Goodbye, Miss Granger – Part 7

"Trapped and naked, Jeannie takes a deep load fulfilling her mistaken identity fantasy"

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My rushed getaway from Josh meant I arrived the Sponge Toss booth ten minutes early, so I had an opportunity to get a feel for the game before I started getting hit with wet sponges.

Mr Mitchell the P.E. teacher was on-deck, his wet and smiling face mounted above the brightly coloured body of a clown painted on the outside of the booth, while a line of senior boys tried and mostly failed to hit him with large, wet rectangular sponges. It didn’t take long to work out that this game was a lot harder than it looked. The size and shape of the sponges made them hard to throw, they wouldn’t fly straight, and if you threw them too hard then the water would all fly off in transit.

Notwithstanding the fact that the game was clearly rigged to get people coming back for more (it would be no fun if every throw hit the target), I wanted to have a go too.

“Can teachers play?” I asked the supervising parent who was collecting money and making sure that most of the rules were followed.

“Sure thing, Miss Granger,” he said (well that was embarrassing – I didn’t recognise him at all). “Your money spends just as well as the kids’. Two bucks gets you two sponges, or five bucks for five,” he said with an ironic grin. “But making good with Mr Mitchell afterwards is your own lookout.”

“This isn’t going to make for an awkward moment in the staff room, is it Mr Mitchell?” I joked to the face in the booth.

“Only if you hit me Jeannie,” he said dryly. “Just remember whose turn it is next.”

“Oh, I’m well aware,” I laughed, paying my two dollars and arming myself with a sponge. “I just want to have a go now before I lose my sense of humour.”

I find the expression ‘he or she throws like a girl’ pretty offensive, but whoever came up with it was probably watching me throw at the time. In my defence, I spent most of my childhood reading books, not playing cricket or softball or skipping stones on a pond. Rather than enduring the crowing from the boys that would surely come if I tried to throw over-arm, I looped a gentle under-arm lob in Mr Mitchell’s direction and I almost got him. The look on his face was in some ways better than a bullseye; he braced for the direct hit, but it just dipped at the last moment and hit the chest of the painted clown to a cry of “O-o-o-h” from the crowd of onlookers.

“A bit more pepper on the next one, Jeannie,” he teased, obviously trying to goad me into a rash throw that would surely spray wide.

“Just finding my range, Mr Mitchell,” I called, still using his surname in the presence of the kids. “Hold your breath for the real one!”

I threw my second sponge with the same underhand loop and this time I got him! “Yes! Woooo!” I celebrated perhaps a little too grandly with the gathered group of seniors as it plopped wetly into his face. I admit that it wasn’t as satisfying as the loud THWACK of a full-blooded throw, but I’ll take my wins where I find them.

“The sponge I can forgive, Jeannie,” Mr Mitchell spluttered, blinking water from his eyes. “It’s the victory dance you’re going to pay for when I get out of here!” Uncowed, I did another little lap of high-fives and danced an arms-in-the-air backside-wiggle to the universal cry of the poor winner: “Oh yeah-eah! Uh ha-aa!” All of this to the great delight and cheering from every boy who had ever been ordered by Mr Mitchell to run extra laps before they hit the showers.

I watched a few more kids try to hit him with varying degrees of success, and then Mr Smith approached carrying a large, flat cardboard box. This would be my surprise, I suppose.

“You’re excused, Mr. Mitchell,” the principal said in his most commanding baritone. “We need to prepare the booth for the soon-to-be Mrs Marsh.” All eyes were on me now, but I wasn’t nervous; it was a good kind of attention and everyone was smiling and having fun.

They all gathered around the principal to see what was in the box, but I already had a fair idea; it looked like exactly the type of thing you might use for long-term storage of a dress. A wedding dress, for instance. Sure enough, Mr Smith lifted the lid and drew from within an atrocity of white tulle and satin that we can only pray time will forget. With enormous puffy sleeves and every square inch fairly bristling with frilly adornments, it was almost physically painful to look at.

“Why Mr Smith,” I said as deadpan as I could manage. “That looks just like the one I’ll be wearing next month!”

“Then my sympathies go to your fiancé, Miss Granger,” he shot back with Dumbledore-like understated mirth. “This belonged to my dearly departed maiden Aunt Beatrice. And yes, before you say anything I do understand the paradox of a maiden aunt with a wedding dress.”

