Happy Ending – Pt 2 – Falling in Lust again

"Losing control, our first threesome goes on all night."

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Testing the waters, as we did not know where to start, we decided to place an ad on Craigslist.

Sensual massage for wife. F40 M54.Experienced male masseur wanted who knows how to give a professional massage, that’s pleasurable and highly erotic while respecting her boundaries without expectation. Before we retire somewhere private. We’d like to meet for coffee to see if we click. She’s choosy; you must be a non-smoker, slim, have no facial hair and a high regard for cleanliness – No attraction; no action.

Anyone reading between the lines would know we were really looking for a threesome Jack said, and mentioning boundaries would give us an out at the end of the massage, should things not go the way we expected.

Within hours the replies came flooding in. Most were one or two-line tributes to their own cock, rejected without a second thought. Only one stood out, eloquently written and ticking all the right boxes.

Max, a pilot and trained masseur, had a stopover in our city coming up. We agreed to meet for dinner and if all went well, go back to his hotel.

We chose my favourite oriental restaurant for the meet. With well-spaced tables, it’s perfect for flirting and intimate conversations.

Excitedly checking and re-checking myself in the mirror, I’d spent all day preening myself while deciding what to wear. I settled on a stylish mid-thigh dress along with knee-length boots, sexy, but not slutty. Underneath, a set of matching lingerie Jack had bought especially for the occasion, made me feel elegant from the inside out.

“You look amazing,” Jack complimented me.

“Thank you, darling.”

“You know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want. Are you sure you’re ok with this?”

All I could do was nod. I’ve been having wet dreams for weeks, but despite my desire to add spice to our sex lives. I felt a little anxious; this was my first threesome, this was all new to me.

Jack had introduced me to many new things during our courtship and marriage. I trusted him totally and told myself my nervousness was normal. Knowing Jack wanted this as much as I did, helped too.

We met Max outside the restaurant. At five-eleven, bald, muscular and with a sweet face, he cut a dashing figure. There was something good about him that I immediately liked. His smiles came easily and seem sincere. His eyes were the eyes of deep knowledge and he seemed to look inside me, not in an unsettling way but a comforting, calming way.

I accepted his offer to take my coat and smiled when I caught him checking out my favourite assets.

We were soon chatting like old friends, exploring each other’s lives, Max gauging us as much as we gauged him. He was softly spoken, a good listener and irresistibly likeable. I got the feeling he could make friends anywhere.

The meal was delightful and as one bottle of Chablis turned to two, a mutual congruence embraced us all.

We were on the verge of stepping into uncharted territory and as they talked I found myself recalling our first time together, the raw, sweaty animal passion that took us to heights we hadn’t dreamt of. And I imagined Max, how his hands would feel roaming my body, touching places only a husband should touch. My nipples tightened as I envisaged his weight pressing down on me, our bodies crashing together and his cock forced its way into me for the first time.

At the end of the meal, Max went to the bathroom to give us a chance to talk. We hardly needed it for without saying a word we had already agreed he was the one.

Back at the hotel, his room was furnished to meet every desire of its international clientele. Pleasantly decorated lounge, large sumptuous bed and a well-proportioned en-suite.

“Very nice,” I commented.

He seemed to have thought of everything, he’d ordered extra towels, bought bubble bath, aromatic oils and scented candles. Jack had brought condoms and a wife.

With the candles lit the soft amber light lent the room the aura of a romantic dream. This was better than expected.

“I’d planned to give you a hot bath before the massage,” He explained. “It will help you relax. Is that okay”?

“Perfect,” I replied. I thought I might be nervous, but I wasn’t.

In a show of confidence, Max stripped to his underwear and disappeared into the bathroom.

“Help me out of this.”

Jack eased my zip down, helped me out of my dress and trailed his nails over my back, my skin tingling in the wake of his touch. Brushing my hair aside, he kissed my exposed neck, unhooked my bra and slipped it off my shoulders. His hands found my breasts and I could feel his hot breath in my ear.

“Max is going to love these,” he whispered as he delightfully teased my sensitive nubs sending a delicious shiver down my spine.

The anticipation of doing something new, something taboo with a stranger had me glowing all over. It was more exciting than I expected and I wasn’t surprised to feel my arousal announcing its presence between my legs. Shoes, stockings and pants removed, Jack playfully slapped my naked ass.

“Go get him, girl,” he teased, sending me on my way.

The bathroom was magical, a steamy aromatic boudoir of seduction shimmering in soft candlelight.

My naked appearance caused Max’s eyebrows to rise and after what seemed like millennia, he let out his breath.

