Granny Caught Smoking Pot Again

"Vera is caught again and gets spanked by the much younger lifeguard"

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Vera was smiling as she walked along the promenade. It was sunny and warm and she wore her favourite very pretty bikini, not minding at all that her sagging full breasts pushed the bikini bra down and showed off her deep cleavage, and her tummy ever so slightly bulged over her bikini briefs. She was sixty-five-years-old and felt confident with her body, enhanced by her creased skin, bat wings, fleshy thighs, and her grey hair that reached her shoulders. She felt sexy, though, and knew she was the envy of plenty of the girls and women on the beach. She also smiled when she noticed any of the men looking her way as though sizing up whether they had a chance with her. They didn’t, she always told herself, as she was far too sexy for them.

Vera loved coming to the beach and mixing with the swimmers and sunbathers. It was an adult-only beach and you had to be sixteen years or older to be there.

A few of the bathers were Vera’s age and most of those ladies wore one-piece swimsuits which still showed off their sometimes very full figures, and Vera again felt sexy compared to them. However, mostly the bathers were teenage girls, or in their early to mid-twenties, who looked so fit in their different coloured bikinis. Even so, Vera knew she once looked as good as they did and still felt full of confidence because of her looks.

Vera equally enjoyed watching the lifeguards, who also tended to be teenagers and who were really the beach police, as they sought out those who smoked pot or broke one of the many other rules which were illegal on the beach. The standard penalty was to be taken to the changing rooms and spanked by a lifeguard. The girls were spanked by the girl lifeguards, and the boys by the boy lifeguards, in their respective changing rooms.

Anyone on the beach was able to go into the changing rooms and watch the spankings and Vera had enjoyed watching several girls being spanked over recent times. However, she also vividly remembered the occasion she was caught smoking pot and spanked, which made her extra careful afterwards. By being careful, she managed to hide the fact she still smoked pot every time she came to the beach and laughed at how naive the young lifeguards were who happily caught the beachgoers who didn’t think to hide their smoking. She, however, smoked her pot through a smoke filter pretty much the size of a lip balm that fitted in her hand and hid the smell.

Today, it all looked to be going the same way and it was only going to be a matter of time before the lifeguards discovered a smoker. As she waited, Vera puffed away as she played over in her mind some of the spankings she had watched, as well as the time she was spanked. That time, she had Emma with her who agreed to film the spanking on her phone and, as was required by the beach regulations, had given Vera a very painful second spanking when at home, which Vera remembered so well.

Vera was musing these thoughts over in her head when she felt her ear tugged and squeezed and heard the very stern words, “We know what you are doing, old lady.”

Vera was aghast as she saw that a young lifeguard had grabbed her ear and was glaring at her. She had a mouthful of smoke and had to blow that out and was then going to argue with the girl.

However, the guard had picked her moment and seeing Vera blow the smoke out, took a deep breath and said sternly, “Yup, that’s pot. Do you really think we are all that stupid?”

Vera was back-footed as she had to accept this quite forceful young lady was unlikely to be stupid at all. “Well, erm, err, erm, well, no, but,” Vera stuttered.

The lifeguard, whose badge showed her name to be Lucy Stone, continued to glare at Vera, and then ordered, “Well, the rules are clear. Come with me to the changing rooms.”

Vera blanched as she knew what that meant from her last experience, and blushed as she saw the people close by her looking with smirks on their faces as they also knew what was going to happen. Vera was aware that several people were following as Miss Stone kept a firm hold of her ear as she was led towards the changing rooms.

As she walked, wincing with the pain of her squeezed and pulled ear, she suddenly blanched again as she saw Sarah and Melanie, who were both in their early forties and were daughters of two very close friends of hers, Jean and Linda, and they didn’t look happy at all. As she passed by them, Sarah demanded, “Does mum smoke as well?”

Vera knew that neither Jean nor Linda smoked pot, and she shook her head and said a worried, “No,” as she was forcibly led towards the changing rooms.

