Eight agonizing months had passed since she had left for London. Since that day, every time I heard the roar of a jet engine, I recited the flight details to myself.
“Departing – 8:55am. – Toronto (YYZ) – arriving 9:00pm. London (LHR) – 7hr 05mn – Nonstop.”
She had been offered an incredible career opportunity at TBWA London. When had she told me of the offer, she did so with tears in her eyes. She said she couldn’t imagine her life without me in it. I told her she had to accept the position. It was a once in a life time opportunity. And I had no doubt she would be brilliant at it. At twenty six years of age, she was the youngest person to be offered a Senior Vice President position at her new firm. I am proud of her. I miss her madly.
Beth had been my sub for over two years.
I had driven her to the airport and watched the plane she was on as it disappeared into the clouds. I had stared at the sky through dampened eyes, long after the plane was no longer visible and the vapor trails had faded to nothingness.
Joy had been replaced by aching in my heart.
The walk from the departure gate to my car was surreal. It was as if time had stopped for everyone but me. I floated past, stationary, faceless shapes and colors. I heard nothing, not even my own footsteps. I got in my car and started it. The dashboard lit up and the stereo came to life.
Robbie Robertson greeted me with a somber chorus of, “Out of this world. Out of this mind. Out of this love, for you.”
His voice and lyrics sent a cold shiver through me. I wiped my eyes dry and drove home.
Every day, for almost two months, Beth would call me and we would talk for hours. She would tell me that she was sad, scared and unsure of what she had agreed to take on. I would always assure her that she had made the right decision and that she is brilliant. She would always end our conversations by telling me not to be sad. I would always reply that I would stop being sad when she was happy again.
One day it happened, almost three months had passed. I heard it in her voice. I could picture her smiling as she told me that she was happy. She had settled in and had made a lot of new friends. She had decided she was ready to do her absolute best and blow everyone away. I told her I never doubted her potential and that I was no longer sad.
Our conversations became less frequent over time. Our jobs kept us both incredibly busy. I had noticed that all my clothes had become tight on me. I was stressed and working too many hours every day. I was not eating properly and drinking far more than my share of scotch on the weekends. I decided to start working out again and begin a healthier eating plan.
I had booked the entire month of August off for my vacation. That would give me twelve weeks to lose the weight I had gained. All I needed to decide was a destination.
Every Sunday afternoon I listen to the Psychedelic Psunday radio show, on Q107 FM. From noon to six pm, they broadcast songs from 1965-1975 only. One Sunday afternoon I turned on the radio and heard Robert Plant declare, “Made up my mind to make a new start. Going to California with an aching in my heart.”
I decided then and there that if California was good enough for Robert Plant and his aching heart, it was good enough for me. I booked my flight and accommodations for San Francisco online right away. I also rented a vehicle for the month.
I had always wanted to cruise down Taylor Street in a Mustang. Taylor Street is where Steve McQueen had roared down, in greatest car chase scene in the history of film.
I arrived in San Francisco early Sunday morning, picked up my vehicle and drove to the private apartment I had rented. My travel clothes of shorts, running shoes and a t-shirt were perfect for the day’s activities. I grabbed a towel, purchased two bottles of water and headed to Golden Gate Park.
There were a lot of people in the park, enjoying the warm summer morning. I laid down on the grass and closed my eyes. Minutes later, a warm wet feeling on my right ear brought me out of my slumber. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at what had awoken me. A bundle of brown fur and two big black eyes stared back at me. It was a puppy, an incredibly cute puppy.
In the distance I heard a woman’s voice calling, “Lady, come here!”
I lifted my head and looked in the direction the voice was coming from. The puppy placed its front paws on my chest and began licking my face, as its short tail wagged back and forth quickly. I watched as a shapely redhead walked towards me.