In the bottom of the box was a hammer, a few two-inch nails and a pair of bulldog clips. As he was talking he began to hammer nails into the Sponge Toss booth at the top of the painted clown’s shoulders.

“It was Aunt Bea’s great unfulfilled dream to have an enormous fairy-tale wedding,” he continued. “And to that end, in her impetuous youth, she bought this enormous fairy-tale wedding dress, anticipating the day when a dashing young man would sweep her off her feet and make her his bride.”

“Dare I ask what happened?” I offered. This had all the hallmarks of a funny story, but with references to a dead aunt whose dreams were unfulfilled, I think we were all waiting for permission to laugh.

“Well, my sainted mother had a saying about how their parents’ genes had been divided,” Mr Smith finished hammering in the nails and began hanging the dress on bulldog clips beneath the hole from which my head would soon project. “She would say that she had inherited the good-looks …”

“Whereas Aunt Bea had inherited the brains?” I finished for him.

“Well, that’s what I used to think,” Mr Smith turned and smiled through his false beard. “But my mother tactfully never finished that saying. When I received this dress and some other items from Aunt Bea’s estate, I began to understand why not. Perhaps we can just say that Aunt Bea was an impetuous woman and an ambitious woman, however she was not a woman especially blessed with either looks or brains.”

There was polite laughter all round.

“Why did you keep it?” I asked.

“It was simply too hideous to donate to Good-Will,” he shrugged. “And you never know when something this unique will come in handy.”

“Today being a case in point,” I said flatly, imagining the moment a minute from now when I would be appearing to wear it.

“Precisely,” he answered brightly. “Now get thee into that Sponge Toss booth, Miss Granger. These students have money burning holes in their pockets and the Building Fund is a few thousand shy of buying us a new technology centre.”

I suspect that our school’s Sponge Toss booth was built and donated by a civic-minded parent, one with a tendency towards over-engineering would be my bet. I’ve seen Sponge Toss games before and they’re just a vertical wall with a hole cut in it. Ours really is a “booth” though and it’s built with a much grander vision in mind. It’s a small, self-contained, collapsible room with a door in the back, and instead of a hole to show just the victim’s face, it has this recessed box in the front wall with a hole in the bottom. From the front it looks a bit like a ticket-window. From inside the booth, you duck underneath the box and pop your head up through the hole, then fit a couple of foam batts around your neck to stop the sponges dropping down through the gap. From the outside, the effect of a disembodied head sitting on a shelf is quite creepy, but it’s mitigated by the painted clown body underneath.

I let myself in and shut the door behind me. It wasn’t exactly spacious, but then I wasn’t exactly there for a zumba class, either. There was a bar stool to sit on with a gas lift to get you positioned just right regardless of height. Over-engineered it may be, but it looked like you could sit there comfortably for half an hour or more, and that’s not something that can be easily said for a simple hole in a plywood wall.

Ignoring the stool for the moment (it was wet and carried the imprint of Mr Mitchell’s ass), I ducked down and popped my head up through the hole like a tank commander. I was almost the perfect height; I just needed to stand with my feet apart and didn’t even need to stoop.

“Peek-a-boo!” I called to the small crowd.

“There she is!” someone called in a Monty Python angry-mob voice. “Let’s ge’ ‘er!”

“Wait a minute,” I stopped them. “I’m not ready.” This whole disembodied head thing reminded me of one of those stage magician tricks with the woman in the box, and I’m always a sucker for a visual gag.

“Hey,” I called out, casting my eyes down through the hole. “I wonder what this button does.” I pretended to press something. “Uh-oh!” I widened my eyes in mock panic and slowly twisted my neck to the left. “Erk! Help!” When I couldn’t twist my head any further, I moved my feet to keep my head rotating from the crowd’s point of view, twisting in a full circle a-la that creepy little girl in The Exorcist.

“Blarrrrgggg!” When I rotated back into view, I lolled out my tongue and rolled my eyes up into my head. A few girls yelled “Eeewww!” and there were a couple of shutter-noises from camera phones along with some polite laughter. Maybe Dad was right; there really was no future for me in vaudeville.

“Stop stalling Miss Granger!” somebody yelled.

“Wait,” I called back. “Somebody take a photo. I want to see the dress.” About ten phones appeared but one kid walked straight up with a photo from my Exorcist gag. Oh God, between the rolled eyes and the hideous dress, I looked like the Bride of Frankenstein. But otherwise it actually looked quite realistic with my head perched on the wedding dress and the shoulders of the painted clown. The only thing spoiling the image was my hair, which was hanging down through the hole. I quickly wound it into a loose bun and positioned the foam batts around my neck to cover the hole and pronounced myself ready.

