I am not a born rebel. Rebellion was something I used to frown upon. Kids just wanted attention, I thought, they were lazy, they liked to disrupt everything for their own amusement. I was one of the ‘good kids’, not a genius perhaps, but I followed the rules. That all changed the year my girlfriend got deported.
It was our last year of high school. We both had bright futures, but hers was the brightest. I got good grades because I was diligent and showed up to class every day. Zahra got good grades because she was a fucking genius. She could read the entire course book within a couple of weeks and not show up to class for the rest of the semester, yet she’d still ace the exam. For a year I had a shamefully possessive crush on her. Other boys flirted with her, not surprisingly, as she was incredibly beautiful; a short middle-eastern girl with curly black hair and creamy beige skin. The boys also didn’t fail to notice her small but amply cushioned anterior, as plenty of the graffiti in the boy’s washroom would tell you.
She was shunned by other girls in our school. A pack of the most vicious young women used to sit with her between classes and spew micro-aggressions in her vicinity: “you’re hair is so smooth, I’m so glad your parents don’t make you wear a head-scarf… I can’t believe you’re so smart, Zahra! I thought, like, women weren’t allowed to go to school in Iraq.” She was Iranian. Eventually, they lost interest in their games and stopped hanging around her, all except for Claire, a blonde-haired beauty who became Zahra’s best friend and my personal hero.
Despite the usual tirade of adolescent bullying and sexual harassment, Zahra kept cool. She was always positive, always optimistic, and felt there was good in everyone. I, on the other hand, could not see any good in the guy making out with her behind school. I caught them while heading across the street for lunch; the guy seemed older, college level perhaps. He had her up against the wall, leaning into her. She was leaning away, and turned to face me, an awkward smile on her face while he continued to kiss her cheek. We made eye contact and I suddenly had a stupid idea.
“Hi Zahra,” I said after walking over to them. I paid the guy no mind, and he seemed equally disinterested in me as he continued to kiss her neck. “I’m having trouble with this Trig assignment and I was hoping to get your help,” I said, fumbling through my sentence.
“Sure!” she replied, sliding along the wall away from the product-haired man and over to me. He just watched us walk away and started lighting a cigarette.
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” I said as we made our way to the student lounge.
“Don’t be: you saved me.”
“Umm… was everything… okay back there?” I inquired with concern.
“No, no, everything’s fine. We just… had a bit of miscommunication,” she trailed off.
“Communication is important I hear,” I replied, sounding completely forced and awkward.
“That’s very true!”
After that embarrassing exchange, we continued up the stairwell in silence while I debated what to say to her next. “I mean, that’s why I don’t think I could ever go out with someone who wasn’t already a friend.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why everyone just wants to rush to get serious. They can’t just hang out first, like normal.” Our conversation picked up more from there, and soon we were discussing university plans, and how neither of us had any real plan for what we’d do with our lives.
“Zahra, I’m interested in getting to know you,” I admitted shyly afterwards.
“Yeah, we should be… friends,” she replied with a comical tilt of her head, recalling my previous comment. We both sort of chuckled and I knew then she would be special to me.
Our friendship developed as we both knew it would. Her best friend Claire was not happy about that. To her I was just another in the long line up of guys who wanted a piece of middle-eastern ass. And she wasn’t entirely wrong, Zahra was attractive to me and I made no secret of it. But despite insisting my connection to Zahra was genuine, it took some time for her to come around.
“You can’t date guys the last year of high-school. They’ll say anything because they know they won’t have to see you next year.” Despite having many ‘suitors’, Claire remained single and celibate throughout high-school.
“You think he’s only with me because he’s shallow, but tell me, has he ever come on to you? Have you ever caught him so much as staring at your chest? I mean, look at them!” Zahra pointed out her plus-sized breasts, “Even I can’t take my eyes off them!” Claire and Zahra would flirt like this all the time.
Claire eventually conceded that my feelings were real, and Zahra also admitted that she had been neglecting her best friend in spending so much time with me. The three of us gradually began spending time together, and I discovered Claire was nothing like her former peers. She was privileged, yes, but she acknowledged it, and never used it to make others feel small. Whereas Zahra was a confident extrovert, Claire was a shy introvert, but where Zahra had the brains, Claire had the heart. She volunteered at an elementary school nearby, and had incredible rapport with children of special needs. When Zahra and I argued, she was our mediator. When she overheard our classmates being dicks to me, she’d quickly cheer me up. “You’re much hotter. You’re like, top five in our school. If you were a bit more athletic, like, worked out a bit, then you’d be first by a long-shot. I’m serious! I’m not even your girlfriend so it’s not even like I have to say that.” That was the weekend I finally decided to use my dad’s old workout bench.