She was wearing a loose light blue hoodie over a white t-shirt, a 49ers cap, baggy track pants and white joggers. She wasn’t wearing any makeup. I guessed she was in her mid-forties. Her large breasts were accentuated by the light blue hoodie and white t-shirt. The zipper of the hoodie was pulled up just below her breasts. The white t-shirt strained against her full breasts. It was obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra, by the way her breasts moved freely under the t-shirt.
She obviously took pride in looking after herself. She was a very fit and sexy looking lady.
“Lady, get down. Leave the man alone,” she called out. She turned her big green eyes to me and said, “I am so sorry she disturbed you. She has never strayed this far away from me off leash.”
I sat up, petted the puppy and replied, “No worries. She is adorable,” and asked her, “what breed is Lady?”
The redheaded beauty smiled and answered, “She’s a cockapoo, part cocker spaniel and part poodle. I am taking care of her while my daughter and her family is on vacation.”
I looked down at Lady and said, “I am pleased to meet you, Lady. My name is Gil.”
“Lady, come,” the redheaded woman called.
Lady jumped on my lap and sat down.
“Lady, what’s gotten into you?” the woman laughed.
I gently placed Lady in my arms, stood up and handed her to the woman.
Before she took the puppy from me she brushed a strand of loose hair off her cheek and pulled it back behind her ear. She had suddenly become self-conscience of her appearance.
“Oh my, you are a big boy. You looked a lot less intimidating on your back,” she thought out loud.
I smiled, gazed into her eyes and waited for her reaction to her comment.
“I am so sorry!” she blurted out as her cheeks and nose turned instantly red. “I meant to say that I didn’t think you were so tall and big.”
I kept smiling at her and gazing into her green eyes.
“I am not going to talk anymore,” she stuttered.
“I like the sound of your voice, that would be a shame,” I grinned.
“Thank you for being so nice to Lady. I want to apologize for disturbing you, Gil,” she replied.
She deliberately avoided acknowledging my compliment. She wasn’t interested in talking to me anymore, I concluded.
“No apology necessary,” I assured her. “Thank you for allowing me to play with her. Have a nice day,” I replied in a neutral and polite tone.
Not wanting to make her more uncomfortable, I turned and walked away.
The next day I decided to go back to Golden Gate Park and explore. I wanted to visit the Japanese Tea Garden. It was Monday. The sexy redheaded woman would probably be at work, so there would be little chance of running into her again. Too bad, I thought to myself.
I walked past the same spot I had been the day before. I found myself scanning the park for a redhead and a bundle of brown fur. I laughed to myself when I realized what I had done. It’s Monday, I reminded myself.
As I walked towards my destination I heard a dog bark. I turned around to see if it was Lady. I smiled when I saw her trying to pull away from her leash and run to me. The redheaded woman threw her free arm up in the air as if to say, I give up, and let go of the leash. Lady bolted towards me. I kneeled and greeted her as she yelped and wagged her stubby tail. I petted her and rubbed her back as she licked my hand.
“Hello again, Gil,” the redheaded woman greeted me.
“Hello,” I smiled.
She was dressed very differently than the previous day. She wore a white strapless summer dress, with a green and pink flower pattern on it. The hem of the dress fell just above her knee. The white joggers were replaced by white sandals. The dress hugged her slim waist and hips. It flared over her tanned thighs. I couldn’t stop staring at her exposed tanned chest.
“Day off from work?” she asked with a smile.
I chuckled and replied, “I’m on a long and overdue vacation,” and asked her, “And you?”
“I have every summer off. I’m a school teacher,” she answered. Then she asked me, “Is this your first time in San Fran?”
“Yes, first time visiting here. I arrived yesterday. So far I love it. If the greeting I got from Lady is an indication of things to come, this could turn out to be the best vacation ever,” I answered as I rubbed Lady behind her ear.
She laughed and replied, “I don’t think I should let you near her anymore. You are a very bad influence. She refuses to listen when you’re around.” After a moment she asked me, “We are not keeping you from any plans you might have?”