“Okay, batter up!” I called happily, ready to wind up the small crowd.

“Me first!” someone called, and stepping forward I saw it was Craig Wellman, class clown.

“Better get five-bucks worth, Craig, if you throw anything like you do Integral Calculus,” I teased him.

“Keep laughing, Miss Granger,” he grinned. And then to the parent helper, “Five bucks, thanks,” as he handed over his money.

“This one’s for Calculus, Miss Granger!” he yelled happily, winding up with a wet sponge and letting loose a powerful but wild throw that splattered against the wall two feet from my face.

“Better make the next one for quadratics, Craig,” I called back. “You know that parabolas describe the path of a thrown object, right?”

“Why weren’t you ever this funny in class, Miss Granger?” he yelled, winding up again with another furious throw that sailed low. The spray coming off it was on target though, so I did get a little wet.

“There’s only room for one clown in class, Craig,” I teased. “And the job was already taken. Say, do you want me to keep talking so you can aim for my voice? Where did you leave your guide-dog, anyway?”

Splat! The next sponge hit high, but not by much, and I got another face-full of spray that did little to dampen my humour.

“Maybe try underarm, Craig,” I tossed out my next barb. “Leave the over-arm throws for the big kids.” It was a bit disingenuous, after all I’d been throwing under-arm earlier.

“Deep breath, Miss Granger,” Craig called with a grin. He hurled the next sponge truly and it hit with a wet splat square between my eyes. The small crowd erupted, led by Craig Wellman in a victory dance every bit as unsporting as the one I’d performed earlier.

“Arrghhh!” I cried out, shocked by the sudden wet contact, blinking water from my eyes and blowing drips from my nose. “Eeek, it’s dripping down my neck!” This drove Craig and the rest of the gawkers to even greater heights of celebration. The foam batts around my neck were a long way from waterproof and I could feel little trickles running down my neck and between my breasts, soaking into the bodice of my dress. Crap! I didn’t have anything else to wear and I’d be drenched after half an hour of this.

As Craig was winding up for his final throw, I was trying to flick water off my neck and chest without much success. The fifth sponge was off target again, but I got sprayed and now that I was already wet, new trickles found their way down that much more easily and I shivered as a rivulet made it past my breasts and soaked in at my sternum.

There was only one thing for it: off with the dress! I didn’t even think about it very long, I was in an enclosed room and nobody could see me. I could be stark naked for all they knew. Keeping my head still, I unzipped, slipped off the shoulder straps and shimmied it over my hips, letting it fall to the floor before I kicked it into what I hoped was a dry corner.

“It’s time for a spot of revenge, I believe.” It was Mr Mitchell, dried off now and dressed in a fresh T-shirt. Why didn’t anyone tell me to bring dry clothes? “You make a lovely bride, Jeannie,” he called out. “I will take no joy from this.”

“You’re a terrible liar, Mr Mitchell,” I teased.

“I wasn’t lying about the first bit,” he laughed, picking up his first sponge.

“Well then you’re terrible liar,” I shot back. “And a lousy flatterer … OOOF!” He scored a direct hit with his first sponge. Sadly Mr Mitchell didn’t suffer the same lack of forethought as his students; he wasn’t trying to knock my head off with it, he just looped a lazy but accurate overarm throw straight at my face.

“I beg your pardon, Jeannie,” he called out above the cheering of the boys. “I didn’t catch that last bit.” He was lining up with another sponge.

“I was just saying how much all the kids will miss such a fine teacher as yourse- … URGH!” Another direct hit right on my nose. Now I had water streaming down my chest and over my stomach, wetting the lacy edge detail of my red panties. Knowing that my underwear was getting wet made me hyper-conscious of my position; I was standing almost naked before a growing group of teachers and students who were all looking at me.

It felt amazing! Exciting! Just like when I was flirty-talking with Kevin on speaker phone that morning. I gently pinched my nipples and imagined a mysterious someone in the crowd who had x-ray vision. All the normal people could only see my head and the wedding dress, but Superman would know I was in my underwear. AND he’d be watching me touch myself, knowing my secret but telling no-one lest I stop and spoil his private show.

Oh my goodness, there was more wetness in my panties now, and it wasn’t from the sponges!

“Hey, not fair,” I complained, Mr Mitchell was picking up another sponge. “I only threw two!”

