Quick description – Hayley is twenty-three years old, five foot, two inches tall, slim (UK size 6), and has a 32B (although it is a small B/large A) breast size.
For the entire five years they had been together, the only thing Dan had wanted from his girlfriend Hayley, was for her to not be ashamed of her small boobs. He loved them. They were so pert and had wonderful pointy nipples that he loved to nibble and suck on when they got intimate, he couldn’t help but wish she felt the same way he did. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he reassured her, Hayley hated them, as she felt they made her somehow less of a woman.
After being together so long, the fire between Dan and Hayley had become a little more of a smoulder, rather than a raging inferno. There was still plenty of passion, fun, and affection between them, but a lot of their lives had become routine, although neither seemed to have realised it. They both wanted things to be spiced up between them, but neither really knew how to achieve it.
It was at a normal Monday night pool match that Dan inadvertently stumbled across a possible answer, as he saw Kelly, an ex-girlfriend of one of his friends at the pub, sitting with a man of around the same age as her. Dan had always got on really well with Kelly, and they had become quite close when she broke up with his friend, although nothing ever happened between them. Once she noticed Dan, she came over for a catch-up chat, since they hadn’t seen each other for a while, and when Dan asked if the man she was with was a new boyfriend, she told him that he was just an old friend of hers.
“He has seen a lot more of me than most people though. He’s a photographer, and we’ve done several shoots today. He mostly does street-shots and landscapes, which we did a few today, but I’ve done a few ‘boudoir’ sets with him this afternoon as well!” she said, giggling a little at the last part.
“Boudoir? You mean, like, nude?” Dan blurted out quietly, a little surprised by Kelly’s confession.
“Yeah, well, kind of. It’s all artsy, a lot of black and white, using different lights, and that, but, yeah, there has been some nude stuff,” she answered.
“Well, I never imagined you’d be posing naked for some random guy to photograph you,” Dan replied, still shocked at what Kelly had just told him.
“Oh, it’s not porn or like I’m using dildos or anything. It’s all artistic. I’m not ashamed of it, I think the photos are really good. Look, I’ll show you,” she said, before pulling her phone out and loading up an email where he had sent her a load of pictures.
To Dan’s surprise, they weren’t what he had in mind at all. Most of them were in black and white, and whilst Kelly was in all of them in various stages of undress, up to fully naked, the photographer had continually used different lighting/shade or objects to minimise how much of her was shown.
“These are incredible. You look amazing in them, and you were right, they aren’t anything to be ashamed of. I’m just curious how he tricked you into stripping off for him!” Dan said jokingly as he continued flicking through the large collection of images.
“Haha. He didn’t trick me. I can always remember pretty much every detail about the first time I ever did that kind of thing. We were doing a set ages ago in this abandoned warehouse. It was in the middle of summer, the sun was out, and the inside of this building was absolutely boiling hot. I said something along the lines of my t-shirt was sticking to me, and my bra was really uncomfortable, and he just said, ‘you can take them off if you want to, it’s up to you.’ I remember asking him if he meant he wanted me to do a few topless pictures, and he said it was up to me. If I didn’t mind, he would love to, but if I didn’t want to, he was fine with that as we would carry on,” Kelly explained.
“He wasn’t pervy or insistent or anything, but a few seconds later, I thought, ‘why not?’ and took off my t-shirt. I remember he didn’t flinch at all, didn’t stare at me or be creepy. He just carried on taking pictures and telling me what he wanted whilst I was just in shorts and a bra, doing what he asked. I remember it was a really basic black bra. A no-frills, pattern-less type thing, and thinking to myself, ‘This bra looks shit.’ Anyway, his camera battery ran out, and as he found another in his bag and changed it, I thought, ‘Fuck it, why not be really daring?’ and took the bra off as well. As soon as he finished, he looked back at me and checked if I was sure I wanted to do that, saying I didn’t have to and he was only half-serious, but when I said I wanted to, we just carried on. By the end of it, he’d taken about 300 pictures, and I was only wearing a little thong, but I loved every second of it!” Kelly told him.
