Harry stood in the shower enjoying the hot water raining down on his head. It was now a few weeks after the night he’d spent with Amy, fucking her in her fiancé’s bed with him watching. He’d fucked her several more times since then, but was now starting to look elsewhere.
Harry got a real thrill out of seducing women who belonged to other men, breaking down their resistance until they wanted to cheat on their partners. He found that moment when they finally succumbed incredibly exciting. He also got a huge kick out of watching a man realise that his woman was going to cheat on him and that her body was no longer his exclusive preserve.
So his greatest and most rewarding time with Amy was on that first night. He’d taken Amy from Pete, made him watch as he did it, made him realise that she would always be available to him, and ensured that Pete knew that he was sexually inferior.
Since then, however, Pete had changed. He’d seen how Amy reacted to being dominated and realised that he had been far too understanding and anxious to please her, which had undermined his self-confidence. So he’d changed his approach.
He was now more tough and self-interested. He and Amy had agreed to have an open partnership, neither thing monogamous. He’d accepted Harry would fuck Amy from time to time and no longer fought it internally. Since making that decision their sex life had improved, as had the balance in their relationship.
All of this had reduced Harry’s enjoyment of his affair with Amy. Yes, she was a talented and enjoyable fuck, but then there were undoubtedly others who would become available. The feeling of a totally new cunt wrapped around his cock was always very special and, even if it was only for the first fuck, exciting.
And so it was that Harry started hanging around at the local student pub looking for his next conquest, and it wasn’t long before he found it.
Wendy Travers was a bright young girl, full of life and very self-confident. Not yet twenty, she was an attractive girl with a stunning figure. With long, black hair, deep brown eyes, a sensual mouth and an hourglass figure, she always had a number of boys clustered around her.
She did not try to hide her figure, wearing low-cut tops that showed off her pert 36D breasts, often without a bra, and short skirts that made her long, shapely legs look even longer. She enjoyed the attention she got, but it was all strictly ‘look but don’t touch’ as far as she was concerned. She was still a virgin and intended to stay that way until she found the ‘right man’.
Harry didn’t know any of this as his eyes ran over her body, his cock stirring as he imagined those long legs wrapped around his waist while he thrust in and out of her cunt. If he had known, he would have been even more aroused at the thought of breaking down her defences and having her surrender her body to him.
As he was thinking about his next move, he noticed that Pete was in the group surrounding Wendy, although he wasn’t paying any attention to her. He picked up his drink and strolled over to join them.
“Hello Pete.”
“Oh, hello Harry.”
“You guys look like you’re in a big discussion.”
“Nah. It’s just the usual end-of-day BS.”
“Who’s the noisy chick?”
“Oh, that’s Wendy.”
“Do you know her?”
“A bit. Amy knows her better.”
“What’s she studying?”
“Religion and sociology.”
“Really? The way she’s dressed she looks more like an arts student.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. But she’s actually quite shy.”
“Oh, I see. You mean she won’t let anyone get close?”
“Is Amy coming here this evening?”
“No, she’s with her parents. I’ll be joining her shortly. In fact, I should be leaving now.”
Pete finished his drink, said goodbye to a few of the crowd, and left. Harry was quite pleased about that as he didn’t want Pete watching him approach Wendy. He still enjoyed fucking Amy and didn’t want any jealousy issues disrupting his pleasure.
After a while, he made his way closer to Wendy and listened to the discussion around her, which was all about the relevance of marriage in the present day. Wendy was strongly in favour of it while most of the others saw it as a relic of the past. Just living together was fine.
“Why are you so hung up on it?” Harry asked Wendy when there was a gap in the discussion. “Why do you need a legal document for two people to live together?”
Wendy turned to look at him. She’d seen him before on campus, but never really met him.
“Because it shows commitment and provides a value structure for the relationship. Once two people are sleeping together, they are giving themselves to each other completely. It’s the most valuable and intimate thing you can share with anyone.”
“That presumes that it will be a lifelong commitment. What if it’s simply an exploration, trying to find out if you really want to make a lifelong commitment?”
“I don’t think sleeping together is part of that exploration. I think sex comes after the commitment is made.”
“I disagree, but if that’s what you feel, then your view should be respected. I’m Harry, by the way. What’s your name?”
“I’m Wendy. Pleased to meet you, Harry and pleased to hear that you respect my views, not many guys do.”
Harry had no intention of respecting her views. He wanted to get closer, to understand her better and find the chinks in her armour so that he could concentrate on them and open them up.
“Well, I’m not like many fellows,” Harry responded. “Can I get you another drink?”
“Yes, thank you. I’m drinking red wine.”
Harry went to the bar and ordered a glass of red wine for her and one for himself. In his experience, girls liked it when the fellows drank the same drink as they did.
Wendy watched him go to the bar and then return. He was certainly good-looking, she thought, and had an air of confidence and control about him. She thought that she’d like to get to know him better.