I smiled at her, “I am on my way to the Japanese Tea Garden. Would you like to join me…?” I paused and hoped that she introduce herself.
“Oh, forgive me, where are my manners. My name is Florence. Pleased to finally meet you, Gil. I was beginning to think that you only put up with me so you could be near Lady,” she chuckled as she extended her hand to me.
I took her hand and I replied, “Pleased to finally meet you also, Florence.”
We looked at each other in silence, still holding hands. Her skin was soft and her hand was delicate. I felt my cock swell and the familiar throb of an erection coming on. I pictured Florence naked and screaming as I held her wrapped in my arms and pinned to the floor as I fucked her hard.
I continued, “As I was saying, would you like to join me, Florence?”
Florence pouted and replied, “Lady has an appointment at the groomers today.” She paused and scanned my face for a reaction.
I smiled and waited a few seconds before I replied, “I really don’t like tea. I prefer coffee. If you don’t think it too forward of me, is there a place close to the groomer’s, that we might have coffee or perhaps lunch together?”
Florence thought about the offer, smiled and answered, “No, yes and yes.”
“What time is Lady’s appointment?”
“Whenever we get there, the groomer is a close friend of mine.” She lowered her eyes to my hand that was still gripping hers and jokingly asked, “I assume you want your hand back now?”
She motioned me to follow her. I watched her hips and firm ass sway and slightly jiggle as she walked ahead of me. Images of her on her hands and knees flooded my mind. I imagined grabbing her hips and sliding my cock slowly inside her. Wrapping her long red hair in my hand and pulling her head back as I fucked her from behind.
It took twenty five minutes to walk to the groomers and another five minutes to get to the restaurant.
We were seated on the patio and told that our waitress would be right with us.
Florence looked at me and said, “Thank you for yesterday, Gil.”
“What exactly are you thanking me for?” I asked her.
“For leaving when you did. I could tell that you noticed I became uncomfortable and you were sweet about it,” she explained.
“Hmmmmm…I don’t know how to feel about that, Florence. We had just met and you couldn’t wait till I left you alone,” I light heartedly replied.
Florence laughed and replied, “You are a funny man. Truth is, oh I can’t believe I’m telling you this. I had fallen asleep on the couch while reading my book the night before. Lady woke me up and wanted to go for her morning walk. I splashed some water on my face, put on a cap and left my house. I must have looked hideous.”
I smiled and said, “I can assure you that many adjectives popped into my mind and hideous was not one of them.”
Her smile broadened and she asked, “How long are you staying in San Fran, Gil?”
“All of August. It’s been many years since I went away on vacation. I think I’ve forgotten how to relax and enjoy myself,” I replied.
The waitress came to our table, introduced herself and asked if we were ready to order. We both ordered the daily special. She took our menus and informed us that our order would be out shortly.
We continued to talk, ask and answer questions about each other. She told me she had married young, her husband left her shortly after their daughter was born. She had gone back to school and became a teacher. She said it was the most difficult time of her life. She had been determined to stand on her own two feet and is proud that she achieved her goal.
She also told me that she had been in a few long term relationships since, and they all ended for the same reason. The few men she had dated were more interested in being mothered, than treating her like a woman with wants and needs.
I told her about Beth, my divorce and my two kids.
“I’m curious, how did you decide on San Fran for your vacation?” Florence asked me as she sipped her coffee.
I grinned and replied, “Robert Plant.”
Her eyes widened, “You know Robert Plant?”
I confessed that I didn’t know Robert Plant, and explained how I decided on San Francisco.
“What if, Back In The USSR, happened to be playing on the radio instead?”
My grin widened, “I’d be in Moscow right now.”
Florence put her coffee cup down and leaned towards me, “Don’t take this the wrong way, Gil.”
I chuckled and replied, “I will try not to.”
“You scared the shit out of me, when you stood up yesterday.
I laughed so hard that tears ran down the corner of my eyes.
“No offence taken, Florence.”
I insisted on paying for lunch and we headed back to the grooming salon.
