David and I married the year after we graduated. I immediately knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. He was funny, considerate, super affectionate, and the sex was always amazing as David was a very considerate lover, always ensuring I had cum before he did. I had never met a guy like David who loved to eat pussy. All my friends were extremely jealous.
Fast forward five years, I had a great career, as did David, and our combined income let us lead a perfect life. We had just bought a beautiful house in a new estate, and things were great. Right up until I started to feel sick every morning. It went on for a couple of weeks until one of the girls in the office said, “Maybe you are pregnant, Stacy.”
“Impossible. I’m on the pill. I can’t be pregnant!”
A trip to the doctor confirmed that I was, in fact, pregnant. The doctor told us that it sometimes happens. Eight months later, we welcomed our beautiful son Jacob into the world. David and I were in love at first sight, and we adored our newborn baby, but we also realized that going back to one income made things very tight. So I decided to go back to work as soon as possible.
Hats off to David’s mum, who stepped in, sold her house, and bought one closer to us so she could look after Jacob while I returned to work. I got back into my routine and loved life again. Then less than two years later, I fell pregnant again. This time, I gave birth to our beautiful daughter Emily. Only this time, things didn’t get back to normal. I suffered horribly from postnatal depression. I didn’t want anything to do with David or Emily. In my twisted mind, I blamed them both for taking away the job I loved.
Again, the doctor said I was highly fertile, and the pill just didn’t work a hundred percent for me. In a drastic decision, while my head was not in a good place, I opted to have my tubes tied, preventing me from getting pregnant again.
The depression went on another two years, really putting a strain on our once wonderful marriage. The tablets they had me on were helping but never overcoming the real issue. David stood by me throughout the entire ordeal. But we were really like strangers, just two people sharing a house. Jesus, we didn’t even sleep in the same room anymore.
Then one fateful day, I met Pete in a coffee shop while shopping with the kids. Pete had been my first boss; it was him that hired me straight out of college. He had been my mentor of sorts, and I really looked up to him for getting me a start in life. But he had left to start his own company, and I hadn’t seen him for a couple of years.
“Stacy, is that really you? You look amazing. How are you? It has been such a long time. You look simply stunning; motherhood is a good look on you.” Pete said, giving me a big hug.
“I’m well, thanks, Pete. You don’t look so bad yourself. What are you doing back in this neck of the woods? I thought you were out East taking over the world.”
“Well, I sort of am. Business is booming, and I’m here in Dallas, opening a new branch nearby. I’m actually meeting several women today in this cafe to interview them for the office manager position.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful. I’m glad your business has taken off. You were always so good at what you did. I always admired you for that.” I said to him as I took my coffee from the girl at the counter.
“Well, that’s lovely for you to say, but a manager is only as good as the people he surrounds himself with, and Stacy, you were by far the best and most ambitious woman I ever had work for me. Stacy, are you currently working?”
“Ha, I wish, but who would employ me with these two? I have school runs, daycare pickups housework. It’s never-ending, Pete.
Pete looked at me intensely for about thirty seconds. Then said, “I’m going to cancel all the interviews because I have just hired my new office manager.” Looking at me with a big smile on his face.
Looking around, I asked, “Who?”
“You, Stacy, I want you to be my new office manager, and your hours can be flexible to work around the kids. You were the best employee I ever hired, and I know you are more than capable of the task. Please say yes.”
“Pete, are you joking right now? Because it’s not funny if you are.”
“No, I’m not joking. I’m deadly serious; I want you on my team here in Dallas.”
“I was stunned by Pete’s request. I was so happy I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek, almost screaming, “Yes, Oh God, yes. When can I start.”
Pete hugged me back, saying, “Welcome aboard, Stacy. It’s good to have you back on my team.”
Pete and I exchanged details, and we talked; he asked about David and the kids and my whole day was brighter, and I was happier than I had been in two years. Pete told me to come by the office Monday, and he would have all the contracts drawn up and ready to sign. I couldn’t begin to describe how happy I was at that moment.
I went home, excited for what felt like the first time since Emily was born. I was finally back in the workforce, and Dave could cut back on all the overtime he was putting in to supplement my lack of income. David was also over the moon, and we could see the light at the end of the tunnel. David and I made love that night for the first time in two years. Yes, that’s right, two years.
