For whatever reason, I began to feel intensely sexual. I tried to ignore it as if to ignore a problem child but with each passing moment, this became ever more impossible. Realizing I was in public and did not want to risk any inappropriate displays on the public trails I admitted defeat and sat a few yards off trail to sit with my knees up to disguise the situation. I tried to divert my attention by reading the GPS manuals but the effort was pointless. By then I began to ache.
While sitting there a spot of pre-come oozed out and soaked me and this was the final straw, I had to do something or go nuts. But, out in public with all of these people around? Then it hit me, I had a GPS in my hand, so why not use it to guide me away from the trails where there would be no people! Duh… Now the trick was to stand up while not letting anybody see my intentions!
The woods were thick and difficult to maneuver especially in the highly charged sexual state that I was experiencing. Finally, unable to go any further I slid my shorts down and exposed myself. I played a bit and could have easily finished myself but still needed to dig deeper into the woods.
Without thinking any further, I quickly stripped myself naked. The nakedness with my full glory in full stance sent the most raw and intense sexual arousal I had ever felt. I pranced around a few moments but could no longer take it anymore. I could not help but to lay down to deliver myself the most intense sensations as I slowly and very lightly stroked along the length of my shaft as if a spider touched it. I was blinded by the slam of a most delightful and intense orgasm. All I could do was gasp for air while my orgasm lingered. The afterglow paralyzed me. All I could go was to wrap my hands around my semen soaked penis while it gradually went flaccid, pulsing in sync to my heartbeats.
The experience was glorious, as I started to come to, I realized that I had truly messed myself and brought nothing to clean myself. I thought to use the leaves around me but stopped at the idea of mistaking one for poison ivy. Instead, I used my underwear and then realized my penis was going to be far too sensitive to hike without underwear so I put the soaking things on and hiked out.
My secret lingered, this built my sexual desires with each passing hour. By sundown, my girlfriend became the receiver of the most intensive oral I could deliver. I explored every millimeter of her pussy, no part of her clit was left explored. She exploded in an orgasm when I darted my tongue as far into her pussy as I ram my tongue in.
To this day, I have never told her why I was so charged…