“My daughter, grandson and son-in-law are back from vacation tomorrow. I am leaving for Sacramento tonight and will be staying with them till Saturday morning.” Florence said as we walked.
I was happy for her that she would be with her daughter and her grandson. I couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed at the news.
“I am sure you and Lady will be thrilled to have them back,” I replied with a smile.
She stopped walking and turned to face me.
“I am not good at this, Gil. I am just going to come out and ask you,” she nervously said to me.
I waited a long time for her to ask the question.
She exhaled, lowered her eyes and in a small voice stated, “I’ll take your silence to mean no.”
I chuckled and placed my fingers on her chin. I lifted her head so that I could look into her beautiful green eyes. “Florence, you haven’t asked me your question. I was silent because I was waiting for you to ask me, whatever it was that you are going to ask me.”
She burst out laughing and covered her mouth with one hand. I wrapped my arms around her, pulled her to my chest and laughed.
“I told you I am not good at this. I feel like an idiot now.”
I tried to pull away from her so I could look at her to tell that there was no reason for her to be embarrassed.
Florence resisted and wrapped her arms around my waist. She pulled me close and nestled her head into my chest. “I’m fine just like this, Gil. I’m not a total idiot,” she chuckled.
“Question please,” I whispered in her ear.
“If you are free Saturday night and you don’t think it too forward of me. Would you like to have dinner at my place?” She lifted her head and looked up at me, “I am a great cook. I love to cook, but rarely have the opportunity to cook for someone. I would love to cook for you.”
I smiled, “Yes, no and yes.”
We gazed into each other’s eyes in silence. I wanted to taste her lips and squeeze her body against mine. Feel her breasts crushed against my chest and run my hands over her shapely hips and ass.
Florence broke the silence between us, “Ohhhhhh, you’re not going to kiss me now, are you?” she moaned softly.
I lowered my lips to hers. Kissed her softly, and gently bit her lower lip. I slowly pulled my lips away from hers. She remained perfectly still with her head tilted upwards and her eyes closed. Slowly she lowered her head and placed it back on my chest.
“Mmmmmm…thank you,” she whispered into my chest.
Her warm breath on my chest made my cock stir. It sent a rush of adrenalin through me. I was tempted to push her to her knees and pull her mouth to my growing cock.
We exchanged cell numbers, picked up Lady and went our separate ways.
Tayler Street was my next destination.
Saturday, just before noon I got a call from Florence. Her car had broken down on the other side of the Bay. She was waiting for a tow truck to arrive at the parking lot of a coffee shop. In a sad and anxious voice she told me that there was no way she could shop for groceries and cook dinner for me as planned.
“Text me directions to where you are, Florence. I want to pick you up,” I said to her.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m sure. But…” I teased her.
“But what, Gil?” Her voice crackled a bit as she spoke the words.
“You’ll have to settle for pizza and beer for dinner tonight.”
“Yes, deal, of course, I would love that!” she eagerly answered.
I arrived at the coffee shop as the tow truck driver was lifting Florence’s car on the hoist.
She was standing with her back to me. There was something different about her.
She was wearing a very short, snug one piece red skirt and matching red high heels. Her tanned legs were bare and so smooth that her skin shone. I pulled up next to the tow truck and waved to her.
“Hi Gil!” she called out.
“Hi back,” I looked her over from head to toe, “You cut your hair, it looks nice.”
“Thank you,” she twirled and asked, “Do you like the dress?
“Yes I do, very much so.”
“Thank you, again. I went shopping with my daughter and she insisted I buy it.”
I popped the trunk and got out of the car.
Florence hugged me and whispered in my ear, “Thank you for coming to pick me up.”
I took her overnight bag and placed it in the trunk of the car. The tow trucker driver honked and drove off. I opened the passenger door and watched Florence slide into the car. My cock twitched as I stared at her scantily clad form. Her skin and curves barely covered. I glared at her inviting cleavage. Florence purposefully shifted as she adjusted her dress that had rode up her thighs. As she did, her breasts jiggled and my cock grew harder.