In my head, I had blamed David for getting me pregnant and destroying my life and my career. At the height of my depression, David’s touch repulsed me. So when I initiated sex that night, he was extremely wary. Why would he not be? But we worked through it and made love. Mostly because I felt safe knowing my tubes were tied. It wasn’t great sex, David came way too soon, and I hadn’t cum at all, but it was a start.
Three months into the new job, I was off the antidepressants altogether, and our life was getting back on track. But around six months on, that all changed. I made a mistake, a huge mistake that I told myself I would take to the grave with me to spare my family any more heartache.
It was the end of the financial year. The figures came out of head office; Dallas had broken all the records for sales figures for the country, and Pete had flown in to help our office celebrate by throwing a lavish dinner at the Grand Plaza Hotel.
David and I had a fantastic time. All the girls had really made an effort and had dressed to the nines for the night. I was wearing a green satin cocktail dress with a lower neckline than I remembered. My breasts had never really reduced after having Emily and were now a full D cup, sometimes a double D. On my petite Five feet four-inch frame, they looked even bigger.
There was no way I could have worn a bra without it showing, and this being the only dress I had that even remotely fit my giant tits, I had worn it. And boy, did I ever get some looks from the guys and the girls, but especially from Pete.
We had told David’s mum, Cynthia, we would pick the kids up around 10:00 pm, and around ten past, David mentioned to me that he was going home to pick up the kids.
“Wait, David, I will just say my goodbyes, and we will go,” I said to him.
No, don’t be ridiculous; you stay. I haven’t seen you have this much fun in a long time. I’ll sort out the kids you stay and enjoy. I’m sure Pete will pay for a cab home. He hasn’t stopped raving about how valuable you are all night. I’m sure he will spring for a cab.”
“If your sure that’s ok? I really am enjoying myself the girls, and I are going to go dancing next door in the lounge.”
“I’m positive. Now go on, enjoy yourself,” David said, kissing me and leaving.
Before I knew it, we were all next door at the club bar, and Pete had started a bar tab, and the drinks flowed freely. I had drunk wine during dinner and was now mixing it with shots of tequila which went straight to my head. Gradually people started to leave. And before long, I found myself alone on the dance floor in Pete’s arms during a slow dance.
“Stacy, I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done to make the branch here in Dallas the success it is. You are an absolute superstar.”
Looking into Pete’s eyes as he spoke, I could see something different. He was talking work, but his eyes were telling a different story. I must have stopped listening at some point, but before I knew it, Pete had pressed his lips against mine, and he kissed me, not a short thank-you kiss. He really kissed me. The thing was, I kissed him back with just as much enthusiasm.
Suddenly I came to my senses and pulled away from him, staring at him.
“Oh God, I’m sorry, Stacy. I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to cause more complications in your life.”
“Why did you do that, Pete? Why did you kiss me like that?”
As I said before, I kissed you. I have been attracted to you since the first day we met. All those years ago. I have wanted to kiss you every day since.”
“Pete, please be honest with me. Did you offer me the job in the coffee shop because you are attracted to me or because you knew I could do the job?”
“Stacey, no. I offered you the job because you’re the best. And you have proved that time and time again. But I confess I did employ you the first time because I was attracted to you, yes.”
I still had my arms locked around Pete’s neck as he rested his hands on my hips. We were still swaying to the music as I looked into his eyes.
In my mind, I knew what I was about to do was wrong. But I threw all rational thinking out the window and kissed Pete. A long sloppy tongue kiss. Pete’s hands slid from my hips to my arse cheeks, pulling me in closer, pressing my huge tits against his chest. My nipples were rock hard, and I knew Pete must be feeling them on his chest, just as I felt his rapidly hardening cock against my stomach.
“I can’t remember feeling desire like this since I met David. I wanted Pete– no, I needed Pete. I needed to feel like a sexual being again. I wanted to be desired, lusted after, and when Pete told me he had wanted to kiss me since the day we met threw my female hormones into overdrive.
I was married to a saint of a man that had stood by me through my lowest point. He had taken on the primary parental position and basically bought both the kids up while I sat by in a depressed stupa. And yet I knew I was about to betray him in the worst possible way.