Whilst she had been telling Dan about that day, he had stopped flicking through the pictures on her phone and listened to what she said, imagining the shoot in his head. Now she had finished, he resumed looking at the images from today, still impressed at how great they looked. Once he reached the last one, she took the phone back and opened a gallery in her camera roll, before passing it back to him, saying these were some of their previous shoots. The first set was a landscape set and Kelly was fully dressed in each picture although there were a few clothing changes and she sat, giving details about the pictures as he scrolled through them.
Flicking the images across, the scenery changed and it was obviously a different shoot, now clearly a sunny day and the pictures taken in a derelict building with graffiti on the walls.
“Ah, this is the abandoned factory. We did about five or six shoots there. He loves the place, so kept asking if I minded doing another set there.” Kelly explained as Dan scrolled through the first couple of pictures.
As he progressed through the album, the amount of clothing she was wearing in the images was decreasing. Like before, nothing was really ‘on show’ for the most part, until around about picture twelve. The picture itself was a black and white image of her standing up, leaning back against a wall, arms spread wide open against the brickwork. The bit he wasn’t expecting, though, was that she was wearing only a pair of shorts, so her boobs were completely exposed to the camera, meaning that whether she intended to let him or not, Dan had now seen them.
He made absolutely no big deal of it at all, thinking to himself how similar they were to Hayley’s since they were also small and had almost the same pointy nipples and continued flicking through the pictures before noticing Kelly was not paying attention. Instead, she had started talking to someone else he didn’t know as Dan had become engrossed in the photos on her phone, and kept scrolling through. Whilst he was by no means a photo expert or critic, Dan was highly impressed at the quality of the pictures he was looking at and could see why Kelly was proud, rather than embarrassed or ashamed of them.
It seemed that the picture of her against the wall was a bit of a turning point, and as he scrolled to through the next couple of images, neither Kelly nor the photographer had made any attempt to cover or obscure her breasts in the pictures. Dan continued flicking through the photos, amazed that Kelly had been happy to be photographed topless, until he stopped on one he wasn’t sure she would have wanted him to see. Whilst it would be categorised as ‘Art nude’, he didn’t know if she meant for him to see that much of her.
The picture was a black and white image of her standing near the top of a staircase, feet roughly shoulder-width apart, with her hands on her hips. It was taken from a vantage point underneath her since all of her was in the picture, and she was fully naked. However he looked at it, he had now seen her completely naked, small boobs, shaved smooth pussy, et al.
It was at that point Kelly had finished talking to her friend, and turned back to Dan about two seconds after he saw that picture.
“Oh, fuck! I forgot that was in there!” She said, grabbing the phone from Dan’s hand and starting to turn red out of embarrassment.
She wasn’t embarrassed about the picture, as it was a great photo, it was because she had just been seen completely naked by Dan, and didn’t intend to be. Dan immediately complimented her on the picture, doing all he could to dispel any uncomfortableness she was feeling at what he had seen.
“Ok, I don’t want this to sound weird, but that picture was incredible. You have no need to be embarrassed or ashamed, you looked stunning in it. I’m more curious about how he convinced you to agree to pose naked,” Dan said as a highly unlikely idea entered his mind.
“My first full nude shoot? He didn’t convince me to do anything,” Kelly responded in a laughing way, the anxiousness at what Dan had seen now starting to dissipate. “We had already done a few other topless shoots during the day at a few different places, and as we started on that set, I asked him if he wanted me to be topless again. He said it was up to me. ‘I’ve never asked you to be topless shoot, and I’m not now. I’ll just take the pictures, and you take your clothes off, that’s up to you,’ he said to me.”
“So how does not asking you to be topless turn in to you posing naked?” Dan asked, trying to link the two.
“After that, he started taking pictures, and a bit later on when he took one picture and after looking at it, remarked that I looked naked in it, so messing around, I said, ‘Is that your subtle way of asking me to be naked?’ He got all defensive and kept saying no, that wasn’t what he meant, which was really funny, so I wound him up a bit by asking what would be wrong with me being naked until he got a bit uncomfortable with my teasing, so got back to taking pictures. I’d never even thought about posing naked before, but I remember at that point, I felt so excited at the thought of it, a few minutes later when he wasn’t looking, I took my thong off and just stood there, facing him. I’ll never forget his face when he turned round and saw me, it was like he didn’t know where to look!” she said as she laughed at the memory.