It was obvious she had been to a spa. I wondered if she had gotten her pussy waxed. I imagined holding her legs spread and lowering my mouth onto her smooth, hairless pussy.
We stopped to pick up a six pack on the way to her house.
Florence opened the front door, took off her red shoes and asked me to come in. I followed her to the kitchen.
“Would you like a beer or a glass of wine, Gil?”
“Beer, please.”
A silence fell between us. We had arrived at the point of no return. Both of us wanted to be naked and fucking.
In silence I walked to the front door and picked up her shoes. I slowly walked back to Florence, pulled out a chair and motioned her to sit. I got down on one knee and placed my hand on her calf, held it there for a few seconds and slid my hand slowly to her ankle.
Florence froze.
Her words echoed in my ears, “…the few men she had dated were more interested in being mothered, than treating her like a woman with wants and needs.”
“Did you visit a spa in Sacramento, Florence?” I asked her.
She nodded yes. Her eyes locked on my hand that gripped her ankle. I placed the shoe on her foot.
“Did you wear that dress for me?”
Florence moaned and nodded.
“Did you cut and style your for me?”
She nodded again. I placed the other shoe on her foot and stood up.
“Stand up for me, Florence,” I said and extended my hand to her.
She took my hand and stood up. Her free hand darted to the hem of her dress. She wanted to pull it down to cover the top of her thighs.
“No, leave your dress as it is,” I sternly told her.
Florence obeyed. Her hand froze in place, inches from the hem. I placed my hands on her hips and turned her around.
“You smell delicious, Florence,” I whispered in her ear and bit down gently on her ear.
“Ohhhh…t-t-thank you,” she stuttered in a high pitched voice.
I walked her forward and held her pinned against the wall and my body. She placed her arms flat against the wall, her elbows bent at ninety degree angles.
“Spread your legs for me, Florence,” I softly growled.
“Fuck,” she gasped and did as she was told.
I placed my left hand between her shoulder blades. I wrapped my free arm around her waist and pulled her hips away from the wall.
“I’ve been wondering if you got your pussy waxed at the spa, Florence,” I said to her in a low, throaty voice.
I stroked her outer thigh and slowly lifted her dress over her ass and hips. Her red silk panties barely covered her ass cheeks. My cock throbbed harder at the sight of her ass.
“Fuck, you have a beautiful ass,” I growled as I squeezed her ass cheeks.
Florence swallowed hard and moaned at my touch. I slid my hand between her legs and traced her moist slit with my middle finger.
“Ohhhhhhhhh gaaawd,” Florence panted.
I slid her red panties down to her ankles, grabbed her waist, turned her around and kissed her hard. She threw her arms around my neck and slid her tongue into my mouth. I sucked her tongue deep into my mouth. I grabbed her dress and pulled it over her head and over her arms, letting it fall behind her. Florence stepped out of her panties as I removed her bra.
I lifted her in my arms, spun around and sat her on the kitchen table. She leaned back on her elbows and threw her head back. Her breasts were spectacular globes of soft flesh. I grabbed both breasts, squeezed them together and fondled her nipples.
I kneeled between her legs and slapped her hairless pussy. Florence flinched and moaned out in pleasure.
“Mmmmmm…did you get your pussy waxed for me, Florence?”
“For you, yes, just for you,” she struggled to get the words out between deep, gasping breaths.
“What should I do to your pussy?” I growled with a grin on my face as I slid two fingers roughly inside her.
“Ohhhhhhhh fuck, Gil!” she screamed out. “Anything you want!”
I flicked my tongue over her clit as I slid my fingers out of her dripping pussy and stood up. Clamped her nipples between my thumbs and fingers and pulled her to her feet. She winced and yelped in pain as she jumped off the table.
“On your knees,” I barked.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” she panted and dropped to her knees.
