Gypsy Girl

"Josh is house sitting when he meets the gypsy girl. He is attracted but she is much too young"

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I stood on the balcony with a glass of wine in my hand watching the sun set into the sea. When it was gone I went inside for a refill and a quick inventory of the fridge.

It didn’t look too promising, a couple of tomatoes, half a bottle of white wine, butter, and a bag of Parmesan cheese.

Well, I thought, Peter had not promised to leave me food when he had called me to ask if I could house-sit for a week while he went back home for a funeral.

I found a pen in a drawer and a piece of paper. While sipping the wine I made a shopping list and when it was ready I put on my flip-flops and grabbed the keys from the hook on the wall by the entrance door.

Peter’s two bedroom apartment was located in a neighborhood on the southwest coast of Ibiza. It was a cheap taxi ride into San Antonio but still far away so you could get a good night’s sleep without being woken by screaming drunks during the summer season.

There were a couple of hotels, but they catered to families and more mature couples. A couple of bars and a convenience store made up the rest of the business.

It was only a two-minute walk from the building where Peter’s apartment was located to the little shop, and when I walked in with my list in my hand the owner, an older lady, gave me a smile and a hello.

I grabbed a basket and began filling it with the items I needed. It was a quick affair because the store had a limited amount of products and within ten minutes I was at the till with the basket.

While the lady rang everything up I looked outside where a pool table stood on the terrace surrounded by a few stands with the typical souvenirs one can find on the island.

A group of teenagers played a game and had sodas and ice-creams while laughing and messing around.

“That will be thirty Euros, please,” said the lady.

“Thank you,” I said and handed her the money.

I began packing the things into two plastic bags she had given me, and when I was done I bid her goodnight and walked out.

As I turned left I saw a young girl standing by the ice-cream box studying its contentment through the glass sliding doors.

She was extremely tanned and had black long thick hair that she had pinned up on top of her head. She wore a gray summer dress that reached about twelve inches below her ass, and on her feet she wore pink flip-flops.

When I walked past her she glanced at me and a small smile formed on her full lips. Her black eyes met mine, and she nodded ever so slightly. I smiled back and then turned the corner and headed back to the apartment.

While I walked I rewound what I had seen in my mind and wondered how old she had been, sixteen, seventeen, maybe? Way too young for me, anyway. I was thirty-eight and looked the part.

The more I thought about her the more I realized it had been something in her eyes that had caught my attention. It was a look of sensuality or a promise of something naughty. The way she had parted her lips, and let me see just a glimpse of a pink tongue as I walked by her. Had I imagined it, or had it really happened?

Back in the apartment I pushed the girl out of my mind and set to work on my dinner and half an hour later I sat down on the balcony with a new glass of wine and a plate of breaded fish and vegetables. One has to eat healthy as often as possible.

After dinner, I watched some TV but I was tired so before midnight I was in the bed turning off the light. The last thought that crossed my mind was a vision of the girl in the gray dress and her long legs that disappeared under the fabric of her dress.


The following morning I slept in and didn’t get out of bed until after eleven. While making breakfast my phone rang and when I looked at the screen I saw it was Peter calling.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Have you wrecked my apartment yet?” he said.

“Actually, I was thinking about throwing a party for around twenty people tonight.”

He laughed. “I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”

I thought for a moment and then said, “Dude, have you seen a cock teaser around the shop with dark skin, beautiful black hair, and in her late teens?”

Peter chuckled and then said, “That would be Esmeralda, and I strongly suggest you stay away from her.”

“Of course, I will, I was just curious.”

“Uh-huh, sure. Let me tell you something about her. She is not only a cock teaser; she is more of a man-eater. She is a gypsy from the community down by the streetlights. Her dad is huge and watches over her like a hawk. We locals know to stay away from her, but there are always tourists around that she can pick up. Last year, a German and an Italian got their noses bloody after chasing after her.”

I took out the butter from the fridge and said, “Okay, thanks for the heads up.”