“Sorry Jeannie,” he apologised, not sounding the slightest bit sorry. “I only had a fiver and they wouldn’t make change.”

“Betcha can’t hit me left handed,” I challenged. My nipples were fairly buzzing now beneath my bra and I was overcome by the excitement of my helplessness and near nakedness with everyone around me.

“Go on, Mr Mitchell,” someone backed me up. “Chuck it lefty! She’s already as wet as she’s gonna get.” Oh, now that’s where you’re wrong young man. I felt with two fingers down my panties and although I was wet, I was getting a good deal wetter by the minute. On top of my adventure with Josh on The Enterprise, I was feeling so turned on! Throwing caution to the wind, I shrugged off my bra and then skinned my panties down my thighs to leave me completely naked and unutterably horny in the Sponge Toss booth.

“I’m drying off over here Mr Mitchell,” I called happily, cupping one breast and slipping a finger into my pussy. “If you’re going to chicken out, let someone else have a go.”

“I have three left, Jeannie,” he retaliated. “How would you like them all at once?”

“I can take whatever you’re dishing out,” I shot back, grinning happily while I fantasised about Superman watching me with his x-ray vision. “Bring it!”

“Volunteers?” Mr Mitchell offered sponges to two of the senior boys standing closest who took them with uncontained delight. “On ‘three’, boys,” he said, playfully winding up like a baseball pitcher. “One! … Two! …”

As he yelled ‘three’, his two partners hurled their sponges as hard as they could manage – one splatting to my right and the other almost sailing over the booth – but Mr Mitchell sent in another gentle overarm that hit me directly in the mouth, making me spit water as I shook the spray from my eyes. As it hit, I plunged a second finger into my pussy, and the adrenaline rush from the cold sponge combined with the pleasure in my love canal sent warm explosions of lust and ecstasy through my naked body.

“You okay, Jeannie?” Mr Mitchell called.

“Never better, Mr Mitchell,” I smiled, blowing a drip from my nose. “Isn’t there somewhere you need to be?”

“Keep up the banter, Jeannie, and we’ll have that new technology centre in no time,” he called back, walking away with a smile.

Some more kids had a go and some of them scored hits. I didn’t care; I was secretly masturbating in front of them and nobody knew. It was such a powerfully erotic feeling!

I was just contemplating whether I should give in to the temptation to climax when I heard a furtive movement behind the booth. My breath caught in my throat and my blood turned to ice; oh my God, I was going to get caught! With the worst possible timing, a sponge hit me and I ended up swallowing some water. As I was coughing and snorting and trying to get some air, I heard the door behind me open and quickly close again.

And then … nothing! Silence in the Sponge Toss booth. What must I look like from outside? My eyes were probably the size of dinner plates. I made a conscious effort to appear relaxed. How long had it been since the door closed? Five seconds? Ten? Was there someone inside with me? Or was it a casual passer-by looking for the toilets?

I unconsciously covered my breasts and groin with my hands, but I had the strongest feeling of déjà vu. Why was this familiar? It wasn’t every day I was trapped naked in an amusement park sideshow. Trapped naked! Then it came to me, that time when Kevin blindfolded me and tricked me into thinking there was a stranger in the room while I was tied to the bed. This was just like that! And this exact thing was something Kevin and I had joked about earlier on the phone: me helpless in the booth and a stranger creeping in to have his way. Oh my God, Kevin was playing another sexy game with me, but this time he was going to make me come in front of the entire graduating class!

My body immediately pricked with goose bumps all over. I know I had been contemplating bringing myself to climax just a few moments earlier, but to have it done to me – forced to an orgasm almost against my will – well I think I just found my new gold-standard erotic fantasy. Oh, was I horny before? That was nothing! Every second I stood there with nothing happening, my excitement mounted and with the hand covering my pussy I could feel the heat pouring from my core.

C’mon Kevin, take me! Only vaguely aware of the occasional sponge splatting against the booth, I wasn’t engaging the crowd anymore; all of my concentration was focussed inwards on the booth. I reached behind me with both hands, feeling for Kevin with fingers splayed. I was so confident he was there I didn’t even jump when he put his hand in mine and gently squeezed, giving me what I imagined to be a silent ‘Atta girl, go you crazy sex goddess’ for the pleasant surprise of finding me naked and ready for him.

And ready? Goodness, I felt like a whistling kettle, I was so ready! I placed the hand I was holding on my breast, showing him how hard my nipples were.