I’ve always been a slim twig at six feet. Suddenly I felt I had a reason to look good, someone to look good for, which made finding the motivation to workout that much easier. Of course, I’m still a slim twig, just a bit more lean now. I had no desire to become the hulk and instead preferred myself a post-radioactive-spiderbite Peter Parker (he’s more flexible anyways which would later come in hand), though I fancy myself more an Andrew Garfield than a Tobey Macguire.
Having Claire on our side made our last year the best we’d ever had, until of course Zahra’s family got deported. Some asshole neighbor raised suspicions about ‘barbaric practices’ happening next door. Zahra’s parents were muslim, but they weren’t zealots; they let their daughter wear what she wanted, they left us alone when I was over, and were basically the return of the golden age of Islam. I was furious.
I don’t know the exact details but some uncle or relative or whatever was suspected of having ties to ISIL, and the government decided there was enough ‘uncertainty’ towards their relationship that they had to be deported. Zahra’s parents thought it was too futile to appeal and withstand months of government harassment; they were leaving and their daughter was coming with them. Claire and I were in shock.
It would be the end of our relationship. She wanted to have sex before she left. We didn’t have much time so we couldn’t wait for our parents to be out of town, but we both agreed it wasn’t going to happen in some sketchy motel. Our planning sessions mostly consisted of making out and groping each other on her bed between crying and laughing.
“I love you,” I said.
“I love you,” she replied.
She decided to ask Claire if her parents’ cottage was an option.
The next time I saw her I knew immediately something was wrong. She was avoiding eye contact with me as she sat on my bed. “I have to tell you something.” She had seen Claire the night before. She went to ask about the cottage. Claire said she wanted us to have the weekend together because she knew it would make us happy, but it would make her sad. She didn’t want her best friend to spend her last weekend with someone else, away from her.
“I’ve always known I was… different, in that way, you know what I mean? But then I met you, and,” she wiped away a tear, “I thought I could just ignore those other feelings. You’re all I need, you know that, right?” I simply nodded, and waited for her to continue. “But when she told me she loved me… I couldn’t pretend I didn’t feel the same way, not now that I might never see her again. We…”
“It’s ok,” I lied, the sting hitting hard in my gut, “She’s been there for you longer than I have. You should go to the cottage. With her.” I was crying too. At that moment the thought of what Zahra and Claire were doing the night before didn’t excite me as much as it should have.
She threw her arms around me and kissed my forehead, pushing me back onto my bed. My family was still home, watching TV in the living room upstairs, but it no longer seemed to matter. “I want you,” she whispered. “I want both of you.”
The sex was brief and awkward, with some head-bumping and uncomfortable positioning, but we held each other for hours after, kissing, crying, and ultimately laughing. Our conversation drifted to all the good times we’d had that year, which naturally drifted toward Claire who was a part of most of them.
“I’m not jealous,” I said after some silence, this time honestly. “I probably will be upset after you leave, but right now we don’t have time for jealousy. I want to enjoy every moment with you while I still can. Of course, Claire would want to spend time with you. Of course, she loves you. You have that effect on people.”
Claire called me the next day. Zahra had told her I knew their secret, and she wanted to apologize herself. I could hear by her voice she had been crying. That week had turned us all into fountains. I apologized right back to her. “It’s stupid to think that Zahra should spend her last weekend with me instead of you. You mean so much to her, you have no idea. And plus, I mean, we all know the situation over there. This could be her only chance to be with a….” Claire gave a single loud laugh over the phone, and I could tell she was red in the face. “I mean I should have known she was bi, the way she was always grabbing your breasts. As soon as she knew she could get away with it she’d have her hands all over you.”
“I know. I liked it. It was super frustrating at the same time, though. To be that close, but keep a distance at the same time. I didn’t mean for it to happen like it did, I didn’t want to tell her that way, but I thought ‘oh my god, what if this is it?’ Next thing I know, I just blurted it out, and I kissed her and… Oh, I’m sorry of course you don’t want to hear this.”