“Take care,” Peter said and hung up.

I made breakfast, and while I ate I thought about what he had said. Esmeralda was what most men yearned for. Young, incredibly hot and if what Peter said was true, horny. A very dangerous mix for someone so young.

After breakfast, I decided to do some work. I make my money as a day trader. After losing most of our savings two years earlier my wife left me with our son saying she couldn’t live with a man that treated our hard earned cash like monopoly money. I tried to talk to her explaining I could make it back once I had learned how to play the markets, but she didn’t listen.

Now I took in a couple of thousands a week and lived very well. I only worked a few hours in the morning and sometimes at night when the Asian markets had opened.

People I knew looked at me as a bum, spending most of my time either on a beach, or a bar or just chilling at home. They didn’t understand that being a day trader is hard work. You had to keep up with business news, look at trends and read a lot of material on the internet.

An hour later I turned off my laptop. I couldn’t concentrate because Esmeralda kept crawling into my mind. She was like a drug; the more I tried to ignore her the more she called for me. I decided to go to the beach; maybe a long swim would clear my head.

I had come half way on the ten-minute walk when I saw her. Esmeralda was walking the opposite direction, coming from the beach. She had a friend with her and as the two girls came closer I slowed down to get a good look at the hot teen.

She wore tight blue shorts and a white halter top. It was obvious she didn’t wear a bra because her boobs bounced for each step. Her friend was a chubby girl who I only gave a glance before my eyes turned back to the prize.

As they came closer Esmeralda must have remembered me from the previous evening because her face lit up with a big smile. Her white teeth sparkled against her tanned skin.

“Hi,” she said in broken English when our paths crossed.

I had to side step to let them pass and when I did I said, “Hi, nice day.”

She giggled and stopped. “It is always a nice day here. Where are you going?”

I glanced at the towel that hung over my shoulder. “To the beach.”

“Good, have fun,” she winked with her left eye and turned from me and began to walk.

I watched her for a few seconds, taking in the rounded hips that swung seductively and her pert round ass. An image of her on my bed with her ass in the air flashed by my eyes and in that instant, my cock grew hard.

She kept on walking and never looked back. I went on my way trying to think about something non-sexual, like lamp posts and dog shit. But my cock stayed semi-erect until I reached the beach.

It was packed but I managed to find a spot not too far from the water’s edge. I lay down my towel and then sat down.

I am a normal looking guy, maybe a little too much flab around the waist but in decent shape for being thirty-eight. I got a few looks from women around me, but they were not my type. So I simply gave them a smile and then ignored them. My attention was soon brought to two young women playing in the water. They were throwing a ball to each other and as they jumped to catch it their bikini tops would slide down or up, exposing their boobs. I would have guessed their ages around their mid to late twenties. I spent awhile watching them and slowly Esmeralda, the gypsy girl, disappeared from my mind. Or so I had thought, she came back the moment I lay down and closed my eyes.

Her pert round ass, those bouncy young tits, and those black eyes were driving me crazy. My hard on came back, so I had to turn around and lie on my stomach.

Normally, I am attracted to women in their thirties or late twenties. I look for humor, intellect and someone I can have a conversation with. Right after my wife left me, I went on what I like to call a teen bender. That is, I fucked every teenager I could find, and trust me, there are many in Ibiza during the summer. I wasn’t proud of it, but I think I did it mostly to prove my own masculinity.

When a woman leaves you, whether it be for money, love or any other reason your ego takes a hard hit, and you have to prove to yourself that you are still a man. Well, after two months of chasing young tail I realized it didn’t give me anything but hangovers and a sore cock. I stopped and went the opposite way, no sex for three months. By the end of the summer, I met a Spanish woman who was my age, and we dated for a while. Due to her sick mother in Madrid, she had to go back and since then I have been single. Not that I complain, I could fuck whenever I wanted to, but it felt meaningless.

