Grandma’s Quilt

"Making love sometimes is best when you are doing it on something familiar!"

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Hint of honey brewed in green tea that night

Removed the chill of the twilight

Grandma’s quilt spread upon the floor

Fleetwood Mac played away by the back door

Amor Amor fragrance was in the night’s air

Clothes were scattered everywhere without care

Red Oak logs snapped and popped their tune

Sharing their last life with the love of two

Afterglow of gold wrapped itself around the souls of two

Man bent to extend his love for this woman’s naked display

The rhythm of Fleetwood “Dreams” swooned two lovers to play

The translucent light reflected their foreplay

That night the time seemed to fade away

Fleetwood Mac is still heard to the present day

Time may be the castaway, but memories are here to stay

As two became one upon the quilt that grandma spun

Published 1 year ago

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