Going Home

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Although this story may stand alone, you might want to read The Return Trip parts 1 & 2 to see how April and Jimmy got to this place in their life

Going Home

Horse and April had just had the best weekend of their life. Jack and Peggy had shown them so much and brought out their own perversions. Ones they had fantasized about concerning each other. But now their thoughts were on better things waiting at home.

Still being summer made their plan even better and hopefully easier to pull off. April and Horse stopped by the store on the way home to pick up a few things to help make their plan come together.

When they got home it was starting to get dark and they noticed the patio lights on around behind the house. It had to mean their mother had to be out by the pool. She liked to swim at night although she did lay out in the sun to work on her tan, but preferred the warm water after the sun had gone down.

Their mom had a couple of different suits she would wear. She had one for tanning which was kind of small trying to cut down on tan lines. One she would swim in during the day which covered a little more but was safe for diving off the diving board. And then the one she would wear at night when she thought she was alone. She had the kids at a very young age and worked hard to keep herself in shape even though the years had added a few pounds here and there, she still looked pretty hot.

Horses’ friends were always making comments about his mother, about her large breast or her tight ass. The comments always made him feel uncomfortable but not for the reasons one would think. He had the same thoughts but couldn’t tell anyone. That was until last night when he and April had seen her in her room.

Horse and April snuck around the house to see if their mom was still outside. She was on the diving board just about to jump in. Melinda liked to wear her new suit when she was swimming alone at night.

Even though she hadn’t dated in quite some time, she still liked to feel sexy when no one was around. Her “night” suit did just that for her, she knew that it may look really sexy when dry, but it became almost transparent when wet. And the fact that there was so little material to start with only added to her sexy feelings.

Horse and April went back around front and let themselves in and went straight to April’s room since it was on the front of the house and their mom wouldn’t see the bedroom light come on. They changed in their new suits. April had gotten a suit somewhat like her mothers and Horse went with a Speedo instead of his normal surfer trunks. The only problem was, seeing April in her new suit, his massive cock started to grow and snake its way out.

April knew that he couldn’t walk outside in that condition it would spoil their plan before they got a chance to put it to work. She walked over to him, and proceeded to take care of his problem.

She pulled down his swim trunks an took her brothers hard cock in her little hands. Slowly she stroked it until it was hard and straight, precum leaking from the tip. April, with the tip of her tongue lightly licked it from the slit of the big fat cock. Horse lowered his hands to the back of Aprils head and softly pulled her back to his cock. She opened her mouth as much as possible and let it slide across her lips an tongue into her mouth.

Grabbing Horses’ ass she pulled him as deep into her mouth as she could. Bobbing her head up and down on his hard shaft. Only being able to get the head of this monster in her mouth she started stroking the rest with her little hands.

Feeling Horse thrusting harder and driving it deeper into her throat making her gag told her he was getting close to cumming. She pulled off the driving cock and stood up.

“No April I’m so close, don’t stop.” Horse pleaded.

April walked over to the bed and bent down placing her hands on the mattress. Reaching between her legs she pulled the swim suit to the side exposing her wet bald pussy.

“Here big brother, shoot your cum in my pussy.”

Horse walked over to her, grabbed his cock, lined it up with her waiting pussy and started pushing it in.

April lowered her head down to the bed and moaned a deep animal groan.

“Oh god Horse, go slow. It’s so fucking big.” Inch by inch April could feel her pussy being filled to capacity, going deeper and deeper.

Horse grabbed her hips and started pushing and pulling her back and forth on his cock. The thought of fucking his sister was just to much for him and in no time he was filling her pussy with his hot thick cum.

Once she had drained him enough that he could walk outside without a hard-on they went to the kitchen and made a platter of drinks.

They looked at each other gave a big sigh, and April said

“Ok big boy you ready?”

“I don’t know about this April, what if it backfires?” Horse replied. “If we stick to the plan that Peggy and Jack gave us it can’t. Just remember, swim, tease and go. Got it” as they started out the door.

April and Horse walked out with the tray of drinks and yelled to their mom.