For a moment he just cupped me lightly, moulding to my shape with his warm fingers as he basked in the sexy surprise of finding me naked, but then lifted the small weight of my breast as if testing it for firmness while he brushed a thumb tantalisingly across my areola.

“Mmmmm,” I sighed. “It’s quite nice in here,” I teased the crowd of boys outside who hadn’t hit me with a sponge for a while. “I think I might stay a while.” Of course the message was laced with a second meaning for Kevin; it meant “go for it, I’m ready”.

He cupped my other breast and I could sense him standing close behind, not quite touching me with his body. Unable to talk to him directly, I placed my hands over his and slowly rolled my torso in what I hoped was an erotic fashion to let him know how he was making me feel. Running my fingers down his forearms, I broke contact and tried reaching behind to stroke him through his trousers, but he took a step back to dodge me and then – holding my wrists – he gently directed my hands to the wall in front. The implication was obvious: you’re trapped, you’re my sex toy, brace yourself and leave the fucking to me.

Well if you say so! I was almost shaking, I was so excited. I kept my hands flat to the wall while his hands returned to my breasts, stroking and lifting them and gently pinching my nipples between his fingertips. Slowly and sensuously he ran both hands down my sides, lingering to enjoy the soft curves around my waist, and then continuing all the way down to my thighs before returning to my hips. Stepping close enough for the front of his trousers to brush my bottom, he gently pulled on my hips, massaging the hard bulge of his cock in the cleft of my ass. With my legs already shoulder-width apart, I arched back to offer my pussy at a better angle.

Leaving one hand on my hip, he reached down with the other to cup the mound of my sex, his middle finger laying along the length of my open slit with his fingertip poised tantalisingly over my entrance. I couldn’t decide whether to push forwards into his fingers or backwards into his cock, and I indecisively settled for slowly pumping my hips between the two.

I was so ready! Why didn’t he have his cock in me already?

The crowd outside had swelled in numbers even though I was barely acknowledging them, and now there were several teachers and a few senior girls to balance the majority of boys who were still paying for the privilege of throwing sponges at the pretty maths teacher with the horrid wedding dress.

One of Kevin’s hands abandoned my breast to fumble with his trousers. I desperately wanted to help him and to wrap my hand around his throbbing manhood, but in the absence of restraints I obediently played my part and kept my hands glued to the front wall of the booth. Finally I heard his trousers fall to the floor and he stopped stroking my wanton slit to pull down his trunks, but the brief loss was worth it because a moment later I felt his hot and throbbing cock press back into the cleft of my butt cheeks. He felt so thick and long and ready; it took all of my self-control not to reach back and jam him into my steaming entrance.

Adjusting his feet to a wider stance, he brought his cock down to a level where he could take me from behind, but instead of pushing straight into me, he just rested the tip between my pussy lips and teased me, stroking his cock-head back and forth through the slick valley of my slit. Brushing my clitoris with each forward stroke and then poising over my entrance on the back-stroke, he teased me to the point of agitation where the only words I wanted to say were ‘Take me!’, but which I couldn’t utter with the eyes of what felt like half the school watching me.

“I’m getting bored, you guys,” I said, ostensibly to the crowd. “Surely one of you has what it takes to drill one right down the middle!” That was as risqué as I dared attempt, I wanted to tell Kevin that play-time’s over; the teasing was fun, but now it was time for the fucking to begin.

On the next back stroke through my pussy lips, he stopped and repositioned his cock with his hand, and with a rush of anticipation I felt his cock-head engage with my entrance. It was that magical moment where he was both committed and yet not quite inside me. It’s the most wonderful, exhilarating feeling of anticipation, just the slightest penetration, enough for me to realise that he could take me with the slightest movement of his hips, and yet choosing not to – choosing instead to prolong that moment of simultaneous bliss before he filled me with his powerful, throbbing cock and I would envelop him in the silky embrace of my sheath.

I dared not breathe, trying to predict the moment when he would enter me. Now! No, now! No, wait ….

“Hey look, it’s Miss Granger’s fiancé!”

What the fuck? Blind. Heart stopping. Panic. How could anyone know Kevin was in here?

Like a scene from a movie – a frightening, perverse, and darkly comic movie – the crowd parted and there he was, an impossible reality that my brain couldn’t begin to process, it was Kevin stepping through the gap, smiling shyly with every face turned towards him.

