Grannies At The Discipline Centre

"Two granny-aged women are caught stealing and disciplined by two teenage girls"

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Margaret and Diane were two granny-aged ladies, seventy-one and sixty-eight respectively. They had been friends for many years. One of their favourite pastimes was to go into a shop together, one of them distracting the assistant, whilst the other slipped something into her handbag and they walked out of the shop without paying. This gave them a buzz and something they happily talked about together.

They had got so good at this and had done it dozens of times, and not once been caught, nor, even when they returned to the same shop, were they looked on suspiciously. After all, who would suspect two granny-aged women of stealing?

They dressed years younger than they were, loving sleeveless short dresses. It didn’t worry them that the sleeveless dresses were low-cut showing off their deep cleavages, but also their batwings and turtlenecks. The short hems showed off their fleshy thighs. Their faces were creased, and their tummies bulging out, but as well as being so confident about their looks they also felt that they would be looked on by others as being sexy.

However, whilst they were a couple of very confident ladies, they were perhaps getting overconfident and a little careless as so often can happen when you get away with things that you shouldn’t get away with, and assume that you will just get away with it every single time no matter how sloppy you might become.

The day did come when they got caught. They were out in the country and there was a campsite for blind children. They saw a canoe and without thinking about the horrible impact on the blind children, they simply stole it. However, two of the supervisors, who were both girls of sixteen, saw them and managed to apprehend them. They were very annoyed because of the upset it would have caused the blind children and they called the police.

Two of the other supervisors, Chloe and Lauren, who were girls aged eighteen, recognised the two grannies. They had both babysat them when they were younger and so knew who they were. They didn’t make themselves known at the time but decided they would monitor what happened.

The two grannies were worried as the police got involved, more so when a court order was obtained to carry out a search of the flat which they shared. They didn’t know about the court order until the police turned up on their front doorstep, showed it to them, and carried out the search. Several other items were found which they had clearly stolen from shops local to where they lived.

The court case followed and the two grannies were worried that they would be sent to prison. However, it seemed that as this was the first time that they were actually in court they weren’t going to be dealt with particularly strictly. That followed what happens quite a lot when even those who commit more major crimes are let off with what is effectively just a slap on the wrist. This happened to the two grannies because they were given a small fine and put on probation for six months.

Margaret and Diane actually laughed as they left the court almost thinking that they were now untouchable.

Chloe and Lauren had made a point of going to the court proceedings and were very annoyed when they heard the extremely light penalty and saw the two grannies laughing as they walked away from the court. They were disgusted by the ever-so-light punishment. In particular, these granny ladies had stolen from a camp helping children who were blind, which meant they didn’t care about deliberately affecting those with such a serious disability. As they followed them out of the court and saw they were laughing it got them even more annoyed.

The teenagers also remembered how when the grannies babysat them they used to tell them to be good girls and obey the rules, and yet here they were clearly breaking them and laughing at the fact. Later they saw the grannies sunbathing nude on a beach and saw their fleshy bottoms and told each other how they should both have those fleshy bottoms soundly thrashed, and hoped they would be able to do that one day.

The experience with the grannies led the girls into training to be discipline officers and they were now employed at the local discipline centre. So, Chloe and Lauren were part of the new disciplinary system slowly being introduced by the authorities. Instead of fines and probation, those found guilty of minor—and sometimes not so minor—offences were given the alternative of being sent to a discipline centre instead of probation and a fine. Many found the short sharp shock helped them stop their life of crime in a way that probation and small fines rarely did.

Because there was still some resistance to bringing in the discipline centre scheme, Chloe and Lauren took action themselves with these two granny-aged ladies. They had spotted them in the shopping mall about two weeks after the court case and followed them, and filmed them actually going into a charity shop for the blind and stealing some things.

Once Margaret and Diane had left the shop, Chloe and Lauren went up to them and said sternly, “Can we please have a word, ladies.”

