Good Solutions (Part 4)

"Laura uses special leverage to seduce Dean"

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It took Laura a while before she got to her car. She had to compose herself and it took a few minutes for her system to process what she had just witness a mere five yards from her.

Where she was hidden in the brush, she had an excellent view of the young man pounding the petite young woman with all he had. What was more, the redhead seemed to have been one who was used to taking meat that size up her slick channel. Was this a regular thing? She knew the young man and she was perplexed at what she had witnessed.

But, as close as she was, they never noticed or became aware of her presence. They were so totally into their coupling that a mere snap of a twig would not even alert them to her presence. At one moment she was concerned about being caught. Especially as she was so laden with emotion. It was visible in her breathing.

What was more, the whole scene, the facts about the couple, her own thoughts and anger made her wet again to the extent that it was surpassing her arousal after her episode with Rob.

What alerted her was her being so fascinated about the state of the young woman’s battered cunt. The seepage falling between her feet. The second dollop of fresh cum being intercepted by her small hand and consumed with obvious delight. Laura was filled with mixed emotions, lust, anger and arousal all combined.

And curious above all, of the taste of the young woman after being rammed and filled with cum.

Laura took a while to leave the reserve. Before clearing the tree line, she made a point of checking for the young couple. Good thing because, she was just in time to see the couple share a passionate good bye before the young woman got in her car and the guy sped away on a motorcycle.

A thousand thoughts rumbled through Laura’s head on her way home. She called Jamey on her mobile. She was with a friend and would be back later. Food? No, she would have something there. Did she hear from Dean? No, he was out with friends. Oh, Puh -leeez!

Laura opted for take-out and a movie. After all, it was only her at home till late.

On the way back to town she wondered what her next step would be. Would she give Jamey the lesson about men and their ways, their infidelities and love for variety. Would she rather walk into Jamey’s room and blurt it all out? No, she would do it in a totally different way… and benefit from it.

“Dean Baby,” she muttered out loud. “Your ass is mine!” Smiling at herself, Laura added: “And your cock!” and she loved the way the ‘ck’ exploded inside her mouth.

‘All good things come to those who are patient,’ Laura smiled at herself a week later.

It was Wednesday when Jamey came bouncing into the kitchen where Laura was busy with dinner. A friend invited her to come along to LA for the weekend and she was keen to go. She practically begged Laura to allow her the opportunity. Not that it was necessary anyway. Plus, the possibilities were being discussed for a few weeks already and Laura could not help to give her consent.

The next couple of hours pending the girls’ departure, Jamey was a whirlwind of activity. Off course, Dean was not a happy puppy as it had been more than a week since they spent some time. Laura noticed this and endeavoured to make it ‘worth his while.’ With a lot of shopping and packing and eventually leaving her room in a total mess, Jamey was off to LA.

As fate would have it, Dean was busy so he could not drop Jamey at the airport. This caused his face to drop even more.

Then the Cougar in Laura took over.

It was late Friday afternoon when Laura decided to run by the grocery store to get the essentials for the weekend. And who would she run into? Dean!

He was there picking up ‘some stuff’ for the weekend. Dad was out of town on business and the poor puppy had to fend for himself.

Her first thought was, ‘so where is your little redhead then’ but kept it to herself. They started chatting as they for the same reason, started moving around the shop. He picked his things and Laura did hers. At some point she was quite surprised at what he was packing into his basket. But, Laura also noticed his shock of hair, the deep tan on his cheeks and his eyes.

The conversation allowed her to look him over thoroughly without him really noticing. Laura could feel herself getting wet as she considered Dean and her plans developing as if it was designed by an expert.

“So what is your plans for the weekend, Dean?” she asked him as it seems their shopping together was nearing its end.

“Not much. Just hang at home, watch a movie perhaps. Then on Saturday I need to check out your lawn as you asked last week.”

‘Perfect,’ Laura though to herself.

“Tell you what,” she turned and faced him squarely. “Why don’t you come over tonight and we can have a BBQ and a few beers. You do drink beer do you?” she added.

“Yes, I do,” he answered, seeming quite keen on the idea.

“Okay then, let’s go find a few steaks.”

Once again Laura was impressed with how he eyed the shelf with the steaks. His selection catered for some well matured cuts as well as some beef sausages to go with.

‘You just gotta love this boy,’ she thought once again, feeling like a woman as well as a mother. Laura covered the steaks with her things and they walked outside.

As per their agreement, Dean was at her house promptly at six. The party was about to start!

It was normal evening. Laura made a point of trying to find out about Dad. No matter what, she realised he was the type that would keep her on her toes. He was her epitome of the Alpha Male. Just thinking about him made her shiver.

“So where is your Dad this weekend?” she asked at some point of the conversation when she thought the topic would ease into the conversation.

“He has been gone since Monday, I think. Some project he has been busy with in Portland for a while.” Dean eyed her curiously, “why? Is there any interest,” he smiled slyly.