“There you go,” Harry said, handing her a glass, “to your good health.”
“And yours,” she responded, clinking his glass.
“Tell me about yourself,” Harry said. “What are you studying?”
Wendy told him that she was studying religion and sociology, and that was the start of a long conversation. Harry was a good listener and knew how to draw people out of themselves. He found out that she was an only child and came from a rural area. This was her first year in university and she was staying in student digs, sharing a house with three other girls.
As the evening wore on, Harry made sure that their drinks were regularly replenished. After a few hours, she was feeling the effects and said that she had to go back to her room.
“I’ll walk you there,” Harry said.
“Oh, that’s not necessary, I can manage.”
“Nonsense. No self-respecting man would let a woman walk back alone.”
“Very well, then. Thank you very much.”
They left together. He held out his arm and she put her hand on it to steady herself as they walked. It didn’t take long before they arrived at her front door. She let go of his arm and turned to look at him.
“Thank you for seeing me home,” she said.
“My pleasure. May I see you again sometime? I really enjoyed talking with you.”
“I’d like that.”
“Great. Let’s get together again at the same place tomorrow, but perhaps go for a bite afterwards.”
“It’s a date.”
“Until tomorrow. Good night.”
“Good night.”
Wendy turned back to the door and went inside. She went into her room and sat down on the bed, thinking what a nice young man Harry was. He hadn’t tried to kiss her or take advantage of her. He’d been an absolute gentleman.
She felt a warm glow in her body as she relived the evening. Not only was he well-mannered, charming and intelligent, he was also damn good-looking.
She got up and removed her clothes, then put on her bathrobe and went to the shared bathroom for a shower. As she soaped herself, her mind roamed over their conversation. He had a good sense of humour, even if some of his jokes were a little risqué, and he clearly liked her.
She stepped out of the shower and dried herself before putting on her gown and returning to her room. There was a small basin on one wall of the room. She brushed her teeth, then took off her gown and got into the bed and turned off the light.
As she lay there, her right hand strayed to her groin, sliding through her pubic hair until her fingers felt her slit. She rubbed around, feeling her inner labia start to swell and emerge, gripped between her index and middle fingers.
She closed her eyes and held her breath as she rubbed her fingers up and down, then inserted them between her labia, feeling for the entrance to her vagina.
Her pussy was getting quite moist now, as her fluids flowed out of her inner recesses. She rubbed her fingers in her now slippery slit, then over her clitoris. That gave her a jolt of pleasure which ran all through her groin and deep inside her vagina. She gave a little whimper and gasped as she moved her hips up and down.
Her fingers moved to concentrate on her clitoris. She rubbed all around it then over the top, feeling the nub emerge from the folds of skin surrounding her clitoral shaft. Her other hand had moved to her left breast and felt for her nipple, which was erect, long and hard. She pinched it and moaned then rubbed over it.
Her juices were now flowing freely. She moved her fingers down her slit and pushed them into her vaginal opening while pressing the heel of her hand onto her clitoris, pushing down and rubbing it. Her hips were bucking up and down and her breathing was ragged.
Her fingers slipped into her opening and pushed apart her vaginal walls, her fingertips rubbing the inside top as spasms of pleasure rippled through her body. She wondered what it would feel like with a penis, and straight away thought of the many that she had seen, their images flitting through her mind.
She’d been raised on a farm with lots of workers. Most of the boys had tried to get into her pants and she’d had to fight them off. Often, as a consolation, she’d given a handjob, watching in fascination as white stuff spewed out of the end of a penis. Some had tried to get her to suck them, but she wouldn’t.
All of this went through her mind as her body responded to her fingers. She could feel tension building up in her loins and an itch deep inside her as she approached her orgasm.
She thought about her evening with Harry and wondered what his body was like under his clothes. She’d enjoyed holding his arm and feeling the muscles rippling underneath. She imagined him lying on top of her, naked, his large hands holding her tightly. She wondered what his penis was like.
Suddenly, her climax was upon her. She lifted her butt high off the bed as her pelvic muscles clenched and a wave of pleasure flooded throughout her body. She held herself in that position for several seconds, her vagina spasming around her fingers, until she felt a wave of relief wash over her body and her hips descended.
She took her fingers out of her vagina and sucked them, tasting herself as her breathing returned to normal. After a few minutes, she felt herself drift off to sleep.
Harry had returned to his room after he left Wendy. He had realised that this was going to be a long seduction process if he was to be successful, and he wasn’t going to rush it. He wanted to be the man who broke through her hymen and made her cunt his, to be available for him when he wanted it.
So while Harry was the perfect gentleman, thereby gaining Wendy’s trust, he slowly started to become more tactile with her.
On their second date, after meeting at the student bar, he took her to dinner at a local restaurant. Once again, he drew her out of herself, getting her to talk about her life back on the farm and what she’d felt about moving to the city.