Margaret and Diane were immediately shocked and were blushing, looking at each other nervously, and then back at the two teenagers, and asked, “What is it about, girls? We are in a hurry.”

Chloe thought that Margaret felt that she knew her given the quizzical look on her face, but she decided to remain silent about her being her babysitter of old because she had something in mind that clearly these two granny-aged women were not going to enjoy.

So, Chloe didn’t say anything but held up the phone and played back the video showing Margaret putting three things into her handbag. She and Lauren just glared at the two granny-aged ladies as they watched.

Margaret knew this was really bad particularly as they were on probation and if they went back to court they would certainly get sent to prison this time. She thought about running but realised there was no way they could get away from the two teenagers. So, swallowing hard and fearing the worst, she asked in a trembling tone voice, “What do you want?”

Chloe knew exactly what she wanted to do. She was all for the discipline centre method of punishment and certainly reckoned that it would work with these two granny-aged women. She, therefore, replied in an authoritative tone, “You have a choice. I can send this video to the police, or you can come with me and we will deal with you. It will involve your bottoms stinging, but I suspect that when you were younger you experienced being thrashed. Anyway, the choice is yours.”

Margaret and Diane certainly knew they didn’t want the police to be involved, but also thought to themselves what could a couple of teenage girls do to them in any case? By a thrashing, Margaret assumed a spanking because that was what did happen to both her and Diane when they were these girls’ ages. So, in a rather more confident tone of voice, she asked, “How do we know you will keep to your word, young lady?”

Chloe kept a very stern look on her young face as she replied, “You are a couple of thieving granny-aged ladies and you are asking me if I can be trusted? Well, I can tell you that we can be trusted, so decide.”

Margaret and Diane realised that they didn’t really have a choice because practically anything would be better than going to prison. Margaret looked at Diane, who nodded to her, and so she replied, “Okay, young lady, we will go with you.”

Chloe kept the stern look on her face as she said, “Okay then, but, just to be clear, from now on you will address us both as Miss.”

Margaret didn’t mind that and acknowledged the request with, “Yes, Miss.”

When Chloe looked at Diane, she replied, “Yes, Miss, me too.”

Chloe ordered, “No slacking, and if we lose you then our first call will be to the police.” She saw the horrified look on the two granny-aged ladies’ faces and knew they would stay with them. Mind you, she knew they would be shocked when they saw where they were going, but that was their problem.

It was a Saturday and Chloe and Lauren knew that the discipline centre was shut. However, they had keys and access codes and so walked the three hundred yards from the shopping mall to the discipline centre, in silence, knowing that would increase the tension of the two granny ladies.

Margaret and Diane kept looking at each other as they were walking, and Margaret spotted the discipline centre sign first and nodded towards Diane, who then saw it. They again both looked at each other licking their lips, knowing they had passed this several times, and joked about being sent there if they were ever caught. Well, neither saw it as a joke just then and supposed they were going to get rather more than just a spanking. Still, that would be the better choice they supposed.

However, both Margaret and Diane did have similar thoughts. Whilst they had joked about being made to attend the discipline centre, they both for several decades found the thought of being spanked something that they might not exactly enjoy but find sexually arousing. However, neither had lived out that fantasy but thought that might well help them deal with however hard a spanking these teenage girls might give them.

When Chloe saw that both grannies had seen where they were going, she said, “We are both disciplinarians at the discipline centre.”

That shook both Margaret and Diane, who supposed these girls would know a thing or two about giving a hard thrashing after all.

As they walked along, Margaret and Diane did look towards the girls and saw that as they were wearing vest tops and shorts they had well-toned arms and assumed they did weights at the gym. That might well also mean a rather hard thrashing, but even so, being young girls they expected them to thrash them hard but not so hard that they wouldn’t be able to cope. Of course, being thrashed by girls so young was humiliating in itself.

They got to the discipline centre and Chloe used the keys and access codes and the four of them walked inside. Chloe made sure the door was shut behind them before leading the way to the changing rooms.