The heat of his gaze burnt my skin as he hungrily absorbed every curve my body, the fullness of my breasts, the flare of my hips and the bare mound of my vulva as smooth as the day I was born. I could not help but tingle everywhere as I stand there, exposed to him, waiting; wanting.

“You look amazing.”

“Thank you.” I wiggled my boobs appreciatively and gestured a sweeping hand around the room.

“You’ve thought of everything. I hope you didn’t go to too much trouble.” I was impressed that he had.

“No, no trouble at all,” He lied.

Taking his hand, I stepped into the inviting foam aware he was taking a peek at my curvy behind as I did so.

“Ahhh…” I blissfully sank below the bubbles.

I was in heaven, surprised, how at ease I felt, chatting and laughing without a care in the world as Max, whom until a few hours ago, was a total stranger, deliciously soaped my arms and legs.

Hmmm … Tingles shot through my body as he wafted hot water over my breasts. I hadn’t felt this way in years, sighing at every touch. As the sighing turned to moaning, we talked less and sponged more.

I’ve always been a noisy lover, I guess, because I’m so sensitive. I’m one of those lucky people that can orgasm from just having their nipples teased. When Jack and I first met, just the thought of sex would have my juices flooding. Jack said he’d never known anyone get as wet as me.

It’s just a shame the routine of marital sex had reduced that. It’s not a problem, but we both crave the thrills of when we were younger again. Jack said if it took the excitement of sex with another man to get me flowing again, then he had no problem with it.

Jack joined us just as Max was towel drying me.

“Wow; you’ve really gone to town in here. I think I’ll make the most of it while you get better acquainted.”

“No problem,” Max replied and guided me to the bedroom. With my arm tucked into his, an intensity of sensations flooded me and the room took on new depth. The texture of the polished wood, the patterns of the rug, the scent of candles gently wafting around the room, the paintings on the wall, the soft furniture around the walls. It was as if I’d been asleep when we arrived and now, suddenly, I was wide awake and transported into a new world.

As we approached the bed my tigress was coming alive. I slipped away from him; crawled onto it, and looking back over my shoulder, gave him my most sultry smile.

“Which way do you want me?” I purred.

“Oh… erm…“ Stammered Max. “Across the bed. Makes it easier for massage.”

Without losing eye contact I slowly turned and sank face down before him, inches from his crotch.

Pouring warm oil on his hands, he took his time to gently spread it over my back, flushing any remaining tension before performing a perfect scalp massage.

Hmmm … His touch was exquisite, the hot oil sending tingles through my body. I couldn’t believe how ready I was and rewarded each stroke of his amazing fingers with an appreciative moan.

Ever the gentleman, he pretended not to notice and took his time, gently massaging my neck, shoulders and arms.

In his emails, he said he was a trained masseur. We took him at his word, but to be honest, I didn’t expect it to be this good. I expected the massage to be mediocre, no more than a rub so he could get a free fuck.

Forget that, you could not have paid for better treatment. Max was an expert, pampering me and making me feel like the most important woman in the world. Being with someone other than my husband and the expectation of things to come had heightened my senses beyond belief. Just like the massage in China, I was soon on the verge of sensory overload, my body pirouetting under his fingers, every touch setting my sensitised skin on fire.

My wriggling wasn’t making it easy for him and he commented, “I’ve never known anyone react like you.”

“Do you like it?”

“Oh yes!”

He must have thought things were going too fast though, for he slowed his pace, probably hoping to give me time to cool down and enjoy the massage. Changing ends, he knelt by my feet gently stimulating the acupressure points. He really did know how to give a good massage. I was glad in a way for it gave me a chance to catch my breath.

“How’s that; not too hard?”

“Purr… fect.”

Applying oil to my legs, he took time to work my supple calves, the tender spot at the back of the knees most men seem to forget, then all the way up to my sexy butt each pleasurable stroke prompting a deep moan of appreciation. I was floating in a half dream state, loving it, wanting it to last forever yet desperate for more. Without prompt I rolled over, legs slightly askew, exposing my glistening labia to his eager eyes.

He looked, but pretended he hadn’t noticed. I enjoyed the thrill as his masculine hands moved up my legs and smiled to myself as they avoided my pussy on route to my tummy. His slow, hypnotic circles gradually eased higher and higher towards my breasts.

Shaking his head as if to clear it, he shuffled down the bed and resumed massaging my legs. He was trying hard to make the evening last as long as possible. He wanted to show off his skills and had planned a long massage before anything erotic. My tiger had other ideas, it wanted more and it wanted it now. In search of satisfaction, my hands found my boobs and tweaked my nipples.