She found his conversation lively, peppered with humour. She was entranced by his green eyes that shone brightly under a thatch of coal-black hair. From time to time, she felt his fingers on her arm as he made a point.
On the way back to her room, he put his arm around her, holding her shoulder. She found that warm and protective and did not shy away. Once again, he said goodbye at the front door and did not try to kiss her, instead making another date later in the week.
This went on for the next few dates until one night she was secure enough in him to invite him in for coffee. He did not try anything while he was there but, when they were finished and he had thanked her very much for her hospitality, this time he leaned forward and kissed her goodnight. A soft kiss on her lips, full of unfulfilled promise.
That night, when she masturbated as usual, Wendy had an overwhelming orgasm as she imagined Harry making love to her.
Over the next few weeks, they continued going out together, followed by having coffee in Wendy’s room, until one night as they stood at the door to say goodnight, Harry’s kiss became more intimate. He sucked at her lower lip and pushed his tongue into her mouth.
Wendy felt herself melt as she opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to enter her. She felt him lick her teeth and gums before licking underneath her tongue, then around its tip.
She moaned and licked him back, her tongue dancing with his, barely noticing that his hands were feeling her waist, running up and down her sides. She had her arms around his neck, clinging to him. They kissed for a long time before he broke it off and stepped back.
“Oh Wendy, I’m so sorry. I got carried away. Please forgive me.”
She smiled at him, her eyes soft and loving.
“Nothing to forgive, Harry. You did nothing wrong.”
“I think I should go.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Same time tomorrow?”
“I can’t wait.”
They kissed briefly again and then he left.
The next few dates also involved long kisses, but now Harry started moving his hands around as he kissed her, feeling her butt cheeks, the small of her back, her shoulders, her upper arms.
Over the next few weeks, she got used to feeling his touch all over her, so when his hands strayed round to feel the side of her breasts, it didn’t feel strange or worrying at all; instead, it felt rather nice, evoking a twinge in her groin.
Wendy, too, had been exploring his body with her hands. She had felt his upper arms with his rippling biceps. She had put her hand on his chest and felt its muscles. She’d held his butt.
She’d also felt his erection pressed against her, something that had given her butterflies in her stomach.
Harry saw the changes in her behaviour. The timing was now right for him to move to the next level, so one night, when they started kissing at the end of her evening and he had been brushing the side of her left breast, he moved his hand between them and squeezed her breast then palpitated it through her top. As he did so, he realised she wasn’t wearing a bra.
“Mmmmmm,” Wendy moaned into his mouth, her hips moving.
Harry carried on kissing her, but moved his hand to her waist and pulled her top out of her skirt, then pushed his hand up underneath until his fingers found her nipple. He rubbed his fingertips over it, then around her areola before holding her breast and palpitating it.
Wendy was in seventh heaven. She felt her slit moisten and her panties cling to it. She broke their kiss and threw her head back, closing her eyes and sighing, then lifted her head and looked at Harry.
“Take it off,” she said.
She lifted her arms and he pulled it off as he saw her top half naked for the first time. She was stunning. Firm breasts high up on her chest with big erect nipples sticking out, framed by areolae that were medium pink in colour. Her figure was fantastic, with a narrow waist flaring out into more generous hips. Her stomach was absolutely flat with a pretty little navel.
Harry had undressed her a hundred times in his mind, but this just eclipsed his imagination.
“My God, Wendy, you are incredibly beautiful,” he said as his eyes roamed over her body. “You are gorgeous.”
He stretched out his hands and ran them over her body, feeling her waist and stomach, then rubbing his palms over her breasts. Wendy placed her hands over his, holding them on her breasts. She felt delighted that he liked her so much.
Harry could feel his cock growing and jerking as his body responded to his sensory stimulation. He desperately wanted to rip off her skirt and plunge his cock into the sexy figure in front of him, but knew that he had to resist the impulse.
He took his hands off her breasts and pulled her towards him, his arms around her, his hands all over her back, feeling her skin as he kissed her passionately, nibbling at her lips.
Wendy put her hands on his waist, then pulled his shirt out of his trousers and pushed her hands underneath it to run them over his back. She could feel his muscles as her hands ran over his shape from his broad shoulders to his narrow waist. She could also feel that he was quite hairy, with soft down over his shoulders and back, culminating in a thicket of hair in the hollow in the small of his back.
Harry felt her hands on his skin and knew that she was his for the taking, it was only a matter of time. He licked at her lips then moved his mouth to brush his lips down the side of her neck towards the curve where it joined her shoulders. As he did so he breathed out gently, blowing on her skin, as well as licking.
Wendy closed her eyes and concentrated on the tickly sensations on her neck. She could feel the nerves all over her body becoming hyper-sensitive and an itch developing in her groin. Her hips started to move and rotate.
“Oh, Harry,” she moaned, “oh, that’s so nice.”