As my mind filled with images of Esmeralda, I began to wonder what made a man my age so attracted to a woman as young as her. Was it in my DNA? I had read somewhere that since the time we lived in caves men had been attracted to younger women, the reason being that a woman in her twenties was considered old and couldn’t have children in those days.

The writer of the article also suggested that the fact that women start menstruating at the age of twelve, sometimes earlier, was a sign that we were destined to have children at a much younger age. He then concluded that what society saw as the ‘dirty old man’ syndrome was simply our DNA acting on deeply hidden needs and that’s why men ogled girls in their mid-teens.

I had no idea about my DNA but I sure as fuck was horny, and Esmeralda was the reason for it. I decided to go for a swim. When I came back twenty minutes later I picked up my towel and headed back to the apartment.

It was after one in the afternoon and I figured I could have a beer. I headed for the corner shop and when I entered, guess who was standing at the till? Yes, Esmeralda but without her friend.

When she saw me her face exploded in a smile, white teeth against dark skin, pink tongue running across her lips, her pose changed from simply standing to sensual and provocative. It all happened within seconds.

“Hi,” she said, looking at me up and down. I had only my swimming trunks on and the towel was hanging over my shoulder.

I could feel the old woman behind the till staring at me, her face not very friendly.

“Hi,” I said and walked away towards the fridges. I knew what I wanted but pretended to look at my options. I glanced towards the till and saw that Esmeralda had walked out. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I grabbed a beer and headed for the till.

“Hello, how are you?” said the woman.

“Fine, thank you.”

After she had rung up the beer, and I had paid, she said, “You be a good boy now, and run back home. No loitering outside.”

The way she said it made me feel like a dirty old man, just what I had thought about earlier. I blushed and took my beer and then slipped out of the store like a scorned cat.

As I turned the corner to head home, there she was, leaning against the wall. Boobs pushed out, smile on her face, and her head tilted in a sexy way.

“Can I have that?” she said and nodded to my beer with her head.

“Aren’t you a bit young to drink?”

She giggled. “I am a bit too young for a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like doing them.”

Her voice was deep, heavily accented, and she had a tiny lisp. Her eyes bore into mine, and she kept eye contact with me.

I cleared my throat and decided to be an adult. “Well, I am not in the game of buying alcohol for minors, sorry, but you have to find someone else.”

She stepped away from the wall and came closer. I could smell her perfume which was mixed with salt water from the sea and sun oil, a faint coconut smell. She looked up at me and then smiled. “Please, I am sure we could come to some kind of agreement.”

“Sorry, I can’t,” I said and turned around.

As I walked away I felt very proud of myself. I had managed to control my urges and hadn’t bought alcohol for her. I was very pleased with myself.

My dick said something different, hard and threatening to pop up above the hem of my shorts. I adjusted him and walked home as fast as I could.

When I walked into the apartment I lost control. I went into the bathroom, took out my cock and leaning against the wall I jerked off. All the time Esmeralda’s pretty face was in my mind, and when I squirted my load her bouncy boobs flashed before me.

Over the next few days, I didn’t see Esmeralda. I was happy but at the same time, I was sad. She wouldn’t leave my head, she was always present, always there trying to seduce me. At night I would jerk off, either on the bed or in the bathroom and she made me come so hard without being physically present.

One night I got a phone call from my ex-wife. She was drunk, and we got into an argument. After screaming at it each other for fifteen minutes I hung up. I was furious, pacing the apartment and trying to calm down. It didn’t work so I decided to go out for a walk.

It was a warm August night; the moon was huge and sat high in the sky. The corner shop was open so I bought a six pack of beer and decided to head for the rocks which lay to the right of the beach. Maybe the air from the sea and the quiet sound of the waves lapping the rocks would calm me down.

There was a bar at the end of the beach and as walked out onto the still warm sand I heard the tunes of chill-out music. It calmed me and as I made my way across the rocks the music followed me, bouncing against the cliffs.

I found a spot to sit down, leaning my back against a large rock. Above me, the moon shone and reflected in the still water. It was a beautiful place, and I immediately began to relax. I opened a beer, and the sound of it ricocheted across the water. It sounded like a gunshot it the still air.