“Anyway, after that, he just started taking pictures again and saying ideas, and I did the rest of the shoot nude. It was so erotic! Afterwards, I showed them to my boyfriend at the time, Alex, thinking he would like them, but he was really, really pissed off. Like, he wanted to kill Pete and told me I wasn’t allowed to do any more photoshoots with him again. That ended up in a massive argument because I said he doesn’t tell me what I can and can’t do, and we split up not long after because he started trying to be even more controlling. I messaged Pete the day after we split up to see if he was free to do the bedroom shoot he mentioned a while ago, and did it that afternoon, and I again stripped naked. He has never once asked me to take any clothes off, but between you and me, it’s a massive thrill. Why don’t you get him to do a shoot with your girlfriend? I bet he wouldn’t mind.”
“I’d love her to do one, but she’d never go for it,” Dan said, intending to bring it up with her, but almost sad at the fact he knew what the answer would be.
The two chatted for another five or so minutes before Pete came over to see if Kelly wanted another drink and she introduced him to Dan. When he returned from the bar, Dan complimented him on his pictures of Kelly and she told him she had recommended him to do a shoot with Hayley.
“Yeah, I’d be interested in that. I love doing pictures with normal people. She doesn’t have to take her clothes off if she doesn’t want to, it’s up to her. I just enjoy all aspects of photography, no matter what it is, but if she wanted to do a sexy bedroom shoot, for example, I’m happy to do that. The only people that would see the pictures would be me, and whoever she shows unless she gives permission for me to show them to other people, but that’s her choice,” Pete explained.
Dan’s head was now spinning, imagining Hayley posing sexily for Pete to photograph her, and he had decided he was going to try and encourage her to do one when he got home if she was still awake. He sat chatting with Kelly and Pete for about ten more minutes before being called up to play, which they both watched as he won his game. When he had finished, they went back to their previous table and he spent the rest of the night talking to his team mates, but couldn’t get the image of Kelly naked out of his head.
When he got home, Hayley was still awake, watching the television, so when the program she was watching ended, they went to bed, where Hayley asked how Dan’s night had been. He told her about winning at pool before saying he had seen Kelly. Hayley asked how she was since she hadn’t seen her for a while, and asked what she had been up to.
“Well, she split up with Alex,” he said.
“Really? How come?” Hayley asked.
“She does modelling for a friend of hers and did a photoshoot where she ended up being nude. Anyway, when she showed Alex the pictures, he started saying she couldn’t do any more and couldn’t speak to the photographer anymore, who is a friend of hers. Apparently, it ended up in a big argument and they split up because he started trying to be really controlling,” Dan explained.
“Oh wow! He never came across as controlling like that before. I can kind of see his point though. I doubt you’d be impressed if I had someone else take naked pictures of me, would you?” Hayley said.
“Well, it’s funny you say that because that subject came up…” Dan replied.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Kelly suggested I get you to do a shoot with him,” he answered.
“And did you tell her there was no chance you’d let some stranger take pictures of me undressed?” Hayley asked, almost laughing.
“Actually, I said I’d love you to do one, but I know you wouldn’t,” Dan told her.
“What?? You want me to let some random guy take naked pictures of me?” she asked, somewhat amazed at what she was hearing.
“I spoke to the photographer. It doesn’t have to be a nude set. He loves taking pictures. He said how much you undress is up to you. If you wanted to do a sexy lingerie shoot, he would be happy with that, but if you went further, it is completely your choice. Kelly said he has never asked her to take anything off, she has done it all of her own accord. But yeah, I’d love you to do one,” he told her.
The following evening, Dan was in the kitchen making dinner as usual when Hayley got home from work, and after eating, they were sat watching TV when Hayley brought up their previous night’s conversation, asking if he was serious about her doing a photoshoot. When he said yes, she admitted that she had been thinking about it during the day, and then asked him to give her more details about it.
He told her what kind of pictures he had seen with Kelly in, and could tell that the idea was starting to appeal a bit more to Hayley, so said he would ask Kelly to send him some of her pictures over so she could see for herself. A short time later, she sent him a link to a website where she had uploaded them to a page that deletes them after a set period of time, in this case, thirty minutes.