Weirdly what I felt was not jealousy but also was jealousy at the same time. It was a positive kind of envy. The only way I can describe it is when your favourite character ends up getting the boy/girl at the end of the movie. It’s as if in that moment of hearing about it, I was in the shoes of Zahra, picturing this incredible moment in her life, wanting her to ‘get the girl’ like I’d want for my favourite protagonist. “You know what, I don’t think we should keep secrets. I know what happened, I don’t see why we can’t talk about it.”
She chuckled, “Communication is important, I hear. And are you going to tell me what happened between you two last night?”
This time I was the one laughing like a nervous fool. “If we’re going to have this conversation we can’t do it over the phone. The government’s listening you know!”
We met up in the public library and found some cushions to sit on in a deserted corner. To be a bit more discreet, I opened my laptop and started typing as we sat next to each other. So what happened exactly?
I passed her my laptop so she could type a reply, “She said ‘I think I love you too.'”
Giggling like a couple of schoolgirls we continued to swap details, very tame at first, but we gradually pushed each other to go into more detail. We were no longer jealous enemies; it felt just like before when we’d hang out together, just a bit more titillating.
She wrote about kissing Zahra; it was the first time either of them had kissed a girl. It was a timid peck on the lips at first. Claire told Zahra she didn’t want to rush her and wanted to wait for her to feel comfortable. “I’m more comfortable around you than anyone,” Zahra replied.
They kissed some more, and Zahra’s hands crept from the back of Claire’s tank top towards her midriff, but she hesitated as she rose her hands to the bulging bosom beneath. Where once she would have her hands all over Claire, this time she was more timid, so Claire backed away from the kiss and took her by the hand, guiding it slowly up and over her left breast to show that it was ok. She took Zahra’s other hand and did the same, then squeezed both of them hard the way she wanted her too.
Once Zahra realized she had permission, her timid looseness hardened into ravenous curiosity. She began squeezing and massaging Claire while they kissed, still standing next to the bed. After a few minutes of this, Claire sat Zahra down and slowly lowered the straps of her top, keeping their eyes locked. Standing in front of her next to the bed, she leaned forward as her shirt slid down just enough to reveal her nipple. Zahra began to kiss her cleavage and suck upon her breast, and it was right about this point in the story that I had to stop her.
“Is it hot in here? Why do they turn up the heat so high in these places? It’s not as if Canada’s cold or anything,” I complained, red-faced.
Claire laughed at me, equally embarrassed for sharing such a personal moment. She had a talent for erotic suspense that I could never do justice, surprising for a girl so chaste throughout high-school. “Well, you know, I do read some… stories on the internet sometimes,” she admitted. “If you want more, you’ll have to cough up some details of your own!”
I began recounting my own night with Zahra, still fresh in my mind from the night before. We continued swapping every awkward detail of our nights with her. I was relieved to hear Claire’s experience was equally as clumsy as mine; she admitted she kept accidentally leaning on Zahra’s hair with her hand as their hips were locked. Despite these hiccups in our stories, we were both sufficiently aroused after sharing them.
“So what do we do about this weekend?” I asked.
“Maybe we should just leave Zahra behind and go to my cottage so we can finish this erotica we’ve started on your laptop!” We laughed for a good bit before an inviting silence descended upon us. Our eyes met, and we didn’t look away; in a strange way, telling each other our experiences, it was as if we experienced them together. “I’m sorry I cheated on you. Er, I mean, I made Zahra cheat on you.”
“Don’t be. I’m glad. Zahra’s lucky to have such a beautiful woman.”
“She’s lucky to have such a beautiful man.”
Another awkward laugh was followed by a silence. This time I really looked at her, like the lecherous adolescent she once thought I was. I imagined myself stroking her long blonde hair like Zahra did, gazing into her bright blue eyes, kissing her smooth fair skin, sliding a hand beneath her mini jean shorts. She gazed right back at me, lowering her eyes from mine to my chest, and my arms, biting her lip. I was grateful we had the level of trust we did, our situation could have just as easily ended in bloodshed, but instead we seemed closer than ever, yet at the same moment, the distance between us seemed unbearable. I leaned in to kiss her.
We made out for a few minutes when an elderly man tried to nonchalantly clear his throat as he started sifting through books nearby. “I don’t feel like going to class today,” Claire said, “want to come over?”
Once we made it to her house, we wasted no time, grateful her parents were at work.
“Is this weird? Is this wrong?” she asked.
“I honestly don’t know.”
“Want to do it anyway?”