Pete was staying at the hotel, so we headed up to his room, not even speaking. He took my hand and led me out of the lounge to the elevators. I never stopped for a second. I didn’t stop him when he pulled my breast from my dress in the elevator and sucked hard on my nipple as I cradled his head against my chest.
Before Pete even had the room card out of his wallet, I unbuckled his belt and slid down the zipper. Practically falling into the room, our lips locked together, we started frantically undressing. The first time either of us spoke was when my dress slid down my body, and my tits were exposed to Pete’s eyes for the first time.
“Oh my fucking God, Stacy, your tits are spectacular. I don’t think I’ve ever seen tits that perfect before.”
I pushed Pete back on the bed, took his shoes off, and then pulled his pants and boxers off. I was now standing in front of my boss in nothing but a pair of high-heeled shoes and a very tiny white lace thong.
I was mesmerized. Pete’s cock was much bigger than I had imagined. And yes, I had imagined it all those years ago. Fresh out of college, I had found Pete handsome and imagined what his cock looked like. I wasn’t disappointed. It wasn’t huge, but it was nice and thick, and it curved to the side plus, he was circumcised.
“Wow, Stacy, you are everything I have fantasized about all these years. No, you are much more than that, Stacy. You are perfect.”
“Well, if we are being honest, you aren’t the only one who has thought about this moment, and I can say, Pete, I’m not disappointed.”
I put my hands on Pete’s thighs and, bending at the waist, I leaned forward and took the head of Pete’s cock in my warm wet mouth. I sucked on it, flicking the tip with my tongue, teasing him. Then slowly, I pushed more and more of his thick hard cock down my throat, not stopping until my lips rested on his balls.
I sucked and slurped on his thick shaft like a lolly pop making it all wet and sloppy then I turned around again. Bending at the waist I peeled my panties from my already dripping wet cunt and slid them down my legs. Pete had the perfect view as my long puffy lips squeezed out between my closed legs.
Stepping out of my wet panties, I felt Pete move behind me, but before I could turn around to continue sucking his beautiful cock, he had buried his face into my cunt and arse. I couldn’t believe it, but Pete’s tongue pushed into my arsehole while his bristly chin spread my cunt lips open and rubbed roughly up and down on my clit.
“Holy shit Pete. What are you doing to me? No one has ever licked me there before. Oh, fuck, that feels so fucking good, baby, don’t stop. Oh yes, lick my arse, Pete, make it yours, baby.”
I had gone into slut mode. Pete could have done anything he wanted to do to me. David didn’t even enter my mind. Our sex life was still far from repaired, and I needed this. I needed to be wanted and desired; I needed to be treated like a slut and fucked properly, and I couldn’t wait to give myself to Pete.
I had never let David near my arse, even when we were at our best, but I knew I would give my arse to Pete tonight. Pete’s hot tongue poked and prodded my tight little arse hole. I was so close to orgasm as I felt my body giving in to my carnal desires. I began fingering my clit rapidly, sliding my fingertips back and forth over it.
“Oh, fuck Pete, I’m cumming. I’m cumming on your tongue, baby. Shove your tongue in my cunt Pete. I want you to taste me.”
I exploded when I felt Petes’s tongue push deep into my wet cunt and his mouth engulf my thick pussy lips. In an orgasm more powerful than I had ever experienced, I fell to the floor, my entire body quivering and shaking, my legs clamped tight against my hand, which was still rubbing my hard little clit. fuck, the orgasm felt like it would last forever as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over my body.
As I began to come down from the euphoric high I had just experienced, I felt Pete lay beside me on the floor, cradling me in his arms. God, how did he know what I needed and when I needed it?
“Stacy, are you ok? I felt scared I have never seen anyone react like that before.”
I rolled over, facing him. I took his face in my hands and gently kissed him. My tongue slid into his mouth, tasting myself on his lips.
“And I have never had an orgasm like that in my life—holy shit Pete what you did to me with your tongue. Damn, I loved it. No one has ever eaten my arse before. It was amazing.”
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have wanted to taste that peachy arse of yours for a long time, and it was better than I had ever dreamt about.”
I reached down between our bodies and took hold of his hard cock.
“If you liked it so much, maybe I will let your fuck it with this beautiful cock you have.”
“Don’t tease me, Stace. I’m an arse man, and I will tear that thing up if you let me.”