My skin was so sensitive it seemed an errant breath would send me hurtling to orgasm, and as he worked my thighs, I twisted and arched chasing his fingers, moaning as they got closer to my inflamed lips. In my mind, my pussy was screaming, touch me, touch me now. Seeing my desperation for what it was, he gave up the massage and rescued my breasts from my hands. I gasped as he grazed, then pinched my nipples, my convulsing gaining momentum as I writhed against his teasing fingers.

Jack re-joined us and the bath didn’t seem to have relaxed him, for he was stiff all over. He later described what he saw as a bouquet of churning flesh. He’d never seen me like this, body arched and thrashing in ecstasy, all reservations dissolved by wine and lust.

Sliding a hand between my legs Max finally cupped my smooth pussy, his fingers gliding with ease through the silky wetness. Drawing a finger back, he skilfully parted my engorged lips and found my clit, circling it, teasing the moisture over my swollen pearl, making it vibrate like a finely tuned instrument.

Responding to the rhythm of every moan, he played me like a violin, my moans, cries and sobs his music, the underlying quivers and trembles my tempest.

“Ei ya mi ya.” (Oh my God.) I gasped as he inserted one, then two fingers.

I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. The overwhelming sensation of his thumb working on my clit as he finger fucked me was almost too much. I gripped his forearm, my fingers turning white as a wave of orgasm hit me from head to toe spiralling through fireworks, to stars then darkness as I cried out and collapsed quivering beside him.

“Is she OK?” Max whispered.

“She is now,” Jack nodded with a smile.

Eyes closed, chest heaving, I was floating in the after-effect of orgasmic bliss.

Jack gently rubbed my feet and as the darkness faded from the edge of my vision, I affectionately squeezed his hand. Sitting beside me, he breathed in the fresh aroma of sex and sent a shiver through my body as he drew his fingers over my glistening pussy.

“Beautiful,” He whispered.

In the freshness of our relationship, my juices would ooze at the merest suggestion of sex. Jack’s dream of reopening those floodgates seemed to be working.

Inspecting his hand, he watched in amazement as my juices dribbled from finger to finger. Raising them to his nose, he closed his eyes and savoured my delightful essence.

“Nice,” Gasped Max, smacking his lips as if he could taste me. “Would you like a rest?”

“Nope,” I snapped quickly.

They laughed. I looked at Jack and a silent message passed between us. The massage ruse had worked it’s magic, this was better than either of us anticipated.

Jack returned his attention to my clit, teasing and taunting the engorged bud while I jerked and rocked my hips in time with his fingers. Wanting to show my appreciation, I reached behind me in search of Max’s equipment. The change in position caused my breasts to thrust out proudly. I felt so raunchy, so wanton. Max couldn’t resist them and leaning over, he drew a nipple between his lips teasing and gently sucking them.

My eyes widened as I found his circumcised cock. It felt so heavy and like a child with a new toy, my spellbound fingers struggled to explore the ridge between his weighty shaft and engorged head.

When I raised my head to look, its large bulbous tip sat atop my dainty fingers like a blueberry ice-cream in a child’s hand. Max kissed me, not a crazed lust-filled kiss of passion, but a kiss of affection. Then the kiss changed and my tongue took on a life of its own, a fierceness he didn’t expect. Responding, he sank a hand under my hair, clutched it in his fist and pulled my mouth tighter to his.

Tightening my grip on his cock, I raised it and kissed the tip, tasting, testing, wanting. It was his turn to groan, his buttocks tightening, thighs quivering as I licked around the rim fluttering the tip of my tongue on the magical ‘V’. Driven on by his reaction, I sank my hot mouth fully over him, devouring him; it felt so good, so full like it belonged there. I alternated between gentle stroking and hard sucking, which given the distraction of the attention my pussy and nipples were getting, wasn’t very hard at all.

With a restraining hand on my tummy, Jack hooked two fingers inside me and violently shook his hand up and down, battering my g-spot. The intensity consumed me, sparks shoot in front of my eyes, my body quaking uncontrollably, making me cry out in ecstasy as another orgasm gripped me.

Not giving me time to recover, he sank between my legs licking my swollen clit, teasing, sucking it between his teeth and tongue fucking me into a hip quivering frenzy. Unable to concentrate on what I was doing, I gagged on Max’s cock, a string of obscenities ripping from me as I shuddered from peak to peak before collapsing onto the bed.

As the spasms eased, Jack shuffled up beside me and kissed me, the taste of Max’s cock on my tongue, my elixir on his. Pleased with the taste, he pinned my hands above my head and made me squeal as he eased my oversensitive nipple into his mouth, gripped it between his teeth and teased the tip with his tongue.

