedside table. Now it’s time for another of his instructions.

“Lift your legs and wrap your arms around them, I want you to hold them as high as you can.”

I move into this position and feel him start to rub my rosebud. I sense that he’s really into this unused hole as he gently slips a wet finger into my tight ring. Then his thumb slides into my pussy, stroking in and out and I feel his fingers through the thin wall of flesh. His head pops up from between my stocking-clad thighs to remind me about having permission to cum and then he goes back to licking my clit and finger fucking me.

I hold my legs as tight as I can while I concentrate on not cumming. I want to show him that I can hold it off. I want to show him I can last awhile, but his tongue and fingering are so good and he’s an expert at eating pussy. He increases his speed and mouth action on my cunt. As I build up to that orgasmic feeling I ask permission to cum but he doesn’t reply, he just acts like he hasn’t heard me, after a few moments, I have ask again as the need is fast building inside me. He looks up but doesn’t stop fingering, just telling me to start the count.

I do as he says, counting to ten as slowly as I can but it’s probably still too fast. I scream out when I reach ten as I grip the sheets, letting my legs go and closing my eyes. For a second time, I cum long and hard and his fingers can barely move inside me as they are gripped tightly by my greedy cunt. I squirt a small fountain of nectar and I feel him lap it all up, straight from my pussy. He doesn’t stop, so I must ask him to do so as I really need to breath and calm down.

I feel him move and think that he’s coming to lay down next to me but he doesn’t. Instead, he positions himself between my trembling legs so that it’s easy for him to slip his rock-hard cock into my still pulsing pussy. He doesn’t fuck me, he just leans down to kiss me while his cock rests inside me, his tongue slipping into my mouth as I calm down. I can taste myself all over his lips and tongue.

Then he brings his hand up and slips his thumb into my mouth so I lick it up hungrily, cleaning myself off all his fingers. My hips move instinctively, slowly and softly grinding against his cock. I’m so turned on right now and I don’t want to hold back. He reaches for my left wrist, gently lifting it over my head and to the side. I know what he’s doing and I can see it coming. He places my hand in the cold metal of the handcuff but doesn’t shut it. He’s waiting to see how I react, so I show him how willing I am by lifting my right hand to the other cuff and smiling at him.

He closes the first steel hoop over my wrist, then leans over, snapping the second one shut. He checks that I have no objections but I’m sure he knows the answer anyway as my pussy has just soaked his cock again. As we lay there not moving he takes the opportunity to make me wetter.

“When I saw you I rather hoped we’d be like this but you can never tell! I’m glad you like being my fucktoy because I’ve let you cum twice now, more than I will probably let you again and it’s my turn now so you’re going to be my little cum slut who takes my load. My slut who will let me do whatever I want to get myself off. Remember the rule is that if you need to cum again, which I hope you do, you must get my permission first. Understand, girl?”

I nod my head in agreement but don’t want to speak as I feel I might say too much. He tells me I’m being a good fucktoy and strokes my hair which gives me a rush of happiness as I feel I’m really impressing him. This joy quickly turns into a slight panic as he tells me to open my mouth and then he proceeds to push my soggy panties into it.

“Let’s hear you ask me now slut and don’t you dare ruin my fuck by cumming without permission!” he growls into my ear.

My eyes give him the evilest look that I can muster as I’m in no position to do anything else. I’m glad I can’t admit to him how that turned me on so much. He leans up and starts to slide his dick in and out of my sopping snatch and I know that this is now all for his pleasure. He starts fucking me slowly as he abuses my nipples, pinching and twisting them, feeling them harden and grow between his fingers something which I enjoy hugely. He even slaps my tits, watching them ripple and sway and then fucks me harder and faster so that they start to bounce around. I whimper behind the panties and keep tasting myself on them.

He changes pace and slows down as he kisses and nibbles my neck. I turn my head to the side to give him more access and quickly realise that it’s not the best of ideas as it just turns me on more. I try and put thoughts of my sexual arousal elsewhere but it’s a struggle. Then he makes it even more difficult for me as he puts one of his hands around my throat and with the fingers of the other begins to pinch my nipples. His whole weight is balanced on his knees and my throat while he fucks me slowly and deeply.