Moments later, Vera was led into the female changing rooms. Miss Stone released Vera’s ear but ordered, “Name and age?”

Vera answered the questions, conscious of ever more people entering the changing room and standing close to her.

Miss Stone commanded, “Stand still, old lady, whilst the people who behave, and follow the rules, arrive.”

Vera blushed as the room filled with beachgoers. She continued to blush as she stood in her mini bikini and wondered why she was suddenly feeling aroused. She didn’t think she was turned on by being spanked, but as the room filled and she saw a gaggle of teenage girls in equally minuscule bikinis as hers but with flat tummies, well-toned legs and arms, and pretty faces, she wondered if she was being turned on by the imminent humiliation of being spanked in front of so many teenage girls. Then she blanched again as she saw Sarah and Melanie come into the changing rooms and felt even more humiliated, and, in wonderment felt even more aroused. Oh my goodness, she told herself, as she realised that she was actually turned on by being humiliated.

Vera then saw three grandchildren of three friends of hers. They were in their very early twenties and were smirking and Vera had even more feelings of humiliation and arousal. She just couldn’t stop the flutters flying around her vagina as more and more girls came in, and gasped as two of the girls, who were both about eighteen-years-old and were daughters of neighbours of hers, came in. After them, came two more neighbours who were in their mid-forties and had daughters who, fortunately, weren’t there, Vera told herself. The shock of being spanked in front of so many people she knew was beginning to make her feel faint, except she then realised that was the same faintness she felt when masturbating and getting close to an orgasm. That realisation shocked Vera but also excited her.

Whilst Vera was feeling more and more humiliated and turned on at the same time, Miss Stone had got a wooden paddle from a cupboard and sat on a high-backed chair, and ordered, “Come here, old lady, and stand in front of me.”

Vera felt ever more ashamed as she was addressed in such a disrespectful way, but had no choice but to go and stand in front of the now seated Miss Stone. As she walked over to Miss Stone she looked at her face and was sure she was still a teenager and then saw a small badge on her t-shirt that said, ’18 And Proud To Be In Charge.” So, once again, Vera could not believe that she was going to be spanked by such a young woman.

Miss Stone crossed her legs and looked so dominant as Vera felt more and more naughty and shivered as she heard the order, “Get your bikini off as all spankings are carried out in the nude.”

Of course, Vera remembered that from last time, and put her arms behind her back and unclipped her bikini bra, let the straps slide down her arms, caught the bikini, and put it on the table behind Miss Stone. She then slid her thumbs into the elastic of her bikini briefs, pushed them downwards, stepped out of them, and put them with her bikini bra.

As Vera stood back up she knew she had a great body for a woman her age, but started to feel less confident as she saw the smirks from the young girls, and heard the comments like, “Silver hair, so cool … great bat wings … nice fleshy legs … so much bum to spank.”

Vera was feeling more and more humiliated by the degrading comments about her body, although actually saw them as compliments but still really couldn’t understand how come she was feeling more and more turned-on as well.

It was only a few moments before she then recognised comments from Sarah and Melanie. “I need to tell mum about this … me too.”

Once again, though, Vera was feeling the quivers flying around her vagina and was now turned on even more than when she was spanked last time. When would that stop, she asked herself, trying to make sure she didn’t cum.

Miss Stone again broke into Vera’s thoughts as she demanded, “I need someone to film the spanking. Any volunteers?”

There was silence for a few moments, except for the murmurs which continued, and it seemed no one would volunteer. Then one of the girls announced, “I’ll do it, but I will need to carry out the spanking later on as well.”

Miss Stone was used to that condition and smiled at the young girl who looked her own age and asked, “Please state your name and age.”

The girl seemed very happy as she replied, “Annabel Grant, and I am seventeen-years-old.”

Miss Stone seemed happy with that and glared at Vera and demanded, “You will let Miss Grant spank you later on. Understood?”