“Hey mom we thought you’d like some company and something to drink, so we made some drinks and thought we’d join you is that ok” April asked?

Melinda was starting to get out when the kids walked out on her. Startled she dropped back into the water. She wasn’t sure she was more shocked or embarrassed that they had caught her in her night suit. They weren’t supposed to be home for hours.

Melinda racked her brain for a way out of this until she got a look at what they were wearing. She thought if she got on them about their suits and told them to go change she would have time to get out and change herself.

“April what do you and Jimmy have on” she asked? “I think you two should go put on something else with a little more material before you two come waltzing out here.”

“But mom we got suits like the one you have on. We thought it would be alright for night swimming like you do. Don’t worry we won’t wear them during the day or if we have company or anything” was Aprils response. Damn Melinda thought. How did they even know I had this suit.

“I don’t know you two” was all she could think of.

“It’s just us three, it will be fine mom, won’t it Horse” April asked trying to get Horse in on the conversation.

“Uh sure” was all he could say trying not to look at his mom in fear of growing out of his suit again.

“Mom would you like something to drink” April asked?

She handed Horse a drink and told him “Here take this over to mom.” Horse took the drink from April and gave her a worried look and walked over to his mom.

Reaching the side of the pool Melinda was trying to stay in the water and close to the edge so she couldn’t be seen.

Walking up to the edge he bent down to hand her the drink.

Looking up Melinda couldn’t help but notice that the suit he had on did very little to conceal his massive cock. It looked huge tucked in the tiny suit. She had to wonder how he managed to move without it popping out. But she had another problem, she had to reach up out of the water to reach for the drink.

“You want this mom” Horse asked?

“Um, sure baby. Thank you” Melinda said as she rose up the side of the pool reaching for it.

Horse got a plain view of his mothers large breast and big nipples as she got the drink from his hand.

Melinda could have sworn she saw his cock jump as she took it from his hand. She couldn’t take her eyes off of Jimmy’s cock while at the same time he couldn’t take his eyes off of her large breast.

Just as it was starting to get awkward they heard a splash and looked around to find April had dove into the pool. Thankfully it was enough to break the tension that was quickly building between the two. Melinda took the opportunity to down her drink and slip back into the water.

Horse turned and went back to the table where the drinks were and took a seat trying to calm down and hide his growing cock.

April swam over to her mother and popped up right beside her startling her.

“Hey mom these suits are great. Now I see why you wear them at night. It makes you feel like your skinny dipping with clothes on. We should swim in them every night.”

Melinda looking down at her daughter, seeing just how transparent they really were said, “I don’t know April. I don’t think it’s a good idea for any of us to be wearing these suits at all.”

The nervousness of the whole situation made Melinda’s nipples grow hard and stiff.

April couldn’t help but notice the hard points showing thru the almost invisible suit. She knew the plan was working just fine. To push the plan a little farther along she called to her brother.

“Hey Horse, I need a drink and mom’s is empty too. Could you bring us some more please?”

Melinda looked at April and asked “Why do you always have to refer to him as Horse. Why can’t you just call him Jimmy?” She had a pretty good idea why he was called Horse but it made her very uncomfortable. Maybe because of the hidden desire she had in her own pussy.

Horse barely had time to recover from the last trip to the pool. He slowly got up from his chair and walked over to the pool to get his mothers glass.

Melinda wasn’t sure but it appeared Jimmy’s cock was bigger now than when he brought her a drink just a few minutes ago. Could seeing her in this suit be having some effect on him? The thought that her son found her sexy made her nipples harden more and her clit start to tingle.

Taking the glass from her hand April spoke up with what he already knew, “Don’t theses suits make mom and I hot looking Horse?”

He knew hot was an understatement but didn’t say anything as he turned back to the table.

Melinda felt uneasy around the kids this way and told April “Maybe we should go and change.”

“But I just got in mom and besides our waiter is coming back with our drinks” April pointed out.

Carrying a drink in each hand there was no way Horse could do anything to hide his growing embarrassment.

April saw it immediately and was sure their mom did to. His cock was inching it’s way to the upper edge of his suit. Pushing to the point the waist band was lifting way from his stomach.