We fumbled at undressing each other while our lips were locked. The talk about Zahra certainly stirred her passion; her kisses were full of force and tongue. Once we were naked, I stood back to admire her, and she did the same. “I knew it,” she said, “hottest guy in school, by far.”
We rolled around on the bed for fifteen minutes or so. Having read Claire’s account of her night with our mutual friend, I felt I had a few advantages. Hearing about a moment of pleasure from someone else’s perspective gives you a deeper insight into what arouses them, and she seemed to have the same advantage over me. I sucked and massaged her tits with the force I knew she liked, and she wriggled underneath me slowly as we were joined at the hip, moving at a pace where I was able to control myself and be completely in the moment. We also became a bit more adventurous, kissing each other up and down.
Her lips moved to my dick, “Has Zahra kissed you like this?” I shook my head, too ecstatic to speak, “Pity. She’s kissed me this way.” She kissed the left side, and then the right, stroking me in her hand, before wrapping her lips around the head. I felt her tongue on me and it was… I’m not a good enough writer to tell you. It was fucking great. Good enough?
I was eager to repay the favour. I kissed her lips, then sucked hard on her neck, then her nipple, then lightly I kissed her stomach, and then kissed her lips. I made out with her pussy until her legs were shaking in my arms.
We continued to fuck for another minute, but at that point, I could hold back no longer. Towards the end, I put all my strength into my hips and our bodies pounded together. Red in face and chest, she began twitching underneath me as her breath stopped momentarily. I stopped moving to offer her a moment of relief, and merely enjoyed the sight of her pleasure. After I came and disposed of the condom, I returned to cuddle, as the tension began to set in as to whether or not we did something wrong.
“Is this cheating?” she asked.
“I think the three of us need to have a conversation” was the best answer I could come up with.
“This weekend, at the cottage… What if we all go; the three of us.”
“I was thinking the same thing but I didn’t want to be the one to say it.”
We decided to approach Zahra together. We were a bit nervous about telling her we had sex; with Zahra, there was no telling whether she’d be overjoyed or outraged. “How could you do this, a week before I’m leaving!” was all I could imagine her saying, “Was she better than me? Were you that disappointed about our first time?” Luckily the reality was the complete opposite.
She embraced us both into a group hug. She kissed me, and then she kissed Claire, before we realized we were standing in the middle of the school hall. Victoria, one of Claire’s former friends caught us, and to my surprise didn’t mock us outright, though I expect she would gossip later to her clique. Screw her, I thought.
Claire drove us to her cottage that Friday. Zahra was riding shotgun, but I sat behind her to massage her neck until she eventually came to the backseat. We made out the whole way there, to Claire’s chagrin; “You guys, I’m going to crash if you keep distracting me like that!”
“Do you like to watch?” Zahra asked
“I like even more to participate,” Claire grinned.
Zahra leaned forward behind the driver’s seat and reached around to rub Claire’s crotch, “You can have fun too.” Claire’s grip on the wheel tightened as she tried to focus on the road, though I could tell by her breathing that was becoming more and more difficult.
She stopped the car. “Jake, it’s your turn to drive.” I switched with her and continued towards the cottage while the two best friends started necking in the backseat. I felt so good I didn’t care if we crashed; it would have been the best death ever. Not so good if we survived and were horribly disfigured but hey, I was 18, I wasn’t thinking about that. Luckily we arrived at the cottage unscathed.
By the time we got there it was raining heavily. I parked the car and we debated whether to wait in the car for it to die down or make a break for it.
Suddenly anxiety set in. This weekend was it, our last two days together. I had all these questions, like what were we going to do? Just fuck nonstop? What if I couldn’t last all weekend, were they going to be disappointed? Did I really want my last experience with Zahra to be one big let down? Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
“So we’re here,” Claire sighed. Our weekend hadn’t even begun and we both were already anxious.
“You guys aren’t going to mope all weekend are you?”
I looked to Claire, “Maybe just a little bit?”
She laughed and pulled us together, kissing me, and then Claire, and with her arms around us pushed us both into a triple kiss. We felt a bit better after that.
Since the rain wouldn’t let up, we rushed through it into the cottage, but Claire fumbled with the keys long enough for Zahra and I to make out in the rain; a personal fantasy of mine. By the time we were inside we were all adequately soaked. It did Claire little disservice, as her wet shirt clung to her in a most appetizing manner. “So, what now?” she asked, as if she didn’t know. We were like a bomb waiting to explode the minute we got to the cottage.