I was on my third beer when a sound caught my attention. I turned around but saw no one. So I went back to my beer. As I was about to take another swig I heard a deep soft voice behind me.

“Hi, do you mind if I join you?”

Before I had a chance to turn around, Esmeralda appeared to my right. She was dressed in a white dress which ended dangerously close to her ass. The moonlight lit her up and she was a sight from a fairy tale. Her black long hair cascaded over her shoulders and back. She wore no makeup, but her dark skin gleamed from a thin film of sweat. Her boobs heaved as if she had been running.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, not knowing what else to do.

“Can I have one?” she said nodding at the beers next to me.

I was too tired to argue so I gave her one.

“What are you doing here,” she said after drinking a sip.

“Relaxing, I had an argument with my ex-wife.”

“Mm, I am sorry to hear that.”

I kept watching the dark sea in front of me, not daring to look at her. “What about you?”

“I had a fight with my parents. They are assholes.”

I chuckled. “I guess we are.”

I felt how she looked at me. “Do you have children?”

“Yeah, a son, he is twelve.”

“Are you a good dad?”

I sighed. Was I? I had no idea. I guess I wasn’t the best dad since I didn’t live with him, but at the same time, I gave him whatever he needed and spent as much time with him as my ex-wife let me.

“I hope I am,” I said.

We sat in silence for a long time. I could smell her perfume and heard the sound of her dress shifting as she moved a little.

Then she said, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Why not? You seem like a nice guy.”

“I have no idea, maybe because I haven’t found the right one. What about you?”

She giggled. “My dad doesn’t let me. That’s why we had a fight. I like a guy and he is a bit older than I. My dad found out and went crazy. I don’t get it? I am old enough, I mean here in Spain you can have sex when you are sixteen and I will be seventeen next month. But he treats me like if I was ten.”

Esmeralda finished her beer and reached for another. I didn’t argue, instead, I opened a new one for me. Sitting this close to her and having a conversation felt strange. She wasn’t like the usual giggling teenagers that I had met.

“Maybe your dad is just worried about you becoming pregnant. He is your father after all, and he worries about you.”

She scoffed. “I know how to use a condom, you know.”

It was my turn to laugh. “That’s excellent.”

“What is your name?” she said after a minute.

“Josh, what about you? I didn’t want her to know I knew her name already.

“Esmeralda, it is nice to meet you, Josh.”

We sat in the silence and watched the sea and the moon drinking our beers. Suddenly she got up and turned to me.

“I am going for a swim, do you want to come?”

Before I had a chance to answer she pulled her dress over her head and exposed her full boobs. I knew they were large but when I saw them live I had to look away. They were perfectly round with small brown nipples. In that second, before turning I had seen her white bikini type panties and her long firm legs.

Without a word she turned towards the sea and walked the few steps to the edge. Her ass looked adorable, and I wanted to lick her ass cheek to see what they tasted like.

She dove in perfectly and came up a few yards from the rocks.

“It’s so warm. Come on in, I know you will like it,” she called.

“No thanks, I am okay here.”

She waved and swam further out. After a little while, I lost sight of her in the darkness. At first, I became worried that something had happened, but then I heard her sing. The sound floated over the mirror-like surface of the water. The song was in Spanish and haunting.

A few minutes later I saw her swimming towards me. When she climbed up out of the water her body was gleaming in the moonlight. She was out of this world, a masterpiece of womanhood.

I looked away and said, “What was that you sang?”

I felt more than saw her sit down next to me again. She didn’t put on her dress, and that made me uncomfortable.

“It’s an old gypsy song. It’s about a young woman whose lover goes out fishing and never returns. It’s very sad.”

Again there was a long silence and then she said, “Do you find me ugly?”

I swallowed hard and drank the last of my beer before answering. “No.”

“Why don’t you look at me then?”

“Because I am much older than you, and it wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“Bull shit. I am a woman, and you are a man, it’s normal to look.”

