She was divine. I honestly didn’t know what it was about her. I quietly watched her amble through the half crowded dining room, nimbly balancing plates and checks while dodging running children and moving chairs. Each customer interaction was started and consummated with a genuine smile; I knew it was because it always reached her eyes. Every now and then that Aussie accent would be interrupted by one of her throaty, melodic laughs. Her messy bun did nothing but accentuate her beauty, it added to her endearing quality of authenticity.
My God does she favor Grace.
My loins subtly stirred at the thought of my late first wife. I reminisced on her cascading, blonde tresses and her smoky cobalt eyes that crinkled at the corners whenever she smiled. She was a gorgeous creature, befitting of her namesake. Tall, limber, walking with long legs that carried an ass that was to die for.
Much like Allyson.
I watched her make her way back from the kitchen with a few dessert plates, and when she noticed me, she quickly smiled and waved gleefully. I simply nodded my head in acknowledgment. No, she was getting too comfortable, as was I. Comparing her to Grace, was I mad? I needed to regain control of this situation. I pulled the remote from my hip pocket and wondered if she actually wore the panties to work. A part of me hoped she didn’t so I could abandon this entire situation and go back to my life while deep down I prayed she did.
Here goes nothing.
I waited until her hands were empty and cranked it to medium strength. It took everything in my power not to smile devilishly as she yelped in the middle of the dining room and stood ramrod straight. She quickly turned in my direction, however, I had already turned the other way, pretending to be engrossed in a football game. I slowly dialed it back to a slow buzz and could see her regain her composure out of the corner of my eye. She briskly walked over to me, her ears and neck growing red with embarrassment.
“Are you crazy!?” she whispered curtly. “I thought you would use it when there were no more people in here or on the walk to my car, not in this damn restaurant full of typical American families!”
I had no time to formulate a rebuttal as a table nearby beckoned for a waitress.
“This isn’t over,” she quipped before rushing over to attend to her newfound guests.
“Oh believe me,” I said while turning up the vibrator. “It’s nowhere near over.”
I watched her squirm as she took orders, struggling to stay poised as the vibrator rumbled around in her pants. My cock was straining against my slacks at the sight of her constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs, the almost indiscernible twitches of her face that I had no doubt were strong-willed attempts to quell her moans. When she was finally done taking her orders, she rushed back to my table, kneeling in front of me in an attempt to hide our conversation from her other guests.
“What,” she enunciated harshly, “is the fuck matter with you?”
“Have a seat,” I replied coolly.
“Listen, Mister, I don’t have time for your games right now,” she admonished. “Holy fuck I don’t even know your name what is wrong with me,” she said flatly while shaking her head.
I moved closer and whispered into her ear,
“Remember our conversation? I speak, you listen and react accordingly. When I tell you to sit down, you sit down. Do you fucking understand me?” I calmly whispered.
She nodded in agreement and took a seat across from me in the tall, plush booth.
“Isn’t this nice? A gorgeous young lady giving an old fart like me some attention.”
“Well, they don’t know that this old man has me walking around with this orgasmic bomb in my panties looking like I’m packing a dick. I feel like Ciara. Did you know when I was a kid there were these outlandish rumors that she was born a m-“
As she prattled along, I was increasing the strength of the vibrator. She slowly put her head down and laid her palms flat on the table while taking deep breaths, still struggling to control herself.
“Fuck…” she whispered almost inaudibly as the vibrator buzzed incessantly against what I imagined was her engorged clit. I felt a jolt as she had slipped off her shoe and was now rubbing her foot up my leg. I looked down, and I could see her white toes stretching out my stiffening cock down my thigh with elongated strokes of her foot.
She even got her sock off without me noticing, impressive. I’ll knock it down a few notches.
“You play around entirely too damn much you know that?” she expressed in between shallow breaths. “This thing is amazing though; my pussy won’t stop dripping. Honestly, this is all I needed, why do I need a butt plug? I’ve never even had anything up there before.”
“You’re telling me you’ve never had anal?” I asked, genuinely surprised.
“Wow, you calling me a slut?” she joked while letting loose that lovely laugh. “It just never came up I guess, literally!”
Allyson hunched over in laughter at her joke while I sat there unamused. It was simply off the strength of her joy in laughter that I cracked a smile.
“That was terrible,” I responded.
“How rude. I think you lack the intellectual capacity to understand my amazing sense of humor.”
I turned the vibrator back up, and back down she went.
“See? I have one too,” I retorted.
When I looked up, and she was simply staring off into space while biting on her fist, feigning ignorance as her toes caressed my swollen head through my slacks. I hadn’t been this turned on in ages, and she knew I was enjoying it because she flashed me a smile before getting dressed and sliding out of the booth.
“Well kind sir, if you would excuse me for a moment I’m going to place some orders and check on your food okay handsome?” she said loud enough for the other guests to hear.
I nodded politely as she walked off. An older lady grabbed her wrist a few tables down, and I could hear her call Allyson a “sweetheart.” Boy is she good. As she made her way to the server stand and tapped away at the computer, I violently ratcheted the device up to the max and to my satisfaction Allyson practically doubled over the computer monitor in shock. I laughed as another employee laid her hand on Allyson’s shoulder and appeared to be asking her if she was alright. My favorite waitress smiled that same smile and nodded fervently before turning back to the computer. I now had the remote on full blast, and the sight of Allyson with her fist in her mouth and her thighs pressed together had my cock making a tent in my pants to the point the tip touched the table. I surveyed the nearby tables and made sure I was in nobody’s sight line before discreetly pulling it out and gently stroking.
