“The parents are gone until late tonight.” Hailey was talking to her friend Diane on the phone, “So why don’t you come over?” she asked.
“Brian going to be home?” Diane wanted to know.
“I guess you’d like that,” Hailey taunted, then lied outright, “but unfortunately, no – he’s got a date or something.”
Diane was disappointed to hear that but she was not going to admit it to Hailey. “Well, that’s not why I would come anyway.”
“Right,” Hailey allowed, “So, uh… what time do you think you might come over?”
“Say uh, sevenish, when we’re done with dinner. Okay?”
By seven, Brian, a semi-permanent house guest of Hailey’s family, had gone to pick up a friend and Hailey was home alone. The doorbell rang. Hailey went to the door and ushered Diane in.
She grabbed Diane’s arm and immediately tugged her toward the bedroom. When they got there, Diane watched as Hailey stripped off her clothes and put on a pair of pajamas. She tossed a second pair to Diane and motioned for her to do likewise.
“What?” Diane asked, “You got some guys coming over?”
“No, but I thought before it got dark, it might be fun to sit out in the backyard and entertain my neighbor.”
“The one you told me about that likes to watch you?”
“That’s the one. His wife is working tonight so he very likely has that camera of his aimed at my backyard, hoping I might decide on a swim.”
A smile slowly came across Diane’s face. Shrugging the bra off she quipped, “If my parents knew the things you get me into, no way they’d let me come over here.” She hooked her thumbs in her panties and pushed them down.
Hailey watched, thinking how much like Diane she looked. They not only looked like sisters but could probably pass for twins. She noted too that Diane was wearing a bra that was just a little too small, nicely firming and exposing a lot of skin. Hailey and Diane were both somewhere around a ‘C’, but when they couldn’t go braless, preferred ‘B’ size bras.
When Diane had finally gotten the pajamas on, Hailey opened the door to the backyard and motioned in that direction.
“And you think your neighbor will be watching,” Diane quizzed.
“I hope so,” responded Hailey enthusiastically.
“Well, we are wearing pajamas and that is way more than we were wearing the other day.”
“Sounds to me like you might like it if he is looking.”
“Well, I guess I’ve taken a page out of your book. I’m learning that it’s really fun having the guys look. And if they wanna look, I say let ’em look.” Diane followed Hailey out to the pool deck. They pulled a couple of lawn chairs together and sat down.
Hailey had been concerned that Diane might stay too buttoned-up and had deliberately given her pajamas with only two buttons – one between her breasts and another near the bottom. But Diane thought even that was too much. She undid the bottom button and spread the top apart exposing a portion of her stomach. “I want to make sure that if he is watching, he doesn’t get too bored,” explained Diane.
Hailey, not to be outdone, unbuttoned her own buttons, all but the one between her breasts. Spreading her top apart like Diane had done, she leaned back in the chair and spread her legs invitingly.
On the other side of town, Brian was saying to his friend, Justin, “Bro, you ain’t going to believe this,” as he followed him into the house. Justin was expecting that they were going to go out and see if they could hook up with a couple of girls and bring them back to Justin’s house.
“What, you got the clap or something?” Justin asked.
“No, no, nothing like that,” assured Brian.
“What then? Spill it!”
“You remember Diane Larsen, Hailey’s sorority sister?”
“Yeah, hot little bitch. A couple years behind us if I remember correctly and maybe a little uptight – at least used to be – what about her?”
“Well, she’s visiting Hailey tonight and Hailey thinks we should show up and party with them.”
“Now wait, hold it just a minute. Are you sure Hailey wants me to come over? It was made pretty clear to me that I was no longer welcome there.”
“Yeah, we did discuss that and well, I think she’s gotten over being mad at you. You up for it?”
“Shit yeah! You going after Diane and leaving me with Hailey?”
“That was the plan but you got to treat her right, okay?”
“Oh yeah, I will, she says no, it’s no. I’ll behave myself, I promise.” Justin was ecstatic. Hailey was easily the hottest girl he’d ever been with, even if he hadn’t gotten into her pants yet. “I seem to remember Hailey’s folks getting upset about you and/or her having friends over when they were out. You sure this is going to be okay?” Justin asked as he hunted through his drawers for something to wear.
“They don’t seem to care quite so much as they used to, least not so long as we don’t make too much of a mess. Don’t worry about it. Just get a hurry on.”
As Brian and Justin went out the back of the house where Brian was staying, he said, “Hailey told me we would probably find them out back and yep, there they are, by the pool.”
The girls had their backs to the house and didn’t see the guys at first. Diane picked up on their approach from the corner of her eye. Jerking her head toward them, she chimed, “We have company!”
“What is it?” Hailey asked, turning in the direction of the house. She spotted Brian and Justin.
“It’s Brian and he’s got someone with him.” Diane fumbled with her one additional button, trying to get it closed.
“What are you doing?” Hailey asked. “It’s just Brian and Justin. Both have seen me wearing a lot less. And you look good the way you are. Leave that button alone.”