Once inside, Margaret and Diane suddenly felt less relaxed as they realised there was no escape for them now.

Once they got to the changing rooms, Chloe instructed, “Right, both of you, get undressed. When offenders are being punished here they wear gowns that open at the back for ease.”

Margaret looked around and saw that there weren’t actually any cubicles to change in and she looked towards Chloe and asked, “Where should we change?”

Chloe snapped back with, “Where should we change, Miss?”

Margaret realised her omission and immediately replied, “Sorry, Miss, where should we change, Miss?”

Margaret realised that she was getting increasingly worried that maybe these two teenage girls weren’t going to be as lenient as she had expected. Had she been naive? Well, she and Diane were going to find out.

Chloe replied, “Get undressed out here. Those who have committed offences don’t deserve any privacy. Anyway, we are going to get a very good view of your very naughty bottoms so get used to that fact.”

Margaret even had the immediate reaction of maybe wanting to go back to court instead. Listening to the tone of voice, she was beginning to wonder whether that might be the easier option.

However, it was too late now, and Margaret and Diane were both getting increasingly tense as they did as they were told and got undressed. They unzipped their dresses and slid them down towards the floor, having to balance as they scooped them up. They then both pushed their knickers to the floor and stepped out of them, again having to balance holding on to the wall. Finally, they put their arms behind their backs and unclipped their bras, slipping them down their arms, and caught them.

Once Margaret and Diane were naked, they turned and looked at the two teenagers and then looked around to see where the gowns were.

Chloe saw the quizzical looks and said sternly, “Actually, as there’s no one else here, let’s not bother with the gowns. Follow me instead.”

Margaret couldn’t help herself but say, “Now look here, young lady, we are entitled to some rights.”

Diane added, “It just isn’t fair.”

Chloe turned back and glared at Margaret and Diane and said very sternly, “Two things. Firstly neither of you addressed me as Miss. Secondly, no you’re not entitled to any privacy or modesty or fairness, or rights. We caught you stealing whilst you are on probation. Therefore, for the last time, you will do as you are told or suffer very serious punishments indeed. Anyway, I’ve just decided to up your punishment because you are continually refusing to be respectful.”

Margaret and Diane were immediately contrite as they knew they had no leg to stand on.

They were taken aback by the stern tone of voice given that the girl was still a teenager less than a third of their own age. Surely at their age, they were owed respect but then had to remind themselves again that they weren’t because they were clearly the ones in the wrong. It was then that the realisation finally struck them that they were going to have to obey the teenage girls and accept whatever punishment they decided to give as the alternative to being dealt with by the police instead. Not a very good choice, she told herself, but one they were going to have to accept.

So, finally accepting her position, Margaret said contritely, “Sorry, Miss,” and Diane said the same.

Reckoning that they were now in full control, Chloe said, “Now follow me,” and led the two naked granny-aged ladies out of the changing room, a short way along the corridor, and then threw some double doors open which had on a sign overhead with the description, “Punishment Room 12.”

Margaret and Diane glanced at each other, both getting more and more worried, and once they saw inside they were even more worried. What they saw were two frames positioned so that they would be bent over and secured to them, with leather cuffs securing their wrists and leather straps securing their waists and thighs. Both realised that this was likely to be very different to the hand spanking that they had originally expected.

Chloe immediately instructed, “Go and stand by them,” pointing at Margaret and then Diane respectively.

By now both Margaret and Diane had accepted they were going to have to be punished as they stood next to each frame and obediently bent over and placed their wrists in position so that the leather cuffs could secure them in place, followed by the leather straps securing their waists in place and the two leather straps securing each thigh in place. Both realised that they were unable to move even if they wanted to.

It was then that Chloe went to a cupboard, opened it, took out two hook-ended senior canes, handed one to Lauren, and they then both positioned themselves behind Margaret and Diane respectively.

It was then that Chloe and Lauren smiled at each other knowing that neither granny could see their faces as they were both pointed in the other direction.