Dan showed them to Hayley and knew that she was, as unlikely as he had previously imagined it, actually considering it. The pictures Kelly had put up were from a bedroom set, and featured her in lingerie on and around a bed, looking extremely sexy, but not showing anything for the first ten or so pictures.
As Hayley scrolled further down the page, she did think to herself that the pictures were actually really good, not what she was expecting at all. Even when she reached the part where Kelly had taken off her bra and was posing completely topless, she thought how it was surprisingly tasteful rather than gratuitous or tacky.
After reiterating that only the photographer and she would see the pictures, Dan decided to ask what her thoughts were, and was beyond shocked when she said she was seriously considering doing it, and asked what he would think about it.
“You’ve got admit, she looks damn sexy in these pictures,” he said, referring to the images of Kelly on screen. “Now imagine how I’d feel if it were you, the sexiest girl alive in my eyes, in them. I’d be so happy. Honestly, I’d love you to do it.”
“Just to be clear, I wouldn’t have to strip off if I didn’t want to?” she asked.
“No, he said it’s up to you what you wear or take off. If you do it all in lingerie, that’s fine but if you choose to take anything off, it’s your choice. He might encourage you, but won’t ask you to strip,” Dan reassured her.
“Alright, if that’s the case, I’ll do one, so long as you don’t mind,” she said, much to Dan’s amazement.
After talking about it for another half-hour or so, he messaged Kelly and asked for Pete’s number, before texting him, asking if he would be happy to do a shoot with Hayley. Almost immediately, he got a response, confirming he would, and asking what kind of shoot and when she was available.
After a few messages back and forth, it was arranged for the evening in two days’ time, and Dan had said Hayley wanted to do a bedroom/lingerie shoot. Pete confirmed he could do it at his house, as he can set his room up for that kind of shoot. ‘I know it is up to her, but just so you know, I really hope she does at least topless, but would love it if she does full nude.’ he texted to Pete before they went to bed.
The evening of the shoot, Hayley was a mess after getting home from work, a mixture of excitement and nervousness was now almost smothering her as she put the lingerie she would be wearing into a bag to take with her. Several times, she almost chickened out, but after several reassuring conversations with Dan, picked the bag up and headed out of the door, her stomach in knots at not knowing what to expect.
When she arrived at Pete’s house, she was surprised at how he was a very average guy, around about her own age as he opened the door. She was expecting him to be a lot older, however as he invited her in, she almost immediately began to feel relaxed. Pete was very unassuming, and instantly brought her a drink and made small talk with her to put her at ease rather than rushing straight into the shoot. Finally, the subject came up and he reiterated that she is under no pressure to do anything she didn’t want to.
“I understand you want to do a bedroom lingerie shoot. That’s no problem at all. I see you’ve brought several outfits with you, which is great. I’ll show you where you can get changed when we go upstairs. I know you’ve probably been told this a hundred times, but I’ll say it one more time. If you choose to go topless or even nude, that is completely up to you, but you don’t have to. I’ll just take the pictures and possibly occasionally suggest a pose. If you’re into it and you feel like taking anything off, do it as and when you want to. I won’t ask you to, but if you want to, don’t feel like you can’t because I haven’t said anything, alright. Finally, just to let you know, I record all photoshoots at home on video. The only reason I do that is for my protection. It just removes any possibility of a client having ‘morning after regret’ and making up any untrue accusations,” he explained.
After saying that, he suggested they get started, and led her up the stairs, pointing to a small room and saying she can use that for changing, before pointing out the room where the shoot would take place, and for her to just come in when she is changed and ready to start.
She went into the small room and began undressing, stripping off completely before realising that in her nervous rushing state, she hadn’t selected an outfit from the bag. She picked one out and put it on, emerging a few minutes later and after taking a deep breath, walked into the bedroom. She had chosen a black and blue corset/bodice, and the matching thong, although she was a bit worried because she knew the thong was very slightly see-through.
“Ok, you look gorgeous. Hopefully, you’re going to really enjoy this experience, and come out of it with some amazing pictures, all being well,” Pete said as she entered.