Just as Diane got the button through the button-hole, it broke. “Guess I don’t have any choice now,” she said. “Must be party time.”
“Yeah, nice the way this turned out,” Hailey allowed, “I had no idea.” Not much anyway. “I thought Brian was out on a date. And Justin? I have no idea what he’s doing here.” Oh boy is that a lie, but he sure does look good. “Hey, stranger, what brings you here?”
“My buddy here told me there was a coupla hot chicks over here and we should keep ’em company.”
“Uh, yeah right.” Hailey was on the other side of Diane from Justin. She shook her head from side to side and pointed at the back of Diane’s head. “But I thought Brian had a date tonight.”
Brian had forgotten to tell Justin that Diane didn’t know anything about the two of them showing up. Justin picked it up hastily, “Uh, yeah, well he got stood up… so he came over to my house… and well we didn’t think you’d mind if we came over here to hang, so here we are.”
Diane was kinda glad Brian had shown up, and Justin too, but… “I’m glad you guys decided to join us. I just wish I’d known so I could have been wearing something other than this old pair of pajamas I borrowed from Hailey.” She was looking at Brian.
Brian hesitated long enough to take in the whole picture. Those pajamas look like something Hailey would wear. Hot!
Brian looked over at Hailey. Like Diane, she had only one button holding her top together, but unlike Diane, she had plenty of buttons that could have been buttoned. She also had the top button on the bottoms undone. As he raised his eyebrows, silently questioning Diane, she responded by tugging at the top and bottom of her pajamas, making sure she was showing as much skin as the remaining button would permit.
It was beginning to get dark. “We were about to go inside and watch a movie.” Hailey offered. “You guys want to join us?”
Justin licked his lips. “I think we could be talked into that,” he allowed. “What do you think, Brian? You game too?”
Brian was pretty sure Diane wasn’t wearing anything under the pajamas and was definitely looking forward to cuddling up next to her. He was even more sure Hailey wasn’t wearing anything either, but he wasn’t so sure he liked the thought of her and Justin fooling around with her dressed like that. “Uh yeah, I guess so,” he replied noncommittally.
The girls returned to the house through Hailey’s bedroom. “I’m guessing you were figuring I’d want to put a little something more on,” Diane concluded.
“I expected you to insist on it.”
“I mean, like they have already seen us. I would be okay with us staying the way we are,” Diane declared.
“Well I certainly don’t have a problem with that,” Hailey cheerily responded. “Should be fun. It’s not like we’re pairing off and going to separate bedrooms, it’ll be all four of us in the den.” Hot! “Nothing serious, just some playing.”
“With no underwear, yeah, it’ll be fun, alright,” Diane remarked, a smile forming on her lips.
“Kinda naughty huh?” Hailey grinned conspiratorially.
“Yeah, for sure.” Diane grinned too.
When the girls got to the den, Brian and Justin had already staked out the ends of the couch, leaving just enough room between for Hailey and Diane.
Hailey took Diane by the hand and led her to the couch. She pushed her down on the couch next to Brian, then squeezed into the empty space next to Justin. She turned and whispered to Diane, “Yeah, this is going to be fun.”
Justin quickly slipped his arm around Hailey’s shoulders. He’s not wasting any time, Hailey thought to herself. He let his arm dangle over the front of her shoulder, his fingers closing on a nipple.
Hailey’s pajama-top was being held together by only one button, one button too many as far as she was concerned. They were only a few minutes into the movie when she decided to undo it. As she did so, she looked to her left and saw that Brian’s hand was resting on Diane’s thigh, inches from her pussy. “Brian, get the light, will you please. We’d all enjoy the movie a lot more if that light wasn’t shining in our eyes.” As if anybody wanted to watch the movie anyway.
Brian reached the light on the side table and turned it off.
Later that evening, after Hailey had ushered Justin and Diane out the door, she went looking for Brian and found him in the kitchen, downing a beer.
“So tell me, did you have fun,” Hailey asked cheerily as she joined Brian at the table.
“Well sure,” Brian allowed. “If you ever want to do that again, I’m sure I could be talked into it,” he said with enthusiasm that he wasn’t feeling. “You goin’ to tell me about it?”
“You mean tell you about me and Justin?” Hailey asked, thinking, Sounds like he might be a little jealous.
“Yeah,” Brian replied as Hailey reached over and grabbed his beer.
“Okay, I will, but you got to promise you’ll tell me all about you and Diane. Deal?” But maybe I’m a little jealous, too.
Brian continued looking at the ceiling. “Okay, I promise.” Anything to find out what she and Justin were up to.
Hailey nodded and took a sip of Brian’s beer before starting. “Yeah, well before the light went off, I think we were all being kind of hesitant.”
“I guess that’s why you wanted it off.”
Hailey smiled and said, “And then it got really good.”
Brian wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. “I saw where Justin’s hand was before the light went off. Are you going to tell me what happened?” Brian had been staring at the ceiling. He turned and looked at Hailey.
Hailey leaned back in the chair. “Well, he did undo that one button that was holding my pajama top together.” No way am I going to tell him it was actually me that did it.