When they had first seen Margaret and Diane stealing the canoe, and remembered that they were babysitters for them, they reminded themselves how they had told each other that both of them needed a good spanking. In fact, they had both fantasised about spanking both granny-aged women, even talking about it as they made love to each other. They had given each other tremendous multiple orgasms with their tongues and their fingers whilst thinking those exact thoughts.

Now though, as they were disciplinarians at the discipline centre, they knew the benefit of a much more severe punishment than just a spanking. They had already secured many women to these exact frames, and others like them in other punishment rooms, and given them punishments that well exceeded a bare bottom spanking. Twenty-four strokes was a regular punishment, but they had given two women seventy-two strokes of the cane, making them count out each stroke and penalising them if they got the number wrong. In all those of cases, the number of strokes they were to give was pre-set by the disciplinary panel which considered the offence committed, and then set the number of strokes.

This was going to be different, because Chloe and Lauren were judge and jury and executioner, and they both had to admit that because they were acting out all three positions they found this sexually arousing and knew that their knickers were already damp.

It was very different thoughts going through the minds of Margaret and Diane. They had fantasised over the years about being spanked, although had kept their thoughts private, even from each other. Had they spoken about those thoughts to each other there is little doubt that they would’ve happily spanked each other and got the same types of orgasms that Chloe and Lauren experienced.

However, they didn’t and so here they were thinking whilst walking towards the discipline centre that at long last they were going to experience the spanking they had fantasised about, but now realised that it was going to be nothing like that but something much more severe. Had they been wearing knickers they certainly wouldn’t have been damp, although maybe they would have wet themselves in a quite different way through fear. Either way, it was certainly no less than they deserved given their history of stealing

Now the teenagers had these two grannies secured in place, Chloe turned to Lauren and said, “Do you remember these two? They babysat us.”

Lauren replied, “Yes, I do. The tables are turned now.”

Margaret and Diane both gasped. They thought they had recognised them but couldn’t place why or where. Now they did and realised that they were going to be thrashed by two girls they had babysat. How much more humiliating could this get?

Chloe and Lauren smiled at each other and then got down to the real business and Chloe said, “We will give them forty-eight strokes.”

When she heard the gasps coming from Margaret and Diane, but quite noticeably no arguments, Chloe said, “You will count each stroke. If you make any mistakes then strokes will be added.” After a few moments, she added, “It was going to be thirty-six strokes, but because of your arguments in the changing room I told you the punishment was going to be increased, and so the first twelve strokes are the extras.”

Margaret and Diane still didn’t say anything and just looked at the floor, reconciling themselves to the fact that this was all their own fault. They were the ones who couldn’t stop stealing, even after going to court and being put on probation. They thought they were too clever by half to suffer any real consequences but also carried on because the punishment handed out didn’t fit the crime and was too weak to give them, the criminals, an incentive not to do so in the future. Now, here they were, faced with forty-eight strokes of the cane, and, with this much stiffer penalty that did fit the crime were already thinking how they mustn’t steal again.

Chloe and Lauren again smiled at each other knowing that neither Margaret nor Diane could see their faces, and blew kisses to each other knowing that they were going to give each other some tremendous orgasms when they got to bed tonight. They didn’t feel that way when disciplining the normal offenders because they saw that as their job. This was different, though, because they were living out their desire to discipline the two granny women who used to babysit them, which they could’ve done quite happily in their own homes, but it was just fortuitous that they were able to punish them here at their workplace.

Chloe and Lauren then rubbed the cane across the bottom they were going to thrash, smiling to themselves as they saw just how fleshy the bottom cheeks and thighs were. They then looked at each other, nodded, focused again on the fleshy granny’s bottom, pulled their arms back, and whipped the canes down, watching as the cane bit into the fleshy bottom before bouncing back out, leaving the bottom cheeks swirling around. They also heard the yelp coming from each granny, which told them both were struggling with even the first stroke.