“Oh, I’m not teasing you, baby. I have never given my arse to anyone, but tonight I will let you fuck me in any hole you want, baby, and I’m hoping it will be all three.”
“Oh, you dirty little slut, I knew you were dirty from the moment I laid eyes on you. I hired you not because of your academic abilities but because I wanted to fuck you so badly. But you never even indicated you were available to fuck back then. What has changed?”
“It’s a long story, Pete. But let’s just say tonight is your lucky night, so stop talking and start fucking because tonight, I’m going to be the biggest slut you have ever seen. And it’s all for you. Now shove that hard cock in one of my holes and fuck me so hard I have to beg you to stop.
Pete rolled me on my back, my legs fell open, and he slid down my body sucking my hard nipples before his mouth sucked on my pussy lips. He had me on the verge of another orgasm in minutes, and I was begging him to fuck me. Looking up at me from between my spread thighs, his face coated in my cunt juices, he smiled.
“Beg me slut. Beg me to fuck you. Beg for my hard cock like the filthy married cum whore you are.”
Jesus, I don’t know what happened to me, but if David ever spoke to me like that, I would have slapped him across the face, and he wouldn’t have been coming near me for months. But looking down at Pete and seeing his face coated in my cunt juice, I wasn’t disgusted I was turned on like I had never been before. I was crazy with lust. I wanted to be his cum whore, the best little slut I could be for him.
“Please, baby, fuck your married little slut. Shove your big hard cock in you’re filthy whore’s cunt and fuck me hard. I need it so bad I need to be bad for just for you. Fuck me, please.”
“That’s better. I like it when my little whore begs to be fucked. And fuck you, I will,” Pete said, pushing my legs down to my huge tits. My cunt spread open like a fresh oyster. I felt the head of his cock slide up and down through my wet lips. Then with a powerful thrust, he was balls-deep in me.
“Fuuuuck!” I screamed out even though I was extremely wet. I hadn’t had a cock that thick in my cunt since before I met David. It was painful and pleasurable all at the same time. Pete held my legs open and started plowing my cunt like a man possessed, and I fucking loved it. I was screaming and cursing him to fuck me hard, deeper. I wanted him to break me.
I had never experienced anything like this before in my life. I was a whore tonight for Pete’s cock, and he had me cumming over and over until I was delirious with pleasure.
We eventually moved up onto the bed after countless orgasms. Pete was being a little rough with me, and I was complying like the perfect whore for him. He dragged me to the edge of the bed and pulled me up on my knees again. He buried his face in my arse hole and began licking it, spitting in it, making it nice and wet.
I knew what was coming, and I couldn’t wait. I desperately wanted to give my arse to Pete. I knew I would never let David fuck me in the arse. I wanted my arse to belong to Pete only.
“Beg me, slut. Beg me to fuck your virgin arse. Tell me how much you want me to destroy it.”
“Pete, please fuck my arse. It’s true my arse is yours and only yours, baby. Please fuck me and tear it apart with your cock, babe. Just fuck me, own me.”
Pete shoved his cock forcefully into my cunt, getting it nice and wet. Then I felt him push the head against my tight little sphincter and felt it stretch open and snap shut around the head. Holy fuck, I felt so full I couldn’t believe I was so delirious with sexual desire that I was letting him do this to me. Shit, even to let him speak to me the way he was.
Pete started sliding in a little deeper, then out and then back in, until I felt his thighs resting against the back of my legs.
“Are ready slut, because I’m about the stretch your arse out like never before.”
“Pete, no, wait, it’s too big. It’s painful already. I don’t think I can do this.”
The next thing I felt was the searing sting of pain as Pete’s hand connected with the tender flesh of my arse cheek.
“Don’t disobey, my slut. You said you would give me all your holes. Now shut up your bitching, and beg me to fuck your arse like a good little slut.”
“Fuck, that hurt, Pete. I’m sorry. Please fuck my arse, baby. Your right. I promised I would be your good little slut; I’m sorry. Take it, Pete, take my virgin arse.”
“That’s better. Now hold on to something because I have been waiting for this a long time, and I want to enjoy it.”
Pete hadn’t even finished speaking when I felt him pull back right before he slammed his cock back into my bowel, “Oh my fucking God, it hurts so bad. Fucking hell, it’s so painful, Pete, stop.”