His words immediately calmed her nerves, and she moved over to the bed as he instructed, slightly intimidated by the amount of camera equipment she could see. He started snapping pictures and tossing out compliments about how incredible she looked, but not in a creepy way, and although she didn’t realise it, for the first ten minutes or so, he wasn’t paying much attention to the pictures, instead of using it to get her used to the surroundings, and having her picture taken. She soon began to relax into the shoot, so when he told her about what he had done, they both laughed, and then started on the actual photographs as Hayley was now completely comfortable in the experience.
They spent about twenty minutes on each set of lingerie she had taken, and the more pictures Pete took, the more Hayley began to understand how Kelly had felt relaxed enough to pose topless, as she was now contemplating taking her bra off for a few pictures, but was only stopping because she was sure what Dan would say if she did.
“Can I ask you a question? Who will actually see these pictures?” she said to Pete as he snapped away.
“Only me, you, and anyone you choose to show them to,” he replied, “Why, what are you thinking?”
“To be honest, I was thinking about doing a few topless pictures, but I’m scared of who would see them and what Dan might think,” she answered.
She could hardly believe what she was saying, since having topless pictures would reveal her biggest and most closely guarded secret – her boobs are nowhere near as big as they appear because she uses extremely padded bras and wears ‘chicken fillet’ cleavage enhancers all the time to make them look a lot bigger.
“It’s your decision. Nobody will see them that you don’t want to. And between you and me, I know for a fact Dan is secretly hoping you do go topless,” he told her, reassuringly.
Hearing that, Hayley was almost convinced in her own mind that she would take her bra off in a few pictures time, but this was delayed when Pete suggested another outfit change. She returned to the small room and with confidence now surging through her, looked through the bag again, this time for something sexier. She finally decided to go for the stockings and suspenders set up she brought, just in case, and after putting them on, found the bra and thong she would wear with them.
This brought all kinds of thoughts, though, since the bra was only a skimpy, almost see-through lacy type, and not padded at all, and the thong was an almost see-through mesh with a small pattern at the side. She had only ever been seen by Dan in this outfit, and it was definitely one of his favourites, but she was worried it was a bit too revealing to be wearing in front of a stranger.
After a few minutes of internal deliberation, she decided why not, and put them on, again taking a huge breath before walking back into the bedroom to continue the set.
“Wow, how sexy do you look right now?!? I can tell you now, Dan is going to love these pictures. You look incredible,” Pete said as she reappeared through the doorway.
For the first few shots, Hayley consciously made sure that the camera didn’t capture a full face-on shot of her because of how transparent the bra and thong were, and despite how sexy she was feeling, she didn’t think she was ready for that kind of picture to be taken. Pete continued giving directions as he snapped away, changing how she was posing, but still ensuring she didn’t show anything she didn’t want to.
As Hayley became more and more relaxed and involved in the shoot, she could again feel herself being open to the idea of topless, and as Pete suggested she lean against the giant mirror on the wall, she finally decided to bite the bullet and unfastened her bra, dropping it to the floor as she pressed against the glass for him to shoot. Her stomach was doing somersaults as she posed for him, essentially allowing a stranger to take photographs of her in a topless state. However, she didn’t feel uncomfortable at any point, as Pete remained completely professional and allowed her to do things at her own pace, never once pressurising her to drop her hands when she was facing the camera.
After roughly ten minutes of doing covered topless shots, she turned away from Pete and as she looked back, over her shoulder, put her hands on her hips, allowing her bare breasts to be uncovered for the first time, but happy to do this since her back was to the camera. She carried on with this type of pose, changing slightly each time he pressed the button, and not once thinking to cover her boobs as she was really enjoying the rush of what she was doing.
“You’ve got a great bum! It’s so tiny! I love it, and it looks great in these pictures,” Pete told her as he continued taking photos.
“Yeah, I actually quite like my bum. I know a lot of guys seem attracted to a big ass, but I wouldn’t want that. I’d much rather have a little bum like mine!” Hayley responded.