Chloe and Lauren waited a few moments and then smiled at each other as Chloe said in a very stern tone of voice, “I said count each stroke, you naughty grannies, so that stroke no longer counts. We will now give you your next first stroke.”

Both grannies groaned when they heard the instruction but again neither objected. Clearly, they were learning, and so, after the second stroke bit into their bottoms and they yelped again, they both said, “One.”

Margaret and Diane were both thinking the same that they really were at fault again. All they had to do was count out the stroke but instead, they didn’t answer and now had to suffer one more additional stroke, plus the twelve extras for arguing and being disrespectful. Well, they both now really respected the two teenage girls in a way they had never thought possible. Two women their age, being respectful of two teenage girls. Horrific and mind-bending and humiliating but it was happening to them. They also told themselves they had better learn from this and learn quickly.

Chloe and Lauren then focused again and brought the cane down for the third stroke although it was only counted as the second so far as the punishment was now concerned. Both grannies yelped again, but immediately said, “Two.”

The tone was set and Chloe and Lauren then proceeded to land stroke after stroke, painting red welt after red welt across the naughty grannies’ bare, fleshy bottom cheeks. Of course, they had done this so many times before and knew there was no need to say anything or do anything other than focus on each stroke and make sure that the offender counted out the number of strokes correctly. Both grannies were doing exactly that now, even though they had started to cry.

Neither Chloe nor Lauren had any sympathy for either naughty granny. After all, they were lowlife thieves who deserved to be punished as firmly as they were being punished right now. In fact, just to add to the pain, every now and again Chloe would catch Lauren’s eye and hold up either two or three fingers. That meant they then gave either two or three strokes in very quick succession, which they knew would seriously increase the pain. This is what they did during their more formal punishment sessions as well and knew that the offenders hated it.

Margaret and Diane were really struggling even as they counted out the strokes. What was noticeable was that they were taking slightly longer after each stroke to call out the number because they were increasingly letting out sobs or shrieking for longer to try to cope with the pain. They knew they were struggling, but kept telling themselves that this was all their own fault and could see how this was something that was a real incentive to stop stealing, and certainly far more of an incentive than a small fine and probation.

Chloe and Lauren were used to the slightly longer gap between each stroke landing and the offender calling out the number of the stroke. They knew they could increase the tariff when this happened, which they did today as Chloe said, “I told you to call out the number after the stroke. You are waiting far too long now so that last stroke won’t count.”

Both Margaret and Diane let out sobs as they heard that, having lost any urge to argue because they knew exactly what that would lead to with these ever-so-strict teenage girls. They knew that they were completely under the control of the two teenage girls, although had to admit that both were carrying out the punishment extremely effectively and so earned their total respect.

Chloe and Lauren knew not to hold back or make the strokes any lighter because that would result in the exact opposite of what they wanted to achieve, which was an offender who didn’t offend again. It didn’t worry them that even the large fleshy bottoms were almost covered in red welts, not just parallel to each other but crisscrossing as well. The fact they were secured in place meant the two naughty grannies weren’t able to do anything anyway, which Chloe and Lauren both knew left them to cane the naughty bottoms just as hard as they wanted to. Well, they were caning harder and harder, and as the grannies yelped louder and louder knew their knickers were getting damper and damper.

After all, they were doing a public service because there was a real outcry from the local community when such a light sentence was given by the court. Chloe and Lauren knew that they couldn’t publicise this punishment, though, but because of their personal knowledge about the two women, and the full knowledge that they would see them again at the shopping mall, they knew they were doing the right thing for the community.

Once they were half a dozen strokes away from the end, albeit fifty strokes because of the fourteen extras rather than the original thirty-six-stroke sentence, they made sure that those last six strokes were increasingly hard. What they found was the same with other offenders, which was that even though the final few strokes were harder, the offender focused on counting out the number really quickly rather than risking additional strokes. It was always a nice touch, the girls thought, because it definitely showed that the offenders were well aware of the need to obey the discipline officers carrying out the penalty.