Vera gasped at the realisation she would be spanked by a girl she didn’t know who was even younger at seventeen-years-old. She wanted to plead that Emma would spank her again, but that didn’t seem to be an option. So, on the verge of tears, Vera replied, “Yes, Miss. I agree.”

Vera knew the first spanking was seconds away but glanced at a full-length mirror and saw her naked body. She again knew she was a very attractive lady for her age. Yes, she had fleshy legs and seriously drooping breasts, accentuated by being naked, and saw her full hair mound which wasn’t grey like the hair on her head, and she knew that when dressed up she was a real head turner. However, as she forced herself to look around and saw the daughters of her friends and the granddaughters of neighbours, she knew she was feeling more and more humiliated and wondered what they would say when they met in the future. She also felt embarrassed being naked in front of so many teenage girls she didn’t know but was sure she would come across in the street or at the shops as well and were bound to comment behind her back; that would cause her huge embarrassment.

However, as she had these thoughts about her own humiliation and embarrassment she also knew those thoughts were getting her more and more aroused and again realised what a turn-on personal humiliation and embarrassment was for her.

Again, Vera’s thoughts were diverted by the ever strict and dominant Miss Stone ordering, “Get across my lap, you naughty old lady.”

Vera gasped at again being addressed so insolently by the teenager as she looked down at her lap which was completely bare as she had yanked her already very short skirt right up. Breathing deeply with the anticipation of the pain, Vera eased herself down and across the waiting bare lap, lowering her bare tummy onto those bare thighs and was again horrified that the feel of her tummy pressing down on the bare thighs sent further quivers flying around her vagina. Vera caught her fall with her hands on the floor and, as she did, she saw Miss Stone’s bare but well-toned upside down legs and the underside of her thighs and again felt humiliated and submissive. She also saw several bare upside down legs of the girls and women standing watching and heard their comments, including, “She needs a really hard spanking … yes, and the backs of her legs … she’ll be crying soon and it serves her right.”

Vera winced at the unsympathetic comments and looked sideways and saw herself in the mirror again. She looked so strange bent over the teenager’s lap but she saw her large breasts hanging down and swaying slightly and her grey hair hung down towards the floor, and, although she had creases all over she still loved her body, even in this submissive position.

Vera gasped as she felt Miss Stone’s hand rubbing her bottom in circles and then up and down the backs of her legs and she again felt aroused, and more so as she rubbed her hand along her inner thigh. In fact, she realised that she was right now feeling more aroused than when she masturbated when alone in bed because she had no control over the length or severity of her punishment, and Miss Stone, a mere teenager, did, which, incredibly, made her feel even more aroused and ready to cum.

However, that feeling of wanting to cum disappeared as the first spank landed on her bare bottom cheek and she gasped, with gasp after gasp following spank after spank on alternate bare bottom cheeks. Although her bottom was stinging more and more, Vera heard more comments, including, “Her bum is turning nicely red … she isn’t smiling now, is she … I bet granny is regretting smoking pot now.”

It didn’t take long for Vera to start to struggle with the ongoing spanks, and more so when Miss Stone spanked her on the same bottom cheek time and again before doing the same to her other bottom cheek and then to the back of each leg. She remembered being surprised last time that a teenager could spank so very hard, but as this was now three out of three she supposed it was the norm.

Vera knew she was squirming around on Miss Stone’s lap and tensing her legs, and as she still had a view of herself in the mirror knew her breasts were waggling about and her hair was dishevelled. She reminded herself that she still had that horrid looking wooden paddle to come and wondered what state she would be in then, although knew she wouldn’t be her usual calm and collected self but would be reduced to a crying, snivelling wreck.

As the spanks continued on and on, so Vera felt the tears well up in her eyes and as she looked at the mirror now saw only a blurred vision of herself. She assumed those watching would soon see the tears running down her face and once again the wave of humiliation flowed over her and she stopped worrying about whether she would cry, but how loudly and for how long.