“I want to watch as he fucks you. I want you to see your face as his cock fills your pussy. I want to watch as you come,” He whispered in my ear. My God, I felt so wanted, so hot.

With my mind in such a frenzy, I’d almost forgot about Max until I felt him lower himself between my legs determined to explore my sweetness with his mouth, to taste my glory.

The feeling of a new tongue sliding around my clit was electrifying. He teased and licked and sucked and teased. Burying his face hard into me he let out a long, low groan, a low rumble that sent an amazing vibration from right up my spine. Shaking, I arched my back unable to stop myself as instantly came against his lips.

My clit could take no more, I had other needs. Like a devil on heat, I pulled him up and guided his cock towards my raging pussy.

“Fuck me, fuck me now,” I begged.

Filled with anticipation, I held my breath and his engorged mushroom approached my vagina. My pussy hopelessly resisted as he pressed it against me, its huge head forcing its way in. The mixture of pain and pleasure was incredible. He felt so different to Jack, his beautiful fat cock stretched me, filled me like I’ve never been filled before.

Max raised himself on his arms, a look of disbelief on his face. My eyes followed his to see the trailing fingers of my juices coating his cock and balls like a shimmering silver web intent on never letting him go. Wrapping my legs around his back, I dug my heels into the hard globes of his ass, arching my back high off the bed as I attempted to drag him further and further into me with each galvanizing stroke.

As we danced the eternal dance, Jack watched with the grin of a Cheshire cat savouring every sight, sound and aroma. Taking hold of my feet, he clasped them tightly together behind Max’s back. The effect was sensational. With every thrust, Max’s pubic bone pounded my clit, his fat cock gaining maximum penetrating as his balls slapped my ass.

My God, I needed this. With eyes rolling in my head, my cunt absorbed every millimetre Max could give me and the world shrank until it was no larger than our bodies. Every nerve in my body focused on my vagina, on the sensation of his cock pumping inside me. This was far better than I could ever have imagined. Everything intensified by doing it with a stranger, by doing it for the first time, by doing something taboo.

As Max quickened his pace. I couldn’t hear anything but the beat of my heart, couldn’t feel anything, but the pumping of his cock. The charge sent me over the top, my body erupting into a powerful series of orgasmic convulsions. His pelvic bone grinding against my clitoris as he rode through the contractions, my cries.

As the pulsating subsided, he rolled aside proudly exposing my glistening prism to Jack.

Being multi-orgasmic with energy to burn, I was far from finished. Turning over, I got onto my knees and offered my succulent ass to Jack. I felt so wicked, a whore begging for more cock. I wanted him to use me, to treat me like the bad girl I was, to fuck me within an inch of my life.

Driven by the sight of his wicked wife’s pussy he couldn’t restrain himself and in one powerful thrust slammed his cock right in up to the hilt. Pausing, he drew in a deep breath, basking in the hotness of my used pussy. He’s longer than Max, but not as fat. His eight inches are painfully pleasing and never fail to take me to heaven. Satisfied with the heat and wetness of my well-used cunt, he drove me crazy by slowly gliding in and out.

“Faster,” I demanded.

Tightening his grip on my hips, he quickened his pace, the sound of our bodies slapping together reverberating around the room. Pow, pow, pow. Just as I like it.

“Ei ya mi Ya.” I shook my head from side to side, trying to shake off the fireworks, the stars, the approaching blackness as another powerful orgasm wracking my body.

Exhausted, Jack collapsed to one side, the pungent aroma of hot sex assaulting our senses. Max immediately took his place. Holding on to his cock he popped the tip in and out, teasing me, stretching me, driving me wild. Just as I thought I couldn’t take any more, he thrust deep into me, making me moan with each stroke. With my whole existence focused on the cock inside me, the world became a timeless erotic blur, a carousel whirling faster and faster.

Desperately needing something to hold on to, I grasped Jack’s shaft, squeezing in time with Max’s thrusts, pulling him closer so I could clamp my lips around him.

Max wasn’t holding back this time. I could feel the pressure building in his cock as he increased his pace, reaming my cunt with his massive head, his fingertips gouging my hips as he fucked me harder, faster. Each thrust forced my mouth further onto Jack’s cock, my moans vibrating through to his balls as they viciously pounded me from both ends.

Lack of oxygen was muddling my mind. I couldn’t absorb what was going on, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, my whole being was spiralling out of control as two, four, six orgasms worthy of the Guinness book of records, devastated my body.

“Oh, fuck, yesssssss,” Max hissed between clenched teeth as his sizzling seed gushed into me. My God, it felt like he’d tapped a well.

