Happy (Ending) Thanksgiving

"A Thanksgiving dinner turns hot and sexy for a college couple"

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“All I’m saying is that I’m nervous to meet your family,” Olivia said as she checked her makeup in the visor mirror again. “Your parents sound like such prudes. I can’t believe they won’t let us sleep in the same room!”

John sighed as he switched on his turn signal. “Baby,” he said, “Thanksgiving is a big holiday for my family. Just be grateful you’re being welcomed at all. I’m an only child, and I’ve never brought anyone home like this. You have to remember they are from a different generation, and they’re very conservative people.”

“Well, I’m not going to church this weekend,” Olivia pouted, “and I don’t want to sleep in the guest room. I want to sleep in your room.”

“My room still looks like I’m a senior in high school,” John responded. “They don’t want me to change it. They’re kind of stuck in the past.”

“It sounds a little creepy. Although,” Olivia said with a sly smile, “I would have rocked your world if we’d met in high school. Everyone said I gave the best blowjobs.”

John laughed. “Everyone? Is there something you want to tell me?” he asked. “And here I thought I was your first lover.”

“Come on, John, I’m twenty-two years old, and we’ve been dating for three months. I’m sorry, but you weren’t my first boyfriend.”

“I’m just kidding, Olivia,” John laughed again, “and for the record, you give amazing blowjobs. I’m benefiting from all your practice boyfriends.”

“Well, I still don’t like sleeping in a different room. I think it’s stupid,” Olivia replied.

“Don’t worry,” John said, “my parents are very deep sleepers. I would always sneak out of the house when I was a teenager, and they had no idea. I’ll come visit you tonight,” John glanced toward Olivia and winked, “but only if you’re lucky.”

Olivia slapped John across the chest. “If I’m lucky? You’ll be the one getting lucky!”

“You’re right, baby,” John said as he took his eyes off the road to glance at Olivia’s amazing chest. “You look great, by the way. Also, we’re almost there.” He loved how she looked in her tight brown sweater and jeans. He reached over to place a hand on her thigh, then slid it down and squeezed her knee. “I feel lucky already,” he said.

Olivia blushed slightly at John’s compliment and attention. It was true; she’d had several boyfriends, but John was by far the nicest and most complimenting to her. She loved his expressiveness, and for all the backward ways he’d grown up, he was amazing in bed – and everywhere else they fucked. Olivia felt herself tingle just thinking about it.

John pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. “Are you ready for this?” he asked. “My parents can be…challenging.”

“I think so,” Olivia responded. She smiled at John and suddenly had an idea that could make their Thanksgiving dinner much more memorable. She decided to keep it a secret for now.

They walked up to the door, and John opened it. “Mom, Dad, we’re here,” he called out. His mother appeared from around the corner moments later, wearing an apron, and reached out toward John.

“Hello, welcome home, honey,” she said as she opened her arms to hug her son, ignoring Olivia altogether. “I just took the turkey out of the oven to rest. Come on in!”

John stepped back and cleared his throat. “Uh, Mom, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Olivia. Olivia, this is my mom, Karen,” he said as he put his arm around Olivia’s thin waist.

Olivia smiled despite the snub from John’s mother. “Hello, ma’am, it’s nice to meet you,” she said as she stepped forward, expecting an embrace and some Southern hospitality.

Karen straightened her spine and stiffly extended her hand toward Olivia. “Of course,” she said dryly. “Olivia, how nice to meet you – at our family holiday.”

Olivia took Karen’s stuffy formality in stride, quickly adjusted her stance, and reached to shake Karen’s hand. “Thank you for having me, Karen. John has told me so much about you. My god, I feel like I know you already.”

Karen gasped slightly. “Young lady, we do not take the lord’s name in vain in this household!”

Olivia blushed crimson and swore under her breath at her mistake. Then, she chastised herself again for swearing. “Of course, I apologize,” she said quickly.

Karen looked Olivia up and down, then harrumphed and stifled a tsk. John stepped in just in time. “Mom,” he interjected, “please be nice. I really like Olivia, and I don’t want you to scare her off in the first five minutes,” he pleaded.

Karen glanced at John and sighed. “You’re right, my dear,” she said. “Welcome, Olivia, we’re glad you’re here. Everyone needs somewhere to be at the holidays. I hear your parents aren’t together. It must be terrible for you to be from such a broken home.”

Olivia took a small step back. “Actually, I have a great relationship with my parents,” she said, feeling insulted but trying to keep it from showing. She bit her tongue from saying anything further.

John let out a long breath and turned to Olivia. “I’ll bring the bags in from the car. Maybe you can help my mom in the kitchen,” he said.