Miss Stone listened to the chatter around her, as she always did when spanking anyone for breaking one of the rules, and smiled to herself at the number of comments about the reddened bottom cheeks and legs, and how well she was delivering the spanking, and, even, a couple of the girls joking how they were pleased it wasn’t them across her lap. One day you might be, though, she told herself as she kept on spanking the granny across her lap.

Miss Stone was happy with the reddy colour she had turned both bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs and so stopped, reached behind, and picked up the paddle, turned back, and tapped Vera’s bottom twice so she knew what was about to happen. She was so pleased the wooden paddle had been introduced recently as it was much easier to use than the sandal and definitely hurt more. So, as she brought the paddle down with a loud thwack on Vera’s bottom cheek she wasn’t surprised at all by the much louder gasp, nor how Vera tensed her legs and shook her head from side to side, and was sure that her eyes were tightly closed as well.

Vera knew the paddle was about to be used and tensed both bottom cheeks, but that did nothing to stop the excruciating pain of that first spank. Of course, the spanks just kept on landing and they were so much harder than when Miss Stone spanked her with her hand, and this was unquestionably the most pain her bottom had ever experienced. She had often fantasised about being spanked again, but her memory was of something more erotic than the shooting stabbing-like pain of each spank with the paddle. She knew she was crying freely and that tears dribbled down her face, and she was suddenly all too aware of what that would do to her make-up. Still, that would be manageable whilst the non-stop constantly throbbing pain was no longer containable and so all she could do was cry uncontrollably, tense her legs, shake her head and hiss in and out through clenched teeth, and as often as she could she cried out plaintively.

Miss Stone was very happy with the pained reaction and that encouraged her to spank even harder. She was also motivated by the many comments of support she was still getting from those watching, including, “Harder … harder … yes, harder … she deserves every spank … smoking pot needs to be dealt with like this … she needs to be spanked like this every day for a week … no, a month … no, a year.” So, as the comments continued, she landed harder and harder spanks with the wooden paddle.

Vera desperately wanted the spanking to stop and cried out but in words no one understood. “I’m sorry … I won’t smoke ever again … please,” came out as, “Arrghhh … aarrghhmm … aarrghhmm.”

Miss Stone kept on spanking Vera until her whole bottom was tinged blue with bruising as then she knew that not only would Vera be unable to sit at all for hours, the spanking she would have to take when she got home would quickly make her dissolve again into the crying wreck she was now. Still, now she was happy she stopped spanking and crossed her arms and looked at the back of Vera’s head and ordered, “Get up and stand in front of me.”

Vera was still crying as she eased herself up from Miss Stone’s lap. As she stood one hand flew to her bottom and rubbed her stinging bottom cheeks and the other wiped the tears away from her eyes although it added to the smudging effect on her make-up. She did hear some comments directed at her, or rather at her red bottom and legs and that she didn’t seem very happy now. Slowly, her eyes cleared and, looking around, she saw several faces smirking at her, and winced when she saw Sarah and Melanie shaking their heads as they looked at her, and then the three granddaughters of her three friends, and then the two neighbours, and was horrified. However, almost immediately that horror changed and she again found herself turned on by the humiliation she was feeling and started to wonder if she would actually cum if she stayed here long enough. By now, she had both hands clutching and rubbing her stinging bottom cheeks and was stepping from side to side, oblivious of her stretched pussy lips being so clearly on show and the smirks on the faces of the people looking at her clearly wet pussy lips.

Miss Stone saw the looks and Vera’s wet pussy lips and supposed that Vera was one of those relatively few women and girls who were aroused by being spanked and wondered if Vera had used her for her own gratification. That didn’t matter, she told herself, as the discipline was the important thing as it helped teach other beach users, but, to cover herself, she ordered, “Right, old lady, get your bikini back on and fill out the punishment form. You will also agree with Miss Grant what time to arrive at your home to spank you. There is, of course, an open invite for anyone else to watch.”