Harry started licking at her shoulders, running his tongue all over them, then back to her neck before slowly moving down at the front towards her chest. It wasn’t long before he bent down and his tongue ran over the top of her breasts and into her cleavage.
He licked between her breasts, then over to her right nipple, his tongue flicking at the erect nub. He felt her body jerk as his tongue played with her nipple, then sucked it between his lips and into his mouth, his teeth raking it gently.
“Oh gawd,” Wendy breathed softly as she felt her pussy twitch. Her mind was in turmoil and she didn’t know what to do. It was as though there was a nerve connecting her breasts and her pussy, and she desperately wanted to touch herself.
Harry felt her reactions and moved his hands to rest on her buttocks, massaging her cheeks. He squeezed them and pulled at them as he sucked her nipples until, gradually, her skirt started riding up. After a few minutes, he moved his hands down to pull up the hem and then feel her butt cheeks without the material of her skirt in the way.
Harry could feel the thin material of her panties stretched over her butt. Her panties were quite brief, so he also felt her skin directly at the edges of her panties. Her butt was shapely, with a good covering of flesh and muscle. ‘Good,’ he thought, ‘that will provide a good cushion when I’m fucking her.’
Wendy felt his fingers exploring her and pushed back against them. She liked feeling his touch. He felt her movement and ran his fingers down the back of her panties towards the gusset underneath. As he did so, he felt that they were damp. It was time for the next move.
He lifted his head from her chest and kissed her on the lips, then reached down and loosened her belt, unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She didn’t say anything, just gazed at him as he did so, leaving her standing there naked except for her bright red panties.
“Oh, Wendy,” he said softly, “you are unbelievably beautiful. You are perfect.”
For the first time, he could see her true shape, how long her legs really were, the gap between them at her groin. Her panties were brief and he could see a thick bush of black hair beneath them, with strands curling out at the sides and over the top. That excited him. He loved a really hairy cunt.
Wendy looked at him. She couldn’t believe that she was standing almost naked in front of this man, yet it was what she wanted. More than that, she wanted to see him too. She wasn’t scared of him.
“I’m at a disadvantage,” she said, smiling. “You’re still dressed and here I am without my clothes.”
“Well, why don’t you fix that?” he replied, also with a smile.
Wendy did. She undid his shirt buttons and pushed his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms before throwing it to the side, then undid his belt, unzipped his trousers, and tugged them down so he could step out of them. As he did so, she saw for the first time what an incredibly sexy man he was.
Harry had all the attributes she liked. He was well-built and muscular with a broad chest, a narrow waist, and a chiselled stomach. He had lots of black chest hair with a path leading down his abdomen to disappear into the top of his jockeys. His arms were strong and hairy, as were his legs.
She reached out and touched his nipples, then ran her fingers over his chest, playing with his body hair, but her eyes were drawn to the shape in his jockey pants. Harry normally wore boxers, but he had wanted to wear something more revealing. It was part of his plan and it worked.
Wendy could hardly believe what she could see. His pants were quite brief and did little to conceal the shape of his erect cock. It seemed enormous to her, its outline stretching the thin material and clearly visible. Not only that, she could also see the tip of his cockhead as it poked above the waistband and a large bulge underneath where his balls were held by the material. It seemed like it would burst under the strain.
Wendy licked her lips as her eyes took in the vision in front of her. This was an Adonis and all of her basic instincts wanted him. She wanted to be taken by him, to be dominated by him, to belong to him and, in that moment, she realised that she wanted him physically. She wanted to feel his body towering over and dominating her, his penis in her vagina.
But she was scared. She could see his size and wondered how anything like that could ever fit inside her. It would surely hurt. Then there was the moral problem. If she gave in to him and he left her, she would be ruined for every other man. She felt really conflicted, but her body didn’t. Her pussy was itching like hell as her juices flowed out of her and into her panties. Her heart was thumping and there were butterflies in her stomach.
Harry saw the conflict in her face. He also saw the stain on her panties grow larger.
“I think we should move to the bed. It will be more comfortable,” he said.
“OK, but you know we can’t make love. You know how I feel about sex before marriage.”
“Wendy, I’m not going to do anything you don’t want,” Harry replied. “You know I respect your feelings.”
He took her hand and led her to the bed. She sat down on the edge, her face turned upwards to look at him. He didn’t say anything, but put his arm under her legs, scooped them up and turned her round as he laid them down on the bed, then got on and lay down next to her, propping himself on one elbow.
“Look at me, gorgeous,” he said as he trailed his fingers across her breasts.
She looked at him quizzically.
“All I want is for you to be happy. You can feel secure in me. I won’t do anything you don’t want or cross any of your lines. I just want you to feel good.”
He trailed his fingers down over her stomach, then leaned down and kissed her, his tongue dancing with hers as his fingers brushed over the material of her panties.
She turned on her side to face him, their lips still locked. He put his hand behind her butt and pulled her close so that she could feel his cock pressed against her stomach. At the same time, he pushed his leg forward between hers so that her thighs parted slightly.