My eyes plead with him to let me orgasm. All my efforts to stop cumming by thinking of other things and counting to ten don’t work. I know I am going to fail dismally but of course, he doesn’t say anything. He thinks it’s going to happen, in fact, I think deep down he wants it to happen. And then it does happen, I explode all over his cock. I can’t help it and I can’t hold it back. I squirt a fountain all over him and my eyes roll back in my head as my body gives into that perfect feeling of glowing pleasure and warmth.

Oh crap!

He pulls out of me as soon as he sees and feels me cumming but that doesn’t stop my orgasm.


His hand smacks me across my check, not particularly hard but enough for me to understand he’s pissed. He leans in close to my ear.

“I didn’t give you permission to cum, so you’re going to be disciplined, you’re a disobedient little slut!”

Oh crap, again!

He reaches up and undoes the cuffs whilst telling me to turn over and to get on to my knees.
I do this quickly and he cuffs me but in a way where I can’t quite reach the bed so I’m almost hanging by the handcuffs. Smack! He slaps my arse so hard it stings and I feel his handprint forming on my cheek. Smack! There’s now another hand print to match on the other cheek. I scream through the panty-gag with each slap and my eyes water, but my pussy is wetter still.

I turn and watch him walk to the secret cupboard and open the door but frustratingly I can’t see what’s inside or what he takes out. He stands at the head of the bed and looking down I see his cock, still rock hard and covered in my juices. I watch as he slowly opens his hand to reveal a pink jewelled butt plug which thankfully isn’t massive but it’s not small either. How thoughtful it is of him to select one that matches the colour of my shirt.

He leans in and take the panties out of my mouth, replacing it with the plug which I suck hard as I know exactly where it’s going and I want it to be as lubricated as possible before it does. He gives me an evil smile and then removes it from my mouth before moving around behind me he spreads my arse cheeks. I feel him line up the plug to my virgin hole and as he pushes it into me. I try to relax and take it but it still hurts a bit until it pops through the tight ring.

Now I must endure more punishment as he informs me that there will be ten strokes to my arse and I must count each one. I do as he says, ticking off aloud each smack and in a strange way I’m not mad that he’s doing this as I feel I deserve it for breaking his rules.

Thankfully we reach number ten and he stops but the stinging is still there on my arse. I’m sure my cheeks are glowing red and I know my cunt is soaked. Pushing me forward so my hands are on the headboard, he lines up behind me once again. His cock slides straight into me and I groan. My buttocks hurt as he thrusts into me but I’m enjoying the sweet pain. He grips my hair and pulls my head back again.

“You’re a good girl for taking your punishment but that was a light one. Next time it will be more severe. Now, do not cum, understand?”

He bangs my pussy wildly, not stopping for a second as this is a fuck to make him cum. The hand holding my hair helps him pull me onto his cock even more deeply. He’s also playing with the plug as I can feel him move it about in me. He’s certainly not making it easy for me to obey his instruction.

He’s getting faster and his groans indicate he’s very close to orgasm but before I know it he yanks the butt plug out and shoves his cock straight into my gaping back door. I let out an almighty scream as he does, partly in surprise and partly in pain.

I want to fall forward but his hand holding my hair keeps me from doing so, and he fucks my arse. Only a few strokes later he spunks into my butthole and I feel him ejaculating his warm slippery liquid into me as he holds my hips against his. He makes sure that his balls are completely empty before he pulls out.

I collapse onto the bed and he pushes the plug into my mouth. I clean it and it’s quickly replaced with his cock which I eagerly suck, not thinking of where it’s just been. Once he thinks his dick is clean enough he puts my mouth onto his big balls and I lick them clean too.

He lays next to me breathing hard and a bit sweaty but it makes me feel like I have done an excellent job. He uncuffs me and pulls me into him for a cuddle, calming down as we lay together, eyes closed. I find myself drifting off to sleep and I know that I have never felt so exhausted from sex before.

I have so many questions yet to be asked, but inside I feel that I have found the Master to answer them all.


Published 8 years ago

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