“We should get out of these wet clothes,” I suggested. They both raised a brow at me, and I shrugged.
“Right here?” Zahra asked.
“I wouldn’t want to track water all over the floor.”
Zahra didn’t take her eyes off me. She lifted the hem of her beige sweater over her head and tossed it to the floor. Standing in a black tank top she waited for me impatiently with a hand on her hip. I looked at Claire and she nodded at me, and we both started unbuttoning ourselves. I first took off my dress shirt, and to their delight, my wet tee-shirt clung tightly to my chest and abs. Zahra ran a finger across the surface as she bit her lip, and we turned to watch Claire provocatively unbutton her plaid shirt all the way down to her cleavage.
While she was transfixed by the show Claire put on, I gave Zahra a hard kiss on the neck as we watched our friend slide her partially unbuttoned shirt down her shoulders, ever so slowly revealing her white bra.
Zahra and I gazed into each other’s eyes. “I think she needs help, don’t you?” I asked. She nodded, we kissed, and together we moved closer to her. Four hands moved over her arms and chest while Zahra kissed her lips. I tugged her sleeves further down until her shirt fell to the floor, and Zahra’s small hands massaged her breasts from over their white cups. I lean forward, hugging them both close, so I could unclasp Claire’s bra. I then kissed along Zahra’s neck and shoulder as I slid the straps of her tank top down and let it fall to the floor. Without a bra on, she was now as topless as her best friend.
The two girls turned to me and the three of us shared another kiss. I could feel their hands exploring me, grabbing my butt, my crotch, and rubbing my back, until together they lifted my shirt.
We continued necking for a few minutes, and then Claire led us towards the bedroom. The anxiety returned, as even though this wasn’t our first time, we knew we were about to enter unknown territory. Led by the hand, Zahra and I shared a look of affection before we followed Claire into the room.
She undid her jeans and stood before us in pink lace panties. We were so stunned by her beauty that for a moment we forgot we still had clothes on. I undid my trousers, and Zahra slid off her skirt. Once the underwear came off, we all stood next to the bed completely naked, just enjoying the sight of each other.
“Are we ready to do this?” I asked.
We crawled onto the bed, with Zahra face up in the middle, me leaning on my left side next to her, and Claire leaning on her right on the opposite side. We didn’t have sex right away, although depending on your definition of sex it’s hard to say really. We continued making out, and Zahra squirmed and moaned delightfully beneath us as our hands explored her. Claire pinched her tiny nipples, and I began rubbing the inside of her thighs. Eventually, I placed my hand on her pussy, and bumped into Claire’s hand which had the same idea. We laughed at each other for a moment while Zahra smiled, eyes closed. I decided we could share the responsibility, as I took Claire’s hand in mind and pressed her fingers into Zahra.
“Unhhh,” she moaned as Claire and I slid deeper into her. At first. we each tried a finger, and then two each, our palms pressing lightly against her clit. With four fingers inside her, we began to play with her. Her mouth was agape, both her arms were splayed out on the pillow above her head, and she arched her back into the air so as to make her pert breasts all the more appetizing to my mouth.
I circled my tongue around her nipple, and Claire sucked at her neck, as Zahra continued to writhe beneath the two of us. We were now fucking her with our hands, thrusting in and out of her violently, slapping her clitoris with each thrust. Fluid flowed between our fingers and she made a most musical sound of ecstasy. Resting for a moment between us she began stroking both our hair, her body occasionally jerking the aftershock of orgasm.
We took a break to look at each other all doe-eyed. It was safe to say Zahra was enjoying herself being the center of attention, but she needed a break. She tugged Claire into a kiss, and they rolled around overtop of each other next to me, after which Claire was between us with her back to me. I cupped her breast in my hand and kissed her neck. She turned her head around and I leaned over just enough that our lips could meet. Zahra was practically motorboating herself in Claire’s cleavage, voraciously moving from one tit to the next, and licking her cleavage in between.
Claire’s bum was pressed invitingly against my crotch. As our bodies moved instinctively, she squeezed my dick in between her cheeks. “That’s a hard dick!” Claire gasped.