“Yes, that’s a great idea,” Karen said cheerily as if nothing had happened. Her aloof thoughts were on the green bean casserole in the oven. “Right this way.” Karen turned as if Olivia were invisible and headed back around the corner. Olivia looked at John, grabbed his hand, and squeezed it. She leaned in and placed her lips against John’s ear.

“Not a great start, but I promise you a happy ending,” she whispered. Her words and warm breath against his neck made him instantly excited.

“Let’s just try to get through dinner without fireworks,” he said quietly.

Olivia smiled again. “Maybe fireworks are just what we need at dinner,” she said, then winked at John.

He couldn’t help but admire Olivia’s resilience after his mother’s snub. He shook his head and grinned, then walked smartly out to the car while Olivia followed after Karen into the kitchen.

John’s father was sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper when Karen and Olivia rounded the kitchen corner. “Ken,” Karen called out, “this is John’s girlfriend, Olivia. She’s the one we were talking about this morning.”

Ken looked up from his paper and glanced at Olivia. His eyes lingered on Olivia’s ample chest for several moments before he looked at her face and greeted her curtly. “Nice to meet you, Olivia,” he said somewhat politely before returning to his newspaper as if she did not exist.

With introductions out of the way, Olivia assisted Karen in the kitchen. After a few minutes, John appeared and was instantly put to work setting the table. John’s father continued reading his paper until Karen finally announced dinner was ready.

John and Olivia sat opposite Karen and Ken at a long dining room table. It was spread with all the Thanksgiving classics. The turkey was golden brown and looked straight from a Martha Stewart special, as was the vast array of side dishes. There were mashed potatoes, yams covered in toasted marshmallows, freshly made cranberry sauce, plump dinner rolls, and, of course, the green bean casserole. A pumpkin pie and pecan pie rested on the counter behind Karen. Olivia wondered how the four of them would ever consume so much food.

“Ken, dear, will you please say grace?” Karen asked. Ken looked up from the food, interrupted from his hunger, nodded his head, and launched into a long prayer about being thankful for their many blessings.

Olivia was uncertain what to do with her hands but noticed that everyone else had their hands in their lap and their eyes closed. She smiled devilishly and lowered her head, then reached a hand over toward John, slid her fingers up his leg, and caressed his crotch. John’s head snapped up, and his eyes popped open as he looked in terror at Olivia. She smiled back at him and licked her lips seductively as she gently squeezed his hardening cock through his flat-front khakis. John was frightened by the prospect of getting caught getting a hand job, but his erection told a different story.

Olivia kept stroking John’s cock until Ken said, “Amen.” She quickly retracted her hand and lowered her head to match the pious posture of her table mates, then looked up, took a deep breath in, and said a hearty “Amen” herself. Her pussy was tingling from playing with John’s cock in such a risky way. She had plans for more to follow.

Dinner went by slowly, with dull and predictable conversations about John and Olivia’s senior year in college, their job prospects after graduation, and the boring details of Ken’s business. Karen kept eyeing Olivia sideways as if she were an annoying intruder to their small family on such an important holiday. Ken’s gaze lingered uncomfortably long on Olivia’s chest repeatedly, but no one other than Olivia seemed to notice. John did his best to bring Olivia into the conversation and to compliment her at every opportunity, desperate to impress his parents and win their approval.

“Well, I’m as stuffed as that turkey!” Ken exclaimed once dinner was finished. “Let’s wait a while before digging into that pie. I’m going to turn on some football. Do you want to join me, son?” he asked John.

“I will after I give Mom a hand with the dishes,” John said.

Olivia saw her opportunity for the next step in her erotic plan for the day and a chance to win some points with Karen. “We can do it together, John, and let your mom rest. She did so much to prepare all this wonderful food.”

Karen glanced at Olivia with the first semblance of approval. “Why, that’s thoughtful of you, my dear,” she said, shocking John. “Thank you. I would love a chance to sit down for a few minutes. I think I’ll join Ken for some football.”

“No problem whatsoever, Karen. I’m happy to help,” Olivia said, then chastised herself for overdoing it. She didn’t want to seem too eager to gain Karen’s acceptance. John looked at Olivia appreciatively and smiled to communicate that she was doing well.

Karen and Ken rose from the table and stepped into the living room. Their home’s open floor plan meant the kitchen was fully visible from their recliners, separated only by an island counter. Ken flipped on the television and turned to the Detroit Lions game. Detroit was losing, of course, but it was still early in the game.

John and Olivia began to clear the table and quickly developed a rhythm. John stood behind the island and rinsed the dishes while Olivia loaded them in the dishwasher. Olivia ensured Karen and Ken were absorbed in their football game before leaning toward John for a long kiss.

“Baby,” John said quietly, “not too much. My parents are right there, and they can see us.”

Olivia pouted playfully. “You’re right, but they’re not looking.” She leaned into his ear and whispered, “I’m horny, John. I want your big cock for dessert.” John froze but felt his cock instantly begin to harden from Olivia’s words.

