tall flickering light
shines bright through the night fog.
Guide us through the remnants of
once majestic vessels;
broken and
laced across the shallows,
as if a reef.
Love destroyed long ago.
Torn apart and smashed into
1000 shards of
Lies, and
A reef of grief.
Each sunken barbed fragment,
a shard of once whole Love,
shimmers under
sun-jewelled water.
A guise for real treasure.
A bewitching illusion.
Approach at your peril.
Haunting bells
pierce the night silence as
I Pray for safe steerage
through the despair of
shattered love.
Once wild nights of
dancing, passion, and want
endless days of solitude,
memories, and,
attempts to rebuild
the shipwreck that is love.
Love shattered into too many pieces
to ever be made whole again.
Flickering light
shining bright.
Safely guide new love
through hidden reefs.
Light the path for
stricken vessels
piloting the reef,
to love again.
Our own flickering light;
wisdom learned
from past mistakes,
shines bright through the night mist
guiding us home.
We are our
shimmering lights
Saving us from
a solitary life.
© trinket 2013-2015