“Don’t let it go to waste,” Zahra replied. She grabbed me from between Claire’s legs, and wrapped me around Claire’s ass to her pussy. With her hand stroking me gently, she ever so slightly rubbed my tip against her friend’s clit. Zahra was in complete control of us, I just lied with my arms around Claire, squeezing her breasts together into Zahra’s face, sucking at her neck. Claire and I both sort of froze pressed next to each other, paralyzed by pleasure as Zahra began rubbing my tip back and forth against Claire’s nub.
Finally, she put me inside, and I had control of myself again. I fucked Claire hard, now that the foreplay was past, and Zahra was able to kiss her and play with her clit at the same time. She seemed to like it as I pinched her nipples, clutching her as I forced myself harder into her vagina. She curled slightly and buried her face in Zahra’s shoulder as she came, while the two of us began massaging her back and shoulders.
We held her as long as was polite, but I had a hard cock that couldn’t wait any longer. I climbed over her and immediately took Zahra beneath me. My gaze met hers as I fucked her and we saw each other as deeply as two people can. Claire was leaning on her side beside us as the bed shook, and she squeezed and nibbled on Zahra’s hand while we both orgasmed.
It was only at that time I realized I hadn’t put on a condom. Right as I came I withdrew myself and spilled onto her stomach. Claire was quick to react as her mouth raced to suck that last drops from me before I collapsed on the other side of Zahra, exhausted. It had only been half an hour, and we had a whole weekend to look forward to.
As rain petered down on the windows, I kissed Zahra goodnight, and once she had finished lapping up the cum on her belly, Claire moved up to do the same. I think we continued to lie there, tracing our fingers over the body between us, for a good hour before we fell asleep.
The rest of that weekend looked pretty much the same. Since the rain never let up, our only options were old VHS tapes and a couple board games. We mostly made out, sometimes just Zahra and I, sometimes Zahra and Claire, sometimes the three of us, but when I was hard again, which didn’t take long at their insistence, we were a steamy pile of sex again.
On the last night, I was on my back on the bed again. Zahra was on top of me, and Claire was behind her, pulling her hair and biting her neck.
“I’m going to come,” I gasped.
“Do it,” Claire insisted, “Do it inside.” I thought of protesting but I could hardly speak in my state. Claire moved beside me and started kissing my face. I could feel her tears on her face. “Maybe if she… Maybe they’ll let her come back.”
I slowed to a stop. “What are you doing, I was so close!” Zahra complained.
“Did you hear that?” I asked her.
Zahra leaned down closer to kiss me and Claire, “What, my loves?” She saw then that Claire was crying.
“I want him to come inside you. We’ve been pulling out all weekend, but what if we didn’t?” Zahra and I looked at each other, a loss for words. “I mean, if you… If the baby was part Canadian.”
“I’m not sure it’s that simple,” I frowned “besides, that’s a pretty big fucking deal. We’re only 18.”
“I know, but we could all make it work, together, and then Zahra could stay. We could find a way. I can’t say goodbye, not now that I’ve finally…” she sobbed.
“We can let god decide,” Zahra declared after some silence. Zahra seldom got religious around us, but she whipped out her beliefs when she felt it was important enough. “Whatever happens, we accept god’s fate. Ok?” She began moving her hips again. My cock had gone slightly limp during the discussion but was still quite sensitive and began to tense. I nodded my approval, certain only of my love for Zahra, and now for Claire.
The three of us embraced as Zahra’s hips moved with mine. I also felt Claire’s moist crotch moving against us for her own pleasure as the three of us kissed in a pile on the bed. We all came together, and I released what felt like gallons of my semen deep within her, while we forced our tongues as close together as we could make them. The sound of our three voices breathing and moaning into each other still haunt me to this day.
Zahra left us the next evening. At the airport, we said our goodbyes; all three of us embraced for a long time at the terminal before her parents pulled her away. As we waved goodbye, Claire’s hand was tight in mine, but when it was clear nothing was going to rescue our Zahra, our hands gradually drifted apart.
Claire and I continued seeing each other for the remainder of the year, but it was hard on both of us. We were silent as we made love; it was clear about whom we were thinking. We kept no secret from each other; Zahra was the glue that bound us, but we made love anyway, for whatever comfort it could bring us.
When the school year was over, we both agreed not to see each other anymore. We only kept each other from letting go, and we had lives to get on with. It wouldn’t be for many years before I saw Claire again. One good thing came out of the experience, however; I knew what I wanted to do with myself, I wanted to get back at the establishment that just had to interfere with our lives for the sake of its paranoid ideology. I wanted to rebel.
To be continued…