Once it was over, both grannies were crying uncontrollably, probably as much with relief that it was over than just because of the pain. Of course, the teenage girls knew that the pain and inability to sit down comfortably would continue for several days, which of course was only right.

The girls waited a good couple of minutes, looking down and smiling at the distraught naughty grannies before undoing the leather straps first around the grannies’ thighs, then around their waists, and finally, they undid the wrist cuffs.

Once they were untied, Chloe said, “Right, you can both get up.”

Slowly the two grannies pushed themselves up and once they did, immediately their hands rushed to their bottoms, which they rubbed and clutched, and, even given their age, they were stepping from foot to foot doing the spanking dance. It was a delight to watch, what with their breasts swaying from side to side and two grannies clearly much more concerned about the pain than any modesty that they were expecting when back in the changing room.

Chloe wasn’t going to let them rub their bottoms for long and after just a few seconds ordered, “Let’s get back to the changing room, ladies, unless you want to go back over the bench.”

Margaret and Diane heard the threat and immediately turned towards the door, although both realised they couldn’t actually see the door because their vision was so blurred. It was another reminder that they had been caught stealing and had just been punished for that.

Chloe opened the door and both women walked out, following Chloe back to the changing room. Once in there, their vision was still slightly blurred but they saw their clothes and got dressed as quickly as they could. It wasn’t easy given their age, but they managed it.

Once dressed, Chloe and Lauren walked the grannies towards the exit. They were still sobbing and the teenagers didn’t let them go to the toilet to wash the stained makeup off their faces so whoever they passed when they walked home would see that they had been crying. They might not know the reason, but they would if either granny was rubbing their bottom still in the way that they were doing just then.

Chloe added to the grannies’ distress by explaining, “This isn’t the end of it, you thieving grannies. We know where you live and where you shop and we are sure we will see you regularly. In addition, we will be notifying our friends who shop in the same mall, and any that see you will follow you for a while to see whether you steal again.”

Once Chloe saw the two grannies looking nervously at each other, she added, “Our friends will film you stealing just as we did and send us the film. Every single time, until your probation period is over, we will bring you back here and give you both another thrashing, but with many more cane strokes. Once your probation is over, the next time we or our friends catch you stealing we will send the film to the police and they can take you back to court. I hope that is understood.”

Margaret replied, “Yes, Miss.” Diane said the same.

Chloe then said, “Every time you see us you will not address us by our first names but only as Miss. That way you will know your place every single time we see you. Is that understood?”

Margaret again replied, “Yes, Miss,” and again Diane said the same.

When they got to the exit door Chloe and Lauren didn’t say anything and just watched the two really distressed grannies walk away.

Margaret said to Diane, “They might just be teenagers but they are certainly right. They dealt with us in exactly the right way and knew that we are addicted to stealing. We have to try to break that addiction.”

Diane replied, “I agree. However, like all addicts, it will take a while to break, and I am so worried that we will do it again and get caught and be taken back to the discipline centre, maybe this time for sixty or even seventy-two strokes of the cane. How would we deal with that?”

Margaret didn’t answer but had the same thought as Diane, which was that they wouldn’t be able to deal with it, and would still have to take every single stroke, cry buckets, have welted bottoms that would take days to recover, and tell themselves again that they had to stop stealing.

As they now walked in silence, deep in their own thoughts and with their stinging bottoms, they realised that people were looking at them, not just because of their running make-up but because they were both clutching their bottoms. That was just so humiliating, but, once again, they told themselves so well deserved.

Back at the discipline centre, Chloe and Lauren were laughing and joking about how great it was to discipline the two grannies. Because they weren’t sent there officially they found it so much more exciting and knew their knickers were really damp. Well, as there was no one else there they dealt with each other as they always did, kissing and hugging each other, taking a shower together, and giving each other the most huge orgasms with their tongues and fingers.

What a great day it had been, they both thought as they kissed and cuddled some more and looked forward to more huge orgasms tonight.

Published 1 year ago

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