Her hands trembled grabbed at my hard cock. I unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. Slowly pulled down my zipper, Florence’s eyes widen and her tongue moisten her lips.
“Suck,” I growled at her.
Florence fumbled and pulled my jeans and boxers down to my knees. She grabbed my balls and the base of my throbbing cock in one hand and shoved my cock into her mouth. She started to bob her head up and down. Sucked on it hard as she pulled away and opening her mouth wide as she took it deep into her throat.
“Suck my cock slower, Florence,” I ordered and grabbed the back of her head.
I guided her mouth up and down on my cock at the speed I wanted her to suck it. When I was satisfied with her rhythm, I released her head and pinched her nipple hard. Florence moaned and pulled away, trying to free her nipple from my grip. As she did, she let my cock slip out of her mouth. I squeezed her nipple harder and shook her breast violently.
“Don’t move, Florence. Keep sucking my cock,” I scowled at her.
Florence squealed in pain from the abuse I had inflicted on her breast. She also obeyed immediately and started to suck my cock again.
“Mmmmmmmm…good girl,” I said to her as a reward for her obedience.
I watched as she sucked my cock for a few minutes more. Then grabbed her beautiful red hair, lifted her to her feet and sat her on the kitchen table again. I pulled her head forward till her chin was tight against her chest.
“Do I still scare the shit out of you, Florence?”
Florence nodded and replied, “Yes, and I fucking love it. You make my pussy drip and my clit throb.”
“Good. I want you to watch as I pound your pussy with my cock, Florence,” I grinned.
“Yes, I want to watch you pound my pussy with your hard cock, Gil. Fuck me as hard as you want. My pussy is yours. Hurt it, cum inside me. Fill me with your cum,” Florence pleaded.
When the last word came out of her mouth, I slammed my cock inside her. Her eyes widened, her mouth flew open, as my cock brutally stretched her. I kept my cock buried in her for a moment. I savored the sensation of her slick, hot pussy clamping down on my thick cock.
Florence wrapped her legs around my hips. I gripped her hip with my left hand and fucked her mercilessly. Her breasts bounced upwards and away from her chest with each brutal thrust. I grunted and groaned as I fucked her hard. Florence’s moans were gurgled because of her neck being bent forward. She stared wide eyed at the sight of my cock pounding her pussy.
“Ohhhhhhhh…I’m going to cum!” she screamed in a raspy voice.
Her pussy tightened and spasmed around my cock as her orgasm built up and rolled through her body.
I kept on fucking her long after she came. When I felt my cock getting ready to fill her with cum, I pulled out of her. She gasped and moaned in protest. Her legs pulled me tighter to her as she wiggled her hips to feel my cock rub against her pussy.
I yanked her hair back and pulled her off the table. Spun her around and pushed her chest on to the table. She spread her arms across the table and grabbed on to its edges.
“Spread your legs,” I grumbled.
Florence nodded and slid her legs apart. I placed my hands on hers and gripped them hard. With one vicious thrust, my cock stretched and filled her pussy again. With each thrust of my hips, I pulled the table towards me. There would be bruises on the top of Florence’s thighs and hips, when I was finished fucking her.
She wanted it this hard. She needed and ached for it.
The legs of the table lifted off the floor, with every savage thrust. Long minutes of brutal fucking passed. Florence lifted her head off the table and started to moan. Her moan got louder as she neared another orgasm. Her pussy tightened around my cock and exploded in another long orgasm.
I pulled my aching cock out of her pussy and walked to the other end of the table. Grabbed her wrists and pulled till her head was hanging over the end of it. I grabbed my cock with one hand and lifted her head by the hair with the other. Florence opened her mouth. I slammed my cock down her throat and came. Florence swallowed my cum as fast as my cock pumped it out. She sucked my cock long after I was spent.
It took us a few minutes to recover. Florence rolled over on to her back and smiled up at me. I placed my hands on the table, leaned forward and kissed her.