April giggled and thanked him while Melinda couldn’t say anything. All she could do was stare at what she had been dreaming about for some time now. And it was making her pussy tingle with forbidden desire that she knew was wrong.

Horse handed his mom her drink first, then Aprils. April using her free hand grabbed Horses’ hand and pulled him into the pool.

Horse made it to his feet and stood up behind the two barely cover ladies.

“Thanks a lot April, I was going to get in but not like that” Horse said sputtering out water.

What he didn’t realize though was that with his suit being pushed away from his body, the water had caused the head of his cock to slide out of his suit. A couple of inches of his monster cock were sticking out of his suit now.

Melinda had to laugh at him acting so upset when they would do things like pushing each other in all the time. While laughing at him she noticed he was staring at her barely covered large breast and her very hard nipples. She downed her drink, setting the glass on the side of the pool and lowered herself into the water trying to hide herself.

April on the other hand was standing there like nothing was wrong. Her breast, not as large as Melinda’s but large by any standards, were in plain view.

Melinda swam to the other side moving away from the two. As she stood in deeper water Horse swam to the deep end and grabbed the side of the pool.

April, taking a drink, nodded at Horse to their mom.

She was standing there looking around trying to figure what to do, and how she got herself into this situation.

Horse was starting to relax some and was thinking about what Peggy and Jack had done for him and April. Thinking about what they had planned out for their mom he decided why not. Why not and give it a try. After all, she was the one with the dildo the other night calling out his name.

He swam under water towards his mother. Sneaking up from under her he grabbed her legs and lifted her out of the water and thru her across the pool. In doing so he couldn’t miss the fact that her suit was a little different than Aprils. His moms was a thong, and felt her bare ass against his face as he lifted her out of the water.

This time she was the one coming up spitting out water.

April finished her drink and set the empty glass on the side and turned laughing at her mom.

Melinda thinking maybe it won’t be to bad to have a little fun before they got out looked over at April. As she walked towards her, April started backing up.

Horse had moved around behind her helping his mom since April was the only one that hadn’t been dunked. April backed into horse and turned looking at him then her mom.

Melinda dove for April and April dove to the side. This put Horses’ moms head and hands straight into his hardening cock. Melinda jumped up looking like she had just seen a monster in the water.

She had seen a monster but it was her sons cock.

When April dove off to the side her foot had caught Horses’ suit and pulled it down some exposing his cock to his mom. But poor Horse didn’t know it, he felt her foot kick his side but didn’t know it pulled his suit down enough to allow his cock out.

Jimmy looked at his mom and started towards her with April yelling “Get her, get her Horse dunk her again. she thinks she so slick, but she can’t get me.”

Melinda still in shock at what she had just seen or thought she had seen, which was a lot bigger than the toy she used, just stood there.

Jimmy walked over to his mom squatted down and grabbed her again. This time they were face to face and as he lifted her his cock slid between her legs and rubbed against her crotch.

Feeling the bare skin of his mother’s thighs against his hard cock let him know something was wrong with his suit. Reaching down into the water he found he was completely out of his suit.

While his mom was getting to her feet he quickly tried to fix the problem, but there was more of him then there was of suit. So he did the best he could still leaving about four inches of cock sticking out of his suit. April was laughing her ass off as her mother brushed the wet hair out of her face. Without looking at either of the kids she headed to the stairs of the pool.

“I think I need another drink, or two.” She climbed the stairs not even caring that they would see her in her transparent suit, heading for the table with the liquor and soda. Reaching the table she took a long drink straight from the liquor bottle without any chaser.

April looked at Horse and shrugged her shoulders.

Horse mouthed the words “My dick came out”

Aprils’ eyes got real big as she mouthed “Your dick came out?” “Yeah” Horse nodded back to her.

April got this great big shit eaten grin on her face. “Mom, you alright?” April asked her.

Taking another drink she turned to the kids, showing everything she had, said, “Yeah, but I think I’m going in for the night.”

“Oh ok, can we swim again tomorrow night. This was a lot of fun?” April asked as her…

Published 16 years ago

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