“So that’s why you wanted the light off, so he could play with your tits.”
“Well, yeah… but I suspect you were also playing with Diane’s.”
“Yes, but through her pajamas.”
Hailey grinned. “And how long did that last? I know she didn’t have anything on under.”
“And neither did you,” Brian asserted.
Hailey was still in her pajamas with just the one button done. She undid that, letting her pajama top hang loose, then slid her chair over next to Brian’s. “So you did play with her bare tits then?” Hailey said invitingly.
“Uh, well… somehow her top did come unbuttoned…” Brian acknowledged as he pushed Hailey’s top aside and began tweaking her bare nipples. “Justin get his hand inside your pants?” he asked, slipping his own under Hailey’s waistband.
“Could be,” Hailey allowed, squirming as Brian’s fingers grazed her pussy lips. Breathlessly she asked, “But weren’t you doing the same with Diane?”
“I do seem to remember something like that,” Brian said as his hand closed on the wet spot between Hailey’s legs. “You have your hand on his cock, too?”
“Uh-huh,” cooed Hailey as she pulled Brian’s zipper down. “Diane play with yours?”
“Uhm, yeah,” Brian grudgingly admitted.
“And…” Hailey excitedly prompted.
“Uh… that was when you grabbed Diane’s hand and dragged her toward the bedroom.”
“Oh!” Hailey remarked but continued stroking Brian’s cock. As the passion continued to build between them, Hailey breathlessly eked out, “I think we don’t need ‘big brother’ any longer.”
A few minutes later, though, she was forced to pry them apart, saying, “Daddy and Mother could show up any time, and if Daddy figures out anything about us, he’d have you out of here in a heartbeat. Can’t take that chance!”
There was no point in arguing. Brian was disappointed they couldn’t continue, but at least no more ‘big brother’. He still didn’t know about the ‘promise’, but he was sure that ‘look, but don’t touch’ was history.
It was a little before noon the next day when Hailey passed by the kitchen and spotted Brian. Stopping in the doorway, she asked, “What are you doing home? Don’t you have classes?”
“Not on Friday.”
“But this is Thursday, isn’t it?” she hesitantly asked.
“Nope, Friday, all day!” Brian quipped.
Hailey rationalized her mistake with, “Well it is summer and to me every day is pretty much the same.” She brightened. “Except today, you’re home. Wanna go for a swim?”
“You look like you’re dressed more for the mall.” Hailey was wearing cutoffs and a pullover shirt of some sort, not her usual attire for around home.
“That’s because that’s where I was going, thinking it was Thursday, but you’re home and I’d much rather spend time with you. Hailey unbuttoned and dropped the cutoffs. “Now, can I talk you into at least carrying that cup of coffee out to the pool patio?”
Brian looked at Hailey in panties and a pullover, which although not terribly thin, made it clear that she also wasn’t wearing a bra, and stammered, “I could probably be talked into that.” He looked at Hailey and added, “What about your neighbor, though? You going out in the backyard in panties?”
“I’m sure he’s seen me in less,” Hailey replied as she fixed herself a coffee. Then, cup in hand, she led Brian out the back door and to the outdoor table. The sun was beating down and it was rapidly getting hotter.
Brian remarked, “That sun is making the pool look a lot more inviting. Too bad we’re not dressed for it.”
“Who says we’re not?” Hailey challenged as she stood, pulled the jersey over her hand and pushed her panties to the ground.
Brian whistled at the sight. “Damn, you look good, but what about the neighbor?”
“You mean the one been watching me?” Hailey questioned as she did a kind of sexy dance. “His wife doesn’t go to work until four, so he’s most likely not watching anyway.” She raced to the pool and dove in. Surfacing in the shallow end of the pool, she stood and shook her bare tits. “You coming in?” she teasingly asked Brian.
Brian hastily stood, ripped off his shirt and dropped his pants. With his briefs still on he made for the pool and cannonballed in. When he surfaced, Hailey was shaking her head, saying, “Those shorts have got to go.”
“I’m leaving them on,” Brian said emphatically, “just in case your neighbor is watching.”
Hailey scowled and dove under. Without surfacing she swam up to Brian, yanked his shorts down, then pushed him over, forcing him to step out of them. Hailey quickly scooped them up, then surfacing, tossed them toward the back fence.
Brian jumped from the pool, eager to retrieve his shorts but Hailey was right behind him. When he stooped to pick them up, Hailey tackled him and knocked him to the ground. As he rolled over to confront her, Hailey pounced on him, pinning him to the ground with her naked body.
“Ooh,” Brian said, “looks like you want to finish what we started last night.”
“You complaining?” Hailey asked, shaking her bare tits in Brian’s face.
“Oh, no way,” Brian asserted, raking his fingers over Hailey’s bare nipples, “but I seem to remember something about satin sheets.”
Hailey reached between them, pressed Brian’s cock between her pussy lips, then slowly lowered herself onto it. “Uh yeah,” she managed to get out between sighs of pleasure, “but I guess the grass will have to do.”