Thinking back, I don’t believe I understood the truth of what I was seeing until the thick manhood between my pussy lips breached my entrance and slowly pushed inside the hot, silken cavern of my sex. Ironically, if Kevin had appeared a few moments later it would have made no difference at all, because there could be no mistaking the fact that the cock that was now sliding inexorably into my womanhood was most certainly not his.

We don’t use toys, and before Kevin I owned only a small collection of modestly sized vibrators. Certainly I had no experience with anything remotely like the monster gently forcing its way into my pussy. Oh my goodness, it felt like five cocks! I couldn’t breathe! No, that’s not quite right; I couldn’t breathe out! I opened my mouth but all I could do was take these fluttery, gasping inward breaths until I thought my lungs would burst. Sensations in the rest of my body were shutting down, I couldn’t feel the plywood wall with my fingers or the floor with my toes; my whole world had been reduced to the throbbing slab of meat that filled my rippling, straining sex.

Kevin looked right and left for flying sponges and then stole towards the booth.

“Lovely dress,” he smiled. “Aren’t you worried about ruining it before the big day?”

“Um …,” I couldn’t even process the joke. “What? It’s not … it’s not mine. How did you …? Who…?”

Kevin cupped my head in both hands and leaned in for a long, sensuous kiss. The crowd went wild and I heard a sponge splat into the wall beside him. My knees began to buckle and fold towards each other, but I was so full of cock I couldn’t even close my legs. With a force of will, I straightened them again, but that relentless tool just used the relieved pressure to go deeper, touching down on my cervix with still no sign of the owner’s groin touching my ass.

With a suddenness that made me gasp into Kevin’s lips, my pussy began to come. I don’t mean that I began to come, it was just my pussy. It wasn’t anything like orgasms I had experienced before; it wasn’t a whole-of-body experience or even something that filled and spread outwards from my core. It was just a sudden peak of sensation in my pussy and nowhere else. In some ways it was like taking a pee after holding on for too long, just a long, slow, sweet release, making every nerve ending inside my sheath sing a high-C until it felt like I would shatter.

I locked desperately onto Kevin’s lips while I came. And I came. And I came! Kevin felt some of my desperation and passion and kissed me back with renewed vigour – probably enjoying showing off in front of the kids – and that just made my predicament worse.

Finally I came down from my climax and regained some control over both my pussy and my breathing. With my sex still straining and stretched around that massive tool, I bore down on it with my secret muscles and nearly came again; the sheer size of it was holding me perpetually on the edge.

With a perverse delight that really should have been panicked horror, I understood exactly who was fucking me. I mean, who else could it be? Maybe Josh had overheard me on the phone this morning. Maybe he just wanted to finish what we started on The Enterprise. However it happened, I realised that this was my Celebrity Bang. My own words from that night we got engaged rang in my ears:

“And if I’m being banged by a Hermione-fancier in the dark – in my red dress – and I only work out half way through that it’s not you, then I’m free to continue.”

Well I wasn’t exactly in the dark, but I was unsighted. And I wasn’t in my red dress anymore. But Josh was most definitely a Hermione-fancier and I did only work out it wasn’t Kevin half way through.

Oh my God! Do I have a free pass to do this?

I guess the answer to that question was the same as ‘Was Kevin serious when we made the Celebrity Bang pact?’ I thought back to that night; was I serious about his Celebrity Bang? Would I let him sleep with Emma Watson? I think I’d be okay with it so long as he didn’t leave me for her (and he shared the juicy details afterwards). And what about later that night when he tricked me into thinking there was a stranger in the room? He was totally into my fantasy, knowing that I thought I was being fucked by a stranger. But would he be totally into it for real?

Let’s face it Jeannie, if he isn’t then it’s a bit late to rewind.

“Mmm. Nice,” Kevin said, pulling away from our kiss. “But soggy.” He wiped off some sponge-water from his lips that had transferred from me.

“Mmm-hmmm,” I agreed, not quite trusting myself to talk. Josh’s cock was still inside me, but he wasn’t moving it; he just held me, impaled and helpless on that throbbing monster while he stroked my naked breasts.

“Hey! Don’t they look cute?” a voice yelled. Maybe Mandy. “Let’s do the wedding now.”

“Yeah, go for it,” Kevin turned to face them, standing beside the suspended wedding dress, but at an angle where I could see him. “Where will you find a priest, though?” He challenged good-naturedly.

“Or a Justice Of The Peace!” somebody shouted.

“Or a ship’s captain!” everyone was chipping in advice now.