Before I had a chance to answer, she put her soft warm hand on my cheek and turned my face towards her.

My eyes went down, zooming in on her boobs and then down to her legs.

“Yes, look at me, take me in, I know you want me,” she whispered, her face close to my ear.

Her other hand slid up my thigh and rested on my crotch, my cock grew hard under her light touch.

“Mm, there you are. I knew you wanted me,” she purred.

Her lips found mine, and before I could react we were kissing. Her tongue soft and warm tentatively touched mine and then they danced. I grabbed her and pulled her closer. She whimpered as I lifted her up on my lap, and she straddled me.

My hand ran down her back down to her ass. When I grabbed her ass cheeks she gasped, and her hands reached for the button of my shorts.

Within seconds she had my hard cock in her hand. She whined and breathed heavily in my ear as she began to stroke it. My hands went in under her panties and then I ripped the thin fabric. When she heard the sound she gasped and kissed me harder as she moved her hips so her pussy touched my cockhead. Then she gently lowered herself onto me.

She was hot and extremely wet. My shaft slid inside her and was wrapped in her warm womanhood.

“Oh, you fill me up, so hard, so good, Josh,” she whispered.

Then she began to ride me, slowly, and deeply. She leaned back, and I kissed her boobs and licked her nipples. Her hands moved behind my neck and pulled me harder against her. Her skin smelled of coconut and was soft like velvet.

She moved faster and faster, her body began to sweat in the heat of the night. She threw her head from side to side as she moaned and gasped while fucking me.

I met her every movement holding on to her hips and as my orgasm grew in my balls she slid off me and said, “Fuck me from behind.”

She went down on all four and pushed her ass against me. My cock slid in easily, and I grabbed her ass cheeks. She turned and her pink tongue played over her lips, she moaned and bit her lower lip as she turned away from me and began to gasp.

She came in a long moan and a few yelps, her body bucked and I saw her fingers grab the rocks. As her body convulsed she said something in Spanish I didn’t understand.

I pulled out and jerked off sending my cum across her lower back and ass cheeks.

We stayed like that a few minutes, the moonlight lit up my cum that slowly ran down her side and her black hair.

“That was beautiful, Josh,” she said when she stood up and reached for her dress.

I was still a bit confused, not really accepting I had just fucked her. The first thought that came to my mind sounded stupid when it came out. “What about the guy you like?”

She turned and stepped up to me. Her boobs brushed against my chest under the fabric of her dress and she said, “It is you.”

“What? You told your dad that you liked me?”

“Yeah, and that I wanted you.”

“Fuck me! Are you crazy, he will kill me.”

She giggled and put her index finger under my chin, lifting up my face. Then she kissed my throat. “Maybe he will cut your beautiful throat,” she purred before letting go.

Then she laughed and ran off into the darkness. I stood there, not knowing what to do. Then my mind came around. I put on my shorts, collected the empty beer cans and made my way home, hoping I would not run into a crazy gypsy with a knife looking for the man who had just fucked his daughter.

During the next couple of days, I stayed inside as much as possible. I am not good with confrontations and having a discussion with a man whose daughter I had fucked was not something I was looking forward to.

One afternoon while I was working on the computer there was a knock on the door. I looked through the security hole but saw no one. I carefully opened the door, ready to close it again if it was Esmeralda’s father.

It wasn’t, it was Esmeralda, she had been hiding around the corner. She pushed open the door and jumped up into my arms. As I stepped back she kicked the door closed and then her lips landed on mine. I tried to push her away, but she held onto me, wrapping her long legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

“Oh god, I have missed you, Josh. Please fuck me, no one has ever fucked me like you,” she said between kisses.

I had stopped in the middle of the living room. I managed to get her arms away from my neck, but she still had her legs around me.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded.

“I missed your cock. It has been two days and I can’t live another minute without having you inside me.”

“You are nuts, this is all crazy, you have to leave.”