“Yeah, your arse is extremely tight, Stacy. It’s gripping my cock so good. Try relaxing a bit. I promise you will enjoy it.”
Is he fucking crazy, I thought? How the fuck would I ever enjoy this. The pain was intense. It was hard to describe. But something was happening the more his cock smashed my backdoor hole. I could feel myself relaxing. I could feel the pain fade and be replaced with something different.
Jesus, Pete, you were right, baby. That’s starting to feel quite nice. Oh yeah, Pete, go a bit faster, a bit deeper.” I said as I felt my arse begin to moisten and accept Pete’s thick cock.
Pete grabbed my hips, and he began to pound his cock into my arse. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. It was another entirely different level of ecstasy. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I started slamming my hips back into Pete to meet his every thrust. I wanted his cock deeper inside me, fuck, it felt amazing.
“Fuck me, Pete, fuck your slut’s arse, baby. Fucking own my arse, you prick. Come on fuck be harder. Destroy my married arsehole,” I screamed as the most intense orgasm of my life hit me.
I screamed so loud as my knuckles turned white, gripping the bedspread, trying to hold on as Pete started smashing his cock into my arse. But when I felt Pete’s cock swell and pulse as he unloaded torrents of hot cum inside my arse, I erupted, my cunt convulsing, and jets of clear liquids squirted out of me onto the bed. Then everything went black.
I don’t know how long I had blacked out. But Pete was lying beside me, breathing so hard I thought he was having a heart attack when I finally came around.
I rolled over on my back and what felt like a gallon of cum started pouring out of my stretched-out arsehole. I felt it run down my arse crack and drip onto the bedspread.
“Fucking hell, Pete, that was incredible. I have never come like that before. What have you done to me?”
I rolled over and pushed my tits up against Pete’s chest. Resting my arm over him, I gently kissed his sweaty chest.
“Stacy, you know I never meant any of those things I said, right? You are nothing like a slut or a whore. You are the most amazing angel I have ever met.”
“No, I know, Pete. I didn’t mean anything I said either. It was all just hot sex talk. But I must admit you calling me a slut and whore threw me for a second right before I realized how much it turned me on.”
“Thank you for not hating me, I had a lot of pent-up fantasies about you, and I guess I got a little carried away.”
Sitting up, I got off the bed, with the euphoric sexual haze subsiding and the reality of what I had just done now beginning to hit home like a tonne of bricks. I suddenly began to feel sick.
“Stacy, are you ok? You look like you have seen a ghost.”
“No, Pete, I’m not ok. I just cheated on the most amazing man in the world. And he has done nothing for me to treat him that badly. Jesus, he is home right now taking care of the kids so I can enjoy my night, and I end up being a whore for my boss. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
I slid down onto the floor in tears, realizing what I had done.
Pete came and sat next to me, putting his arms around me.
“I’m sorry, Stacy. I can’t help but think this is all my fault. I never meant to hurt you. But when you kissed me back, I lost my head. I should never have taken advantage of you like that.”
I pulled away from Pete’s arms and stood up. I needed to leave.
“No, forget it. I was just as much to blame. I kissed you back; I wanted it as much as you did. We made a mistake that will never be repeated. Do you understand that, Pete? This will never happen again, and what we did will never be discussed. If you can’t promise me that I will leave the firm right now, you will never see or hear from me again.”
“No, of course, Stacy, I completely understand. This will be our secret. I don’t want to lose you. I meant what I said you are the key factor to my business being a success here in Dallas. This was a one-time deal. But don’t ask me to regret it because I won’t. It was the most amazing night of my life.”
I put my hand on Pete’s cheek, “I would never ask you to regret what happened, Pete. I just don’t want it to interfere with my family life or our business relationship. And Pete, It was the best sex I have ever experienced, as well, and I don’t regret it. I just can’t let it happen again.
I took a shower in Pete’s hotel room before dressing and getting a taxi home. It was 03:00 am, not too late. I thought as I quietly opened the front door.
I tiptoed into the ensuite and undressed, putting my nightie on. I saw the reflection in the mirror of the raised red welt from Pete’s hand glowing on my arse. Running my hand over it, I fondly remembered how it got there and wondered. Could I really resist being Pete’s slut in the future? I kind of enjoyed being his whore.