
"Short, not sweet"

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I know who I am

I am still a little girl in a woman’s needy body
I’m the one who wants and wants and when my hand is holding yours, I dream it will be forever
I will always be safe in a world of giants,
When you have tasted these lips you will want no others,
When I have given you everything, it will be enough.

It isn’t

You know there are others, better than me, with more than I have,
different lines, different thighs, bodies, and lives to plunder for the joy that’s in them

This is the way I don’t learn

Missing what I pretend was there, feeling like a gumball dropped from a child’s hand,
green, sticky, only momentarily missed

A woman now in a needy body, hair turning silver, I wish I felt nothing, needed no one, never dreamed of anything at all, just a green gumball

But I do
and it always hurts to have just been a shadow in someone else’s life

Published 2 years ago

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