Quivering, spent, his limbs turning to water, he collapsed on top of me, his hot liquor trickling down my thigh saturating the air with the mixed aroma of hot blistering sex.

Jack, with eyes transfixed on my swollen oozing sex, tentatively inhaled the scent.

“Hmmm … Chanel-de-cunt.” He whispered to himself.

Drawn by the creamy broth dribbling from me, Jack’s fingers celebrated our bliss and danced in paradise. I couldn’t believe my eyes as he lifted his glistening fingers and tasted the mix of his wife’s and another man’s essence. Wow… that was hot.

We lay in the afterglow for a long time, unable to move, not needing to talk. When we finally spoke, it was in metaphorical grunts and moans of appreciation.

———- ♦ ———-

“Why don’t you stay? I can sleep on the couch,” Offered Max

With no pressing reason to be elsewhere, either tonight or in the morning, we accepted.

“There’s no need to stay on the couch,” replied Jack, “The bed’s big enough for us all.”

Physically and emotionally exhausted, we settled for the night. I cuddled between them, my head in the nook of Jack’s shoulder, my ass towards Max. Once the conversation faded we all drifted off. Sometime later, on the twilight edge of sleep, I sought reassurance it wasn’t all a hallucination. Reaching behind me, I encircled Max’s totem and enjoyed the feel of its strength stirring in my delicate hand.

Max reciprocated by cupping my moist mound. Lazily and with feather-light strokes, he teased the juices over my clit. I’ve never been touched so lightly, it felt heavenly and I sighed in appreciation. I was still lying across Jack’s chest and the vibration of my groan must have roused him, for he lovingly kissed my forehead.

Throwing the bedding aside, I drew Jack’s semi-hard cock towards my mouth and blew hot breath over him.

“Hmmm… That’s good, baby,” He moaned, growing to full strength. I love the feel of him in my mouth and over the years, I have got to know exactly what he likes. Waiting for the right moment, I pulled back sharply on his foreskin sending a painful pulse up his spine as I plunged my hot mouth over him and teased the sensitive rim with my tongue.

“Holy fuck,” He gasped.

Fully awake, he seized my hair and thrust in time with my bobbing head. I knew he wasn’t going to last long and quickened my pace, pumping harder, faster, loving the throb of his cock in my mouth.

A deep groan escaped his lips and I could feel the spasmodic pulse of his approaching orgasm, feel his balls tightening as his hot juices rushed toward my mouth. At the last moment, I released him, giggling with pleasure as a fountain of cum spurted into the air. He collapsed, gasping for breath as I continued to stroke him, extracting a few extra pulsating spurts from his body.

It had been Max’s turn to watch and now the show was over he increased his attention to my pussy matching the intensity I had shown with Jack.

With a thumb pressed against my clit, his fingers delved inside me assaulting my g-spot. My breath was heavy, panting and in seconds I was moaning out loud, so aroused I started to push against his probing fingers, my body chasing release. Unrelenting, he kept up his assault vigorously pounding my g-spot until I was groaning uncontrollably.

“Fuck me,” I pleaded.

Not one to disappoint, he guided his pride and joy between my supple cheeks. Time stood still and I held my breath. Every nerve in my body focused between my legs as he forced his purple balloon against my dainty pussy. My tortured lips tried to resist, agonizing for me, ecstasy for him.

“Ay ya mi ya,” I cried out, as he tore his way in. His spicy cock searing my insides like nails gouging my back. I love the way he filled me, stretched me, in a painful yet pleasurable way.

Was it my imagination? He seemed bigger, harder. Gripping my hips he pounded my arse like he had an itch he couldn’t scratch, his cock assaulting my cunt, gouging me, taking me with a madman’s passion.

I couldn’t take any more. My eyes rolled back, head shaking, screaming like a wild animal, I began to cum, and cum, and cum.

My cries carried him with me, making him thrust harder, faster, his obsessed cock on a mission to tear my cunt apart, riding a wave of destruction. Through clenched teeth, a rasping cry tore from him as he exploded inside me, his pulsing cock hurling hot juices into my sizzling depths.

As I lay exhausted, I realised Jack had introduced me to yet another new world, a sweet onion of infinite layers which I had peeled and savoured with increasing delight. I knew my Chinese reservations had gone, my inhibitions shattered forever and was glad of it.

Jack wasn’t solely responsible for my emerging. Max, with the gentle manner of a gynaecologist to royalty, a connoisseur of cunt had played an equally large role.

Jack wondered if, now that my tiger has been released, he can keep it on a leash.

I said nothing, but giggled wickedly.

Published 6 years ago

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