Wendy could feel her breasts squashed against his chest, his hairs tickling her nipples. She rubbed herself against him as they kissed. His hand was pulling at her butt and she could feel his fingers sliding under the hem of her panties.
Her hips were now pumping involuntarily as she slid her body against his cock. He moved his hand off her butt and grabbed her thigh, pulling her closer as his own thigh moved up and parted hers until it was pressed against her pussy.
Harry could feel how wet her panties were against his thigh. He moved his leg so that his thigh rubbed her pussy. She moaned into his mouth as she moved her hips in time to his rubbing. Her hands were now on his butt, pulling him.
After a while, Harry broke their kiss and looked at her, then pushed her down on her back and moved over to kneel between her legs and started to kiss her all over. He kissed her cheeks, her eyes, her forehead, her nose, her ears, then started to lick her. He licked her lips, her eyes, inside her ears, down her neck, over her shoulders, under her arms. He licked everything he could, gradually moving down her body.
Wendy held his head in her hands as he did. When he got to her breasts, she pulled him down so that his face mashed against them. He bit her nipples gently, making her cry out in pleasure, then sucked them and her areolae into his mouth.
As he sucked and licked, he rubbed his thumb over the gusset of her panties, rubbing up and down and feeling how wet and slippery it was, before slowly edging up the hem until he could push his thumb underneath and feel her pussy directly.
Wendy’s hips lifted as he did this and pushed herself onto his thumb. Harry reached in with his other hand, grasped the waistband of her panties, and pulled them down with one movement until they were halfway down her thighs.
“No, Harry, please don’t,” she said.
“Shhh,” he said, “I’m not doing anything bad. Now let’s take these off before they tear.”
He moved to the side and pulled her panties down. She pulled one leg out, then the other, after which he threw them on the floor and turned back to look at her. His cock jerked as he saw her completely naked for the first time. A large unruly bush above a beautiful pink gash.
Harry put his head down and inhaled her scent. He could smell her arousal. He looked at her pretty pink gash. Her inner labia had emerged and were glistening with her fluids. They had opened slightly but he could still see how they furled together. Everything was neat, tidy, and tight.
He smiled inwardly as he thought that this was the last time that her pussy would look like that. After tonight her pussy would never be the same. He was going to open it up and stretch the entrance to its limit. Her inner labia would be pulled back and forth and changed in shape. Her vaginal sphincter would be loosened forever.
Her hymen would be torn as it gave way to his enormous engine, and her vaginal walls would be stretched and widened as never before. Her cervix would be rubbed and stimulated and would open up so that his sperm could wriggle their way into her womb.
He leaned forward and started to lick her slit, running his tongue up and down her inner labia. As he did so he reached up and grabbed her breasts, twiddling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.
He spent a long time licking her slit, savouring its taste. He ran his tongue down the sides along the outer edge of her labia then over the top to lick the shaft of her clit and then down the other side. He sucked at them, pulling them into his mouth and running his tongue on the edges, then licked between them, up and down.
Wendy rocked his head between her hands as she uttered little cries of pleasure. None of her boyfriends had ever done this to her and it felt heavenly. Fluids were flowing out of her pussy and down her crack onto the bed, making a wet patch.
“Oh God, Harry. Oh, that is exquisite,” she cried, her hips pumping as he sucked. She could feel little jolts of pleasure surging through her groin and her clit felt on fire.
Harry sucked at her labia for several minutes, feeling her arousal growing, then switched his attention to her clit. He sucked the shaft between his lips, nibbling it and stimulating it until he felt her nub emerge from its folds. He flicked his tongue over it and was rewarded with a cry of delight from Wendy.
He carried on sucking and licking as her clitoris grew and hardened inside his mouth. He let go of her breasts and moved his right hand to her pussy, his fingers feeling around the entrance to her vagina. He pushed two fingers into her hole and spread them, then inserted a third and rotated his hand.
“Oh God, Harry. Oh no. Oh my word.”
Harry reached down with his other hand and pulled down his jockeys, lifting his knees so that he could kick them off his legs. His cock sprang free, dripping precum.
Wendy was now close to her orgasm, but Harry stopped sucking and licking her. Instead, he moved shuffled up between her legs and then bent down to kiss her on the mouth.
“Oh Harry,” she cried, “don’t stop. What are you doing?” Then she felt his cock resting on her pubic hair, his balls against her slit. She couldn’t help herself. Her hands went down between her legs as she arched her hips upwards and she pressed his cock down onto her clit and rubbed. Harry lifted his hips slightly so that the tip of his cock moved to her clit.
“Rub yourself with it,” he said.
Wendy didn’t say anything. She held his shaft in her fingers, amazed at how hard it was and yet how soft his skin felt. She rubbed the tip over her clit in little circles, his cock slipping around easily. Harry kept still, not pushing but just letting her use his cock.