With another glance toward the living room, then a playful look toward John, Olivia slowly knelt to the floor. She was hidden behind the kitchen island from Karen’s view, but only barely. John’s eyes widened as Olivia reached up and slowly unzipped his khakis. She reached into his boxers and slipped his elongated cock out of the front of his pants.

“Olivia!” John whispered loud enough for his mother to glance in his direction.

“Is everything alright in there?” Karen asked, momentarily distracted from the football game.

“Yes, Mom, everything’s fine. We just, um, spilled a little bit of gravy on the floor,” he lied.

Karen seemed satisfied with this answer and went back to watching the game. Olivia smiled and began to gently stroke John’s cock, enjoying the sensation of feeling it harden in her hands. She leaned forward and slid his semi-erect penis into her mouth and quietly moaned, sending wonderful vibrations into John’s pelvis. He was rock hard in a moment.

Olivia looked up into John’s eyes as she began to bob forward and backward on John’s cock, thrusting her hands in rhythm with her mouth to mimic the feel of her warm pussy. John couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful sight of Olivia’s lips wrapped around his erect shaft. He felt himself tighten in response to the stroking and hoped he could control himself with his parents just a few feet away.

Olivia half smiled with her mouth full of cock. She loved the feeling of John’s thick dick in her mouth and knew she was very skilled at blowjobs. In a moment of inspiration, she decided to attempt to bring John to orgasm right there in the kitchen.

“John, honey, will you bring me a Coke from the refrigerator?” Karen asked from the living room without taking her eyes off the television. John suddenly snapped back to reality and realized that he and Olivia were likely to be caught at any moment. With wild eyes, he glanced between his mother, the refrigerator, and Olivia sucking on his cock.

“Olivia, please,” he whispered. “We can’t do this right now!”

Olivia backed away from his erect member for a moment for a gasp of breath, and smiled. “I’m just getting started, baby,” she whispered back.

“John, I’ll take a Coke, too,” Ken said and glanced in John’s direction.

John frantically flipped his attention between Olivia’s cock sucking and his parents in the next room. His cock had a mind of its own and began to spasm in rhythm with Olivia’s stroking. His mind was terrified of the embarrassment of being caught by his parents with his dick in his girlfriend’s mouth.

“Uh, sure, Mom and Dad. I’ll bring it in a minute. Just finishing up here,” John said without thinking.

Karen and Ken continued watching the game, completely distracted from the activities in the kitchen. Olivia increased her enthusiastic stroking and sucking. She almost giggled at her audacity and courage to be so bold. She knew John would never forget this blowjob.

The plate in John’s hand clattered noisily to the counter as he convulsed slightly at the arousal from deep within his core. His parents both started at the sound but didn’t turn around. Olivia was going for gold, and John was too far gone to stop.

Olivia sensed John’s cock spasm as it grew even harder. She didn’t think that was possible. The head of his cock brushed against the back of her throat with each stroke, and each of her small hands barely wrapped around his girth, but she didn’t slow down. She wanted John’s cum, and she wanted it now. Karen and Ken were all but forgotten just a few feet away.

John moaned quietly as he felt himself passing the point of no return. The base of his shaft was contracting, and he knew he was about to blow. He reached down, interlaced his fingers into Olivia’s hair, and gently pulled her toward himself. Olivia responded by taking his cock as deep as she could, then forcing herself past her gag reflex. She slid his long dick down the back of her throat.

John couldn’t take any more. His cock exploded hot cum in spurt after spurt down Olivia’s throat. She struggled to take it all in and succeeded only partially. She swallowed as much as she could, but trickles of semen dripped out of the corners of her mouth and onto her chin.

“John, where’s that Coke?” his father asked from his recliner, barely ten feet from where John stood in the kitchen.

“Coming, Dad,” John said with a crack in his voice. Olivia giggled.

Ken and Karen both turned to look in John’s direction, and Olivia stood from her kneeling position next to John. She nonchalantly wiped John’s cum from her chin with the back of her hand and smiled. John couldn’t have been more red in the face.

“Is everything alright in there?” Karen asked with judgment in her voice. “John, honey, you’re blushing! Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m sure he feels just fine, Karen,” Olivia said with a smile. Then she turned toward the refrigerator and took out two Cokes. She stepped from behind the kitchen island and sauntered to Ken and Karen’s recliners.

“Here you go,” she said as she handed each of them their drink. I just want to thank you again for having me in your home for Thanksgiving,” she said with a smile.

Karen looked side-eyed at Olivia and smiled tightly. “You’re welcome, dear. I hope it was memorable.”

“Oh, the holiday weekend is off to a great start, ma’am,” Olivia said slyly, then turned to face John and winked.

Published 4 months ago

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