I’ve officially lost my mind.
Grace and I had done some crazy things back in the day, all kinds of exhibitionist and voyeuristic activities in adult clubs but never in the general public. I stroked faster as Allyson had finished using the computer and was now facing the dining room, her hands gripped so tight to the railing I could see her knuckles turning white from where I sat. I left the vibrator on full blast while stroking my cock a bit faster, mentally downloading the sight of her mouth opening wide before her hand quickly clapped over it as I watched her make a beeline for the restroom. I had become so engrossed in my slow, private masturbation session that I hadn’t noticed the host sit a table directly the left of me. There was no way I could continue or even put my penis in my pants without them noticing.
What a pickle. Literally. Wow. Even her corny sense of humor is rubbing off on me.
Two minutes later Allyson appeared and threw a black rag onto the table, her face flush with color. They were the panties; I bet she had just finished pleasuring herself.
“Did I tell you to take them off?” I inquired.
She moved to my side so fast I barely had time to react.
“No you didn’t, but I don’t care. My body is on fire, and it’s taking everything in my power not to drag you by your ears to my car so I could fuck the living shit out of you. Do you understand ME?” she responded.
It was then she noticed me trying to shuffle away so she wouldn’t see me exposed. A devilish grin crossed her face, and she quickly turned to the table behind her.
“Excuse me, ladies, there seems to be a leak exactly where you’re sitting,” she said while pointing at an imaginary spot on the roof. “Do you mind if I moved you to a different booth? I’m sorry for the inconvenience lovelies; I’ll gladly bring you guys a free appetizer.” The women happily obliged and sashayed to a booth on the other side. Allyson turned back to me and pulled out her notebook.
“Why did you lie to those women? I didn’t ask for your help,” I said while attempting to stuff my penis back into my pants.
“Whoops.” I heard Allyson exclaim as she dropped her pen and fell to her knees, agilely slipping herself under the table and quickly grabbing my cock. It sprung to life almost immediately and before I could object the tip was in her mouth. I gripped her hair as she spit and sucked on my cock nastily, absolutely driving me crazy with flicks of her tongue before expertly taking my dick deep into the back of her throat.
“Woah,” I groaned before sheepishly looking around, making sure nobody knew what was going on. Allyson retracted my wet cock from her mouth and smoothly slid out from underneath the table.
“Found my earring!” she whooped.
“Yes and forgot your pen,” I reminded her.
“What pen?” she slyly quipped,
“This changes nothing. You did not receive my permission to remove these,” I berated while putting the panties into my pocket.
“What are you going to do, spank me?” she laughed to herself.
You have no idea.
As she walked away, I pulled a crisp $100 bill out of my wallet and laid it flat on the table. I pulled a pen from my coat pocket and wrote the address to another restaurant I frequent with instructions for Saturday night. I gathered my things and made my way out the restaurant and into my car. My original plan was to take her again that night, but she really pulled my card with that public blow job. If I had fucked her again that night, she would grow comfortable and believe she was dictating things. I was losing control. As I drove away, I could feel my stiff cock touching the bottom of the Audi steering wheel.
The hound was pulling at the leash, begging to run after a pussycat.
I pulled into my driveway a few minutes later and slinked through the dark, empty house into the shower. The bathroom promptly filled with steam and my cock was twitching for attention.
Fuck it.
It had been a while since I had pleasured myself, almost two years. I gripped my member at the base and began to stroke, the pleasure centers beginning to activate as I rubbed one out. I had always been proud of my cock. It wasn’t huge by any means, seven and a half inches long and five and a half inches thick, but it had a good meaty, weight to it. Like the perfect club. Grace loved to lick along the veins, it used to drive me wild. I imagined Grace wrapping her tiny hand around my shaft and giving it a good jerk while sucking on the head. I began to stroke harder as my mind brought Allyson into the fantasy, I thought of her and Grace both sharing my cock, taking turns garbling my nuts and sucking the sensitive underbelly. The warm water from the shower ran down my arm and kept a constant stream flowing through my hand, simulating a warm mouth.
“Oh fuck.” I groaned while my other hand pressed against the cold shower wall. I was stroking heavily, focusing on the tip of my cock as I imagined Grace and Allyson taking turns sucking and fucking each other. I imagined Grace pulling me into the fold, guiding me into Allyson’s wet pussy as she sat on her face. I kissed Grace deeply as she moaned into my mouth from the work of Allyson down below. Grace pulled away and stood up to get behind me.
“I’m distracting you baby, finish her off,” she told me.
I imagined Grace tweaking my nipples while sucking on my earlobes as I pounded mercilessly into Allyson’s tight slit, her cries of pleasure driving me over the edge. I came violently as my reverie ended, stream after stream of semen coating the porcelain tile as I staggered and fell to one knee from orgasm.
You have got to be kidding me.
I sat there in the shower breathing heavily as the water beat down on me. It was one of the most powerful orgasms I’d had in a while, every nerve in my entire body was shooting off. What was this woman doing to me? I washed off and a few minutes later I was on my way to bed. I opened up my nightstand and tapped a picture of Grace and I.
“Looks like we found ourselves another one Gracie.”
I turned off the lamp on my nightstand while thinking of Allyson and our upcoming Saturday night adventure.
It was going to be memorable.