She played like that for a while, then rubbed it up and down her slit, parting her labia. Harry pressed forward very slightly, feeling his cockhead notch into her vaginal opening.
Wendy was breathing heavily.
“Be careful, Harry, it’s my first time.”
“I know. I’ll be careful. Just tell me if you want me to stop.”
Wendy bent her knees and pushed upwards with her hips as she pulled his cock towards her. Harry pushed slowly, but resolutely, feeling his glans slide into her hole until it was stopped by the muscles at her entrance.
“Relax, Wendy, we’ve got all the time in the world,” he said, then kissed her tenderly.
Wendy tried desperately to relax her muscles. She put her hands on his butt and pressed down. Harry gazed into her eyes, willing her to relax. Slowly he felt her opening easing and his cockhead slipping deeper until suddenly it popped through her opening.
He loved that feeling, the moment his glans cleared the entrance muscle and felt the soft wet walls of a vagina caressing it. He also loved the feeling of a new vagina. All of them felt different and this one was even more pleasurable, especially as it had never had a cock in it before. His was the first that had pushed apart its velvety walls and its snug-fitting sheath would always be his.
“Oh Harry,” she breathed, “oh Harry.”
Harry carried on pushing. He knew he had to go slowly. Past experience had taught him that. He didn’t want this to be an unpleasant experience for her. That would be self-defeating as he wanted her to become another one of his regular fucks, but one he could train to do whatever he wanted.
Wendy felt hugely proud of herself. She was becoming a woman. Even though she wasn’t married to him, she was sure he loved her, so that made it acceptable.
She still had her hand on his shaft, feeling it pulse with his heartbeat. She felt his width and wondered how it would ever go inside her, then remembered that babies came out of that passage. She felt further down to touch his hairy scrotum, pushing his testicles around.
“Harry, what about protection? I’m not on any birth control.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll look after that,” Harry said, “I can pull out if you want.” But he had no intention of doing that. He was going to fuck this virgin and fill her with his fertile sperm, whether she liked it or not.
He pushed harder and met the spongy resistance of her hymen. He thrust back and forth gently, feeling its resistance, then pulled back a little and kept still as he kissed her again.
Wendy felt him move inside. She couldn’t feel what he was feeling, only that he was keeping still.
Harry moved his right hand between them and felt for her left nipple. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, then gave it a sharp pinch and at the same moment thrust his hips forward, his cock breaking through her hymen and tearing a large hole in it.
‘Aaargh,” she cried, as she felt a stab of pain deep inside her. “That hurts.”
Harry kept still, not moving at all and giving her vagina time to recover and adjust.
“Well done, my love, it’s done. You’re a woman now, my woman.”
Wendy felt a feeling of love suffused with pride wash over her. This man had taken her virginity and had called her ‘love’ and also ‘his woman’. Her brain flooded with pleasure and her whole body glowed as she relaxed.
Harry kept still for several minutes, then very slowly pushed forward. Wendy’s vagina felt like a soft glove, caressing his throbbing cock. It was wet and slippery, warm and inviting. It was quite tight inside, but not as much as he’d expected. Her entrance muscle, though, gripped his shaft like a vice.
Wendy could feel his cockhead burrowing into her as it pushed her vaginal walls open. The sharp pain inside had receded and it was more of an ache, but there was also another different sensation, an irritation that made her feel warm inside and made her nerves tingle. She also felt incredibly stuffed, as though she’d eaten a huge meal. Again, it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but rather one of indulgence.
Harry carried on moving slowly until he felt the tip of his cock bump into her cervix. That sent a sharp jolt of pleasure through his shaft and into his groin, making his balls tingle. A blob of precum spurted out of his cock and coated her cervix.
“Ooooof,” Wendy murmured as she felt his cock hit her cervix. She felt his cock twitch inside her, then start to move as he began a slow in-and-out movement. She could feel his corona rubbing against the walls of her vagina, a sensation that she’d never experienced before, and it felt incredible. Her pelvic muscles contracted involuntarily, making her vaginal canal contract and squeeze the shaft inside it.
Harry felt her vaginal contractions as ripples of pleasure surged through his cock, making it twitch. He could feel himself grow harder and thicker as his heart rate increased. Her vaginal entrance was clamped tightly around the base of his cock, keeping his erection at a maximum as his nerves went into overdrive. He started thrusting more vigorously.
Wendy could feel his cock grow inside her and his thrusting pace increase. It sent shivers down her back. She gripped his forearms, her fingers digging into his flesh as she felt her vagina growing hot and itchy. She humped her hips at him trying to scratch the inside and relieve the itch, but it only seemed to get worse.
Harry could hardly believe what was happening. This was turning into one of the best fucks he’d had. Wendy was a natural, a woman whose body instinctively knew not only how to obtain maximum pleasure but also how to give it. The realisation drove his arousal to new levels and he started to pound into her, thrusting faster and harder.