Vera was still sobbing as she stepped back into her bikini briefs and slipped her bikini bra back on, clipping it together. She then went to the desk and collected the form from Miss Stone for her second spanking at home later on and watched her enter the details on the computer which she also saw was her second entry.

Miss Stone glared at Vera as she said, “You can leave now, but make sure you don’t smoke pot again on the beach.”

Vera replied respectfully, “Yes, Miss Stone,” and was determined to keep to her word as she rubbed her stinging bottom.

A few moments later Vera walked, still blushing, past all the watchers, noting not just her friends’ daughters and granddaughters and neighbours, and Annabel Grant who she would see later, but also all of the girls she didn’t know. Still reeling from the humiliation she walked quickly along the promenade wishing to leave the beach as soon as possible. She was horrified at the looks she was getting and then remembered her make-up must be staining her face and that made her walk even faster. However, once again, she couldn’t understand why she got excited once she understood the looks, and realised it was because so many more people must have worked out that she had been spanked. Once again, she got aroused by the humiliation whilst also feeling distraught that so many people she didn’t know would assume she had been spanked.

At least once off the beach, she got different looks which were sympathetic, as though wondering if she was crying because she was hurt. She smiled as she realised the funny implication as she was crying because she was hurt, but not for the reason she reckoned those now looking at her suspected.

Vera sighed with relief when she got home and quickly went into the living room, keeping her bikini on. She had a desire to immediately satisfy her erotic stimulation and quickly switched on her computer and logged on to the beach disciplinary web site and pressed the link for the film of her punishment. She fast forwarded to when she was across Miss Stone’s lap and within moments had her fingers running along her wet pussy lips and flicking her taut clit and squeezing her taut nipples and was gasping erotically as she came once, and, then, a minute later, with further playing with her pussy lips and clit, a second even more erotic time.

Vera calmed down after that and spent a happy half-an-hour watching the film and playing with herself, before feeling relaxed and happy as she made herself some tea and cake.

Vera was surprised when the doorbell rang but remembered she was due another spanking and looked at her watch and realised that it must be Annabel Grant at the door. She put on a respectful face and went and opened the door. She saw Miss Grant and that she was wearing a pink vest top and very tight, very short, white cotton shorts which left her thighs completely bare. She was then shocked when she realised it wasn’t just Miss Grant, but Jean and Linda were behind her and they were smirking, and Jean held a camera and mouthed that she would be filming the spanking. Behind them were the grannies of the three grandchildren who watched her earlier spanking, so three more of her close friends, who were also smirking. They were followed in by about a dozen giggling girls she didn’t know but could see they were only seventeen-years-old or so, and reckoned they were Annabel’s friends.

Moments later Annabel was sitting on a dining chair, having placed a very heavy looking wooden-backed paddle hairbrush on the table behind her, and she ordered, “Take your bikini off and get across my lap for a very well-deserved spanking.”

Vera looked down at the seventeen-year-old, feeling ashamed and distraught knowing so many of her friends were going to watch her get spanked, but, realising she had no control over things again, took off her bikini and eased herself down across the teenager’s lap. Once her tummy pressed down on Miss Grant’s lap she looked sideways and saw so many upside down bare legs, knowing they belonged to her friends and also a whole lot of teenagers she didn’t know. She didn’t feel turned-on this time, she told herself, except, once she felt her bottom being rubbed she felt those same flutters flying around her tummy and knew that, once again, she was turned on by the humiliation and embarrassment of a spanking by a teenager in front of so many of her friends.

As Vera dissolved towards uncontrolled crying she consoled herself with thoughts of bedtime when she could rub her bottom and her pussy lips and clit and squeeze her taut nipples.

Vera’s final thought, before only being able to think about the intensifying pain, was that today wasn’t all bad, for sure, as she had discovered that the loss of disciplinary control and the humiliation of being thoroughly well-spanked by a teenager in front of her friends, and strangers, was like a drug, and, just maybe, she was hooked.


Published 6 years ago

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