She let go of me and slid down so she was standing in front of me. She wore a halter top that barely covered the bottom of her boobs and a pair of tight shorts that ran up her cunt showing the outline of her pussy.

“No, no, please don’t make me leave. All I want is you.”

Before my eyes she knelt and with trembling hands pulled down my boxer shorts, exposing my semi-hard cock. Well, that lasted for about a nanosecond before it was rock hard and inside her mouth.

She moaned and sucked like crazy. “Ah, yes, I love it, I love it, I love your cock.”

I just stood there like a zombie, looking down at the young girl giving me the best blowjob of my life.

Her soft full lips stretched around my shaft and when her black intense eyes met mine I became like jelly. I could not resist her.

When she notices from my breathing that I was about to come she got up and pushed me gently against the sofa until I sat down. In a few quick moves, she was naked and was pulling down my shorts, exposing my cock.

“Oh, oh, that feels so fucking good, oh, I love your cock,” she said as she slid down taking my shaft inside her.

Placing her hands on my shoulders she rode me like crazy. Hard, deep and her eyes never left mine. She came quickly, her pussy juice running down my shaft and wetting my thighs.

Then she got off me and kneeled between my legs and again took me in her mouth, never letting go of my eyes with hers. Hungrily she sucked me. When I leaned back and arched my back, letting go of a long deep growl, she took my seed in the back of her throat and then sucked me empty.

“Oh, Josh, that was so good, I have missed you so much.”

She sat in my lap, her face close to mine, and I could smell myself on her face. She kissed me gently on the cheek and then fondled my still semi-erect cock.

“I want you ever day from now on,” she said before sliding off.

“Where are you going?” I said, trying to get up.

“Home, it is time for lunch, but I will be back later for a second round.”

As she walked to the door, her hips swinging she turned around and blew me a kiss.

I watched the door that she had closed behind her not really comprehending what had just happened. One moment I was working and the next I had Esmeralda riding my cock like there was no tomorrow.

I shook my head and decided that I needed to leave the neighborhood before her dad found out, but Peter wouldn’t be back for another day.

Later that afternoon there was a knock on my door. Thinking it was Esmeralda coming back for more cock I had decided I would not let her in. I opened the door without looking through the security hole.

“Mother fucker!”

That’s all I heard, then everything went black.

When I came too I realized I was in a hospital bed. My head hurt, my jaws hurt and my entire body seemed to be on fire.

“Welcome back to the living,” I voice said to my right.

I slowly turned my head and saw Peter sitting on a chair.

“What the fuck happened,” I said weakly.

“Esmeralda’s dad happened. He knocked the shit out of you. One of the neighbors saw the door open and found you lying on the floor. You have a broken jaw, two broken ribs, and a slight concussion. You are lucky.”

“Lucky? How can you say that?”

Peter grinned. “Well, after I fucked Esmeralda, her dad left me with a broken arm, apart from the other injuries.”


“Of course, I did, and tell me something, honestly, Josh, was it worth it?”

I thought back to what had happened on the rocks and then in the apartment. A small smile grew on my lips, and I said through cracked lips. “Yeah, it was.”

Peter laughed and stood up. “I’ll come back to take you back to your place in a few days. Meanwhile, forget about Esmeralda, you will never fuck her again.”

I was confused. Fucking her again wouldn’t be such a smart thing to do. But still, why leave something good behind? Besides, I lived on the other side of the island and could easily arrange a meeting with her in secret.

“Why not?” I said.

“Because Esmeralda will only fuck you until her dad finds out, then she moves on to her next man.”

The air went out of me. “Oh shit, okay, fine. I’ll forget about her.”

“Good man, get some rest and I will see you soon.”

When Peter had gone I laid there hurting and smiling. She might have caused me some serious bodily harm, but the gypsy girl was the best fuck I had ever had.

Authors’ Note: Even though this is a story of fiction, there is a real Esmeralda and she lives in my neighborhood. She looks like she is described here and her general behavior around men was the basis to this story.

Published 9 years ago

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