Wendy felt Harry’s pace change and adjusted her response to match his. Her cunt sucked at his cock, instinctively trying to milk it. She lifted her hips even higher and suddenly he slipped deeper inside.
“Oh gawd,” she cried softly. “Oh Harry. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.”
A flood of pleasure spread from deep inside her to wash through her loins and into her stomach. Her pelvic muscles clenched tightly and started to spasm rhythmically. There was a roaring in her ears and she saw flashes of light through her tightly shut eyes.
In the distance, she heard a cry from Harry, then felt a warm rush of liquid inside her, making everything slippery. There was a brief pause then she felt a twitch inside her and another flood of warm liquid swirl around inside her vagina, followed by another, and another and another.
Harry had suddenly passed the point of no return. With a huge push, he felt his cock batter its way under her cervix and deep into the back of her vagina to stretch it even further. At the same time, his balls rose to cling tightly to the base of his shaft as a stream of semen surged up his urethra and sprayed into Wendy’s spasming cunt.
He didn’t stop, but pounded in and out of her relentlessly, his cock jerking and spraying ropes of semen into her fertile cunt with each ejaculation. His movements spread it throughout her vagina, coating her insides and oozing out of the entrance around the base of his cock. Eventually, his ejaculations stopped and his muscles relaxed. He slowed down his thrusts, then stopped, his cock still deeply embedded in her cunt.
He opened his eyes and looked at Wendy. She was beaming up at him, a huge smile on her face, her body still sensitive and glowing. She was also in seventh heaven. She had never experienced such powerful feelings.
“Thank you, my darling,” she said. “Thank you so much.”
Harry lowered himself down slowly to lie on her. He kissed her gently.
“Wendy, that was really good,” he said.
Wendy was in seventh heaven. This gorgeous, experienced man had just praised her. She ran her hands over his back and down over his butt, thinking how sexy he was.
“Will you teach me how to make love?” She asked.
“You already know how to make love,” he answered, “but I will teach you how to fuck.”
“What is the difference? Isn’t that just a crude word for making love?”
“No. Fucking is about pure sexual pleasure, about that incredible tickle you feel in your sexual organs. It’s about your tits, your cunt, my cock, not your breasts, your vagina, and my penis. You can fuck without loving, but loving makes it very special and that’s when it becomes making love.”
“And tonight, what was that?”
“Making love,” he replied, but he wasn’t really telling the truth. It was what he knew she wanted to hear. To him, it was a damn good fuck, but just a fuck.
Harry knew she had feelings for him. That had both good and bad aspects. The good was that she would do almost anything he wanted. The bad was that she would find it hard to share him and he was certainly not going to be monogamous.
Most importantly, however, he realised that he had found a new sexual partner who would become one of the best. While the entrance to her cunt was really tight, her vagina was surprisingly large. It had accommodated his large cock relatively easily, both in width and depth, fitting like a tailored glove. Accompanying that was her raw sexuality. The control she had over her pelvic muscles, both externally and deep inside, was unbelievable, and her animalistic response was unlike any he had encountered before.
He had stumbled across a fabulous opportunity. An inexperienced girl with a stunning body and a smouldering, but hidden, sexuality who could be moulded into a perfect fucktoy, ready and willing to provide whatever sexual activity took his fancy. He was going to have months of fun with her.
He also realised that she had no idea how large he was and that over time she would discover that most men could not satisfy her. That would lead her into a search for pleasure that would involve many different men in many scenarios, but would inevitably always bring her back to him.
Wendy had no idea what was going through his mind. She lay there with the weight of his body on top of her and his cock deep inside her cunt, feeling loved, safe, secure, and protected. He still felt hard inside her, and she clenched her inner muscles around it.
Harry felt her cunt twitch. His cock was still hard, not only because he usually took a long time to detumesce, but also because the entrance to her cunt was so tight that it was like a cock-ring, clamping the blood supply inside his cock. That would, of course, change over time when the muscle weakened as he fucked her, but right now it was useful.
“Put your legs over mine and hook your feet behind my calves,” he said, lifting himself in his hands, “that way you can brace yourself against me and fuck me back.”
Wendy shifted herself and did as he said. She looked up at him expectantly.
“I’m going to fuck you now, Wendy. I’m going to fuck you hard, use your body for my pleasure. You’re going to fuck me back and use my body for your pleasure. You’re going to let yourself go, scream, bite, shout, whatever excites you, and do what you want with my body, but I’m going to fuck you relentlessly until you can’t move any more.”
Wendy felt her body shiver in anticipation as he spoke. His words excited her and she clenched her cunt, making his cock jerk.
Harry pulled his cock back until his glans was close to her entrance and held it there for a moment before plunging it forward, thrusting hard. She felt a momentary stab of pain then suddenly he was pounding her cunt with long, fast strokes.