“No, just curious. The two of you seem quite close? If I can put it that way?”

“Yeah, we are quite close. My mom left when I was a kid. Never seen her since. Last I heard my dad mention anything, she was in Europe somewhere. That was not really a fact I was supposed to know. He sort of let it slip one night. I asked, he changed the subject.”

Laura was getting irritated, the evening was not really going where she wanted to. But, she let it be and allowed herself to relax. He was unto his fourth beer and she would not let him drive. If anything, he was going to stay the night. Jamey’s bed or hers, it did not matter. She wanted as much of his time as possible. Her thoughts caused her to lose some of the conversation.

“…will be back tomorrow I think,” she heard Dean say.

Suddenly she was back in the conversation. And just as well because the next little snippet made her pay attention. It was quite obvious Dean was getting quite inebriated. Fortunately supper was over and the rest of the evening was no pressure.

“He is quite interested in you. Says you’re quite hot.”

“Really?” Laura answered, realising it was the gap she was waiting for.

It was getting cool and she mentioned they should be getting inside. What would happen inside the house would determine a lot of how the evening will progress.

A few minutes later, with everything taken inside and the dishes done she decided to fuel the fire.

“So you say Dad thinks I am quite hot?”

“Yeah, he had that ‘look’ in his eyes when he said it,” and he smiled slyly. “But that would pose a problem,” he added.

“Such as?” Laura led him on to elaborate.

“Ok, let’s drop that,” he said after taking a long swallow of his beer, smiling.

“Ok,” giggled Laura, also feeling a bit of a buzz after perhaps one too many, “Let’s drop that one.”

She was puzzled by that. What could Dean have meant by ‘it creating problem?’ Was there more to what Dean and Dad discussed while in their ‘man cave’ at home? Those times when they have a few beers and swop stories and facts? Was there in those times also mention of the little redhead and perhaps others who had the pleasure of having that piece of meat Dean sported? What if they also discussed her… and perhaps Dean taking Jamey’s virginity.

Laura could feel herself getting worked up, her anger being fuelled by what perhaps did not even exist? She hoped her opinion of Dean would not be scarred by the fact that he might have tattled all about what happened in Jamey’s bed and, perhaps more.

With her anger being fuelled by what she had no proof of, she also realised another thing! She was very, very wet! Laura realised this was her chance to dictate what would happen the rest of the night.

Firing from the hip she asked: “And you? Do you think I am hot?”

Dean almost choked in the beer still in his mouth.

He was at a loss for words and could only look at Laura with a stupid expression on his face. He was blushing profusely but kept his gaze fixed on her.

She cocked her head to one side and smiles her best seductive smile.

“C’mon, tell me? Do you also think I am hot?”

Suddenly Dean did not know where to look. He smiled shyly and mentioned something about him due to return home.

Laura felt her prey slipping. “What do you young guys call us older women? Cougars? Or, perhaps a MILF?”

Dean was cornered and Laura could read his predicament on his face. Her left hand holding her glass of wine, she lifted her right to the top button of her blouse. There was a soft sound and the button slipped free of the hole.

“You think I am hot now?” She asked, looking at him like a python hypnotising its prey.

Dean just stood there, mesmerised, not believing what was happening.

Laura went for gold and slipped another button through its hole. The swelling of her breasts was now more than just a hint. The next button was right there where the clasp between the two cups were.

“C’mon Dean? Tell me?” she pressed, slipping the third button. “Do you think I am hot?”

Dean was at the point of almost starting to hyperventilate. He could not answer. He seemed speechless.

“What now? Mouth dry? Take a sip of your beer, it will do you well.”

As if almost in a state of stupidity, Dean complied.

“So Dean,” she almost whispered, “am I hot? What do you think?” Her blouse was almost completely undone, one button to go. “Or am I too old to be considered hot? Is it because I am past MILF material?” Then she went for the jugular: “or perhaps I am not a little redhead, pressed up against a tree in the woods? Getting my pussy slammed so hard the world could hear me scream my orgasms?”

Dean went white. “What do you mean?”

“Exactly what I said.” The last button popped free and her blouse was hanging free. Her breasts still encased in the white lace cups were in plain view of Dean, who did not know what to do, answer or stare.

“Drop you pants! Let me see what you got. Let me see what it is my daughter is so keen on. Let me see what the little redhead against the tree was screaming on top of her lungs about?”

Dean was speechless. He tried to say something but could not. His face was ashen, sweat forming on his brow.

“This is awkward,” he whispered as he put his beer down and reached for his belt.

“Not as fucking awkward as it will be when Jamey screams her delight and I walk in and ask you if she is better than Little Miss Redhead in the woods. What do you think?” Laura hissed, a mere inches from his face.

Leaning back she looked at him directly, “C’mon, drop your drawers, Son!”

Without a word, Dean complied and his pants fell in a pool around his ankles.

“Turn around!” she said with authority, “Shirt as well!”

Dean pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it a next to him on the kitchen floor. He was butt-naked, his back to Laura.