Hearing that compliment, she couldn’t help but feel great, and if she was being honest, a little turned on. Feeling a little mischievous, she decided to go a little bit further still. Keeping her back to him, she started playing with the waistband of her thong, gradually teasing it down as Pete kept shooting. Within a few shots, she had slid the waistband down, completely past her bum, and it was now just below her cheeks as she looked over her shoulder and smiled at the camera as it bleeped away with each press of the button.
“Oh, that is sexy! You’re clearly not worried about showing off your bum, are you!” Pete chuckled as Hayley wore a naughty grin for the picture.
“No, not at all. I don’t mind getting my bum out for these pictures because I think it looks good,” she responded.
“Well, in that case, I mean, only if you want to, it’s completely up to you, do you want to push your thong down further? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, and you can stay like that, with your back to the camera, but we can get some great bum shots if you are happy to do that,” Pete asked, not sure if Hayley would go through with it.
“How far are you thinking? Like, here?” she asked, surprising Pete as she didn’t hesitate and pushed the tiny undergarment to halfway down her thighs.
“Yeah, that’s great,” he said, taking more pictures as Hayley again looked over her shoulder at the camera and smiled.
Like before, after each press of button, Hayley changed her pose slightly, and when Pete asked if she was happy to lower her thong firstly to around her knees, and a little while later to take it off completely, she did so immediately, again surprising him. Despite the fact that she was nude except for the stockings and suspenders she was still wearing, Hayley was amazed to find that she was really enjoying the experience, and without realising it, was turning towards the camera.
As Pete continued taking pictures, Hayley continued turning a little more each time until she was now slightly past a side-on view, more towards the camera than away from it, with her right hand covering her breasts, revealing a little bit more than she probably realised.
“How about if I move over here,” Pete suggested, pointing to his right. “I can get probably get some great silhouette shots of you because the light from the window will be behind you.”
Hayley nodded and kept her back towards him as Pete moved to where he had pointed, waiting until he was there before again looking over her shoulder as he resumed taking pictures. She was now more relaxed than ever and made no attempt to cover any part of herself as the camera was back to behind her, doing various poses such as her hands on her hips, fingers in her hair, and arms straight out to the sides. Unlike the previous pictures, she was now not looking over her shoulder all the time, instead, positioning her head in various ways to look around the room.
It had been about an hour since she had first taken off her bra, and from a few minutes after that point, once her nerves had gone, she had thoroughly enjoyed the experience and loved the rush it had given her. Due to that, she couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed when Pete finally suggested they call an end to the shoot.
“Ok, how about this, can we have a last few pictures of me standing in the doorway, holding my bra in one hand, and thong in the other, looking back like the others?” she asked.
“Sure we can, that sounds great!” Pete replied.
He turned around, not wanting it to seem like he was trying to sneak a look at Hayley as she picked her bra and thong up and moved past him into the doorway, holding her bra in her right hand and thong in her left.
The beep of the camera indicated Pete had just taken a picture, and after a couple more shots, Hayley turned her head to again look over her shoulder for a few more pictures as her underwear hung from her hands by her sides.
“Just a quick idea, do you want to drape the bra over your right shoulder and turn slightly to your left, towards me a little bit?” he asked.
Hayley immediately did as he suggested whilst he took more pictures and continued complimenting her, moving her hands and arms slightly each time to vary each picture.
“Oh, that’s great. You look incredible. So sexy!” he called out, continuing to press the button as Hayley posed.
Like before, Hayley had been turning towards him a little more each time, and was again almost side-on, oblivious to the fact that each picture he took meant that her uncovered left breast was in shot, and was becoming more and more visible the more she turned.
As Pete thought this was intentional, he never mentioned anything, and kept taking the pictures as Hayley turned further. She had soon moved past being side on, and was roughly three quarters on towards facing the camera, instead of facing away from it, meaning that for the first time, Pete was taking pictures of Hayley containing both of her boobs completely uncovered.
“That is so hot! Just raise your right elbow up slightly and drop your left shoulder a little for the last couple of pictures,” he guided.
Again, Hayley complied, although this time, she also shuffled on her feet as she turned a little further whilst Pete snapped away, but neither of them realised at the time what the last few pictures taken had captured.
“Is that it then?” she asked, slightly disappointed at the thought of the experience being over.