Wendy loved it. She grabbed his hips and pulled him back and forth as he battered her cunt. Her labia were wrapped tightly around his shaft and were dragged back and forth with his thrusts. Her clitoris was pulled downward with each instroke and dragged along the top of his shaft until his pubic bone bashed into hers. His balls banged against her butt every time he was deep inside her.
She fucked him back hard, lifting her butt high, trying to get him deeper. She clenched her muscles and held her breath as her skin tingled all over her body. She stared into his beautiful green eyes, holding his gaze.
Her body bounced up and down under him. The bed squeaked and groaned and the headboard banged into the wall rhythmically. Her clitoris felt as though it was on fire. Then she felt that slow burn start deep inside her, spreading slowly and increasing in intensity until it overtook her whole existence.
All that mattered in her world was her cunt. It dominated everything. Her eyes rolled up and she started shuddering. Her arms flailed around, beating the bed and she flung her head from side to side until suddenly she was rigid, her butt high off the bed.
“Aaaaaaaaargh,” she cried, but Harry didn’t stop. He drove into her relentlessly, forcing her butt back down as he pounded in and out.
Wendy couldn’t do anything other than shake. She was totally overwhelmed by her orgasm which seemed to go on forever. All she could feel was an incredible sense of stimulation and pleasure radiating from her cunt. Eventually it subsided and reality came back and she opened her eyes. Harry had stopped fucking her and was keeping still. He smiled at her
“Welcome back. Did you enjoy that?”
“Oh, Harry, you don’t need to ask.”
“How do you feel now?”
“Happy. Very happy. But also sore.”
“Would you like me to pull out?”
“I think so.”
Harry arched his back and pulled out his cock. It was still hard and rigid, and dripping with semen. There were streaks of blood mixed with semen on his shaft. He sat back on his haunches and looked at her cunt. It was a mess. Her labia were hanging out, ragged and loose and her vagina gaped wide open. Semen oozed out of her hole and slid down her crack, pooling on the bed, pink with her virginal blood. There was a ring of white foam around her slit and her pubic hair was a mess of sticky stuff. Harry felt good. That was a well-fucked cunt.
Harry rolled over onto his side and Wendy did the same, facing him. That was when she saw all of his cock for the first time. It was still fully erect, hard and rigid. It looked enormous to her. She’d seen other cocks before, although not as close up, and they had been nowhere near his size. She couldn’t believe it had been inside her.
She reached forward and felt it, running her fingers around his corona then over the top of his glans. She lifted them up and saw a thread of semen connecting them to his slit, shimmering in the air. She put her fingers back and rubbed his cockhead, enjoying the slimy feeling.
Harry watched her without saying anything.
She tried to make a circle with her thumb and forefinger around his shaft, but they wouldn’t meet. She traced a finger down his prominent and thick urethra until it met his scrotum. She put her fingers under his balls and lifted them up, feeling them move around as she did so.
“Would you like me to wash it?” Harry asked.
“No, it’s fine,” she replied. “I like the way it feels.”
She put her hand around his shaft and squeezed. A blob of precum oozed out of his slit. She leaned over and touched it with the tip of her tongue. It tasted quite bland. She drew her head back and looked again at his cock. She could see a rich pattern of blood vessels all over the shaft. There was a particularly prominent one on the top of his shaft that started from the base and ran most of the length of his cock before curling off to the side. There was another one along the side next to his urethra that seemed to throb.
She saw a blob of white semen underneath his corona where the shape of his cockhead had dragged semen back out of her cunt. Again, she touched it with the tip of her tongue, but this time the taste was more pungent, a bit acrid, and she liked it.
“Your penis is beautiful,” she said, tracing her fingers back over his cockhead, “it’s like a sculpture, a work of art. But it’s huge. I don’t know how it fitted inside me.”
She started stroking it. She’d given a few boys handjobs, so knew what to do, her hand circling his shaft and moving up and down, rubbing over his corona.
Harry lay back as she jerked him. He hadn’t cum a second time, so this would be a welcome relief. It didn’t take long. He felt that familiar feeling around his glans as the muscle at the base of his cock tightened and a wad of semen rushed up his cock and jetted out of the tip, high into the air before arcing down to land on his chest.
Wendy carried on pumping and he ejaculated once more, this time rather weakly, a small quantity of semen dribbling out over his glans and sliding down over her fingers, then down his shaft. Wendy pumped some more but he was finished and she let his cock go.
She put her fingers in her mouth and sucked the semen off them.
“You taste good.”
“I’m glad you like it. I’ll make some more for you later.”
“Will you stay the night with me?”
“Of course I will.”
Harry had no intention of leaving. He wasn’t finished yet. He knew that she would be sore for the next few days, so he wanted to fuck her some more while her adrenaline was still active.
“Why don’t we have a cuddle? Turn the other way and I’ll lie behind you.”
Wendy turned over and pushed her butt back towards his groin, his cock pressed against the small of her back. He put his arm over her waist and held her stomach. She snuggled closer and soon they both fell asleep……