Taking a small step forward, she was within reach of the naked man. She reached out gently and put a finger between his shoulder blades. Dean shivered.

“You know, when I was hiding between in the bushes,” her finger slipped lower, tracing a line along is spine, “a mere few yards from you and your friend,” her finger drawing a line over his waist, “I could not believe it was you fucking her against that tree.”

She made circles on his kidneys, “this is where her heels were. I remember it so clearly.”

He inhaled sharply as she cupped his right butt cheek with her hand. “Sadly, all I could see were these two butt globes spasm the moment you shot your cum inside her willing pussy.”

Taking a step to the side, her fingertips followed the change of direction.

“Oh Dean, I was so jealous! You know, I have not had sex in more than five years? I listen to you and Jamey at night, your hips slapping against hers while you fuck her deep and hard.”

Laura was now in front of the young man. Looking up at him she pouted, “I get so wet…”

Dean failed to meet her eyes. She looked down. His cock was hanging limp between his legs. It was huge! But she realised one thing; Dean was a shower, not a grower. Below his cut cock, his nuts hung heavy with cum. Cum she would hopefully have inside her in a while.

Laura wiped his pecks with the palm of her hand. His eyes closed. But she was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath when she tweaked his one nipple. His cock twitched once and she realised she was winning the game. At least for now.

“So let me tell you about awkward?” She continued as her hand reached his hard abdominal muscles. She could heel his heart beating through his skin and a thin film of perspiration was forming on his brow.

“Awkward is when I see how you take my daughter’s virginity in her own bed. When I witness her struggle with this piece of meat you carry. Awkward is when I go for a hike in the reserve and see the same man who took my daughter’s virginity, fuck another young woman for a gold medal.”

Dean was obviously losing it. His cock was almost semi erect and a drop of pre-cum was visible on the tip. Laura moved her hand lower and traced the protrusion with the tip of her finger.

“And you say this is awkward? You know, for all I know, you could fuck me now as if it was some meaningless act of lust, and tomorrow night you tell Dad all the gory details. You neck your beers by the BBQ and laugh you asses off.”

Dean tried to say something but her finger was at the tip of his hardening cock. The drop of pre-cum was starting to give in to gravity and she stopped it with her thumb. Slowly and sensually she started spreading it on the enormous flange.

“Awkward?” she eyed him questioningly. He nodded barely noticeable.

“Do you love Jamey?” He nodded again, more distinct this time.

“And when I tell her about Little Miss Redhead and,” she was silent for a few seconds, “what might happen here tonight? Would that not be awkward as well?” Dean nodded again, his eyes still closed as she continued to slowly spread the pre-cum on his cock.

Laura kneeled in front of Dean and eyed his cock. It was thick, veined and impressive. It was not completely hard but that was about to change.

“Tell me Dean, does Jamey give a good blow job?” But ability to answer failed him as she gave his cock a soft kiss on the tip. Dean merely groaned as Laura opened her mouth and proceeded to cover as much of it as she could with her first try. Dean moaned and put his hands on either side of her head. He was learning fast, she thought.

Laura might not have had sex for a very long time but, her blowjob skills were coming back faster than she ever imagined. Between her legs was a mess of note but she was not concerned. Her big goal was to have this young man shoot his first load for the night into her oral cavity. The depth or the amount did not matter. This was what she wanted for so long.

Quite soon she had most of him down her gullet. Dean was getting into the swing of things, slowly and carefully fucking her mouth, watching her reaction. It was clear he wanted to render Laura all the pleasure she wanted.

Soon Laura realised a change of taste in the fluid leaking profusely front the tip of his rock hard cock. Dean was close. As she looked up she could see his head back and his eyes closed. His mouth was slightly open and he was moaning incoherent things.

She kept watching him closely. As he looked down and started pushing back against her not to shoot in her mouth, she blinked once before grabbing him by the butt. Keeping him at a distance where she would be able to receive his load, she closed her eyes and then it hit her.

Dean groaned and shot his first delivery deep into her throat. She almost choked but managed just in time for number two. Pushing further onto his cock, this one went directly down the gullet. Pulling back she accepted the next batch on her tongue and swallowed. ‘Too much’ was her only thought before she swallowed number four. The last Dean had to offer was on her tongue again and she had time to taste it before swallowing.

Laura tried to squeeze some more out of the still hard member but to no avail. Dean was done for the moment. Looking up at the young man, she realised he was smiling. He gallantly helped her to her feel and just held her. But Laura did not want to be held…

“Kiss me…” she whispered at him.


“Well? Aren’t you going to congratulate me with a nice kiss for giving you a better blowjob than my daughter?”

Dean looked down at her and shook his head.

“You’re fucking crazy,” he said before scooping her up and flinging her over his shoulder.

“This just became a night stop,” was his last words before he carried her out of the kitchen.

If Laura though she was wet, she was now drenched… with a huge grin on her face.

Published 10 years ago

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