“That’s only on the high sea!”

“Well … if a captain can perform a wedding on the high sea,” someone began with the irrefutable logic of a tipsy teenager. “Then when you’re in a high-school …?”

“PRINCIPAL SMITH!” about fifteen voices screamed in delighted unison.

Oh dear God, no. Josh’s impossibly thick cock swelled menacingly inside me, making me whimper and reminding me how close he held me to the edge of a climax.

Mr Smith was produced from within a seething crowd of excited teenagers who were all simultaneously trying to tell him what they wanted him to do.

“A mock wedding?” he exclaimed with jovial addle-mindedness, sounding more like Professor Dumbledore that ever.

“YES!” they all yelled.

“Miss Granger?” he asked. I wanted to say no, but then I didn’t really see how this could get any worse. And it might help mask some of my reactions to what was happening inside the booth.

I nodded my agreement and Kevin leaned in and kissed me again.

“I don’t even know how to start,” Mr Smith muttered.

“Dearly beloved!” Mandy cried euphorically, almost hopping up and down with excitement. She was definitely mixing something with her wine spritzer.

“Dearly beloved,” Mr Smith began. “We are gathered here today in the sight of …,” he briefly considered and then rejected what he probably thought – under the circumstances – would be blasphemy. “… in the sight of a hundred rambunctious teenagers,” an excited cheer from the crowd, “to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.”

“Get to the good bits!”

“Yeah, go straight to the I do’s”

Kevin turned and stole a glance at my disembodied and possibly horrified-looking face. Josh chose that moment to slowly pull his cock back through my straining lips. The wet, delicious friction of my sex tracing the contours and veins of his cock set my nerve-endings buzzing with ecstasy again, and this time I couldn’t help but squeeze him tight, doubling the pressure, doubling the pleasure.

He cupped a breast in one hand and held my hip with the other, and with the gentlest of strokes he began to slowly but forcefully fuck me, filling me to bursting and stretching me inside so I could take even more of that big, beautiful cock, and then withdrawing, leaving me empty and bereft and silently begging for more.

“Do you, Jeannie Granger …” Mr Smith continued.

“Hermione,” I said, almost gasping. “If we’re going to do it like this then then today I’m Hermione.” That was a reward for Josh; as flattering as his attention felt, it was more of a Hermione-fetish than it was a teacher-fetish.

“Really?” Kevin asked. He knew about my mixed experiences as Hermione’s doppelganger and probably thought the wedding ceremony in front of all these kids would be too eerily reminiscent of the teasing I endured as a teenager.

“Uh huh,” I smiled happily. It wasn’t a difficult emotion to express at that moment, standing splay-legged with Josh’s impossible cock slowly pumping me towards an explosive orgasm.

And anyway, I was sure. Hermione had taken me on all kinds of magical adventures in my imagination. Sure, she’d been a part of the most painful episode of my life, but she’d made up for that by finding my true love, who was now standing right beside me. Perhaps surprisingly, she’d never got me laid – surprising because of all the men I could have chosen at that university HAGS party, almost every one of them would want me because I was Hermione. Except Kevin.

This was the end though, the end for me and Hermione. It wasn’t a real wedding – and I couldn’t legally use Kevin’s surname yet – but after this I wasn’t Miss Granger anymore. It was time to move on. What was that Bible passage they often used at weddings?

“When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.”

That’s how I felt. And it wasn’t just my Harry Potter fantasy I was ready to put away. With an eerie prescience I realised that this was also the end of my sex-with-a-stranger fantasy. It’s not that I didn’t like it, or didn’t want it; I just knew that after its fulfilment I wouldn’t need it. Oh, we’d still play games, I didn’t doubt that for a moment. What I needed was Kevin. I’d only ever had one man, but it took another to show me that one was enough.

“Do you, Hermione Granger, take this man …,” Mr Smith paused, but Kevin helped him out.

“Kevin Marsh,” he turned again to check in with me, his eyes asking whether he should have said ‘Ron Weasley’ or ‘Harry Potter’. I just smiled at him reassuringly while I timed my breathing to Josh’s delectably slow fucking down below.

“… take this man, Kevin Marsh, to be your unlawfully wedded husband?” There were a few giggles from the crowd at Mr Smith’s freestyling. “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, until death do you part?”

Forsaking all others? Goodness, hurry up Josh; I don’t want to lie.

“Sure,” I answered. “I can live with that.” That got another giggle from the crowd.