“Yeah, I think that’s about enough. Have you enjoyed yourself?” he replied, turning around and moving back towards his camera equipment to start putting it away.
“I’ve loved it!” Hayley said as she put her thong back on. “I honestly never thought I’d go that far though, and I really hope Dan doesn’t mind!”
“Don’t be silly, he will love the pictures, I’m sure of it!” Pete said, lifting his head from the case he was putting her camera in and looking towards the door.
To his surprise, Hayley was standing in the doorway wearing only her thong and facing his direction full-on, meaning he got a clear look directly at her tits. She hadn’t anticipated him looking in her direction either and quickly covered her boobs with her hands, before turning around and ducking into the room she had been using for changing to get dressed.
Once she had put her clothes back on, Pete headed back downstairs with her, and they sat down in the lounge for a quick chat, where he said he would now go through the pictures and edit them. He emphasised that he meant making them black and white or changing the colour slightly, rather than photo-shopping them, and then will upload them to a private file-sharing site for her to download them from.
“Are you glad you did the shoot then?” he asked as she stood up, preparing to leave.
“Definitely! I loved it! Thank you so much!” she replied.
“It was my absolute pleasure. If you ever fancy doing another, by all means, give me a shout. I’d love to shoot you again,” Pete said, before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and showing her out.
Hayley drove straight home, and the second she walked in the house, Dan asked how it went. He sat smiling as she excitedly told him how much she had enjoyed it, and how at first she was really nervous but that quickly disappeared because Pete is such a normal, non-creepy guy.
Inside, Dan was absolutely beaming that she had done the shoot, and strangely, found himself becoming turned on when she skipped pretty much everything that had happened and told him about the bit at the end when she was talking to Pete, and he turned and saw her wearing only the thong.
“He literally turned and got a perfect look at my boobs!” she said, chuckling at the silliness of it.
“Oh, so you actually decided to go topless then? I’m so proud of you! Did you enjoy that?” Dan asked.
“Yeah! It was so thrilling. But I didn’t actually go ‘topless topless’. Whilst I technically was topless, I was always covered up or facing away from the camera. He didn’t get any pictures of my boobs,” Hayley said. “In fact, and I really hope you don’t get mad, but I even went nude. Again, it was only from the back, so there are a load of shots of my bum. He didn’t see anything because I was turned away from him all the time, but that was such a thrill!”
“Why on earth would I be mad? I wanted you to do the shoot, and being honest, I texted Pete and said I really hoped you would do nude,” Dan confessed.
Dan’s mind was now far away, imagining how the shoot went, and weirdly more turned on than he could remember at the thought of Hayley being naked in front of another man. If anything, his only disappointment was when she told him that she had kept herself covered or was only photographed from behind, since he surprisingly found himself wishing that Pete had seen everything.
“So, how would you feel about doing another one?” he asked.
“Yes, definitely. I’d love to do another one. Would you want me to?” she asked.
“Absolutely, I would! I’d love you to do loads more, and I’d love it even more if you were to go further next time,” he told her.
“Really? During the shoot, I very nearly did turn around a few times, both when I was topless, and even when I was nude, but didn’t because I didn’t think you would have wanted a stranger to see me naked,” she confessed.
“I wanted you to enjoy yourself and do what you wanted. If you felt comfortable enough to go topless or full nude, Obviously, I would have loved to see the pictures,” Dan told her. “Tell you what, why don’t I arrange for you to do another one, and next time, you can do that. The thought of him seeing you naked is actually really turning me on right now!”
Hearing that, Hayley agreed, and Dan messaged Pete to set up another shoot for her, before Hayley told him to go into the bedroom, doing an impromptu recreation of the shoot for him. Once naked, she teased him several times by turning around to face him so he could see everything and asking if he wants her to this on the next shoot, resulting in him telling her definitely. Finally, the chemistry in the room was too much for both of them, and Dan grabbed Hayley’s wrist and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply as their collective raging hormones took over.
Following an extensive sex session, Dan checked his phone and told Hayley that Pete had replied. His message said he was free the following evening if she was, which Hayley confirmed, and arranged it for 6:30, giving her time to get in from work and have a quick shower before heading to his for shoot number two….