“And do you, Kevin Marsh, take this woman, Jean- … ah, Hermione Granger, as your lawfully designated Sponge Toss target?” Outright laughter this time, including Kevin. “To lock in a plywood box, to pelt with wet sponges, for the enjoyment of others and for the profit of the school, for as long as you both shall put up with it?”

“I do,” answered Kevin.

All of the sponges had been returned and were handed out to everyone in the front row of the crowd, so it didn’t take a genius to work out what was going to happen next. Well, what was going to happen on the outside of the booth at least, because what was happening on the inside – especially what was happening inside the steaming, tight confines of my pussy – was something I’d prefer to keep private.

Josh had abandoned my breast and now held both of my hips for better leverage. As wet as I was, he still needed to move slowly to combat the tightness of my entrance, which sucked at his cock with each withdrawal, distending and gripping his thick shaft and making me feel like I was being pulled inside out. But, oh, the inward strokes, how to describe them? With his strong hands gripping my hips, he pulled me onto his swollen manhood, slowly but forcefully driving his cock-head through the resistance of my love tunnel, which would close with virginal relief as he withdrew, only to be plundered again and again as though each stroke was the first. He finished each thrust holding me tight, pushing the soft bulk of his knob against my cervix with relentless pressure until it felt as though I couldn’t draw breath.

Josh flexed his cock inside me and I could feel his knob swell massively, opening me up more than I ever thought possible. I couldn’t help it – it was a reflex action by my poor, stretched pussy – but against my will it contracted in a reptilian embrace, constricting and squeezing back, rippling up and down the full length of his throbbing member.

The reaction was like one of those action movies when the dam wall is breached or the nuclear reactor is compromised, and the hero has seconds to escape before the whole thing blows. Metaphorical klaxon alarms went off in my head, red lights flashed and needle gauges swung ominously into the danger zone. The orgasm that had been building was now tripped and I could do nothing but let it run its course. With a low moan, Josh pulled half way out against my relentless pressure and then, with his fingers spasmodically gripping my hips, he drove his massive cock all the way to the hilt, his balls pressed into my lips so hard I could feel them lift and swell as he prepared to come.

“You have declared your consent before the assembled Muck-Up Day rabble,” Mr Smith hit his stride delivering his final line with obvious enjoyment. “What a fake wizard in a Santa beard has joined, let not man put asunder. Mr Marsh, you may kiss the bride.”

Everything was happening at once. A dozen kids wielding sponges cocked their arms and prepared to throw; Kevin turned to face me again, smiling and excited and knowing we were about to be pelted; and then with a final massive throb, Josh filled me with hot, molten cum, bursting the dam on my own climax. I screamed as the first sponge hit my face, but then Kevin was kissing me and blocking my cries of release while wet sponges smacked into the back of his head. Skybursts of ecstasy exploded through my body. My knees collapsed, quivering and shaking, helplessly trying to close around the massive bar of man-flesh that forced them apart.

My head was spinning with emotions, my love for Kevin, the fulfilment of my fantasy, and the visceral, awesome release of my orgasm that was still shuddering through my body, twisting my limbs and making me jerk like a puppet. I kissed Kevin fiercely. Perhaps I should have felt guilty about what was happening, but I didn’t. I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t invite it; heck, I thought it was Kevin himself until he appeared in front of me. All I knew for sure was that this was everything I had dreamed of in my stranger fantasies, everything I had already shared with Kevin, and in a very real way he was the part of this fantasy that made it so special.

My climax began to wane and I was able to release Josh’s cock and take my weight back on my own feet. Kevin broke our kiss and whispered “I love you” through a few final pecks at my lips.

“I love you too,” I whispered back. “More than ever.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Mr Smith finished belatedly. “Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Marsh.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mrs Marsh,” Kevin kissed me again.

The crowd were cheering madly and collecting sponges to throw again, so I doubt anyone could hear Josh inside the booth. I felt a warm flood down my thighs as he withdrew, and then a gentle kiss on the back of my shoulder followed by the whispered words, “Goodbye, Miss Granger.”

Goodbye indeed. Miss Granger has left the building; I don’t need her any more. I would wear the red dress one more time: to let my love take me home. It was either that or Aunt Bea’s wedding dress, and I still had my pride.

I think I’ll cut my hair. Maybe Google Emma Watson and find out how she’s wearing it now, then do something different. I’m looking forward to meeting Mrs Jeannie Marsh.

~~~ THE END ~~~

Published 10 years ago

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